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Neighbourhood of Night: Urban Rain Ii
Neighbourhood of Night: Urban Rain Ii
Neighbourhood of Night: Urban Rain Ii
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Neighbourhood of Night: Urban Rain Ii

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It has been years since Lilly Chicoine left David Dane, but what no one knows is that there is a dark sinister secret that she and Dane still hold closely despite their estrangement. Dane is a tormented soul whose plagued by dreams of his lost love Lilly, and haunted by the memories of the special moments they shared in a dark and hypnotic neighbourhood known simply as Ontario Street. Lucky for Dane it is not long before a dangerous and sinister chain of events brings the legendary duo back together again.

As Lilly faces a murder charge for a crime she says she did not commit Dane must do everything he can to save her as the greatest challenge of his life lays before him, David summons help from the members of his Family, a move that puts their lives and the lives of their loved ones in jeopardy.

Neighbourhood of Night concludes the tale of two of Ontario Streets icons as tragedy strikes and takes one of them away forever.

As darkness falls over Montreals east end, its night time on Ontario Street again.

In memory of the love of my life, my ex-girlfriend Monica January 5th, 1978 to November 7th, 2012 at 9:30PM. This series is for you, Baby Bunny. I will always love you, Ill see you in Heaven.

Release dateDec 19, 2014
Neighbourhood of Night: Urban Rain Ii

David Dane Wallace

VON”THE ICON” IS A CANADIAN NATIONAL HERO. He is also the founding Father of The Ontario Street Originals as well as the author of URBAN RAIN, ECLIPSE, and NEIGHBOURHOOD OF NIGHT. He is considered to be a street general among his peers. He is 40 years old and currently resides in Montreal, Quebec, Canada where he is considered to be a local celebrity.

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    Neighbourhood of Night - David Dane Wallace

    Copyright © 2014 David Dane Wallace.

    Cover Photography by Luigi D’Astolfo.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-5397-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-5398-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014921632

    iUniverse rev. date: 12/16/2014


    Chapter 1:

    Chapter 2:

    Chapter 3:

    Chapter 4:

    Chapter 5:

    Chapter 6:

    Part II: Phobic

    Chapter 7:

    Chapter 8:

    Chapter 9:



    memory of the love of my life, my ex girlfriend Monica, January 5th. 1978 to November, 7th, 2012 at 9:30pm. No matter how things between us ended, you never left my heart for even a day. I will always love you Baby Bunny, i’ll see you in Heaven.

    This Book is also for my niece Kate. I love you little Diamond Doll. Thank you for being born.

    And For,

    Our Canadian National Treasure, the one man that I respect more than any other on this earth. His Excellence Of Execution. … … … … … … The Best There Is, The Best There Was, And The Best There Ever Will Be. … … … … Bret The Hit Man Hart. Canada will always love you. Thank you for the inspiration.

    This Book is also dedicated to The King Of Harts, Owen Hart. May you Rest In Peace.

    The character of KateThe GateShamrock is a fictitious imagining of the person that my niece may one day be.

    While my precious niece(Kate) exists, she is only two years old. For the sake of this manuscript try and ignore the age quandry that her character represents as this book is meant as entertainment at least in part.

    Authors note: Monica-Many people do not understand the reasons why things between us ended the way that they did, because at least one of those secrets, the most sinister one, died with you and shall live within me forever. The most important detail of our relationship is that regardless of what many believe, we loved each other, and should have been able to continue on that way.

    During the course of the text I will outline a number of the reasons that lead to our falling out and subsequently lead to the events of January 2008. No matter what, I love you, and always will. This book is for you Baby Bunny, i’ll see you in Heaven.

    Eternal Life!!!

    L.A.- The first twenty five pages of this book were written prior to my knowledge of the nightmare that took place on November 7th, 2012. The reason that I have chosen to print the date of her birth as well as that of her passing is so that no human being living or dead will ever be able to come forth and take credit for her legend in whole or in part. This is her legacy. My life, nor my psyche has ever been the same since learning of Monicas passing. I am no longer the same human being.

