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Americas at War
Americas at War
Americas at War
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Americas at War

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We, the people of the United States, have cowed down to the wrong ideas set forth by the wrong people for the last decade. Foolishness does not bring peace, and low morals do not bring happiness. Freedom of expression without restraint brings chaos, not personal abundance. America is an experiment in human freedom, and as in any experiment, there are mistakes. We have made mistakes, and it is time to correct our errors.

Groups and individuals have their own opinions, ceremonies, prejudices, and passions. But all men and groups who serve justice must at times unite to face a common enemy. Without hesitation, men from all religions, all walks of life, and the rich and poor have joined under the American flag against those who threatened justice. A new enemy now exists: That enemy is moral decay. Moral decay is as sharp as any sword. Morals, values, and attitudes must be learned. Freedom and justice can and must be won. This cannot be done by laws or by political promises. This must be done by the people.

Many have stated that science has advanced too far, and we need a program to correct the social disunity. This program now exists, and it is a reality. Freedom for America is the organization with such a program.

America must not hide from truth, from wisdom, and from righteousness for these are her weapons. If her people are educated in moral law, they will be patriotic.

The philosophically wise will be American wise.
Release dateMar 15, 2017
Americas at War

Kirk Ellis

Kirk Ellis is a two-time Emmy Award and two-time Humanitas Prize–winning writer/producer who wrote and produced the acclaimed event series John Adams. Among his many other credits are the Emmy-nominated Into the West and the Emmy Award–winning Anne Frank: The Whole Story. Formerly cogovernor of the writers’ branch of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and past president of the Western Writers of America, Ellis splits his time between Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Palm Springs, California.

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    Americas at War - Kirk Ellis


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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/15/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-7136-5 (sc)

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    Sensei Kirk Ellis

    My Goal: To prove to as many people as possible, that good attitudes and high morals will give physical strength, better health, mental serenity, and personal happiness.

    To be morally wise is to be American wise. If the majority of the people are American wise, they would guarantee America against moral decay.

    Low morals and national troubles have given Americans problems and discouragement, but, FAITH and right thought are stronger than any problem and more powerful than discouragement.


    I sometimes compare life to a football game.

    The critical viewer who has never watched a football game would look at the quarterback and see a torn shirt, muddy clothes, a worn face; with ease he would criticise and reject this unsightly figure. All the mistakes in the game could easily be blamed on this ragged leader. As the fault finder watches, he is anxious to criticise––he does not try to understand the responsibility and total plan of the quarterback. The eyes of this critic do not see the end zone. His mind is limited to only what his eyes see. As he sits back in comfort and safety, he wonders why anyone would ever block for such a man.

    A wiser man with moral dignity, watches the game to find out the intentions and plans of the quarterback. As the game progresses, he looks at the quarterback with faith and hope and wishes he could block for him.

    The quarterbacks in life sacrifice and toil for future plans that benefit everyone.

    I dedicate this book to all those who are the quarterbacks of life, and those who are willing to block for them.


    Here in America lie the hopes, dreams and future happiness of free men.

    Because America is entrusted to and guided by the people, it is the responsibility of the people to create and maintain the values of this great country. If the public carries the spirit of honor and high moral standards, then we will all live with honor and high morals. If Americans seek to uphold justice and protect freedom, then we will live with justice and freedom. But if we collectively accept anti-American creeds and create an environment of hatred, then we must live in an evil-favored environment. All groups, all organizations, all people––we cannot be a separate entity––are all partners on this land.

    America is at the mercy of the thoughts, actions and attitudes that are accepted in our communities and taught in our schools. These attitudes can either provide us with a life of happiness and a bright future or they can leave us in turmoil, confusion and humiliation.

    Wise men in life, the wisest leaders, seek harmony, cooperation and understanding, they live by a code of ethics and know the benefits of high morals and realize the personal destruction of low morals. They do not embrace the moral criminal, but reject the forces that attack justice. They challenge those who invade the order of logical plans and common sense. Inner decay is a tragedy which exists in civilized societies. Honor and pride are sacrificed for personal greed and selfish desires. All citizens become victims of negative thought.

    America has had the misfortune of passing through a period of poor design. Our thinking has been altered because a new type of man attacked the moral laws of nature and established a new way of life based on these low morals. America, in her love for freedom, gave the anti-American rioters, demonstrators and rebels every opportunity to attack the country’s doctrines and creeds, to break its laws, and to establish hatred for all. Anti-American literature and posters were printed and distributed in abundance, providing the fuel for anti-American ideas to develop. Rebels against society have been leaders of our children.

    America has been ridiculed, her purity has been laughed at, rights of humanity have been lowered, self-dignity and love have been crucified. This new enemy attacks the wisdom of righteousness, twisting the true meaning of love and misusing words like freedom and peace. In the twilight of bitterness they have created their own low morals and ignored justice for all.

    Thus, our rights have been invaded and the laws of moral law have been challenged. The Preamble of the Constitution says: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice. . . Trading morals and values for money does not establish justice. Generation gaps, lack of communication, pitting group against group, sex against sex and race against race, building a clever wit by tearing down the country and other people, sewing patriotic symbols on clothing to mend holes––these acts do not establish justice.

    The Preamble also says: insure domestic Tranquility. Without a code of ethics for our children, without an adequate value system, without

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