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Societal Reform: Taking the Kingdom to the Systems
Societal Reform: Taking the Kingdom to the Systems
Societal Reform: Taking the Kingdom to the Systems
Ebook299 pages14 hours

Societal Reform: Taking the Kingdom to the Systems

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Societies worldwide have seen the emergence of many crippling challenges, with little or no viable solutions, to adequately deal with their corrosive effect. This book is written to put forth a compelling and potent Biblical antidote to the ailing societal systems. The 21st Century Church, which is identified, trained, mandated and sent out, to impact every influential kingdom in society, is Gods solution. In this transformative book we see how the Church can strategically ignite Societal Reform for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

The wisdom in this book needs to be received worldwide by leaders, and implemented globally. John Eckhardt - Impact Network / Crusaders Church

Without question this book will not only be a standard, but a working manual for a generation in the shifting of societies H.D. Wilson - Valley Kingdom Ministries
Release dateOct 19, 2016
Societal Reform: Taking the Kingdom to the Systems

Patrick Isaac

Director of K.E.G.A.N., Global Apostolic Network and Presiding Apostle of A.C.T.I.O.N. Network, Apostle Isaac gives apostolic covering and leadership to many local churches and ministers equipping them to transform and positively impact the orientation of nations.

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    Societal Reform - Patrick Isaac

    Copyright © 2016 PATRICK ISAAC.

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    S ocietal Reform is a mandate from heaven, and Patrick Isaac has written a comprehensive book on this mandate. God loves society because he loves people. The condition of our society will affect people either positively or negatively. Reform is necessary when society has become corrupted by ungodly influences, and in need of change.

    It is with excitement and joy that I recommend this book. We live in an exciting age with many breakthroughs occurring at an unprecedented rate. The rate of change is astounding. The Church must also keep pace with this change, and remove outmoded ways of thinking if we are to be relevant. This book is a catalyst to help the Church accelerate, and meet the challenges of a fast changing world.

    The Church is the agent of the kingdom of God. The advance of the kingdom should be the primary goal of the Church. This advance will affect society, and bring reformation.

    The Church must be challenged to influence the systems of the world. This challenge must be bold, and come from apostolic voices. Patrick Isaac is a voice that challenges the Church to get involved in society, and affect the systems. The Church cannot afford to only have a vision for heaven, while abandoning God’s plan for the earth.

    The principles and power of the Kingdom bring transformation. The Church has often emphasized individual transformation, while neglecting societal transformation. This book confronts the prevailing mindset of many churches of individual emphasis, rather than societal emphasis.

    Societal reformation is possible, but it will require a new vision and a new faith. It will also require a new breed of Christians who have been changed by the truths taught in this book. The wisdom in this book needs to be received worldwide by leaders, and implemented globally. The systems of this world can be blessed, but only if the Church gets involved, and reforms them.

    Reformation is work. Reformation requires boldness. This book is bold in its approach and style. Patrick Isaac is courageous in teaching these principles. Many things taught may be contrary and different from what has been commonly taught. Truth is often confrontational, but necessary to liberate us from errors that have kept us from fulfilling God’s mandate and plan for the earth.

    Where there is no vision, the people perish (Prov. 29:18). This book gives a vision that is seldom seen. The vision for societal reformation is larger than just having a local church. The vision of this book is larger than what has been commonly taught. We are not abandoning the world, and relinquishing it to darkness. We are getting a vision to bring light to the systems of this world, and bring change and reform where needed.

    I have seen Patrick Isaac’s passion for societal reform. I know him personally. I have heard his message, and I know his heart. This passion and message are written throughout the pages of this book. I believe you will not only receive information and revelation, but also an impartation. The anointing upon his life will flow through the pages of this book into your life. You will be activated and mobilized. You will be stretched and challenged.

    I encourage those who read this book to not only read it, but get involved in this current reformation. This book is a call to action. It is not for those who want to do nothing, but for those who want to be world changers. The systems of this world can be a blessing for generations to come. What we do today in our nations can bring world transformation in ways we have never seen. Let’s do it for our children, and our children’s children.