    Throughout these pages I will address both you E.A., and H.A at various intervals throughout the text. Monica was the love of my life, I will never stop loving her and I will never forget the days and nights of our seven years together that our now immortal. Peace and love,


    No fighter will hit you as hard as life-Rocky Balboa.

    CHAPTER 1:

    Lilly Chicoine stood over the body of the eighteen year old man who had just O.D.'d. He had just graduated from High School the previous night. His wallet was full of money. He had been a show off, graciously shoving a handful of one hundred dollar bills in her face as soon as she stepped into his car. Now here he was, dead one day after he was supposed to go on with his life, not a breath in his body.

    There was such a thing as making your own bed, and this guy had more than made his. She had prepared a hit for him and told him not to do the whole thing at once but he had chosen not to listen. He had removed the plunger from the syringe and dumped more powder on top of that of which she had already supplied for him.

    Now she would have to go to the pay phone downstairs in the hotel and call The Police. She would also probably need to call a lawyer to clear herself of all involvement.

    It had been years since she had left David Dane. Things between them hadn’t ended well and The Police had ended up getting involved, it had been like a storm, twisting and turning itself into a hurricane, and then spiralling completely out of control, that, and there was another explanation for things happening the way they did.

    Dane and Lilly had, had a verbal altercation over the phone and then the sleaze bag that she had been with at the time had encouraged her to call the cops because he himself was afraid that David Dane was going to kick his candy ass, and truth be known, the legendary David Dane surely would have.

    It was only a day late and a dollar short that Lilly had realized what a chicken shit little punk that guy had really been. Dane had called him out over the phone and the best that the coward could do in defence of himself was to hang up. What a goof, she had later called him via a third party.

    She had also heard through the grape vine that Dane had been charged with one count of utter death threats and ended up spending eighteen very harsh hours in THE HOLE over the entire ordeal. It had been her who had put him there, but there was a dark and insidious secret behind that to, one that both she and Dane had held onto to this day, neither being anxious to discuss what they knew with anyone.

    She thought that he had also spent four days in jail as well. Hmm … … … … Maybe now, in the time that had passed they could find a way to work things out. Lilly Chicoine had also heard that there was a Book about the seven years that she and David Dane had spent together, and that it was called URBAN RAIN, it was apparently, a Montreal cult classic.

    She’s famous. She thought to herself, recognizing herself in the third person. It was a trait that David Dane had always found adorable, it seemed to bring to light Lillys orphanish qualities thus making her even more adorable then she already was by nature.

    When The Police arrived Lilly told them what happened and they had filled out a report. She was not going to be charged but she should retain a lawyer for her own safety anyway in case the situation ever went to court. She would do just that, but it would have to be legal aid council for Lilly Chicoine could afford nothing else.

    David Dane stood in the glistening heat of Ontario Street. It was twelve am, and the night for this hour was strangely quiet. He had not dropped by the apartment since seven or eight, and he wondered if Marcel or maybe Bill had been by or had tried to call the house line.

    There had been a missed call on his cell phone earlier that had come from a private number. Dane wondered if it might have been one of his two closest comrades calling to check in on him. There was no way to tell. He would have to wait for whoever it was to call back.

    This night had brought with it many memories. He had fallen asleep earlier and dreamt of Lilly. Somewhere inside of him he had never stopped loving her, and almost all of his dreams reflected it. He was nothing if not haunted, a tormented soul who seemed to be waiting for the love of his life to walk back through the door and rekindle their relationship.

    Many a night he had awoken to his own tears wincing in the aftermath of their salt. He had seen her in his sleep so many times and been disappointed when he had awakened only to find out that she wasn’t there after all.

    He would forever love her, no matter what she had done in the past, or what they had been through together.

    There were so many memories between them, so many dreams and special moments that had taken place in a dark and hypnotic neighbourhood known simply as Ontario Street that night itself seemed to own. It also seemed to own Lilly as well as the flair for wickedness that existed within her character, existing like a soulless entity.

