Soul Connect, Virus Protect
About this ebook
Stephens, a seasoned coach and educator, relies on an in-depth knowledge of brain-based philosophies and the universal laws of attraction to provide unique tools through five modules that allow others to harness their own power to live consciously, free of pain, guilt, and disconnection. Through her guidance, tools, and activities, others will learn how to:
eliminate restricting thoughts that influence success, happiness, and infinity;
reprogram our brains to consciously drive our thoughts and lives;
identify feelings to power and control our own infinity;
release limiting experiences, concepts, and ideas that separate us from infinity; and
find forgiveness in order to evolve and grow.
Soul Connect, Virus Protect shares practical tools and seasoned guidance that lead others down a path to loving themselves, attaining dreams, and ultimately, becoming the master of their lives.
Donna M Stephens
Donna M. Stephens has more than thirty-five years of teaching, training, and facilitating experience within educational, sporting, community, and corporate organizations. She is passionate about motivating others to dream, create, and be everything they want to be. Donna is the founder and owner of Humanitas Coaching. She currently resides in Townsville, North Queensland. This is her first book.
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Soul Connect, Virus Protect - Donna M Stephens
Soul Connect
Virus Protect
logoedited.jpgDonna M Stephens
65913.pngCopyright © 2016 Donna M Stephens.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
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The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-0456-6 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-0457-3 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 10/13/2016
Module One
Introduction: Belief is Everything
Glossary of Terms
Daily Infinity Creation – Module One
Outline of Activities – Belief is Everything
Welcome to Module One
Knowledge - Build the language for learning
Knowledge Activities
Belief is Everything
Belief Activities
Review – Belief
Align – Amygdala alignment
The Oath
Amygdala Alignment
Activity: Synergise your environment
Daily Infinity Creation
Organise your Module One activities
Review Questions
Module Two
Introduction: Media Blackout
Glossary of Terms
Daily Infinity Creation – Module Two
Outline of Activities – I am Conscious
Welcome to Module Two
Emotions – Being Conscious
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Language – Consciousness Tools
Activity 1
Activity 2
Feedback – Consciousness Systems
Activity 1
Amygdala Alignment
Synergy – Environment
Review Questions
Module Three
Glossary of Terms
Daily Infinity Creation
Outline of Activities
Welcome to Module Three
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
VIP Strategy Activity 1
VIP Strategy Activity 2
Synergy – ‘I Am an Addict’
Synergy – Daily Infinity Creation
Synergy – Environment
Review Questions
Module Four
Introduction: Permission
Glossary of Terms
Daily Infinity Creation
Outline of activities
Welcome to Module Four
Growing Moments
Activity 2: Defrag Emotions Repeat
What to Do
Activity 3: Language
Activity 4: Feedback
Activity 5: Start the process consciously
Activity 6: Visualisations
Review Questions
Module Five
Introduction: Forgive and Live
Glossary of Terms
Daily Infinity Creation – Module Five
Outline of Activities – Forgive and Live
Welcome to Module Five
Activity 1: Heal the wounds
Activity 2: How to forgive
Activity 3: I Forgive Myself
The Love Factor
Maintaining your Vibration Level
Infinity Notes
I would love to
dedicate this book to my amazing family. To my mum Shirley, I want to thank you for teaching me the sky isn’t the limit. There are places beyond. All my love.
To my three brothers Aaron, Trevor and Mark you are very special to me. You have given me safe harbors when the seas were rough and always offered me your love. Thank you and all my love.
To all of my nieces and nephews you have taught me so much about love and life and joy. You are such special souls and I love you dearly.
logoedited.jpgI wrote Soul connect Virus protect in 2006. I was living in Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. My unit was on Bradman Ave overlooking the Maroochy River. I was living my dream. I had created this life and I had given myself permission to accept it. I was surrounded by like-minded people. These people not only shared my beliefs they taught me so many things. They stretched my understanding of who I was and who I could be. They gave me a feedback system that supported my spiritual and personal growth. That support manifested in many ways. I was The Master of Ceremonies for a ‘Manifest your Dreams’ conference at Noosa. I was dancing and my dance floor was the Universe. I felt I had a direct connection to this awesome energy which reflected back to me a belief, a peace, an excitement, a love. The more I felt, the more I created.
