The Wanderer in the Valley of Vision: And Other Writings
About this ebook
Because we live in a broken, fallen world, the feeling of wanderer is easy to come by. And the broken world does not necessarily become easier for the one who becomes Gods child. You have probably had at least one season (if not multiple seasons) where you felt as a wanderer. You live and walk through life moment by moment, day by day, year by year and yet find that youre not sure where youre headed and feel like you carry your cross and struggle with life, alone. Yet all of this must find its end at the feet of the redeeming hope of Gods truth. For the Christian, this feeling is deeper because he knows that, despite the unknown and uncertain life and future that stretches before him, he is not really walking through life aimless, helpless and directionless but rather being led and guided by the unseen God; the Father in Heaven.
I have written this book to share with any and all those who feel like theyre alone in their life and their walk after God. In my imperfect poetry and heart, I have sought to reflect and display this truth of God: That we have tangible hope (assurance) to have and hold in this life and keep us in our walk before Him.
If you have seen the path before you as uncertain...
If you have found yourself a lonely and struggling traveler through life...
Or have felt yourself like a leaf being carried by an unseen wind...
Then my book is for you.
So grasp the Fathers tender hand and let Him lead you through the shadows and light of your life...through His valley of vision.
Christian Clingman
Christian Luke Clingman is a home-highschool graduate and first time author currently hailing from two places within the Ozarks of the Midwest; visiting his family in Missouri on weekends and working on weekdays in construction down in Arkansas. Besides his love for writing poetry including “rap” lyrics, Christian is growing in fascination for his Filipino heritage and also enjoys theology, travel, outdoor brushwork, and listening to Celtic and Hindi music.
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The Wanderer in the Valley of Vision - Christian Clingman
The Wanderer
in the
Valley of Vision
and other writings
Christian Clingman
88178.pngCopyright © 2016 Christian Clingman.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (
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Author’s Note
Prologue- The Final Word
1. A Vain Spiritual Battle
2. Struggle has come- A Prayer & a Cry (Part 1)
3. Come forth as Gold— Hidden Treasure (Part 2)
4. Seeking for His Throne of Grace- A Poem & a Cry
5. I Hear God’s Silence
6. Love has broken these chains
7. Forget not His past Testimonies
8. Ancient Beauty
9. My letter to my Companions
10. The Wanderer in the Valley of Vision
Course 1~ My purpose and introduction
Course 2~ What Tomorrow Holds
Course 3~ The Wife of My Youth
Course 4; Final Course~ The Shadows of this Valley
11. God’s Play & Man’s Stage
12. The Sinner’s Call
13. New friendship redeemed
14. Precious Jewel
15. The Children’s Call
16. A Morning Prayer
17. I will pray towards Your holy temple
18. I cry for Your Cleansing and Protection
19. Leaves of September
20. My Future Dear~ Thoughts at an empty table
21. My Future Dear~ The Smile of Peaceful Love
22. My Future Dear~ A Letter to the Wife of my Youth
23. My Future Dear seems so far away…Father, will You help me?
24. My Future Dear~ A vision of the wife of my youth
25. My Future Dear Family~ A Prayer for Nehemiah and my Future Dear
1- Prayer of prayers
2- A Prayer for Nehemiah, my Future Son
3- A Prayer for my Future Dear
26. The death of an evil Kiss
27. Forgive Us our Trespasses
28. The Giver
29. Treasures of Joy
30. I look to the Horizon
Prelude- The Storm
Part 1~ From Child to Father
Part 2~ Face to face with the Father
Part 3~ His blessing is our Deliverance and Endurance
Part 4~ When we meet again
Final Part~ Committing love to the Lover of our souls
31. To God we Cry
32. A Song to Hurting and Healing Mothers
33. When the autumn tree looses its leaves
34. God will Provide
35. Warriors of Old
36. We are His Delight
37. Trust in the Lord
38. Weaknesses and Blessings
39. Praise Him by the Power of Confession
40. Divorce of the Flesh and a Longing for the Savior
41. Will You mount me up with wings like eagles?
42. The Horn
43. When I sleep, I will awake
44. Blessed Hands that lie Unseen
45. Lovely Eyes
46. Trust in the Healer
47. A Cry for Humility
48. A Cry for Wisdom
49. Winter’s Light
50. Prayers and Confessions of Young-Heart
51. Nightmare, or Test
52. The Lies of the Darkness ~Part 1
53. The Everlasting, Faithful Assurance in the Light of Truth ~Part 2
54. The Drive of Man
55. Sights, sounds, smells, and a beautiful mask
56. Anchor of Faith
57. Destruction lies…
58. The Yoke of Youth
59. The Wanderer will find Your place
60. The Son of the Trees & The King of the Valley
Course 1~ The mysterious hunger in my soul’s heart
Course 2~ Waters of the night
Course 3~ Interlude; Darkness & Despair, my only friends; Save me!
Final Course~ The Dawn
61. Lullaby to Leah
62. Song for Stephen
63. I am Your Instrument
64. So I journey
65. The Seed Within
66. Trust in Him to live in the Present
67. Thine be the glory all to thee
68. I called on Your name, O Lord
69. Morning Has Broken
70. Whisperings in the Chambers of the Soul ~ Lullabies of His Promise
71. Looking Back & Looking Forward…; this Christmas Eve
72. A Prayer for my Single Brothers & Sisters
73. The Artist and the Folly of Man
74. May Beauty point me to You
75. To Grandma and God…My love and thanks
76. The Seasons of Life
77. Hophni and Phineas
78. A Cry for Mercy
79. Who we are because of You (A Christmas poem)
80. The Shepherd is not Silent
81. The Warrior’s Call
82. Prayer of Thanksgiving
83. Your Circumstance; His Faithfulness
84. God will Reveal
85. My Dawn Arises
86. Winter Stillness & Spring’s Delight
87. The Weak Cry; May it Grow Stronger
88. The Artist Draws Us Together
89. A Prayer against the Flesh
90. This is not my mark
91. Imagined Heroes; or Vessels of His Grace
92. Fellowship Alone- Poetic Letters to my Father
93. Without You
94. Letter to my Teenage Son
95. The Whisper speaks louder than the wind, the fire, and the trembling of the earth
Endnotes- Bible Citations
About the Author
FirstPage1.JPGAuthor’s Note
When it is presumed that an author will write up a note for his/her readers, sometimes the author is at a lost of what to say. Especially first-time authors. I don’t know what more to tell my readers than has already been said in this book. Part of me wonders if perhaps my writing this book over the course of four years has drawn up a lot of superfluous works that would have more impact if said simply and more compacted.
Sometimes I don’t know whether to call it my work
because much of it is inspired from the Psalms of the Bible. I will take credit for whatever mistaken or erring theology you may find in here; though I have written with conviction and to the best of my ability to see that God is glorified and is represented well. Whatever good you find in here and are blessed by what I’ve specifically written, I give praise and credit to our Heavenly Father who gives good gifts to His children. My goal and my prayer is that reading some of these works will inspire you; from your individual days to the very core purpose of your life.
Brother, sister in Christ or unbeliever, may this imperfect book, encourage, inspire, and draw you in your walk after the Savior and the Heavenly Father. Whether you’re a kid or a young adult like me, we all can relate. We have had times when we felt like we were alone and wandering aimlessly through this life. This is not to say that we do not know our God or can never know His will for us. His Word is our anchor and assurance; the foundation on which we stand. Yet even if you or I were sure where we’re headed, the fact is you are guided and led by God’s unseen hand, carried by His unseen Spirit, and loved by the unseen Savior whom He sent in love to you. You are like a leaf being carried by the wind, and only God knows where you will land. And that mysterious feeling and place can sometimes be uncomfortable and scary.
When I use the phrase wanderer
, I’m appealing to how we as His children sometimes feel. And it is a natural feeling; especially when faith is involved. Abraham wandered throughout his life without seeing the fulfillment of God’s promise to him, though it was fulfilled in his succeeding generations. The children of Israel wandered in the wilderness (because of disobedience) for forty years before inheriting the land they were supposed to have had appreciation and faith to subdue. David wandered in the wilderness (as shepherd and fugitive) before he inherited the kingship.