    Lilly was somehow, bad to the bone.

    You have hair. A punk rocker remarked as Dane walked past him at a stroll. Indeed, the flashy bad boy had grown a head of jet black locks over the past few years. Tonight though, he was dressed to the nines wearing a black sport coat over blue jeans and dress boots.

    You're seeing things. David Dane said in return for a grin.

    A Police cruiser rolled past him with the window down its occupants both male cops who had seen David Dane around many times before and knew who he was, both also owned a copy of Urban Rain, it had become an instant cult classic with all of the boys down at the station because most of the book took place on the streets that they patrolled every night. Danes book was a source of east end pride.

    They were proud of it, and proud of David Dane for writing it. He was an East End Legend.

    There was always an entranced feeling to being on Ontario Street. This neighbourhood and these streets were one of a kind. They made you feel like you were dreaming even though you were awake, and sometimes bad things happened here, sometimes you made it home to a normal brush with reality and other times you simply didn't.

    It was 2012, and there had been many casualties of Ontario Street not the least of which was his relationship with Lilly and their friends who had died.

    He had given birth to the fame of this neighbourhood, and no matter what he would not let it die. He was happy to be heralded as The Ontario Street Original. There had been good times and bad times, happy times and sad times, but this neighbourhood, this BAD END OF TOWN, was to David Dane, home, and there was no place like it.

    Heads up man. A tall lanky kid with dread locks greeted. Dane did not recognize him.

    I remember you from back in the day when you were with that chick. Alpha Latin. He finally recalled rolling a joint between two fingers and then licking the strip.

    Dane nodded. He still did not recognize the stoner who had just approached him. Maybe he was a loner, or maybe he had been around back in the day but David Dane did not recognize him but then again, there were a million faces. It was impossible to remember them all.

    Fuck. How old are you man?? The punk asked.

    Thirty seven.

    Heads up Mothafucka. He said smiling.

    Danes expression was blank.

    You're a hero around here. Everybody knows you. You straight wicked. We all read your Book.

    Dane was surprised that this kid, whoever he was, could read at all. You play base ball?? Dane asked demonstrating a swing.

    Huh?? The greasy looking punk retorted amidst an indignant expression that was intrinsic of screwing up his face.

    Anyone ever hit you in the head with the bat??

    Yeah man. You like the Don Wuan of Ontario Street.

    Don Wuan?? Dane asked amidst a humoured frown. He had never heard that one before.

    Yeah Boss. You straight up. We love you round here. Peace.

    Happy trails. Dane said in a neutral voice. He was leaning forward on his left toe and squinting with the same eye. It was partial blindness, but he preferred it to having to look at all of this guy at once. He may have been full of compliments and kind gestures but he looked like he had just crawled out from underneath a lump of coal in that sat someplace in Hell.

    There was a sudden flash of light in the distance and then the intermittent sound of fire crackers. Dane assumed that it was the same two kids who had been setting off flares outside of his building over the past couple of weeks, it seemed like this neighbourhood never got tired. Outside The Black Domino Tavern there were a group of university students celebrating a birthday.

    It took you long enough to get here. Dane greeted as Bill Ramirez walked up out of the shadows. He was holding a news paper by his side with the stock market page exposed.

    Yeah man. I’m sorry. I had to go speak to my Tenant for a moment.

    Have you eaten??

    No, not yet. I've been running around all evening trying to do this and that. My stomach’s growling so loud that I can almost hear it.

    Wanna grab a burger?? There’s not much open at this hour. Dane commented pinching both ends of his nose between his thumb and forefinger in lew of scratching them.

    Yeah man. I’m up for a burger if you wanna go.

    Dane was nodding now, agreed.

    Ten minutes later and four blocks east Dane and Ramirez walked into an all night eatery that served a wide menu.

    Ah. Hey. Look who here. A tall skinny Haitian said through a mouthful of food. Dane recognized him as a gang member who lived in the area. It David fucken Dane. He announced.

