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Treasures in Prayer
Treasures in Prayer
Treasures in Prayer
Ebook161 pages2 hours

Treasures in Prayer

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About this ebook

Treasures in Prayer is not a body of information, its a book that is highly spiritual. It is potent enough to revolutionize your spiritual life in prayer, and it could transform your life and help lead you to a breakthrough in your prayers to God. So, let us make prayer the biggest work of our lives and the greatest enjoyment and unceasing activity of our times. There is a deep hunger of heart to pray aright and get things from God, and the purpose of this book is to bridge the gap between the hunger of the people of God and their prayers.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 12, 2015
Treasures in Prayer

Jonathan Ogogo

Jonathan Ogogo holds a Bachelor of science (Bsc) in Accounting from the University of Lagos and an Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Lagos State University in Nigeria. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of cost and Management and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. He has worked with many companies where he acquired practical accounting and auditing experience. He has participated in various works of God, in the past and in the present, that led the Spirit to inspire him to write this book. He is happily married to Mrs. Patricia N. Ogogo. They are blessed with four children.

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    Book preview

    Treasures in Prayer - Jonathan Ogogo

    Chapter One


    Our God is a God who hears and answers prayer. Prayer hearing is one of His attributes of God and a part of his nature. Praying first in everything you do gives him power to hear your prayer as palmist put it. Thou that hearest prayer (Psalm 65:2). In everything we do we should hand it over to him by asking through prayer. Prayer is asking. God holiness and his righteousness never vary. He is always holy, always righteous, his characteristics and attributes of God are unchanging and everlasting. He says, I am the Lord, I change not (Mal. 3:6) Jesus Christ the same Yesterday and today and forever (Heb. 13:8) God is in all generations the same God who delights to hear and does hear and answer’s prayer, when we present our case to him first in every endeavors in our life.

    If there are ever conditions that hinder prayer, the conditions are on the part of the one who prays and not on God’s part. It is a part of his nature, as his mercy, his justice, his righteousness, his omnipotence. O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.

    Prayer is almost universal in mankind, unsaved men pray. All nations pray. It is the same of need, of weakness, that leads men to cry out of help to a higher power and it is wrong to say, as some have said, that the prayers of unconverted people are never heard.

    Before anyone can come to God, he must believe two things.

    First – He must believe that there is a God.

    Second – He must believe that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. All other things implied and understood, if you know that much about our infinite blessing, merciful, prayer hearing and prayer answering God.

    It becomes clear, to them that when we limit God’s willingness to answer prayer, we are guilty of a horrible sin of unbelief. To limit God in his willingness to hear and answer prayer for those who diligently seek him is belief in the very nature of God himself. We ought rather to put limitation on men and frankly confess that we have not because we ask not, that we ask -— that we might consume it on our lusts (James 4:2-3) God always saved people by faith in church and no other way God has always been holy, always has been almighty, always has been merciful and so God has always been the God who hears and answers prayer. Even God made the animals, makes food for them; he made plant, causes the rain to fall and the sun to shine upon them. The God who made the honeybee made flower for nectar. For every living thing there is a place of food, a protection, a provision from the hand of an infinite God. Don’t these things show that there is a want, a need, a desire, God wants to fill it, where there is a hunger, and God wants to satisfy it?

    Prayer becomes the most compelling Christian duty on earth. God never commended us to sing without ceasing, nor preach without ceasing, nor give without ceasing nor work without ceasing but he did commend pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). After Solomon Built the temple at Jerusalem and dedicated it to the God – God did say, Now, mine eyes shall be open and mine ears attend unto the prayer that is made in this place (2 Chron. 7:15) God did say in Isaiah 56:7 For mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people. The temple was house of prayer for all people, backed all the preaching the prayer, the prophesying the prayer, the singing the prayer, back all religions observances, God intended there should be a living faith – in a God who hears and answers prayer. There is nothing pleasing God without prayer.


    When one understands that God hears and answers prayer, then his faculty perceives all the attributes, all the nature of God. All the other qualities or attributes or characteristics of God are implied when we understand that He answers prayer.

