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Born Bad Revived by God
Born Bad Revived by God
Born Bad Revived by God
Ebook46 pages50 minutes

Born Bad Revived by God

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This is my life story. Every tear is real. This is what my mother taught me was life. She taught me a lie and ruined my life. That is until I decided no man would ever hit me a second time, because I would be gone. Many times I had to leave with only the clothes on my back.

Having thought I was born bad, I didnt expect anything better. But I could run.

I was not born bad; I just was not protected by my mother.

Baby, this is a whole new world. I know it still happens, but now you have a fighting chance to have a normal life. It was not my fault; it was my mothers fault. Four of us girls grew up the same way. Our lives ruined.

Thank you, Mom! Ya right!

I can help you.
Release dateApr 10, 2015
Born Bad Revived by God


I grew up in a different time, almost like a different world. Bad things were not talked about but swept under a rug. I told my mom about what my brother-in-law was doing and I didn’t like it. My mom’s reply was “Well, just try to stay out of his way.” This was hard to do when he came into my bedroom while I was still in bed. Needless to say, I was trapped. What my mom taught me was that this was okay, and I did not know any better. She also taught me it was okay for my stepfather to beat me and tell me I was stupid, worthless, and would never amount to anything. This is what I carried over into adulthood, thinking this was normal. Well, honey, it’s not. And I will show you.

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    Born Bad Revived by God - Adaliegh

    © 2015 Adaliegh. All rights reserved.

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    First Printing: 2015

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/28/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0323-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0324-0 (e)

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    All my Christian friends, family, Dr. Thomas, and Karen Stansberry who stood beside me as I cried, got mad, angry and hurt as God was molding me to go through all the steps I had to go through, to become what Got wanted me to be. I will continue growing as I serve God in this and His manner, to help others who have suffered as I have and can make it easier for them to understand that they are not alone or to blame for what they have been through.

    Again, thank you all, who stood beside me to help me grow, and put up with me.


    When I was growing up life was really hard. I grew up with a lot of abuse. I didn’t know that there was a different kind of life. My mom would just say well just try to stay out of his way. I didn’t know or even think of telling someone or knowing that what was going on was wrong. Things like this were not talked about in those days. I do know I didn’t like life and was always angry with life. Of course I started acting out and getting into trouble. They always said I was stupid and worthless and I started believing them. I always felt stupid, dirty, and worthless.

    Looking back now, I can see were God reached out to me to help and protect me. I had never heard of God before. But, somehow I found out where this church was and they had this kind of club meetings called The Pioneer Girls. I’m not sure how old I was but I think maybe I was in the seventh grade. I ask if I could come and they said yes of course. I didn’t know anyone there and I don’t know how I found them. I didn’t tell any of my neighbor friends or take them with me. It was a special place where no one yelled at you. They just talked to you. We did crafts, sang songs, played outside, had snacks, and told stories about Jesus and God, and Heaven. It was so nice and safe there: I didn’t want to go home, but I knew I could come back so it was OK. This was my own special place and I did not want to share it with anyone.

    I accepted Christ as MY SAVIOR and began serving in the Church in the Library, working in the Nursery as needed, helping in Sunday School, and in Vacation Bible School.

    As I got older things changed and my personal life was changing so I stopped going to the Church. I have always, {and still do} had found memories of the BAPTIST CHURCH and the PIONEER GIRLS.


    My earliest memory is setting in a highchair with my big sister and big brother at a big long table with benches to set on. It was a place they called Ma Brackens. We were there because our mom worked and didn’t have time to take care of us. We were eating breakfast and it was oatmeal. They said that was what we had every morning. In later years they both hated oatmeal. To this day I still like oatmeal. This is the only memory I have of that time and place. Just that one time and morning. It’s a pleasant memory, I’m glad I have it.

    Here my mind jumps to another time

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