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The Speaking Voice: Poems, Prayers, Thoughts, and Stories
The Speaking Voice: Poems, Prayers, Thoughts, and Stories
The Speaking Voice: Poems, Prayers, Thoughts, and Stories
Ebook161 pages1 hour

The Speaking Voice: Poems, Prayers, Thoughts, and Stories

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About this ebook

I have walked many different paths, in several different countries, with many different people that I called friends and loves. Several times I became lost to my direction, and I had doubts in the Omnipresent Sacred Spirit, God, Allah, and hundreds of different names throughout time and even now. I have seen valleys of depression filled in by the crumbling mountains of stress, and I have seen crooked paths straightened, changing peoples lives. I knew these changes because I lived with and passed through the valleys, mountains, and crooked paths. This book has poems, thoughts, and a story or two that I have been writing for many years as I recorded what I have seen, what I had dreamed, and what my imagination gave to me. My Faith, my Hope, my Prayers, and my Imagination, are what I hope may help someone else in reading and enjoying these scribed experiences. Poetry, prayers, and imagination are at times hard to understand without the experience from which they came. It is a gift, and a work of love to all of The Great Spirits People. Mitakuye Oyasin! Aho!

Luke Two Spirit Tower 2013
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 20, 2015
The Speaking Voice: Poems, Prayers, Thoughts, and Stories

Lucian A. Tower

I began writing song lyrics, short stories, and poetry some 48-years-ago. While I was in high school, during the 60s, I had the privilege of meeting Poet Laureate of the United States of America, Mr. Robert Frost. He spoke with me discussing my writings, my poetry. He told me to keep writing and reading, and as I continued I would learn so much more, and eventually become a published poet. I have continued writing lyrics, short stories, and poetry. I am now 63-years-old, and I have been published. I have always told other poets and writers to keep on writing, and learning about the many different styles of the written arts. I have also spent 35-years as an entertainer, singer, song writer, and also a musician. I have worked with Tom T. Hall, Billy Jo Spears, Red Sovine, Bobby Bare, and Kitty Wells. I have also played with Rhythm Blues Entertainers too, The Four Tops, The Platters, The Sherelles, and Visions ( Mark Farner, of Grand Funk Railroad, and the survivors of the Lynard Skynard Band). We were an International Country Rhythm Blues Band, and played together for several years. The way I see writing poetry is a likeness to a photograph of a moment, a dream, a place, a thing, a memory. Life comes at us in many ways, sometimes in many different ways at once. It's the situations that arise, the masks some people wear, the way they talk and rub shoulders with everybody. These things make up the poetry I write. When you sit down and look at life you'll find it's much bigger than just us. This is poetry, lyric writing, short stories, journalism, actually all the arts. I have found all things good in writing, even when I'm turned down by an editor. It's all learning, and enjoying what I do. I choose a photograph, a moment, a dream, or a situation and I write about it. I create a picture with words. I live a simple life as a disabled veteran of the U.S.M.C., and of the Vietnam War. However, I am simply me, and I don't try and say I'm someone else. Who am I? Well I'm a human being who loves the arts. My message to you all who reads this is KEEP ON WRITING, KEEP ON KEEPING ON.

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    The Speaking Voice - Lucian A. Tower

    Copyright © 2015 by Lucian A. Tower.

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    Rev. date: 06/12/2015




    Table Of Contents


    Dancing Meadow

    The Beating Drum

    An American Indian Prayer

    Sacred Mountains, Lands, And Hope

    What Is This Blood

    The Eye Of Heaven

    I Laughed

    For Love Is Everything

    She Came To Me Walking In Beauty

    In The Winter Shadow Of The Mountain

    A Testimony For Whom Will Read

    Secret Journey

    Bitter Tears Prayers

    Thoughts From The Light Of Heaven

    The Way

    The Trail Of Anger; Prayers

    The Journey Of An American Indian Woman And A Cougar

    The Purple Gown

    Multicolored Light

    Two Spirit #3

    It’s The Little People

    The Grays

    The Wind That Moves

    Love Shown Me The Way

    As The Thunder Being Comes

    The Gift

    The Prayer Of Wanagi Nupa


    A Shadow In A Life

    Metallic Lightning


    A Warrior’s Prayer

    I Wrote In My Diary

    Two Spirit


    On Your Heart

    An Emotional Trickster’s Breakdown

    The Trail Within


    The Trail In The Life

    The Wind

    The Messenger

    Followed By Shadow


    A Days Walk From Here

    Prayer On Bear Butte

    The Vision On The Plain

    The Guardian

    What Makes A Warrior?