    First – A prayer – hearing God is a living God. He is not an idol of wood, or stone or house object. The priest of Baal on Mount Carnal cried out to their god. O Baal hear us There was none who neither answered nor regarded them (1 Kings 18:26) Baal has eyes but sees not, it has mouth, but speaks not, it has ears but it hears not because it is not a living idol but our God is a living God that Hearst prayer.

    Secondly, a prayer – hearing and answering God is an all-knowing God an omniscient. Does God hear and answer the cry of millions of His people in all the nations at the same time and languages? Does he sees the faith, supplications and sincerity or perceive the hearts of those who pray? God knows all things, He is a limitless God.

    Thirdly – If God is able to answer prayer, then He has all power in heaven and on earth. If God can answer prayer for rain, He control it weather, crops, sun, insects, moisture and even the germ of life in the seed itself. If God answered the prayer of Joshua so that the sun stood still in its relation to the earth for about the space of a day (Joshua 10:12, 13) then our God controls the whole infinite universe.

    Fourthly – If God answers prayer, such almighty power, there could be none other as powerful as and none to dispute his right, even in the very nature of the case, He is the creator of the Heaven and Earth.

    Fifty – The God who answers prayer is a miracle – working God, Believe that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him means that one has faith in all that is ever claimed for God.


    Someone may ask. The answer is capital YES, and then His ordinary and natural way of working in answering prayer would be by miracles.

    Every soul saved is a supernatural act, not a natural one. Every time God intervenes and controls nature or changes a plan to make it divine favor when it otherwise would not have favored, it is someone’s prayed, then that is a miracle. A God who would cease to work miracles would cease to be a God in the bible sense, that is, a personal God who personally hears and answers the prayer of faith.

    Sixthly – If God answers prayer, then he is a God of infinite love and mercy. God loves sinners, his mercy is boundless. Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound (Rom. 5:20).

    When one really believes that God is a prayer hearing and answering God, he has the secret to the very heart of God, and he can divinely see and outline all the graces and powers and majesty on the infinite God.


    All nature speaks of a wonderful works of God, a God who made man, who loves him, and who wants to provide all his needs. Psalm 65: 9-13 says Thou visited the earth and wateriest it, thou greatly enrich it with the river of God, which is full of water, thou prepare them corn, when thou hast so provided for it. Thou wateriest the ridges thereof abundantly, thou settles the furrows thereof, thou makes it soft with showers, thou blesses the springing thereof, thou crownest the year with thy goodness, and thy paths drop fatness. They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness, and the little hills rejoice on every side. The pastures are clothed with flocks, the valleys also are covered over with corn, they shout for joy, they also sing

    The psalmist, speaking by the Holy Spirit, seams to say that the God who loves to answer man’s prayer has anticipated so many of his needs, has watered the ground that was dry, has given to the hungry flocks the pasture and has covered the valleys with corn for man and beast and these pastures and valleys shout for joy, and sing of the relevant, loving mercy of God. God even cares for the animals, In Psalm 104:15 says Thou causeth the grass to grow for the cattle and herb for the service of man, that he may bring forth food out of the earth, and wine that maketh glad the heart of man and oil to make his face to shine and bread which strengthened man’s heart.

    Verse 18 continued The high hills are a refuse for the wild goats and the rocks for the conies while in verse 21 says The young lions roar after their prey and seek their meat from God. And then also, the beasts and even of the sea, we were told that thou mayest give them their meat in due season that thou givest them they gather, thou openest thine hand, they are filled with good", the earth proves that God loves man, longs to bless him, longs to provide every need of mankind.

    If God did not love man, life would have been extremingly impossible on this earth, if it had not been tailored exactly to fit man’s needs. God made it just the right size. Or if three –fourths of the earth’s surface were covered by land instead of by water, then the earth would simply be a giant desert, with fringes of vegetation around the seas, and the variation of temperatures would be so great it would be impossible for mankind to live. That is the wonderful name of our wonderful Lord as God reveals Himself in act.

    Chapter Two


    There are many reasons why we pray but the followings are God promises concerning the prayer and form the reasons, we adduce prayer.

    1. That God insistently commends it in the bible.

    2. That prayer is God’s appointed way for Christians to get things.

    3. That prayer is God’s way of Christians to have fullness of Joy

    4. That prayer is the way out of all trouble, the cure for all worry and anxious care.

    5. That

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