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God Inspired: 30 Days Inspirationals
God Inspired: 30 Days Inspirationals
God Inspired: 30 Days Inspirationals
Ebook69 pages53 minutes

God Inspired: 30 Days Inspirationals

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About this ebook

You will be spiritually inspired each day with God-inspired inspirationals filled with the anointing of God, jumpstarting your day with aspirations from above and filling you with godly directions. Thirty days of Gods breath blowing his words of daily encouragement to fulfill the voids of emptiness and providing divine guidance and continued blessings. I pray that you now have a closer walk with Thee who is Christ Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, our healer, sustainer, and deliverer. This is the first of several daily inspirationals that will embrace your literary bosom, giving you the drive to make it through another day.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 7, 2016
God Inspired: 30 Days Inspirationals

Clyde Campbell

I started walking in my calling to help others after I spent over thirty years evading God’s will and spiraling into gambling, sex, and drug addictions that culminated in me seeking addiction treatment. After treatment, I followed my calling and became a writer, certified peer recovery coach, and minister. I’m the founder and CEO of Clyde Campbell Ministries Inc. I’m committed to helping others that are in crisis, struggling with addiction, and those that are imprisoned and/or needing work or transitional housing. It is through Christ Jesus that we are given a way out of our destructive lives and a way forward that offers peace and purpose.

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    Book preview

    God Inspired - Clyde Campbell

    God Inspired

    30 Days Inspirationals

    Clyde Campbell

    Copyright © 2016 by Clyde Campbell.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 04/04/2016






    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5

    Day 6

    Day 7

    Day 8

    Day 9

    Day 10

    Day 11

    Day 12

    Day 13

    Day 14

    Day 15

    Day 16

    Day 17

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    Day 19

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    Day 21

    Day 22

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    Day 24

    Day 25

    Day 26

    Day 27

    Day 28

    Day 29

    Day 30


    God first started speaking to me as a little kid growing up, around age 5 or 6, but, I didn’t know at the time that it was God. Through all the pain and anger growing up as a child, He continued to speak, but I didn’t realize He would take the time to speak to a kid like me.

    I knew He loved me but how much I didn’t have any idea, until I totally surrendered my life to Him, making Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords over me. After entering treatment for my addictions, I got to see, feel, and understand, what transformation was, and as I felt God develop my character, and repair my broken vessel, I began to write friends, family and church members.

    Seeing how touched they were about my spiritual aspirations, God told me to write books. I started writing several that I have yet to complete. But now since my steps are ordered in a more detailed manner, I’m introducing to you, 30 Inspired Inspirationals from God.

    I pray it blesses you as it has blessed me to have God speak to me on a daily basis and throughout the day, for the benefit of me, my family, friends, and all of God’s people. The release of this book is like a flood gate of spiritual words being released into the world, to go forth and inspire people to have hope, trust and faith in the Lord.

    Truly the love of God has lifted me to heights and plateaus, I never imagined to experience during my earthly journey. But through it all, God saw the little tiny bit of good in me, and multiplied it like he did the 2 fish and 5 barley loves, from the Little Lad, that he used to feed 5,000 men, not counting women and children.

    My prayer is that, these powerful God inspired words will touch Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and Souls, to help make a difference in the lives of those who read it.
















    DAY 1

    Lord, today I’m introducing you to my troubles, I also ask that you be the center of my solutions, so things will be resolved much easier.

    In life we all have our share of troubles, ups and downs twists and turns. We seek counseling, we stuff our feelings, we talk about them to the wrong people, and even when we talk about them to the right people, we are still unhappy with the outcome so we pout, get angry, feel sad, lose sleep, become unproductive at work, school, in relationships, parenting, friendships, or efforts we put forth in doing things. Our positive thought bank is damaged, and we begin to look at things or life through a negative lens.

    By introducing our troubles to the Lord, let us imagine ourselves running a relay, and as we get to the end of our distance, we hand off the baton to the other runner, then he takes over and as we catch our breath and cheer him on. Well, just as we handed off the baton, let’s consider handing off our problems to God and allow Him to run with them, while we cheer him on with the faith and confidence that He can take it from there.

    The results are, we don’t have to run anymore: we introduced our problems to a world class sprinter,

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