About this ebook
In The Way It Is, items looked at differently than usual, or brand new, are:
The three pieces of existence are given new labels
You can re-program your brain!
The evolution of consciousness
Stories, as given by Organized Religion
The Infinite Roadmap-of-Life analogy aka the Akashic Records
E = mc2 Einstein got it almost right
You can turn your ideas into reality!
Affirmations and Meditation also fit with reality
Emotions and Creativity have no words attached
The ego cannot be used to provide brand new solutions
You will find humorous comments interspersed here-and-there to keep anyone with a sense-of-humor engaged.
If indeed consciousness is evolving, the fact you are reading this is proof. You will see how within!
R Preston Todd
R Preston Todd has been involved with "Scientific Consciousness" for well over 30 years. Here you will find a synopsis of how he sees the evolution of consciousness and religion.
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The Way It Is - R Preston Todd
Copyright © 2016 Richard P Todd.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-5480-6 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-5481-3 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 09/02/2016
Left Brain versus Right Brain
All that Stuff
Physics, Astronomy, and Sports
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Affirmations and Meditation
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The Law of Attraction
Dis-engaging the Ego aka the rational mind
Imagination vs. Visualization
The proof is where?
You CAN Get There from Here
Suggestions for reading and watching
It is quiet. There is nothing but infinity and silence. Then, an instant later it is still quiet, but there are now three simple pieces defining existence by their capacity to accommodate everything. An instant later, there is a Big Bang and it is quiet no longer.
Descriptive terms are assigned to these three pieces, in order they not be confused with the multitudes of explanations that have come along since under other labels: the Infinite, the Finite, and the Power of Creation.
The Infinite must include everything as well as the other pieces (as per theories of infinity), but for the purposes of this discussion, it is everything that is invisible and non-physical. There is no place it is not. The Finite is effectively the opposite: visible and physical. The Power of Creation is the process by which stuff becomes stuff, i.e. moving from invisible to visible, non-physical to physical, and back again. This process is a function of perception itself.
Once things are physical, they get manipulated. Before science, this was totally in the realm of religion, trying to turn water into wine. Let me know when that happens – I’m dying for a box of water! In science, some branches investigate the Power of Creation, but perception is still a function of consciousness.
You have probably read multitudes of other books in the spirituality realm. Or maybe you’re a newbie … so this book will be read from the experienced to the novice. In either case there is a Glossary for terms which might be used differently than you are used to.
From works by Deepak Chopra to The Course in Miracles, many have been read, sometimes many times over, studied, and then merged into my existence. And there are many more where they came from. Previously they were books of the dead tree
variety – now eBooks can be re-read on Kindle as desired, as well as doing a bunch of other things, like search, highlight, copy / paste into other documents, etc.
Kindle boasted its ability to hold 3,000 books, and would be easy to fill it up with nothing but spiritual works. More than one cross-referenced copy of the Bible, as well as multiple versions of The Course in Miracles would probably fill it all by themselves! After all, look at the size of the Bible. Speaking of dead tree
books, they even print the Bible and The Course in Miracles on extra thin paper. In digital form, they take up a lot of bits-and-bytes!
Upon acquiring my first music CD, I swore to never replace any analog vinyl with digital, but ultimately decided differently. A similar mistake with dead tree
vs. digital eBooks was never made. Especially after burning (kidding) or giving away my paper books, the Kindle provides for reading it again, or any of the other things including search one or all books, plus Kindle books do not take up all that shelf space! All you have to do is download it.
In The Way It Is, items looked at differently than usual, or brand new, are:
• The evolution of consciousness
• The three pieces of existence are given new labels
• Programming and re-programming the brain
• Stories, as given by Organized Religion
• The Roadmap-of-Life analogy aka the Akashic Records
• E = mc² … Einstein got it almost right
• Affirmations and Meditation also fit with reality
• Emotions and Creativity have no words attached
• The ego cannot be used to provide brand new solutions
• Some thoughts about infinity
• You can turn your ideas into reality
You will find humorous comments here-and-there to keep anyone with a sense-of-humor engaged (sorry if you don’t have one!) The humor is highlighted in this manner to help you differentiate fact from fiction.
Similarly, words and apropos definitions are added to a Glossary at the end for those not familiar with them, or how they are used here. My own personal spiritual evolution is briefly touched upon bringing me to this point. Consciousness is indeed evolving … witness what you are reading!
You will encounter subjects and terms repeated from different vantage points, in order you get
what is portrayed. Not assuming anyone is too dense to get it,
but rather to make or emphasize a point. Besides, a whole lot of material is covered. By reading this, you will not only get it,
but thoroughly at that! You will find some new angles on familiar subjects you probably never thought about.
The verdict is largely in – physical evolution occurred over a long time, from chemicals to single-cell organisms that ultimately became plants or animals. The big butt
(as in Plumber’s Crack) is why everyone seems to consider evolution to include everything living,
but largely excludes non-physical consciousness. Why is our focus on physical evolution, while ignoring the possibility of the evolution of consciousness we are in by definition? Could it be the dominance of science … or maybe Plumbers?
