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Mikey and Gloria’S Secrets
Mikey and Gloria’S Secrets
Mikey and Gloria’S Secrets
Ebook47 pages28 minutes

Mikey and Gloria’S Secrets

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About this ebook

Goretty Gordons Mikey and Glorias Secrets is the first of this mini-series. Its emphasis is on the importance of revealing possible harmful secrets within ones family. The Brown family, along with a few other main characters, face everyday life issues. Between Mikeys interactions at school with his classmates and Glorias shared secrets with her favorite doll, the children make the difficult choice of talking about the secrets theyve been keeping.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 22, 2015
Mikey and Gloria’S Secrets

Goretty Gordon

Goretty Gordon is a stay-at-home mother of three. She is the woman behind Gordon’s READ2MeNiTE, a reading club for parents and their children ages four through ten. This promotion for the love of reading has expanded from her living room to her son’s elementary school. Her recommitment to her passion, writing, and the overwhelming need to keep her children safe has pushed her to create this book, the first of this series.

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    Mikey and Gloria’S Secrets - Goretty Gordon

    Copyright © 2015 by Goretty Gordon.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 07/07/2015





    Uncle Larry

    Crush You Like A Peanut!

    Dolly Tells a Secret

    H is For Hugs

    Let’s Talk

    Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s Secret

    To Badoot, Sweetpea, and Papa

    may any secrets you may keep be good ones.

    know you can always reveal any bad ones without fear.

    I will listen. I will protect. I will always love you.

    Mikey and Gloria are brother and sister. They live with their mommy and daddy, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Mikey is 5 years old. He goes to school and is in kindergarten. Gloria is 3 years old. She is not old enough for school. She stays home with mommy during the day.

    Every morning mommy wakes up Mikey and Gloria. She helps brush their teeth, comb their hair, and help Mikey put on his school uniform. Mr. Brown is the first to leave the house. He kisses mommy and Gloria, and gives Mikey a high 5 and off he goes to work.


    Shortly after, Mrs. Brown grabs her purse and keys. Gloria grabs Dolly, her favorite doll, and her purse full of toys. Mikey grabs his school bag and everyone heads into the family car. Inside the car Mrs. Brown checks to make sure all seatbelts are fastened. It is now time to take Mikey to school.

    After the stop light Mikey sees the cross guard in his bright uniform. He then sees his school. When they arrive to the drop off spot Mrs. Brown stops the car and puts it in park. It’s safe now to unbuckle your seatbelt Mikey said

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