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Echoes: Poems of Life
Echoes: Poems of Life
Echoes: Poems of Life
Ebook220 pages1 hour

Echoes: Poems of Life

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About this ebook

Through changes in my life came particulars in writing. Amusing myself with presuming self-confidence, yet peeking into what may lie ahead in years passing quickly came Grey hair as On the other side preceded a space where I once strolled as a much
younger lady and carried inside all this time.

With the dizzying, up in the air, Can you cook, a vehicle boiling with me inside it to viewing a remembrance of years past in the Italian village surrounded by the big city where I grew up in They were there. I can vision it today and odors that leave with me as I walked through the door.

As some of my poems seem a collage of a large, colored puzzle, they have met as a quilt half way through a journey not easily put together. Such poems from my heart, such as Frozen steps, Pink days, and many others, I have a heartfelt passion for always in my love, for homie.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 21, 2011
Echoes: Poems of Life

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    Echoes - Marla C. Erselius

    Copyright © 2011 by Marla C. Erselius.

    ISBN: Softcover    978-1-4653-5231-6

    ISBN: Ebook            978-1-4653-5232-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Xlibris Corporation




    PART 1

    On the other side

    Peter came by

    Circles through the hall

    Butterflies in the room

    Touched by jewels

    Spinning girls at the fair

    Missing you

    Grey hair


    Cold thoughts


    Marbles on a picnic

    Caught by colors

    Dark features

    PART 2

    Burning benches

    My world as an interpretation

    The hole in the wall


    Grits laughs no more

    Dense concepts

    Twit twot

    Just a few minutes

    Ladies of lace


    Pink days


    Raw pain


    A walk by the sea, for free

    PART 3

    Can you cook



    Thunder and petunias

    Rise above


    Dancing crystals

    Cherubs visible

    Kitten in the night

    Leave me, I ask

    They were there

    Hanging free

    Virgin slumber


    Oh, daddy



    Engaging hours

    Frozen steps

    PART 4




    A silly day

    Medea unleashed

    Bag o’ chips



    Lay me down gently

    Coming around

    One day and gone


    Compromise, now

    Catch the liar


    Two and one

    PART 5

    Baby steps

    Uncertainty unsure


    Still here

    Nightmares for the daytime

    Solace most wanted

    Numbness surrounded

    Thoughts on the road


    Ragged decisions

    Unsure friday


    Yesterday came first

    for homie

    PART 1

    On the other side


    I gathered purple petals

    spread on a path I walked

    far from a place I once found home.

    many were empty of deep color.

    I rubbed them softly, gently

    capturing color of fuchsia

    blending out of them.

    I know it occurred for my fingers

    showed the shiny residue when I

    caught blue morning glory in

    late afternoon. true time limits

    showered me full of minutes

    I had lost when far from a place

    I once found home.

    a bridge nearing me,

    elderly in its boundaries,

    yet classy, now with crisscrossed

    splintered boards settling loose

    as would needles from pine trees.

    will it crumble into Centours creek

    if nature eats it from under me?

    not in my lifetime, I doubt;

    for shortened days upon me

    as I grow elderly just as my

    shortened years pass with me

    even quicker. it all began from a

    place I once found as home.

    so I continue on, feeling safer

    on the other side of the creek.

    I stumble onto some uneven rows

    of engaging liatris; snap a few off,

    hope cool air hangs them straight till home arrives.

    my neighbor’s carriage slows as

    I turn an open space on the road;

    carry me slowly, please, the day’s

    ending so soon. leaving it behind,

    I’ve been there before, yet I’m

    finding my way back from a

    place I once found as home . . . .


    Peter came by


    I missed your letters, long ones

    from awhile ago. it’s now. it’s no good.

    peter visited yesterday. he said hello. he

    veiled your handkerchief on the dresser. it

    was pink. he didn’t care for pink. threw it in the

    basement. later on, I threw it in the trash.

    where were you? on the fifth week of loneliness,

    I ate by myself. all my meals. on the veranda.

    the one where we said hello. at first I turned

    away. far away and walked fast past the roses.

    you picked one for me. I threw it on my bed.

    I slept uneasy. you came in and couldn’t

    say goodbye.

    the boat was on its journey, without me.

    with you. peter looked away. he called

    your name but you just flattered yourself,

    kissed father so long, tucked a green kerchief

    in your lapel and you seemed so aloof.

    I whispered good riddance to myself

    and put my rose in my button. there will

    be more roses for peter and me. he’s

    been in the cellar a fortnight; waiting

    by the door, patiently by the door.

    your boat took a bad turn. the captain

    was heavy with liqueur. you ended a castaway,

    I was told. that’s why I missed your letters.

    bottles don’t travel fast in water going

    nowhere. peter told me the news and

    he went onto the veranda and picked

    a white rose for me and said hello once again.


    Circles through the hall


    Not sure what’s been going on,

    weeks, months, days

    are the damdest pits,

    supposed to give a rat’s ass for that roof,

    over my shriveling mind:

    the one that deplores

    the creepy crawlies fading mindlessly

    down the hall of uselessness;

    whoops!! it spins me around ever so quickly—

    wonder where the other part leads me . . . .

    not far, not far enough.

    should keep traversing—

    though the walls pause

    and no choice but to retrace the flatness

    that is snapping closer than i care for;

    that gnaws at the cells

    irreplaceable and dead.

    for restorative urges that once lived inside

    are stymied now by lifelessness,

    circling endlessly

    so i feel backwards,

    quivering with tomorrow . . . .

    for i feel the sniveling creepie crawlies

    will be waiting to dull more cells.

    i’ll still travel through the dim, fearful hall

    that still retraces

    the day of yesterdays.


    Butterflies in the room


    As I was departing

    the room with no view,

    filled among it, flying butterflies;

    butterflies assorted

    of colors, of shapes, of movement.

    gathered there with

    the lady of butterflies,

    singing their unique tones, unheard,

    though, nevertheless,unique

    for sad souls who pass into the room . . . .

    pause, speak, cry.

    thoughts of wonderment

    entering their spinning minds so involved.

    the butterflies listen, they hear,

    they twitter unseen, of course,

    but devotedly, never leave those

    that ponder in hope, in faith,

    in all that glows

    between those wings

    of butterflies concerned.

    listen, stare at a favorite,

    she’ll be there for you.

    this, so says her butterflies.

    to pass through the pain

    of the day may perhaps

    awaken a sorrowful soul,

    by glimmering,

    by circling in its own

    matched path of the sadness

    passing through the chimed,

    stamped door,

    ever so just

    ever so steady

    ever so devoted,

    de butterflies begin as a

    frowned mouth goes passing

    through into their haven:

    closed tightly, lips wavering . . .

    where is my salvation?

    someday, as the days pass on and on,

    an awakening rewards

    the sadness in the spirit,

    and life begins anew, brightly,

    carried onto a glamorous leaf of birth.

    moms cocoons awaken

    to their new life,

    rewarded through cycles so pure,

    so absolutely magnificent,

    awaiting their beginning

    of flight, poise and security.


    Touched by jewels


    Can you catch me,

    oh no, I won’t allow it,

    oh no, she won’t allow it.

    no one can win.

    not even music is beautiful enough

    to net my runaway.

    fly away free mind revolutions

    per flash of incongruity.

    it was seen tomorrow,

    but yesterday showed it

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