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The Wild Rantings of a Teenage Girl
The Wild Rantings of a Teenage Girl
The Wild Rantings of a Teenage Girl
Ebook96 pages31 minutes

The Wild Rantings of a Teenage Girl

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Aeshas first passion on this planet has been poetry. Ever since she was a little girl, she has been picking up awards for her writing, leaving trails of moonbeams, stardust, and truth everywhere she roams. She picked up first place at the Junior Fire Chief Poetry Awards at age six, Creative Writing Award at Mark Twain Junior High School, first place in Kingsborough Community Colleges Silver Award, and her poem The Midnight Hour was featured in the Angelina Jolieproduced film Lovesick.

Aeshas poetry is mostly inspired by romance and named after friendships and affairs with rock stars and celebrities she has met along the way. After nights on open mic at the renowned Knitting Factory, Aesha went on to become a professional hip-hop recording and live artist. Aside from being an award-winning actress, she is also the author of The Model Body Plan ( Here is a look into her young teenage mind and where she sprung and was created from.

This book is composed of a teenagers written poems, short stories, songs, and raps, including postteen pieces to show progression throughout the years. Some works are fact, while some are fiction. Aesha will leave it to you to decide the truth.

The Wild Rantings of a Teenage Girl

All artwork courtesy of Aesha Waks Recycle collection, all made from recycled trash and auctioned off at Coalition for the Homeless. Aeshas first piece was bid on and won by renowned artist Donald Baechler, artist of the Shafrazi Gallery, which inspired many more to come.
Release dateAug 22, 2016
The Wild Rantings of a Teenage Girl

Aesha Waks

Aesha is a 7x author (theorist) and a 2x award-winning actress. She is a graduate of NYU and a current Master’s of Mental Health student of Bellevue University. Aesha is a graduate of Howie the Harp with a New York certified peer specialist provisional.

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    The Wild Rantings of a Teenage Girl - Aesha Waks

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    ISBN: 978-1-4907-7596-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-7595-1 (e)

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    During the time this book was written, I had my lovely mom, Mindy Waks, Grandmother, Sylvia Metzger and grandfather, Wolfgang Metzger around. I would like to thank them in heaven for all of their love, inspiration and support. They taught me the point of living is to never give up on my dreams and do my best to use the skills that I have to make this world a better place.

    I would also like to thank my family, especially Israel, Geffen and Gigi Waks for always being there to make me smile, and my friends, especially Thea Samuelson, Andre Joseph, Tennie Leonard, Donna Murphy, John Buffalo Mailer, Debbie and Marilyn Gelfand, Bradley Kaplan, Devin Ratray and Donna Murphy to name a few that have been there for me always, but most importantly recently. Thank you for always believing in me.

    Amidst our rehearsals on set for the film Smoke Screen, in which I play the role of contract killer Emma Pierce, I noticed this book, used as a prop, the Goetia. I asked director Sean Buttimer about it and he told me that it was a dark magic book written by Aleister Crowley. Oddly enough, this inspired me to dig through my collections and put out my own book as an actress. Crowley was known as a very powerful yet evil man, but holding his book in my hands somehow provoked me to want one of my own, to express who I am. Sometimes the strangest things, good or evil, can inspire something positive to happen and I tend to try to find the good in everything I can. Take this as you

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