    Apostle John Eckhardt

    October, 2014


    T here is a soul searching question that seems to be resonating in every nation on the face of the earth. That question is, Why with all the churches, prayers, Christians, conferences and conventions does it seem that our world is getting worse instead of better? Why do we have more crime, criminals, corruption, prostitution, murder and mayhem like never before? What in the world is going on? I believe that the answer is in the question. The problem is that God’s Church is not going to the world. Yes, we are evangelizing trying to save sinners, but what we are missing is that we have not focused on shifting societies.

    I come with good news that there, I believe, is a paradigm shift that is taking place with the revelation of the new initiative that is going on worldwide of a focus on the seven mind molders of society. These seven mind molders are Media, Arts and Entertainment, Business, Education, Government, Family and yes, Religion. These seven mind molders are called different things in different places, such as systems, mountains, but the clearest definition has to be the kingdoms of this world. And one of the giants and generals of this new move of God is my friend and covenant brother, Apostle Patrick Isaac, Spiritual Authority of the PQL Ministries in Montreal Canada, author of the book Societal Reform, Taking the Kingdom to the Systems. Without question this book will not only be a standard, but a working manual for a generation in the shifting of societies.

    What gives this publication credence and credibility is that Apostle Isaac is not only teaching it, but he is doing it. PQL Ministries in Montreal is a map and model ministry as to the what, the why and the way to bring about invading and infecting these seven vital systems that are found in every nation on the face of the earth. This book is a must read, not only for those who have caught the revelation of the seven kingdoms, but those that need to catch the revelation of the how to do Matthew 28:20, which is the mandate from the Master. Not only should you read this awesome book, but recommend it to every believer you know. For this is not a revelation for just church leaders, but for the activation of all of the called of Christ.

    I have been blessed and motivated, as never before, by the study and reading of this anointed book to do all in my power to bring the prophetic proclamation of Revelation 11:15 to pass — And the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ and He shall reign forever.

    Apostle H. Daniel Wilson




    J esus Christ died, resurrected and is seated at the right hand of God and from there oversees the kingdom he has established over 2,000 years ago. Everyone who receives Jesus as Lord and Savior needs to understand that he is not just preparing for heaven but has received the glorious call to advance the kingdom of our King Jesus on earth. It is imperative for every child of God to know that the Lord God has called him to be positioned to make an impact. Ephesians 2:10 says: For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. As children of the King of Kings, Jesus has a call on our lives. He has prepared good works beforehand so that we should walk in them. Although the religious church has swayed us in believing that only the Pastor has a call on his life; every saint has a call on his life. In fact the reason why some saints are having a hard time getting up in the morning to step out into their workplace is because they have not taken their rightful place.

    When somebody is exactly positioned where God has called him to be, he won’t need to have anybody to wake him up in the morning because he is always ready to go. If you are counting the hours until your 15 minute break, praying to God for your lunch break and your 15 minute break at 3 o’clock, and dreaming of when 5 o’clock hits for you to jump on the bus or your car to go home, something is wrong. You are definitely not in your divine position; this cannot be God’s desire for your life. He wants you to be positioned to make an impact. Until you are accurately positioned, there is a dimension and a level of breakthrough that you will never see in your life. Your breakthrough comes when you are seated where God desires for you to occupy. When you are sitting in that proper position, every grace, every anointing, every breakthrough, every opening is able to come to you. That is why some goodwill Christians have certain things that they have not even put their hands on, because they are out of place. In some cases it might be that they are being processed but for some people, it is the result of being out of place. This is why it is important to know that this book is not just a book to have.

    In this season God is creating order out of disorder. The trumpet is being blown in Zion through His apostolic and prophetic voices to set proper foundations to propel His people in their divine destiny. Therefore you need to be positioned to have an impact. You need to refuse to be irrelevant, refuse to die in anonymity. You should die leaving a legacy of having changed the world. But I believe there is a reason why you are breathing air right now. You are alive because you are called to have an impact. You are called to do something, to shift something, to leave your name, your mark in your sphere of influence. You need to reach that level of determination of having such an impact that even if people around you wanted to, they couldn’t forget you, for you have stepped into your realm of influence and taken over. This book is about someone desiring to be positioned to impact and wanting to leave his footprints on earth for Jesus Christ. Impacting one’s society, impacting one’s nation, impacting the world for Jesus Christ such is the call on your life.