Most spiritual books deal with only one fairly narrow topic, and how you could use that specific topic to change an area of your life for the better. It is usually given with detailed instructions, and as such are like cookbooks or diets. Here you will find a broader perspective, related to how your reality is actually created, given how the Universe works. You can use this book as a how-to
guide to improve your life in general, but that is not the intention.
The intention is to present a different slant from other books you may have read, and assume evolution occurs not only physically, but in consciousness as well. Our physical body is complex, so who’s to say our consciousness does not exceed it, since it preceded it? Complexity may be why the evolution of consciousness has not been popularly addressed.
This evolution of consciousness is evidenced by changes in various religions as they have come along, with science coming in recently; they both morphed into areas containing aspects of both called New Thought, Quantum Physics, and the Law of Attraction.
The questions regarding YOUR reality needing an answer are: what do you see when you open your eyes in the morning and climb out of bed, and how did it get there? But the most important question is: how can you effect your reality, presumably for the better?
This is one of the purposes of religions through the ages: to answer these questions. How religions answered these questions is open for interpretation, especially with all the other factors mixed in. The intention of this book is to answer the simple, yet specific, questions just asked. If answers to other questions you’ve had all along also arrive, that’s good too!
Besides attempting to understand how things become real,
the older or more organized religions added morality and other community-building aspects into the mix. Religion was the one-stop-shop
for a governable
community. Remember, religion preceded government long before European rulers claimed to be directly descended from Jesus – however that was supposed to have happened.
But government is not our concern here – going from the invisible to the visible is. Then what about the physical results? After it’s all said-and-done, going from the Infinite (a possibility) to Finite (reality) is what it’s all about, then manipulating the results. This has been driving religion and science through the years.
There has been an effort, as long as time has been around, to understand
how things get from the invisible to the visible. Some will attach the label of spirituality
to this effort; others have other labels, sometimes of religious
origin. It doesn’t matter what label you attach, the effort is the same. But there is one shortfall – understanding something only applies to reason, which applies mostly to the Finite side of creation.
Of course, reality can only be right here, right now, in the present. Do you have reality tomorrow or yesterday? Your memories of yesterday, or your plans for tomorrow are not reality. You will have a reality tomorrow, as tomorrow turns into today and continually turns into the present. But soon enough, tomorrow is today is yesterday. Gone, except in memory.
Right here and right now is the only reality anyone ever has, and the only time-frame in which you can take action. Try taking action yesterday or tomorrow. Planning to take action tomorrow does not count! You must actually take action. But there are actions you can take right now to effect your reality tomorrow, as tomorrow turns into today, before it’s just a memory.
Obviously, the afterlife as espoused by some religions does not apply to the here-and-now, but some interpretations of the soul might. Also, by concentrating on the here-and-right-now in the wrong manner, you might miss some aspects of how to effect your reality tomorrow and into the future, which will become your reality in the here-and-now quickly enough.
If you’re still stuck on the five-thousand year, or seven-day story,
as well as heaven
and hell,
first open your mind to the possibility these may be religious stories told before the current era of science and reasoning came along. Religious stories will be discussed in this light, and you can take away some profundities in-keeping with today’s often secular world. Words are discussed, especially since stories use words.
Religion was once the complete domain of mystics like Popes, Saints, and other gurus. They had un-measurable things like faith and prayer in their toolbox, and nothing could be predicted. Although your after-life was predicted. You would go to Heaven if you prayed regularly and followed the Ten Commandments (and tithed), or else you would be pushing the down-button in the afterlife elevator. How can you measure or predict somebody’s ability to walk on water anyway?
Then science came along, under the domain of scientists. Everything was measurable, there were equations for everything, it was predictable, and what wasn’t already known was shortly to have its own equation. Religion was given the boot by left-brainers in the age of secularity, but the pendulum swings both ways.
Science used to be completely in the rational realm of the physical. Researchers are busy proving
the accuracy of oral traditions (stories) handed down before printing, to say nothing about proving religion. Once in the domain of the physical, science now has a branch called Quantum Physics where the un-measurable right-brain relationship to the physical is intimately involved … the Law of Attraction is also under study by physicists.
We are in the evolution of un-measurable consciousness (religion) and the measurable physical (science), regardless. The pendulum swings more one way than the other at different times, regardless of those with a vested interest in keeping them separate. In the unified whole to which the pendulum is attached, right-brain (religion) to left-brain (science) is now swinging back to the middle in the evolution of consciousness.
What you see when you open your eyes every day is your own personal version of reality. The process of moving from the invisible to the visible many call life.
Among other things, to keep things from getting confused whereby there is obviously life, and then apparently not, but it comes back
(as in a perennial plant), the term the Power of Creation is often used.
The Infinite filters down through invisible (shared) mass consciousness of different forms, has energy merged with, applied to, and changed by it. It ultimately becomes your very own personal and complete representation of what is going on in your brain, for you to see and experience as reality. What you see is uniquely yours; it comes only from yourself. Does what you see come from someone else? How does that work? The last time I looked, it was me doing the looking!
The challenge of where reality comes from to the (air quotes) non-believer
then becomes to provide a dividing line: this