These are just a few examples of God’s people who had their times of wilderness and wandering. It is times like these that we wonder what the Lord is doing or has planned for us. I hope that me sharing my heart and the times I have felt like a wanderer myself, will bring you encouragement by the truth that you are not alone and that you are not walking this path, alone. Honestly, the feeling of wanderer
stills stays with me a lot and yet the feeling is eased by the Biblical truth (and that I have tried to expound in this book) that God never leaves, that He is Sovereign, and that He always guides us. The time of wandering and living seems long. May these writings be a beacon of hope that points you back to the Father and His Word. May you be blessed and God be glorified. Amen.
Christian Clingman
January 28, 2016
The Final Word~ When it’s all been said and done
"Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom
Nor the mighty man his might
Let not the rich man glory in his riches
Nor the writer in how much he writes
But let him who glories glory in this
That he understands and knows Me
That I am the Lord
Exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness
For in these I delight," says the Lord
You, Lord, are my strength and my song
And have become my salvation
This day I set up two monuments
And set my heart and plans aright
Ebenezer and Jehovah-Jireh
Thus far You have brought me
And the Lord shall provide
Continue to make me a living testimony of Your Word
And to be a humble, faithful doer of the righteousness I’ve heard
Keep me from stumbling and cause me to see
Your goodness in the land of the living
I was brought low
And You saved me
I’ll return to my rest
For You have dealt bountifully
The mere twenty years You have brought me through
Are shadows and mists of a moment
In the light of Eternity
Yet great You have shown Yourself: Faithful and True
And Your Wanderer and Sheep
You guide and lead
You never forsook but led me on and on
And through my doubts and trials
Afterward placed on my lips Your song
I am imperfect but Your Grace perfects me
And makes me better in Your Spirit’s fire
May the words which You have sung through me and gave
Not return back to You empty
May You be glorified and lost men and women be saved
As long as this sun is living
The Wanderer
in the
Valley of Vision
A Vain Spiritual Battle
I’m always under a spiritual battle
My mind tires of this
My heart, my enemy babels
When naught; my life is bliss
Vain prayers I pray
No practice do I do
Confessions of desire I say
But my actions are few
Things are easier said, than done
Words, more than action
Desires become dead to what hasn’t been won
My honor diminishes by sin’s subtraction
Twisted thoughts I also think
And twisted words I say
Where flattery and gossip bring me to the brink
Pride falls, and humiliation pays
I am a man of double character
I am a man of divided mind
In secret I grow hauteur
Yet display my helplessness in deeds outside
One can act one way before his parents
Another before his friends
One’s good character exists, and then remains absent
Their attempted stair to humility then comes to an end
A vain spiritual life I live
My vision is my vanity
I feign before others for what they can give
In truth, I’m independent when a part of some coterie
I desire humility
And yet I put forth pain
Grant me sight so I can see
Yet trust and worth I have not gained
I implore before my family
I confess before my friends
I cry out for grace, to my God
But all is naught in the end
Cursed, not blessed
For what my life needs most
My filthy inner-self haunts me like a pest
For I remain passive, and privately boast
Mark me well, and guard yourself
And a wary eye, keep watch
I am cunning and twisted, an invisible plague to your health
For traitor am I, vain battles I’ve fought
Do you pity this person
This worm who looks beautiful?
Is he truly safe and fun?
A blanket in progress, spun from wool?
You pity him, that you do
But his secret darkness, scorns your pity
This may drive him to desire, but his actions are few
You would have better chance in conquering a city
He has lied to everyone
He has wronged even you
You have no perception of what he has become
A vain life he leads
A vice-versa life he lives
Two-fold in every way
He desires, but does not act; he acts but does not desire
He fights vain spiritual battles each day
He humbles and confesses his desire before one
And acts one way before another
He pretends to be the loving brother
Yet is truly the hateful disobedient son
Every prayer he prays
Every noble desire he desires
Exacts on him the penalty that he must pay
Vanity and hypocrisy burn wild in his heart
He does not do what he yearns for
And what he does, he does not desire
Slavery, not free-will, are his in this war
His heart is half-stone half-flesh
The whole was left at sin’s pyre
Stay away from this vain man
For his paths are crooked
Silence him if you can
For he is vain, cunning, and twisted
For one moment, when I write this
I feel repentance and a longing in my heart
At the blink of an eye, my salvation perishes
Oh, that I could be to you, a part
Watch yourself now! For it may be gone in a moment!
