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You Must Be Covered, Under the Blood of Jesus
You Must Be Covered, Under the Blood of Jesus
You Must Be Covered, Under the Blood of Jesus
Ebook137 pages3 hours

You Must Be Covered, Under the Blood of Jesus

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You must be covered under the blood of Jesus.

The blood was shed for me when I could not pay for my own death. Jesus gave his blood for us so that we can be free from sin.

As a little boy growing up in the island of Jamaica, West Indies, I dreamed of myself doing something great for God, but some way down the road in my life, I thought that that dream was all over. I could not read. I had no trade. I thought that my whole life was over. Then the Lord stepped in and saved me.
Release dateNov 20, 2015
You Must Be Covered, Under the Blood of Jesus

Rev. Gifford Michael Rodney

I tried to be a singer, but that was not for me. When you go off and try to do it on your own, it will not work. I was trying to sing for the devil, but the Lord knew the road I was taking would kill me. If we follow the path that God leads us to, we will not go wrong. Remember that God knows the right way to go. My way was not the way of God; he knew the way that I should take. I then wanted to follow God’s way. My desire is to preach the word of God and to teach men and women how much God loves us so we don’t have to give up and hang our head down. Let us look up to the Master. Don’t lean upon yourself; lean on God alone for all your needs. I tried to be a singer, but that was not for me.

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    You Must Be Covered, Under the Blood of Jesus - Rev. Gifford Michael Rodney

    © 2015 Rev. Gifford Michael Rodney. All rights reserved.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.


    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Published by AuthorHouse 11/16/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-6277-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-6276-6 (e)

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    The Lord has been my guide, through out all my life, it started when I was formed in my mother’s womb, he take care of me then, he teach me how to trust him then, many times I know, that I was topping on deaths door.

    But the Lord said, to the devil not now, he raised me up back to life, so I of to praise him, with my whole heart, it doesn’t matter what other people said; it is my desire to give God, everything that I have.

    And I don’t have much, but the little that I have, I will give to him, I remember many times, when I was down and out.

    I did not know where my food was coming from, the Lord stepped in, and the way was made.

    I remember some very close call I have.

    I said to myself, how did I make it out of this, but it was not I, but the Christ that liveth in me.

    But what about those times, when I was not saved, He still takes care of me, he cause his sun to raised upon the just, as well as on the unjust, he cause his rain to fall, upon the just, as well as on the unjust.

    God don’t have any pick, he loved us all, the same, for God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have eternal life.

    However I know how bad my life was, but God still love me, so much to save me, and to give me, a kingdom, I know that I was not worthy of such great love.

    But remember that God don’t love you, because you are worthy, or good.

    But he love you, because he is God, there is nothing, on this earth that you can do, to make God love you anymore, and there is nothing you can do, to make him love you any less.

    He just love you, he love the devil, for he made him, in God there is no hatred at all.

    The only thing that God hate, is sin, but remember, that He did not made it, the devil create sin, that is the only thing he made, that is why God hate it, God is all love.

    I could blame my problem on the way I was born.

    I could blame my mother, I could blame my father, Adam blame his wife, and God, the woman blame the serpent, but the serpent could not blame anyone, but himself, I am talking about, how he gave his body to the devil, to used to come into our world.

    For he know that it was his fault, not God, not the woman, so the devil sin in heaven, and he died.

    Adam and Eve sin and they died, and we all have sinned, and we died.

    But thanks be to God who send his Son into the world to save us all, through his blood we are saved, but know this that the devil cannot get saved, for he go up against the authority of God.

    the reason why God put Adam, and Eve, out of the Garden of Eden, is because they go up against his authority, I don’t believe that he kill Achan, because he took the gold, and silver, and the coat.

    But the reason for him, to kill him, was because, he go up against his authority, you don’t challenge God, beloved heart I enjoy the word of God, I love what I do for him, you should too.

    God Bless you Real Good, I hope that you enjoy this lovely book.

    Rev. Gifford Michael Rodney,


    As a little boy growing up, in the island of Jamaica,

    West, Indies.

    I dream of myself doing something great for God, but some way down the road, in my life, I thought that those dream was all over, I could not read, I have no trade, I thought that my whole life was over, then the Lord stepped in, and saved me.

