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Yoga for Prosperity
Yoga for Prosperity
Yoga for Prosperity
Ebook237 pages1 hour

Yoga for Prosperity

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About this ebook

A practical way to increase your wealth, health, and happiness is through the Kundalini Yoga practice of breath, mantra, meditation, postures, affirmations, and shabads. Anyone can benefit from this book: People who have never done yoga and people who teach yoga; people who are financially

Release dateAug 1, 2014
Yoga for Prosperity

PhD Yogi Bhajan

Yogi Bhajan was declared a Master of Kundalini Yoga at the age of 16. He came to the United States in 1969 and openly taught this transformative technology for the next 35 years, until his last breath in Aug 2004. In the turbulent drug culture of the 70s, Yogi Bhajan first reached out to the youth. He recognized that their experimentation with drugs and "altered states of consciousness" expressed a desire to experience themselves and a longing for family, for connection to their soul and their community. In response to this innate longing, he created a family known as 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization). Soon, 3HO ashrams began springing up across the United States and throughout the world.He sparked a movement whose tendrils have woven their way into numerous aspects of our culture. Yoga and meditation have gained widespread acceptance in the West and the holistic health movement he introduced through diet, herbs, and lifestyle technologies. Born Harbhajan Singh in what is now Pakistan to a family of healers and community leaders, Yogi Bhajan studied comparative religion and Vedic philosophy in his undergraduate years and received his Masters in Economics with honors from Punjab University. Years later, he earned his Ph.D. in communications psychology from the University of Humanistic Studies in San Francisco. Yogi Bhajan emerged as a religious, community, and business leader with a distinguished reputation as a man of peace, world vision, wisdom, and compassion. He founded several food companies that manufacture and distribute natural products based on these teachings. He fostered economic development in communities around the world. He is also the author of several books on yoga philosophy, business, and communication during his lifetime.The Kundalini Research Institute continues his legacy through The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings, the International Teacher Training in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®, and the publications of lectures and kriyas to serve the community of teachers, students, and practitioners around the world. See to learn how you can help keep the legacy alive!

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    Book preview

    Yoga for Prosperity - PhD Yogi Bhajan

    Gratitude is the open door to abundance. Yogi Bhajan

    This book is intended to be used by anyone - by people who have never done Kundalini Yoga and people who teach Kundalini Yoga; by people who are financially challenged and people who make millions of dollars a year. Anyone can benefit from using this book. Many of the meditations and shabads are personal favorites of mine that I have practiced regularly over a period of time.

    This chapter is a guide to using the techniques in this book. We will look at ways you can use the book, how to tune in (very important!), how to design a personal practice or sadhana, why relaxation is important, and how to conclude a deep relaxation. We will examine the basics of meditation and common misconceptions about meditation, and the basics of shabad yoga. A pronunciation guide and pointers for practice are also included.

    There are several ways of using this book. It is designed so that you can use it as a course of study on prosperity yoga, trying out the techniques chapter by chapter. This makes it useful for teachers who plan to give courses in Kundalini Yoga for prosperity. It also makes it useful if you plan to do your own course of study or want to learn the techniques thoroughly. Another way to use the book is to flip through the pages and find a practice that meets your personal situation. For instance, if you are facing serious challenges, you may wish to practice the Meditation to Tap Opportunities or one of the meditations in the chapter on the Radiant Body. If you greatly desire some specific thing, you might find the Beggar's Meditation useful. On the other hand, if you are simply feeling dissatisfaction with your life, one of the techniques in the Spirit of Prosperity chapter might be just what you're looking for.

    In any event, if you are new to Kundalini Yoga, please review the basic information in this chapter and the chapter on breathing before jumping into your practice. Classes taught by a KRI certified teacher can give you invaluable hands-on experience, as well as the blessings of group energy. The website for locating KRI certified teachers is listed in the Resources section of this book.


    First, always tune in. Because Kundalini Yoga is one of the most powerful forms of yoga that can be taught on a daily basis, we need to do it in the presence of a master. We do that by tuning in, chanting a mantra which aligns us with the past and present master teachers of this discipline and helps us drop our ego attachments.

    To tune in, sit in a comfortable cross-legged position or, if this is difficult, in a chair with the feet flat on the ground. Sit very straight and regally with the chin tucked in just a bit so that the neck is in line with the rest of the spine. Place the palms together as for prayer at the center of the chest where you can feel your sternum bone. Close the eyes. Focus attention at the brow point, which is centered between the eyes and a bit above them. You may inhale once or twice to center yourself. Then inhale to begin and chant Ong Naamo Guroo Dayv Naamo at least three times, preferably on a single breath for each repetition. Dayv is chanted a minor third higher than the rest of the mantra.

    This mantra may be translated, I call upon the Creator. I call upon Divine Wisdom.

    Immediately after chanting Ong Naamo, you may also chant Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guroo Dayvay Nameh also for three times or more, also preferably on a single breath for each repetition.

    This second mantra creates a protective field. It may be translated, I call upon the primal wisdom. I call upon the wisdom of the ages. I call upon the true wisdom. I call upon the infinitely great divine wisdom.


    There are many ways of designing a personal sadhana or spiritual practice. A good format consists of tuning in, yogic warm-ups, a Kundalini Yoga set, deep relaxation and meditation for 11 minutes or more, followed by prayer, song, or inspirational reading. You may start with much less, such as tuning in followed by just 3 minutes of meditation. I assure you that any positive effort you make will bring positive results.

    Prosperity meditations are usually most effective if practiced 120 days or more. It takes 40 days to change an old habit. It takes 90 days to establish a new habit. It takes 120 days to lock the new habit into the subconscious so that it becomes automatic. It takes 1000 days (nearly 3 years) to master a new habit. It is thus a good idea to pick a meditation or shabad that meets your needs and practice it daily for 40, 90, 120, or 1000 days. Kundalini Yoga sets may be rotated on a daily basis or practiced for 40 days or more.

    The ideal time for this practice is in the early morning between 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. This period of time is ordinarily free of distractions, prepares us for the upcoming day, and has the perfect vibration for meditation as this is the time the pituitary is most active. Some people, including me, enjoy meditating in the evening before bed as well. (This is not the best time for Breath of Fire!) Some people prefer to do their spiritual practice after work before dinner. Both the Meditation for Gurprasaad and the Meditation for Prosperity and Self-Esteem are easy, quiet, and short enough to be done sitting at a desk during a work

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