    I Would Reason With You

    Reading Shadows To Flight

    Beside The Still Water

    Living Spirit

    My People

    Two Spirit Tracks 2

    From The East

    You Do All This

    Let It Be Forever

    The Warrior

    On Your Heart

    The Rabbit

    She Is Beautiful

    A Visit From A Maiden

    The Silence Of Knowing

    Fancy-Shawl Dancer’s Moccasin

    A Lakota Bear

    The Circle

    What Of The Spirit Love

    To Have A Home

    The Cave

    Heyoke Plea

    The Meeting Of Ally Two Spirit

    You Cried In Your Sleep

    The Last Journey

    A Premonition Of Change

    Imbibing Assumption

    The Wolf You Feed The Most

    The Grizzly Bear And The Warrior

    Together Fly The Doves

    The Way To The Circle Of Life

    The Path Taken

    The Stone Walls

    A Wind Blowing


    There Are Many

    Here Comes The Night

    The Love Of

    I Was Sitting Remembering You

    To my People, to all my friends,

    to all my acquaintances throughout the Earth.

    Always walk in beauty, and love one another.

    Mitakuye Oyasin! Aho!

    Luke Two Spirit Tower


    I have walked many different paths, in several different countries, with many different people that I called friends and loves. Several times I became lost to my direction, and I had doubts in the Omnipresent Sacred Spirit, God, Allah, and hundreds of different names throughout time and even now. I have seen valleys of depression filled in by the crumbling mountains of stress, and I have seen crooked paths straightened, changing people’s lives. I knew these changes because I lived with and passed through the valleys, mountains, and crooked paths. This book has poems, thoughts, and a story or two that I have been writing for many years as I recorded what I have seen, what I had dreamed, and what my imagination gave to me. My Faith, my Hope, my Prayers, and my Imagination, are what I hope may help someone else in reading and enjoying these scribed experiences. Poetry, prayers, and imagination are at times hard to understand without the experience from which they came. It is a gift, and a work of love to all of The Great Spirit’s People. Mitakuye Oyasin! Aho!

    Luke Two Spirit Tower 2013


    And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell, and understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a Sacred manner the shapes of all things in the Spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being.

    Black Elk

    Wacasa Wakan Oglala Lakota



    By: Luke Wanagi Nupa Tower

    One step — one journey,

    One breath — one prayer.

    One moment — one eternity,

    Of tears or deep care.

    One hand — one purpose,

    To help or push away.

    One man — one dreamer,

    Or a worker who’ll stay.

    One woman — one lover,

    One mother — one house.

    One friend — one opponent,

    A confidant — a spouse.

    An embrace — a beginning,

    One beat — one drum.

    One family dancing circle,

    One daughter — one son.

    One community — one nation,

    One people — a new start.

    Voices raised and hands together,

    One Medicine Wheel — One Heart.

    Dancing Meadow


    By: Luke Wanagi Nupa Tower

    A breeze…

    passes through the trees

    bordering the dancing meadow.

    A breath of winter chills…

    frosting white crystal,

    little lilies of the valley,

    dancing, jingling, rhythmic trills.

    The Beating Drum


    By: Luke Wanagi Nupa Tower

    MITA KOLA comes dancing, he comes dancing,

    moving his feet round and round.

    Each step a beat of the drum.

    See he comes! See he comes!

    MITA KOLA is dancing, he comes dancing,

    in a Circle round and round.

    Each step a beat of the drum.

    See he comes! See he comes!

    MITA KOLA is stopping, he is stopping,

    to listen to the sound, to the

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