    Clinton, how the fuck did you get off your leash?? The Ontario Street Original asked with an intense look in his eyes.

    Bill was beginning to fret. He did not want to be in the middle of a shooting spree if that’s what this came to. He had enough shit at work, now it looked like he would be involved in this to. His friends reputation had earned him some enemies, there was no motivator like fame and no angst like ego.

    Yeh. He the fuckin white boy who wrote two books.

    Was that supposed to be an insult?? Dane retorted. He did not want this to go any further, no good could come of it, not here where there were a bunch of innocent bystanders who also served up fries as witnesses.

    Yeah, he write books but he don’t wanna know bout my bad side.

    Clinton was not alone. There were six other lowlifes with him.

    Man, she look fine. One of the hoodlums said as a stunning blond with big blue eyes, a goddess figure, and a sparkling blue and white top walked by. And isn’t that a wonderful turn of events for me?? She retorted.

    Bill was ordering now and it looked as though he might not get to eat his food in peace. Why did this shit always have to happen when he was around. He made his living as a bouncer, but if this escalated, he would not be compensated for his quandry.

    Dane man, let them run there mouths. He said underneath his breath.

    Yes Sir. Can I help you?? The Counter attendant asked.

    I’ll have a cheese burger and a small fry. David Dane responded watching the group of punks over his right shoulder at the same time. He had seen the incredible blond with the monochrome blue eyes once before. Her name was Jaime, something or other.

    What do you people say, ohhh, i’m out. Cheers. The blond said before locking eyes with David Dane for a second tipping her shake in his direction. She was a ten, a modern day Marilyn Monroe with more looks and hot as hell, like fire!!!

    Man. Rush him!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone called out.

    In seconds Dane was on the ground bleeding and the punks were on their way out the door.

    FUCK. Call an ambulance man. Ramirez demanded.

    One of Clinton’s boys had stuck David Dane in the back with a shank. Bill, get me some water. Dane requested in a gravelly voice and then about a day later he woke up in a hospital bed. Bill had been there the whole time and Marcel had been in and out.

    What the fuck happened?? Dane asked. His voice was lifeless and tired. They had given him Morphine to quell the pain and his brain was swimming in it.

    You got stabbed in the ribs, that’s what happened. Bill responded.

    Oh, David. You're awake. Marcel commented as he entered the room. He was carrying a funnel shaped cup with water in it. It has make many hours that you were asleep. He said.

    Yeah, well, that’s Clinton’s fault, not mine. The Boxer retorted.

    This is getting serious man. It seems that everyone and their dog wants to take a run at you over this book. Ramirez said. It’s like there’s a bulls eye painted on your forehead.

    Or on my ribs.

    Marcel chuckled. He was almost laughing now.

    Has anyone called my Mother and told her what happened??

    I don’t know. I haven't, but the hospital might have. Bill answered. He himself looked tired and worse for wear.

    Someone needs to call her right now. Where the fuck’s my cell phone??

    I think I have maybe seen it on the table. Marcel remarked. Oh yes, it is there. He said retrieving it and handing it to his friend.

    Dane immediately placed a call to his Mother and told her what happened.

    Here. Take it. He said handing the phone back to Marcel who placed it back on the table.

    What did she say?? Ramirez wanted to know.

    "She didn't, she was to busy yelling at me for hanging around down there late at night.

    She probably was very upset. Marcel commented.

    Yeah, like my water. Who the fuck knocked it over?? Dane asked noticing the plastic cup that was sitting on the floor by the bed.

    I will get you another one. Marcel said tipping the stainless steel picture above a fresh cup.

    It’s good to see you dude. Dane directed toward Marcel. It’s good to see both of you.

    Yeah man, i’m just happy to see you alive. When we left that burger joint I didn’t know what the fuck was gonna happen.

    Glad, for your concern. Dane remarked. What happened to that salamander??

    What, the guy?? Ramirez asked.

    Did he sleaze his way out the back door or what??

    I don’t know. I was to busy keeping vigil over you.