My warning to reveal a danger, may yet conceal death’s instrument
Continue no further with me
For my embrace may lead to a poisoned dart
I am cursed, yet cunning in this age
I am vain, a wanderer by heart
"Lord, help me to be not this any longer
For my pride, skills, and plays in disguise, grow ever stronger
Only You know what may happen in the next few moments
Only You can renew what has been made broken
The smile on my face
May yet conceal shards of knives
The hunger for humility and obedience I feel
May yet turn out to scorn Your grace
I am twisted, yet needy
Weaved and interwoven into the pride of hate
Self-deception are my light for seeing
Something contrary to what You have made
Bless me, Lord; for I am a sinner
I have need of Your grace
My outside is primary, I blind myself to the inner
Take not Thy presence or Your shining face
I ask not that You smile at my sins
But rather look upon me, a sinner
Loose the hound of Heaven
And Your sanctifying work, begin
May not these words be said in vanity
Let me not continue one more moment
May not my younger days be lived in futility
My soul, and what is left, is open"
Unworthy am I
For I have squandered time
No good within me grows
My world, beneath, remains my love
Not treasured in Heaven above
I’ve forged chains too strong to break
My habits grown from sapling to towering tree
In stench and filthiness I daily rake
Instead of eternal blessings and life to dwell and see
I have sunk too far to understand
I am twisted beyond recognition
I’ve been a thorn in many lands
From the thoughtlessness of my decisions
I have spurned wisdom
And thus cannot understand mystery
The mystery of who I am and what I have become
My recent, past history
How can I hope to accomplish
The victory I have sought
I have built my life on ice and sand
A vain spiritual battle, I’ve fought
Salvation I know not
For I’m twisted as can be
No pity or grace can be brought
For a wicked man as me
Watch yourselves carefully
Take heed to what’s been said
This all may be false humility
My words may be misled
It is easy to be happy and squandering
When times of sorrow and trial are gone
To ignore quiet thinking and ponderings
While yet danger and soul remain in bond
If my life’s in ever danger
And Satan haunts my every step
My life overflowing in wickedness and anger
A half-heart and rebellion in every breath
So whatever I do, I do in vain
Whether in laziness or striving
My life to me and all has become a bane
For too long has my heart been conniving
If only one knew
The times of faithfulness
The twisted thoughts I think
And the few of purity and bless
Indeed, I fight a vain spiritual battle
To my hurt and pain as well as every life
In desperation for truth, I grapple
Yet a kin to every strife
I cast a shadow o’er myself
While asking for the sun
I ask for grace, purity, and spiritual health
When ignoring my life is done
He expects to defeat the enemy
When he wounds and inflicts himself
Expecting to be able to love and care for others
When none of these he has felt
How can he regard his neighbor’s life
When he has disregard for his own?
How can he be honoring among friends
When he has not in his own home?
He lives a vain life, I tell you
A vain life on earth
Better had he been blessed with few
Than to squander so many since birth
His life is easy for him
A twisted life he lives
An illusion is his only vision
Perfect for the age he’s in
"Oh Lord, remove the cornerstone of my edifice
And it will all come crashing down
Put an end to this ignorance seemingly bliss
May my perfect stone be crushed and ground
Save me from pride, oh Lord
Save me from self-deceit
Lest my life triumphing
Be destined for eternal defeat
Is it too late, Lord? Is it too late?
For I to receive Your mercies great?
