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Forty Day Devotional Attitude
Forty Day Devotional Attitude
Forty Day Devotional Attitude
Ebook165 pages1 hour

Forty Day Devotional Attitude

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Mission: Desperate for God. It goes without saying that prayer is essential in all missions and evangelism, but perhaps our work goes without prayer if it is not said. How often we unintentionally venture out without asking for directions from the Lord. We simply cannot be successful in Gods work without a prayerful dependence on Him for wisdom, strength, inspiration and finances. Ministries today have many tools and organizational structures to support their work, but these things can also become a substitute for Gods power and grace, which He bestows on those believers who are desperately dependant on Him. Some call this living faith and often we think that it applies mostly to those in full-time ministry who raise their own financial support. God, however, desires all to live by faith, recognizing that He alone, is our Source. Whom do you see as your provider? Whom do you see as your employer; your own self, or God? (Zondervan Christian growth study Bible, page 607. Please read Psalms 77: 1, 2, and 14).
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 10, 2016
Forty Day Devotional Attitude

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    Book preview

    Forty Day Devotional Attitude - Pastor Aziz Ditta

    Copyright © 2016 by Pastor Aziz Ditta.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2016914453

    ISBN:       Hardcover       978-1-5245-4010-4

           Softcover       978-1-5245-4009-8

           eBook       978-1-5245-4008-1

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    Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Cambridge Edition: 1769; King James Bible Online, 2016.

    THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved

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    Rev. date: 10/10/2016






    DAY 1

    Does Your Life Shine?

    DAY 2

    "What is the Image of God?

    DAY 3

    How is your Walk?

    DAY 4

    God Steps into Our Lives

    DAY 5

    Then the Lord God Called to Adam and Said to Him, ‘Where are You?

    DAY 6

    God’s Covenant with You

    DAY 7

    God’s Promise

    DAY 8

    Unshakable Faith

    DAY 9

    The Journey of Life

    DAY 10

    Are You a Law Keeper or are You Spirit Filled?

    DAY 11

    God’s Presence in Our Lives

    DAY 12

    God Frees His People

    DAY 13

    Do You Know God’s Will?

    DAY 14

    God is Merciful

    DAY 15

    Are You in God’s Hand?

    DAY 16

    Jehovah Mekaddishkem

    DAY 17

    God is Our Friend

    DAY 18

    God is the Initiator of All Goodness in His Creation and Salvation

    DAY 19

    Jesus Spoke to the Crowd Only in Parables

    DAY 20

    When is Your Birthday?

    DAY 21

    Conversation for Conversion by God’s Grace

    DAY 22

    Jesus Reveals the True Meaning of Mercy

    DAY 23

    "Adam, where are you?

    DAY 24

    Goal Setting is Divine

    DAY 25

    Why Do We Need Forgiveness?

    DAY 26

    Reality of Relationship

    DAY 27

    Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachatni

    DAY 28

    What is Your Thirst?

    DAY 29

    God Accomplishes

    DAY 30

    Do You Depend on God?

    DAY 31

    Jesus is the Alpha and Omega

    DAY 32

    The Lord’s Coming Salvation

    DAY 33

    Daniel is In and Out of the Lion’s Den

    DAY 34

    God Provides for Every Season

    DAY 35

    Our God is Good

    DAY 36

    Selfless Love

    DAY 37

    Is there Anything too Hard for Me? (Jeremiah 32: 27)

    DAY 38

    Jesus Christ’s First Advent and John the Baptizer

    DAY 39

    Only the Nazarenee Gives Desires and Wishes According to His Own Good Pleasure, Even on the Cross

    DAY 40

    Is Heaven our Home?

    40-Day Devotional Pace

    DAY 1

    Does Your Life Shine?

    Then God said, ‘Let there be light’ and there was light. (Genesis 1: 3)

    God is word, or Logos. And God said, Let there be light and the light came. Though the sun and moon were not yet created, light shone by the power of His Word, which is God Himself with His Spirit and His Son: One God. We read even in St. John’s Gospel, which gives a clear understanding of God’s power and Sovereign nature.

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

    Does it occur to any of us that God loves us? He sent His Only Begotten Son to save us from the bondage of the darkness of sin and Satan. (John 1-3, NKJV)

    For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (II Corinthians 4:6)

    Prayer Meditation:

    Heavenly Father, I pray that I remain consciously in the light of Lord Jesus Christ. He lived in flesh for me, giving up His heavenly glory and humbling Himself, so I may follow His way of humility. Lord, shine your face upon me and all those who seek You diligently. May Your omnipresent light and power work to light all the paths of my life. Continue to shine on and bless me for your glory.

    Something To Think About:

    Who made God? Upon examination of the evidence there can be no doubt that God exists. Every building has a builder; everything made has a maker. The fact of the existence of the creator is axiomatic, or self-evident. This is why the Bible says the fool has said in his heart, ‘there is no God’ (Psalms 14: 1) The professing atheist denies the common sense given to him by God, and defends his belief by asking the question, Who made God? This question cannot be the answer so he thinks this gives the license to deny God’s existence.

    The question of who made God can be answered simply by looking at space and asking if that space has an end. Obviously, it does not. If one comes across a brick wall with the words The End stamped across it, the question of what is behind that brick wall arises. Strain the mind though it may, we have to believe (have complete faith) that space has no beginning and no end. The same applies to God; He has no beginning and no end. He is eternal. He dwells in eternity and is not subject to time. God spoke history before it came into being. He moves through time as a man flips through a book. Bound in the dimension of time, logic and reason demands of man to believe that everything in existence must have a fixed beginning and end. We can understand the concept of God’s eternal nature the same way we understand the concept of space being boundless—by faith. We must simply believe, whether or not such thoughts, notwithstanding the strain put on our distinctly insufficient cerebrum Evidenced Bible by Ray Comfort.


    Every star is recognized by its light and every flower is known by its color and aroma; how are you identified in Lord Jesus Christ?

    By Rev. Aziz Ditta.


    Glory be to The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, World without end. Amen

    DAY 2

    "What is the Image of God?

    Then God said, Let us make man in Our image, according to our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. (Genesis 1: 26 NKJV)


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