    Yeah. Marcel said with a smile. It is good that you are okay.

    Just then a kind looking elderly nurse appeared in the doorway. Feeling better I see.

    Better than I was yeah. Dane said. Thank you.

    If you need anything just push that little button by the bed. It rings directly into the nurses station.

    I will. Cheers.

    Oh … … Well. Maybe I will go. It has make a lot to much time since I slept.

    And what’s with that long hair? You look like the mature version of River Phoenix.

    Marcel smiled and gave a gesture with his shoulder. It meant that he did not have an answer to Danes question. Well. I will go. He said.

    I appreciate the concern bro. Thanks for coming to my rescue.

    Marcel nodded with his hands held behind his back soldier style.

    Later on that night Dane twisted and turned in his sleep. Lilly was there, in his mind as always. There were a series of sea side brown stones shaped like concrete boxes each one hanging off the side of the other with vacant windows that were open onto the air filtering cold darkened winds and the breeze off the sea scape through their openings, it was a sight of both the eerie and the surreal.

    Down below there were white and silver capped waves that exploding violently against the shoreline and then frothed against the edges of the darkened beach. Somewhere in the sky a light house beacon swooned and soared above all that could be seen. It appeared to be just past dusk. Lilly stood in the distance with her hair blowing in the current. She was alone. There wasn’t a soul in sight.

    Inside himself Dane felt the urge to cry, his love for her was as undying as was Lilly’s penchant for evil that seemed to grow with each hour that fitful torturous sleep went on.

    Soon he appeared standing behind her but she did not turn around to greet at him, her face rather sustained its cruel mask. She was as harsh and as remorseless as the core of evil itself. She wore a denim jean suit over black stilettos with crimson lip stick and a high collar.

    What are you doing here?? She asked crossly.

    I don’t know. He said. I woke up here but I think i’m dreaming.

    You should have stayed away. All that you're ever gonna get from me is jail because I just used you. You know that, i’m a con. I say whatever I have to to get what I want. She said cold heartedly.

    Dane raised his hands slightly in an attempt to embrace Lilly’s shoulders from behind.

    He could feel his heart beating smoothly and rhythmically beneath the material of his black T-Shirt. All that he wanted to do was hold her and tell her how much he had missed her. There was a fever inside of him. None of that came out of him. He was muted by a nocturnal force. Missing her had been the worst experience that he’d ever had to endure.

    I love you. He said intensely.

    She did not reply.

    Being away from you has hurt me so much. I dream about you every night. He said as the glare from the light house spread over the ocean like a silent current of electricity, and with his last word Lilly vanished back into the air from which she had come, a vapour inside of sleep.

    The next morning when everything was quiet Dane packed a leather bag and headed for the front doors of the hospital. He felt better, his head had cleared and he wanted to move around a bit. He was sick of being strapped to an IV when he felt there was no further need for it.

    Now, with the sun in sight he made his way through the busy hospital lobby and down a flight of stairs. There was pain for a moment that made him wince. It was like a surge of energy running through him. Christ, it was sharp.

    He hoped that none of his stitches had come out. He quickly lifted his sweatshirt and reached up and behind him, no blood when he brought his hand into view. Thank God, such an incident would most certainly have sent him running back upstairs. If there were worse places than hospitals then Dane did not know what they were, except possibly prisons.

    Soon there were a series of glinting automobiles in front of him parked along several curbs. The shrubbery was magnificent and the trees green. It was great to be out in the world again. Hell had reached its pinnacle for him upstairs in that room. He had been prodded and poked by doctor after doctor, nurse after nurse, and now he was free.

    There was a certain mystique about being released from the hospital, even if you weren’t cleared for discharge yet. He did not want a repeat of the other night. Sometimes being The Ontario Street Original came at a price, and sometimes that price could be high. There were a series of bushes surrounding the perimeter of the properly and Dane quickly cleared them.

    Now, the next order of business would be locating lunch.

