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The Littlest Prima Donna: Sydney’S Busking Opera Singer
The Littlest Prima Donna: Sydney’S Busking Opera Singer
The Littlest Prima Donna: Sydney’S Busking Opera Singer
Ebook98 pages1 hour

The Littlest Prima Donna: Sydney’S Busking Opera Singer

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About this ebook

For author Donna Cain, life forced her to stretch in a way she never planned for herself. Because of financial struggles, she began busking to supplement her income as an accounts payable contractor. With a highly trained voice, honed throughout many years of singing lessons, Cain is not a garden-variety busker. Shes an opera singer busker.

During her first year busking, Donna felt like an exhibitionist willingly stringing herself out to be humiliated. But busking allowed her to survive between one office job ending and the next one commencing. In The Littlest Prima Donna, she presents a series of vignettes telling what life is like busking as an opera singer in Sydney, Australia. Sharing colorful stories taken right from the street, Cain offers a glimpse into the fears, doubts, and struggles, but also the joys and glories that accompany a self-employed street musician.

With photographs included, The Littlest Prima Donna provides insights into the rewards and the challenges of the work. It gives a unique peek into Sydney society and a look at a broad slice of human nature across many cultures.

Release dateMay 9, 2017
The Littlest Prima Donna: Sydney’S Busking Opera Singer

Donna C. Cain

Donna Cain has busked at Martin Place, Hyde Park, Pitt Street Mall, and at Circular Quay in Sydney’s Central Business District. She also sings for corporate events and at weddings and performs with the chamber group Ensemble Spiritoso. For more information visit: or

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    The Littlest Prima Donna - Donna C. Cain

    Copyright © 2017 Donna Carmel Cain.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Photos are copyrighted by Stuart Innes

    Photographs by Stuart Innes

    With Forewords by

    Ann Howard and Dr Jonathon Welch AM

    This is a fictitious book based on factual experiences that occurred to Donna Cain in the course of her work as a busker. Names are omitted and descriptions have been changed to protect identities. Therefore, the resemblance of characters in this book to any real life person is entirely coincidental and no liability will be entered into. In the instances where names of participants are specifically mentioned, those events did occur as outlined, and those individuals have approved their inclusion in this book. The organisations mentioned in this book also gave permission to be mentioned. However, this does not imply any ongoing affiliation with Donna Cain, nor is it an endorsement of her work.

    Balboa Press

    A Division of Hay House

    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    1 (877) 407-4847

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0788-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0789-5 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/03/2017


    Busking in Martin Place

    The diary of a diva’s adventures while performing on the streets of Sydney

    For my dear mother, who encouraged me to pursue a career in the Arts, not realizing this was highly impractical. Luckily, she also trained me in Accounts.

    I’ll show you how it’s enough. Go up on the roof at night. In this city of the soul. Let everyone climb on their roofs and sing their notes! Sing loud!


    Trans. by C. Barks


    Dreaming of the Sydney Opera House: Busking at Circular Quay


    List of Photographs

    Foreword by Ann Howard

    Foreword by Dr Jonathon Welch AM




    1.   A Bitter Busker

    2.   Mayhem at Taylor Square

    3.   Blue Collar Angel

    4.   Valentine’s Day

    5.   Earning My Wings

    6.   Thieves’ Gallery

    7.   Lucky Charm

    8.   The Blow In

    9.   Bag Lady Blues

    10.   Urban Heroes

    11.   The ‘F’ Word

    12.   Big Mouth

    13.   The Lover

    14.   Lady of the Bags

    15.   Long Term Listeners

    16.   The Dilemma

    17.   The Sage

    18.   An Arresting Soundtrack

    19.   Busking at Its Best

    20.   Double Act

    21.   Elephant Meat and Grass

    22.   Positive Feedback

    23.   Hecklers Unite

    24.   Bird Song

    25.   A Personal Gift

    26.   Pit Bull Tales

    27.   Warming the Head and the Heart

    28.   The Trolley People

    29.   A Wicked Fan

    30.   Celebrity Sighting

    31.   International Appeal

    32.   Pocket Rocket

    33.   A Taste of Fame

    34.   Fighting Back

    35.   A Song for Peace

    36.   The Talisman

    37.   The Interview

    38.   Martin Place Singer



    Author Biography

    List of Photographs

    Busking in Martin Place

    Dreaming of the Sydney Opera House: Busking at Circular Quay

    Donna captivates listeners in Hyde Park

    Bringing the city alive with song

    Looks like a diva, sings like a diva

    A surreal scene at St James Station

    A magical moment while busking in Hyde Park

    Night Busking is a Lonely Gig

    Martin Place during the evening rush


    by Ann Howard

    Years ago, I listened to the slight blonde with the powerful voice telling me about busking in some of the most challenging parts of Sydney.

    How I admired her courage, and how fascinating the stories were of different passersby, some of whom gave money and encouragement, some who mocked, some who were violent.

    Donna has been unswerving in her study for her voice.

    Through busking, Donna found some unexpected opportunities. She has been on radio, sung at NSW Parliament House and is a welcome guest singer at music lovers’ soirees.

    I urged her to write a book when she first began busking because people will be in awe of her doing something they would not dream of doing. Now here it is, for everyone to marvel at, whilst Donna sings on and on.

    Ann Howard is a speaker and webinar

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