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Ebook91 pages42 minutes


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To most people on the outside looking in, it appears that Camilla is the girl who has it all. What they dont see, is her struggle with a debilitating mental illness over the last ten years. From facing depressed lows so extreme that in-patient hospitalization as a result of suicidal behavior was needed, to mania so frighteningly fast paced that she married a man after knowing him only three months and divorced two years later, Camillas bipolar renders her life anything but easy or by the book, which is why she chose to write one.
Release dateOct 20, 2014

Camilla Del

Camilla Curran is a model, fashion designer, brand ambassador, and ballet dancer and teacher. In addition to her work in fashion and the performing arts, Miss Curran attended art school at the acclaimed Memphis College of Art to study drawing, and even manages her own image consulting company, Curran Consulting. In her spare time, Camilla enjoys reading about archaeology, psychology, and fashion history, salsa dancing and people watching. She uses her colorful experiences amidst her varied social scene as inspiration for her lighter writing, while her journey growing up with Bipolar I inspires her heavier work. Curran was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 17, and has since learned to live and thrive despite the constant ups and downs, the swings, of life with a mental illness. She credits her supportive family and strong faith in God for both the success she has achieved and her survival during the darkest times.

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    Swings - Camilla Del

    2014 Camilla Del. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 10/16/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-4490-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-4489-4 (e)

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    Section I My Home, My Heart

    Thank You


    Dear Dad


    From Mom to Me: The Choice Is Yours

    From Mom to Me: This Too Shall Pass

    My Guardian Angel

    Gone Away

    On My Own?

    The Proof Is Me

    Section II Of Sun and Shade

    Biased Eyes


    Dancing Flames

    Even the Birds Grow Silent

    Hatred’s Beating Drum

    I and Me


    Night’s Noon


    Plains of Glass

    What Man Is

    All You Need to Know

    Section III It’s A Wonderful Life’



    Look Upward to the Sky

    Normal’s Duller Edge

    Ocean’s Sunset

    Our Mighty Flag

    The Lone Stallion

    There’s More

    Waiting Room

    Wonderful Life

    Section IV On Lust and Love

    A Prince?


    Do I ask too much?

    First Love


    Only Pretty Face?

    Shore of Sea


    The Black Swan Chose

    Would You Like to Know Me?

    Toward Wisdom’s Joyful End, I

    Toward Wisdom’s Joyful End II

    Section V To My Lord

    A Far Famed Poet

    Allowing Pain


    He Just as Much Loves Me

    I Am Like Peter

    I Bend to Wash His Feet

    I Rise From Earthly Ashes

    If God is Love

    In that very moment


    Look Around

    Looking Up


    Unseen Ends

    Dancing, Just God and I

    God’s Answer

    How Green Is the Grass

    My Reach Exceeds My Grasp

    To The Reader

    This volume I dedicate to my parents.

    Mom, from you I have learned not just to see, but to seek the good and beautiful in all things.

    Dad, you are now and always my ideal of a godly man.

    Thank you both for loving me when I’m unloveable, for seeing past my prickles and for praying me back to the feet of my Savior.

    I love you.


    In This Mirror

    In this mirror, see yourself! But look with open eyes! Drop your ruse, lay down your mask, put off your proud disguise.

    Those who always hide their face, may dance at times with ease, but how much love can live between a mirror and a dream?

    No heart if left alone too long, will know a joyous life; thus you and I must learn to share our hearts with truth, in time.

    Please give your heart some hope this day! Throw out your shallow schemes! In this mirror, see yourself, take off your mask-be free!


    My Home, My Heart

    Thank You

    To see your child flounder, fall must require strength of God,

    not to rush to save the day, remove all harm and pave her way.

    To let your heart know hurt and strain proves joy takes time, to love means pain.

    You see her glance down Death’s bleak road, instinct says, Go! Seize her load!

    Yet Heart, though broken, intercedes-says, "She, herself

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