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Contemporary Reflections: A Collection of Verses That Inspire
Contemporary Reflections: A Collection of Verses That Inspire
Contemporary Reflections: A Collection of Verses That Inspire
Ebook131 pages56 minutes

Contemporary Reflections: A Collection of Verses That Inspire

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This book is a bouquet of poems reflecting diverse emotions, days, and celebrations. Some are going to transcend your soul; some are going to ignite your mood.
Release dateFeb 15, 2017
Contemporary Reflections: A Collection of Verses That Inspire

Alka Vasudeva

She uses the words to paint the pictures. Her originality , fluency and wit makes her readers crazy. In 2014 her two poems Patriotism and Man and Woman can be well wishers, got appreciated and shared by Ron Du Bour in his Wordpress blog Our Poetry Corner. In 2014 her poem Mother’s Day was declared winner entry in English Patriotic poem category by panel of judges from Indian Armed Forces Confessions community page on Face Book with more than 50 thousand members and run by group of Army wives. Her poem was part of the journal given at National Defence Academy passing out parade on 14 June,2014. Her style of writing won her two assignments as colomnist with two newspapers : State Times of Jammu and Kashmir as well as Greater Jammu. She has great following on the Facebook . She believes in the power of words in bringing about a change. Her editorials reflect her Miranda House grooming impact. It is a bouquet of poems reflecting diverse emotions, days and celebrations. Some are going to transcend your soul some are going to ignite your mood but with most you can relate easily.

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    Contemporary Reflections - Alka Vasudeva

    Copyright © 2017 by Alka Vasudeva.

    ISBN:      Softcover         978-1-4828-8552-1

          eBook         978-1-4828-8551-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Foreword Alka Vasudeva- A Birth Of Dawn.

    Expression of Gratitude

    Dear Readers

    Fun & Satire

    Rain & Love

    Relationship & Psyche

    Valor & Patriotism

    Comparison & Description

    Faith, Philosophy & Contemporary

    Dedicated to

    Omnipresent Omniscient Omnipotent Lord Shiv incarnation Guruji


    Alka Vasudeva- A Birth Of Dawn.

    In twentieth century the advent of English came with study of classical and modern literature and poetry of Dryden, Milton as classists and T. S Eliot, W B Yates etc as modern poets brought new concepts in Indian poetry. Though English poetry is not as prominent expressive form in India where Hindi classical and modern poetry of Vedas, Upanishads to our other regional Saints, Sufis poets and modern poets have their respectable place in hearts of Indian people but now globalization, our English poets has come forward to have their own impact in Indian society. In twentieth century science, social science and technology in modern fast changing society along with globalization has changed the mindset of society. Electronic media has also brought new changes and awareness about worldwide happenings. People are breaking chains of castes, creeds and old values to step in a diverse culture along with passion towards own healthy tradition.

    In such scenario, the poetry of Alka Vasudeva, in Contemporary Reflections clearly shows impact of such changes. With her ardent desire, she advocates progressive and positive values in society and rejects old discarded values and thoughts which divided and are still dividing people. She is against discrimination and exploitation which is the cause of maladjustment, terrorism and wars on the Earth. She fearlessly analyzes and reflects what she feels from her heart about shortcomings of social system in our society. She is humanistic in thoughts and advocates human values, love and peace in her poetry tracing her thoughts though her subjective to objective approach.

    As spurred by feelings and emotions while living in her socio-economic environment, she had divided her poetry in six different sections according content and matter diversification. In first section –Fun and Satire, her wit and satire make a reader smile when she talks of changing relations and new life style where from new born to mature people are run and fed by junk food instead of naturals and natural beauty is marred by artificial life style. Greed for luxurious life has brought mad run for attainments. Such way of materialistic life broke family system and individualism brought mutual relationship with duality or ivory shades of behavior in social and political life. This lead to anxiety, loneliness and uncertainty in life and she, in satirical way calls people as eco-warriors who came out from dark womb to darkness of their thoughts. She says that people are more anxious about phone changes thank keeping family intact calling it ;

    "We are eco warriors

    We believe in reuse"

    Here comes the crisis of old v/s new generation contradiction added by crisis created by life styles by world trade and free marketing of newest gadgets .

    In second section her romanticism sprouts our to give its fragrance in Rain and Love section where sensation of trickling rain creates love senses in flow of poetry and she beautifully illustrates;

    Earth feels pushes in its womb

    Rain baby is gaining growth

    Hopeful praying eyes

    Look towards heaven.

    This brings in our mind prayers of people for rain in draught weather. While it brings love moments and sweet sensation of creativity in our mind, we are brought face to face of ruins of heavy rains and floods that bring misfortune ruins and rain becomes rain for eyes. Herein she puts live picture of children playing in rain and celebrates rain’s rejuvenating effects. In this section while writing about changing relationship and fair weather friendships, she emphasizes that recklessness in relationship is treading under feet our long cherished spiritual and emotional entity. Still she is not devoid of serenity and sweetness of affections present in loving people when she celebrate moments of love

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