    And teach me how, to read and write, and send me to the United States of America, and given me a ministry, to preach, and teach the word.

    Then he gave me a sweetheart, to be my wife, sister, Beverley R. Rodney, and two children, Caroline A. Rodney, and Cynthia Rodney.

    And six grandchildren, my wife and I have a great ministry; the Lord is blessing us, in the word, so I must lift up my hand to the Lord God of heaven, for the way that he made for me.

    I know that I could not do these things by myself.

    David said, when mother, and father, put you down, then the Lord will pick you up, he said I will never, leave you nor forsake you, this is my seventh book, that the Lord give to me, the first one is, Gifford Michael Rodney life story, book.

    The second one is when the world was new.

    The third book is how to be wealthy and healthy.

    The fourth book is, when God found men.

    The fifth book is fear not.

    The sixth book is look to God.

    And the seventh is, you must be cover under the blood of Jesus.

    Beloved heart God has blessed me real good, more than I deserved thanks be to you, God blessed you until.

    Rev. Gifford Michael Rodney,



    The blood was shed for me, when I could not pay for my own death, Jesus give his Blood for us, so that we can be free, from sin.

    Come let us pray, oh my Father please forgive me, for every sin that I have done, and save us we pray in Jesus name, Amen.

    Praise the Lord, God is good to day, he take care of all my sins, through his shed Blood on the cross of Calvary, so that we can be free, through his name.

    God is good, all the time, God is good, let say thank you Lord, there is a little word that the United States Government use, that uncle Sam is looking for a few good men.

    But I change that to say this that God is looking for a lot of good men, and women for his army.

    And good boys, and girls, he have place in his kingdom for them to filled, he want us to work in his kingdom, and today I am going to praise him for I believe, that he is able to equip you for the job.

    And sent you forth, to become the person, that God want you to be, I am asking you to bow your head, and let us pray, Father we ask you today, for your word, we thank you for your people, thank you for this company of people.

    Thank you for this house, that is housing us, we thank you for our community, in which we are live, and we thank you Lord for these people.

    Lord so greater a people, we pray that you will minister health and strength to them, and wisdom, and knowledge, to us we pray.

    Touch us Lord, where we hurt, touch us Lord, where we are heavy, lift our heavy burden, and make us light, we pray in Jesus name Amen.

    Let us turn our Bible to.

    St. Matthew 10:1.

    And let us read God’s word, God is looking for a lot of good people, lots of good men, and women, and lots of good boys, and girls, for today; and he had called unto him his twelve disciples, and he gave them power, against unclean spirits.

    To cast them out, and to heal every disease, and every infirmity, the names of the twelve apostles are these; first Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip, and Bartholomew; James the son of Alpheus, and Thaddeus; and Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

    I said that God is looking for a lot of good men, and women, boys and girls.

    For people are bound up in sin, this song really bring tears to my eyes, when I heard it, what about the children? So many children don’t even know who their fathers are, and don’t even know where their mothers are, they gave them up for adoption, some they kill before they was born, what about the children? Some children don’t know what a meal taste like, for days, and month, all they know about is a hot dog, and a hamburger, they don’t know about sitting down, at a table, and say a grace, to eat a meal.

    But you know that God love us, God expect his children to be happy, but watch this, the devil don’t like children, the devil don’t like young men, the devil don’t like people, in a whole, why? For he hate God, because people stand against the evil for God, and the devil cannot fight that, just look at this, the Bible said, that God made a promise, to the devil, he said, the woman seed shall bruise thy head, and you shall bruise his heel.

    And from that day, the devil been trying to kill every seed that come from a woman, for the devil, don’t know who that seed would be, the devil didn’t know if Abel was that seed, he did not know if Seth was that seed, so he try to kill them all.

    The devil did not know if Mary would be the seed, he don’t know if you are the seed, so he want to kill us all, so he come up with a thing that man like.

    He said, kill all the babies, you know that time is hard, you can’t care for them like you should, stop the seed from coming, how many of you know, that you cannot stop God plan, if he said it, it will come to pass, Pharaoh said kill all the male, and let all the girl live, in other

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