    I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at 25 years old. I believe the mediocrity of the churches in my area is one of the main reasons it took me so long to be attracted to God. I felt that church was good for my mother and that her prayers for me were good enough. That mindset was due to what I had seen in the lives of churchgoers. I had not encountered anyone of them who had any type of impact on me.

    I believe that God is raising a new generation of churchgoers, an apostolic generation of people making a difference in the world, affecting it with the gospel of the kingdom. It is imperative to know that we will not have any type of significant and substantial influence in advancing the kingdom of God on earth without the establishment of the apostolic church.


    The Church of Jesus Christ is Called to be Apostolic

    T he only church that is born of Jesus Christ is the apostolic church. Before you declare me a heretic, I will biblically prove that the church of Jesus Christ is nothing else but apostolic.

    Mark 3: 13-15

    And He went up on the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him. Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach and to have power to heal the sicknesses and to cast out demons.

    This Scripture depicts the election of the twelve apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord went up on the mountain to spend some time with the Father to get clear direction for the choice of his first twelve apostles. After this time of consecration, he called those he wanted and appointed them that they might be with him. Why did he appoint them to be with him? Was our Lord suffering from loneliness? Not at all. There was a specific purpose for having the twelve with Him. Understand that Jesus could have fulfilled his ministry on earth without the help of anyone, but our Lord was strategic. Being the Chief Apostle and the Supreme Visionary of the plan of God to advance his kingdom on earth He knew He had to train and equip the first apostles to ensure that God’s plan was fulfilled on earth.

    Therefore verses 14-15 say,

    They might be with Him and that He might SEND them out to preach.

    The word send in verse 15 comes from the Greek verb apostello which literally means He who is sent out. Jesus knew that he had just three years to train and equip those men to follow through the divine purpose of salvation and kingdom advancement of our God on earth. The disciples received an intensive training, walking with Jesus, eating with Jesus, witnessing the Lord’s ministry and then practicing for one strategic purpose: so they could be sent out by Him. They were called, trained to be apostolic, to be sent out to preach the Good News of the kingdom of God. My question for you is: Is there a saint or a local church member of the Body of Christ who is not sent out to preach the Good News of the kingdom of God? If you are theologically and doctrinally sound, the only answer that you can have is: No." Therefore, every saint, every local church member, every minister is sent out to preach the Good News of the kingdom of God. Henceforth every saint, every local church and every ministry, part of the Body of Christ is apostolic, sent out to preach the Good News of the kingdom of God. The church of Jesus Christ can therefore be nothing but apostolic, for it is sent out to preach the word of God and advance the kingdom of our Lord and King Jesus on earth. Henceforth the purpose of the apostolic restoration and reformation is to bring the church through proper apostolic structure, to the level of being able to be sent out to advance the kingdom of God on earth. Apostolic restoration and reformation is literally the instrument of God to raise an apostolic church.


    Matthew 16: 18

    And I say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

    The first century church began with authority and power; demonstrated without a shadow of doubt the works of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, men started putting their faith in their ideas and opinions and the church started losing its effectiveness. Since the 16th century, God has been restoring biblical truths that men had polluted or taken out of the church. For the last 10 to 15 years, the church has been experiencing apostolic restoration and reformation. Understand that apostolic restoration and reformation is not a spooky movement initiated by men of God seeking for upgraded titles but is the order that God, through revelation and insight, has given to his apostles and prophets to bring the church back to its place of authority and power to enforce and advance his kingdom on earth. Apostolic restoration is the return to the fullness of the apostolic office, apostolic structure and apostolic anointing in the church of Jesus Christ for the fulfillment of the church’s destiny on this earth.


    Peter preached one message and about 3,000 souls were added to the kingdom of God. Surely the people of God want to see the church flow in great power in its quest to enforce the kingdom. There is no doubt that the Body of Christ desires apostolic restoration and the level of impact of the first century church manifested in our generation. But in order to see apostolic restoration we need reformation.

    What is Reformation?

    Reformation is an administrative term that speaks of form anew, reorganization, modification brought because of persistent lacks, inefficacy and non-productivity.