Oh, I have despised instruction
Justifying joy for my destruction
I mean not be self-piteous
But what I speak is true
I’ve trampled salvation in the dust
My good deeds are few
If there’s any hope or ray of light
For me to raise my head
When I pray, let grace grow bright
And bring me back to the fold from which I left
I hesitate to raise my eyes
Yet I dare not look back
I wish to go forward to all glorious that lies
Than to pure and eternal things lacking
I do not want to live a vain spiritual life
That glories itself to the end
Away with the hardness and strife
Your mercy and steadfast grace, send
I fight a vain battle for my King
Grasping red-hot weapons of this world
Fighting, when not accomplishing
My honor, away, I’ve hurled
Speak to me, Lord Speak to me now
Work a great work within me
With discernment and servant-hood on my head, crown
Your face and Thy revelation let me see
Create in me a clean heart, oh God
And renew a right spirit of faithfulness within me
May I walk with sincerity on this narrow path’s sod
Take away my transgression; and in oblivion, leave
This is my small hope in You
My years of producing have been few
I pray that this is not another self-deception my heart and mind babbles
I surrender this vain spiritual battle
91333.pngStruggle has come- A Prayer & a Cry (Part 1)
Help me to trust in You, Father
For the struggle has come
May I not lean on my own understanding
Thy will be done
The struggle has come, Father
May I not lose heart
Lord, may I love You more
Keep my devotion, sharp!
The struggle has come, Father
You said that I should cry out to You
You assured me that I would be saved
If I only trust in You and Your salvation
I ask for Your peace
To wipe my fears and pride away
Pour out Your anointing
And apply the balm of Your loving grace
Help me to walk by unwavering faith
And not be led by what my eyes see
I will cling to Your promises and ways
And not be turned by jealousy or greed
Father, I am weak
So I will trust in Your Name
Your face I will seek
Sufficient for me is Your grace
I wish that I were in power
For the struggle that comes this hour
But You will perfect Your strength in me
To end my fears and Satan’s lies
Using the foolish to confound the wise
I long for You to fulfill my desire
So I will put my trust in You
Kindle in me Your Loving Fire
Though all my hidden weaknesses You knew
I cast away my doubt
Along with its shame and fear,
Not by my might but by Your Spirit
To Your throne of grace I draw near
I refuse to accept or invite anxiety
Or the fears that my Flesh create
You are Jehovah Jireh, the Almighty!
No fear, only You, has written my fate
In this time of struggle, Father,
I remember Your works of old
I cast myself on Your Word
And look back to Your salvation
Promised and foretold
I will call upon the Lord
Who is worthy to be praised
Though those that surround are a thousand hoards
Yet I will be saved from my Enemies
I will take up the cup of salvation
And call upon the name of the Lord
O Lord, truly I am Your servant-
The son of Your maidservant
You have loosed my bonds
I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving
And will call upon Your Name
Gracious and righteous are You, O Lord
You preserve the simple and those brought low
I will love You, O Lord
For You are my strength
You are my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer
My God, my strength, in whom
I will trust
You are my shield
The horn of my salvation, my stronghold
I will call upon You
For You are worthy to be praised
So shall I be saved from my enemies
Return to your rest, O my soul,
For the Lord has dealt bountifully with you
For You have delivered my soul from death,
My eyes from tears
And my feet from falling
Therefore I will walk before the Lord
In the land of the living
When struggle comes
Do not lose heart
Love the Lord more
And trust in Him
When you call on His name
You will be saved
Cast your burden on Him
And He shall sustain you
He shall never permit the righteous to be moved
Surely there is power in the Name of Jesus
Surely there is saving power to those who call on His Name
Salvation of the Lord to His saints!
Father, I walk on Your highway,
The Highway of Holiness
Though I be a fool and walk on it,
I shall not go astray
Though a fool, I am redeemed
For You have declared the redeemed shall walk there
The ransomed of the Lord shall return
And come to You with singing
With everlasting joy on their heads
They shall obtain joy
And gladness
And sorrow and sighing
Shall flee away
Come forth as Gold— Hidden Treasure (Part 2)
Father, there is a fear that doubt makes
A treasure that I withhold
I surrender my dreams for You to take
When they pass into Your hands
They will come forth as gold
When I don’t hold on to You
For salvation’s sake,
I further sink
Beneath the waves
You know that in this night season
That I struggle daily with my doubt
Your Word is the hammer that directs my reason
You are stronger; You encompass me ‘round about
Surely I would be in agony
And in pride be deceived
If I had not believed I would see
Your goodness in the land of the living
As I have come more than seventy times seven
To ask that You forgive my sin
So evening, morning, and noon I will come to You
For Your salvation to work within
Fear surrounds me on all sides
Ready to encroach on my heart
By God’s truth, my Enemies will fly
And Faith will quench their fiery darts
I will hold on like Ruth
And will wrestle like Jacob
That You will fulfill Your promise
Your Blessing is true and faithful
When I was in fear and distress
I called on You to make me whole
Surrounding me were the pangs of death
I called on Your name: "O Lord I beseech You
Deliver my soul!"