    There were several restaurants in the area he recalled, and one of them was a Spanish Diner. Well, at least it was owned by Hispanics. They had always been very kind and welcoming to their local hero often preparing dishes exclusively for the man in the dark glasses.

    One of the times that he had stopped by was when he was promoting his Book. He had left over six thousand fliers underneath windshield wipers, in Coffee houses, underneath front doors and anywhere and everywhere else that one could think of. URBAN RAIN had earned him the status of Cult Hero in the east end of the city. Finally, in his life, he was a somebody.

    Montreal Legend David Dane leaves hospital. He joked aloud. To bad he can’t stop a knife wielding maniac.

    Soon, he heard the squealing of tires and for a moment his mind drifted back four years to a bad time in his life. He thought of how he had been placed in handcuffs inside of his apartment in another city and loaded into a waiting Police cruiser outside of his front doors. He had been charged with uttering death threats against Lilly. They had been on the phone and Lilly had confessed that she had used him and his Family and Dane had lost control of himself. Then there was the matter of the punks involvement in the whole fiasco.

    The revelation was so hate inspiring and over powering that Dane had called back and left a death threat on her answering machine. The second incentive was that when Dane had questioned her as to who had been in the room with her and she had said no one, but he could hear it in her voice, feel it in the rise and fall of her breathing. There were those reasons, and THE REASON, the secret that Dane and Lilly shared.

    Someone else had been there alright, he had grabbed the phone from her a few minutes later and told Dane to leave Lilly alone. That’s when Dane had challenged whoever it was on the other end. He had told the fucking little punk to come out and meet him, and then the phone had gone dead.

    Hours went by where he walked around and around one park after another reeling from what he had heard. She had stolen almost seven years from him and then she had put him in jail. The third prompt for the threat was something that Lilly’s Mother had said. Her exact words according to Lilly were-I want you to leave Montreal in Montreal and that includes David Dane.

    All this after having sworn to Dane in phone conversations that he would never lose Lilly when she went to rehab and would always be welcomed in their homes, but Lilly’s Mother, just like Lilly, had lied. She had given him her word that he wasn’t going to lose her Daughter who Dane would always love and cherish above and beyond anyone on this earth aside from his own niece.

    It was, as Danes Uncle had predicted at the time, all a set up. She simply used him to get her Daughter home and then discarded him as though he were so much garbage. He could still hear his late Uncles voice in his head telling him that Linda Chicoine would use him and then toss him away after she had re acquired her Daughter.

    Thomas’s profiling skills had been right on. She had done just that. He could still hear Thomas’s voice saying to him-Son, and how dare that woman call you up? She’s just using you to get to her Daughter and after she has her Daughter back she’ll discard you. You're expendable. Absolutely fucking right. He had predicted Linda Chicoine down to the last detail.

    When Danes Mother had shown up at the court house to bail him out there had been a message on her cell phone. It had been Danes Father. He was in his office back home suffering a massive heart attack brought on by the stress of all that was going on.

    I loved you. Dane said to the hot, dry, air. There were flecks of tear on his face. He was speaking to Lilly on a spiritual level, he had never forgotten her, and never let her go. The ties that bound the two together were immortal.

    However now, he did not harbour any anger or resentment against Linda Chicoine. Aside from believing that one day he would give her a small pay back in the lines of one of his Books, which he had done, he also had many fond memories of phone conversations that he’d had with Lilly’s Mother in the past as well as of the day that they had met.

    One of the reasons that Linda’s words had cut so deeply was because Dane had believed up until that moment that Linda and Gregory Chicoine legitimately liked him but had then changed their minds for no discernible reason.

    Then it crossed his mind that he might've discovered a place on earth that was worse than the hospital. They had stuck him in The Hole for eighteen hours when he was inside, that, had been FAR WORSE than any hospital and they had played cruel tricks on him when they discovered that he was afraid.

    In his flashback he saw the big steel door with the small window in it close. There was a guard standing outside who had ushered him in and gave him a garment to wear, that in itself, resembled the most common of hospital gowns.