    Truly, the church needs reorganization and modification because of persistent lack of productivity. When we look in a region of the world like North America, the United States have so many churches and so many people call themselves Christians; nevertheless, sin is rampant and Christian values are depleting in a rapid rate in that society. If what we were doing were good, we would have seen more fruits. Reformation brings change and reorganization for greater breakthrough and fruit. To have restoration, the church has to pay the price of reformation. It will cost a church reformation to have restoration. There is no reformation without deformation. Deformation will cost. For it is not easy to change form. Man in his nature does not like change. How easy it is for man to always eat in the same restaurants, buy the same type of clothes and shoes, take the same route to work and back to his house and sit in the same chair or same row or same area in the congregation. Human beings do not like change. Therefore, reform is not a popular setting for many churches and many ministries although they clearly suffer from inefficacy and non-productivity. The Church will have to pay the price of reformation to have apostolic restoration. What is henceforth the price of reformation? What are the reformation stoppers?


    In order for a church to experience reformation, it will have to understand that the revelation of God’s word is progressive. Not accepting that the revelation of the Word of God is progressive will stop reformation in the church. One of the church’s biggest pitfalls is its propensity to put God in a box. Too many saints tend to restrict God to what they know of Him and somewhat forget that God is greater than the revelation they have of Him. God supersedes our revelation of Him. We need to know that we can function for a season at a certain level, but if we don’t remain open to revelation that comes out of the Word of God, we will not progress in our spiritual walk. For it takes new revelation to reach new levels in God. So if you are not open to the progression of the revelation of the Word of God, you will be stuck with what you know.

    1 Corinthians 13:9, declares,

    We know in part…

    Notice the Word says we know in part, therefore what we know today is nothing but a drop of the infinite ocean of revelation of the fullness of who God is. Understanding that the revelation of the word of God is progressive becomes a prerequisite to added knowledge and revelation of God and in God.

    In Exodus 6: 2-3, God speaks to Moses and says,

    And God spake unto Moses and said unto him, I am the Lord: and I appeared unto Abraham unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them. (KJV)

    Here God is speaking to Moses concerning the knowledge that His people have of Him. Three generations received and had knowledge of a certain dimension of God but were ignorant of another dimension of God that only the subsequent generation received. They received illumination for a new dimension of God. The Lord reveals Himself in a progressive way.

    Notice that 2 Peter 3: 18 speaks of …growing in the knowledge of the Lord.

    But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!

    It is our responsibility to grow in the knowledge of God. Apostolic restoration and reformation are neither a fad nor a new trend but the Spirit of God shedding light in the revelation of His Church. This enlightenment of the Holy Spirit is being released all over the body of Christ, positioning the Church for its greatest breakthrough and penetration of the world with the gospel of the kingdom.



    Religion is certainly a reformation stopper, because it does not like change. It is for this cause that in every season, we need to guard ourselves from religion and religious mindsets. Religion stops the move of God. It will stop the growth of revelation in a local house. It boxes the revelation of the Word of God in the confinements of its rituals. Religion has an understanding and knowledge of God and it puts God in that box. Religion becomes god and the religious person says, God you must function but only within my parameters. If you move away from my prescription then I know it is not you at work.

    If God wants to be worshipped in a different way that is not acceptable. If He moves another way, that is not Him. Even if there is no fruit, the religious will still continue to do things the same way. God is boxed in a religious set up: Sunday School then worship service for example. That may be the format for years, and although nobody or very few show up for Sunday School, the religious church would relentlessly keep that fruitless structure. Denominationalism says, "Do this because it is the rule of the denomination; fruitless but still in place. You do it out of faithfulness to religion.

    Jesus spoke to the Scribes and Pharisees and said in Matthew 15: 6,

    Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition.

    And in Mark 7: 13,

    Making the Word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.

    A lot of things done in church have been passed down but are neither the intent nor the will of the Holy Spirit. The order of services, the way church is done are Christian traditions or transmissions from fathers in the Lord or come from denominations. But it is not necessarily the will of the Holy Ghost for this generation. ‘They did it and I grew up in that church so I still do it.’ But that is what Jesus said to the Pharisees: you do it although the Holy Spirit is not in it; it has been passed down. Therefore it is done because the denominational creed and format say so, even though it is not effective and does not bring forth fruit. Ask yourself if everything you do comes from the Holy Spirit, or has it been passed down? If it’s fruitless and you still do it, it’s religious! If you vehemently continue to do it although it’s not led by the Holy Spirit you are religious! We need to know that the spirit of religion is a major tool of the devil, sent to block reformation and henceforth

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