Though I must lose all to You
And I meekly ask for these stones,
You give me the sustaining bread of Your truth
And tell me, You are not alone
Into Your hands I commit my spirit
And into Your hands I commit this treasure
In Your time to what You have promised
The glory to come is vast and unmeasured
Your ways are good!
Into Your loving, sovereign, tender hands
I submit myself with my dreams and plans
You go beyond to sustain and make me bold
I will soon come forth as gold
91341.pngSeeking for His Throne of Grace- A Poem & a Cry
1st course
Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth
(Isaiah 58:14)
Lord, show me in the way I shouldst go
Help me to submit to the truth I’ve known
I desire to be pleasing to You in every way
Yet I have no eyes to see Your Will, even in the light of day
I walk in darkness, and am taunted by Hell
Place me in Your light, pull me from this well
I cry out to You, for my good deeds are few
Only in Your Son, can I accomplish any righteousness
I seek for You, I hunger for You
Have mercy on me Lord! Thank you for my life each day new!
Oh I do not desire to be a curse
Or live in rebellion and wickedness
To be the godly example and leading serve
These characteristics, I ask on me, that You bless
Wretched man I am I cannot see my path
All I feel is Your frowning face, and Your fierce wrath
I wish and pray to do the right things
Oh, that you would shelter me under Your wings
I have no desire to be disobedient or live in pride
Yet I am blind I cannot tell of me, what’s inside
Grant me strength to submit to Thy commands and their lyrics
And help me to say, Into Your hands, I commit my spirit
Save me from self-pity and pride
I walk in the darkness, and in that path so wide
You O Lord, promised that on the heights I’d ride
If I would only lean on You as the one who sustains life
Sustain my life O Lord I desire and pray
Renew and sanctify me in Thy Word each day
Help me to follow, wherever You go
And help me to see and walk Your road
I want to be loving I want to be free
Grant me light for my eyes so I can see
Show me when I live in presumption and rebelliousness
And grant me strength to serve and bless
To self-give, self-share, and live in Christ’s strength
It is You who watch me for Your Covenant’s sake
I need thee every hour, oh guide me in every place
Shield me with Your arm May I not squander Your Grace
I cannot see the road before me, nor my deeds behind
My perverseness and secret motives I cannot find
Not without Your Word and Thy Spirit may I be able to move in Thee
I have no strength to serve, I have no guidance to lead
I want to be all these things I want to be more!
May my life be to all, a reward
I want to lift up all to You, place Your hands on my hands
Lift me up from the dust
And help me to burn my will to ashes
May I submit to Thy Will
Bind me to the altar
Bind me securely in Thy Will; lest I struggle and rebel
Grant me Your grace and help
To lay down my life
To submit to the Word and its sharp edge
Take my life and let it be
Consecrated Lord to Thee
Take my will and make it Thine
Let thy word on my heart shine
Let Thy word on my heart shine
I want to be all this, and more to You
2nd course
Many are the afflictions of the righteous But the Lord delivers him out of them all
(Psalm 34:19)
I suffer from my afflictions, O Lord
And yet I have not eyes to discern when it has come
Is it really only a mistake? A spot here and a mar there?
Or am I really immersed in habit’s bog, sin’s slum?
I suffer Lord; I cause burden to others
And I dare to wound and kill the Lord of grace
O wretched man I am, Lord deliver my soul!
Save me! Hide not Thy shining face!
Grant me wisdom and understanding
Save me from presumptuous sins
Fuel this fire, by Thy oil and fanning
Ignite desire into action My life to You I give
I have no wish to shun correction
Or remain imperfect before You
My deeds and thoughts of righteousness; oh how few
And neither do I want to disdain instruction
Grant me wisdom
And discernment I ask
That I might live in Your Kingdom
For these things I lack
I plead for an everlasting heart
A heart of striving humility
To submit my will and be a part
In destroying my pride and living in servitude