    They had given him a hospital style gown that was made of a sturdier fabric. It almost reminded him of canvas or the material that was used inside of some baby cribs to keep them from leaking when babies urinated.

    That Tuesday night had been the most horrible night of David Danes life. He had seen animals that were bred for slaughter who were treated better than he was. The screws played mind games with him until his heart raced so fast that it almost quit on him pumping blood like a machine that was designed for it that was more than simply an organ.

    One of the female guards who had sensed Danes nervousness had, as Dane would later discover, staged a conversation with another female guard who said that they were going to keep him in there sunrise after sunrise, sunset after sunset, and say that Dane was to violent to see the judge. It put the fear of The Devil into him. There was no torture worse than being incarcerated or institutionalized, none whatsoever, bar none.

    All in all he had learned one thing in his experience. You could easily end up being punished at the end of a long and winding road that you had paved with good intentions. All that he had ever done was love Lilly and protect her and this was how she had thanked him.

    The windshield of his memory was flanked with sunlight now. The next frame saw he and Lilly up late one night eating bacon. Lilly had awakened to the scent of the bacon wafting over her head and couldn’t resist it, it was making her nuts.

    Fuck. What’s that smell. It was driving me crazy. She had commented.

    Dane had been so happy to have her there.

    There had been nothing to eat in the house and the two were starving but he had located the bacon buried in some ice in the freezer. Back then they didn’t live like Kings and Queens but they had each other. He missed those days and he still had dreams about them.

    They were and always would be the most special years of his life. They were years that were surreal like the glinting dreams that proceeded them. There wasn’t a night that went by where he didn’t dream of Lilly Chicoine, sometimes he would dream of her two or three times in a night. The dreams were always intense and took him to places that he had never been before. Each dream was the same in one aspect though, Lilly was in all of them, and each aftermath was the same as well, desperate and empty, lonely and forlorn, crying hopelessly into the fabric of his pillow.

    He would wake up aching because she wasn’t there, heart broken.

    All that he wanted was to see her one more time, to hold her in his arms and kiss her. There was nothing that he wouldn’t give to be called her boyfriend for one more day. He would have happily married her had the occasion arisen, despite all the sadness and wickedness. She still meant everything to him. He had suffered greatly on her account, but for some reason that didn’t change his feelings for her. Love had a way of keeping you there.

    When David Dane loved someone he was all there, no part of him was left outside. There were many who faulted him for hanging on, but that was who he was, he had always taken being Lilly’s boyfriend seriously. If he could go back to the place in time where they met he would do it all again just to be with her. Lilly meant that much to him, his Fashion Model Heroin Addict Girlfriend.

    If he lived a billion lifetimes he knew that no one would ever replace her or replace the memories that they created together. Why life had taken her away from him he would never know. Being without her was the most wicked dream that he had ever experienced. It was like all of the sunshine had been sucked out of his world and left him in the dark. There would never be a dream of life any greater or with any more intensity than holding her in his arms one more time.

    Hey, aren’t you David Dane?? A heavy set woman asked bringing him back to reality.

    What?? He asked coming down from the state that he was in. Do I know you??

    No, but I read your Book. I recognized you from your photographs. I was just wondering if I could have your autograph.

    Yeah, absolutely.. Dane said soberly, no longer adrift on the sea of memory. He had suddenly come crashing back to reality and to the sun soaked day around him. You got a pen?? He asked.

    The woman reached into her bag and retrieved a shiny blue Bic felt tip. To Sylvia. She said.

    Huh. I’m sorry. I’m a little dazed.

    That’s my name. Sylvia. If you could sign it To Sylvia" from David Dane Wallace i’d be so impressed.

    No problem. Dane said, doing just that.

    There you go. He said when he was finished. He capped her pen and placed it back in her hand.

    Thank you. I’m so honoured. I love reading about you and Lilly. Are those stories true or did you fictionalize all of that stuff??

    Well, like they say. Use your imagination.

    "I can’t wait to go home and tell my Mother that I met David Dane

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