I love this energy. Call it what you want. I call it The Universe but you call it by whatever name represents your belief system: God, Buddha, Self, Breged, Zeus, Queztalcoat, you and so on.
I wrote Soul connect Virus protect very quickly. I had never written a book before so I was surprised at how fluid and fluent the process was. Some of my friends say the book was channeled. I do know the words flowed and my concepts and ideas appeared very clear. It was an extraordinary time. I had created enough space that I was able to spend time writing. What a dream come true. I had Soul connect Virus protect proof read and ready to be published when the Universe had more lessons for me to learn.
I had some training back in Townsville and found there were other opportunities emerging so back home (Townsville) I went. I had never been married. I had had the pleasure of some wonderful men who stayed for as long as they could. I always made sure they left or were asked to leave after the honeymoon period ended. That is another story in itself so I will leave that for another day. I had never loved a man with everything I had.
Having a partner was one of my wants. I was using all of my systems, structures and strategies to attract my mate. As usual my Universe provided. This is the shorten story. I met the love of my life. He owned a business in Port Douglas, yes I said Port Douglas. He was from Africa. Zimbabwe to be precise. Africa has been a dream of mine. He was charming, loving. The list is very long. I was swept of my feet. At 45years old I fell in love. We were married and we were supposed to live happily ever after. Again the learnings are for another day.
I have loved with all my heart, my soul and my cells. I have danced. My husband lost his battle with cancer and I had to bury the love of my life. It has been 10 years since I have written Soul connect Virus protect. I have lived another cycle. I have learned, grown, laughed, cried, buried a husband, mourned and am now ready to create another dance, create my new Infinity.
I have been very particular about not changing the name or content of Soul connect Virus protect. Soul connect Virus protect is exactly the way I wrote it in 2006. I have joined the five modules together to construct a book format. The content has not changed.
In 2006 my business name was Infinity Coaching. Soul connect Virus protect is the structures, systems and strategies I use to create my Infinity. My definition of Infinity: To live the life where your every need is anticipated and delivered. Infinity is living your dream free of pain, guilt, disease and disconnection. Infinity is living consciously. Infinity is freedom. Infinity is Love.
I have grown, expanded and experienced so many new learnings/growing moments my business has had to expand and grow as well. My business is now called Humanitas Coaching. I look forward to spending time with you…..
I wish you your Infinity. Enjoy Soul connect Virus protect.
Donna M Stephens
May you dance with Infinity and may your dance floor be the Universe©
I am very excited that you have chosen to explore the materials I have developed and used in my own journey to Infinity. I lived the majority of my life as Donna Stephens but I now live as Donna M Stephens. The ‘M’ factor has changed my destiny, my soul and my life. I can now offer the world the whole of me. I now live my life as a whole person connected to the Universe, connected to me and free to live and create the life I choose. I protect myself and my life using the strategies you will be working with in this course. I call it Virus Protection.
The Buddha said, ‘All that we are is the result of what we have thought.’
If ‘all that we are’ is only the product of our thoughts and we choose to change our thoughts, then we change ‘all that we are’.
My Story
One of my mentors said, in my first session with her, that I have always been free except when I got in the way. This was my first light bulb moment. It was at that moment that I truly believed Infinity was possible. It was that moment that I actually believed that I was connected to something else and that source or ‘something else’ was endless, limitless and all-loving. It was at that moment that I found my ‘M’ factor. I had not heard that we live in 9-year cycles. I discovered that I had been on this particular cycle of discovery for 8 years and had been collecting the knowledge for the 9 years before that and been experimenting with success the 9 years before that, and as I traced back my nine-year cycles an amazing pattern of my journey formed that brought me to this exact moment. Talk about life changing.
I have been researching, designing and delivering programs and conducting workshops using brain-based information to achieve success for the last 8 years. Prior to this I had been a teacher using brain-based learning as my teaching strategy with Education Queensland. I had lived my life in a pattern of living an extraordinary period followed by a period of struggle. This was my see-saw. I had periods of amazing love and adventure then I’d get in the way and periods of mundane boredom would follow. Poverty then Abundance then Poverty. Struggle then Startling then Struggle. Who was I struggling with? Myself of course. Why was I broke? Because I thought myself broke.
We are what we think we are. Our thoughts create our reality. Our thoughts generate energy and vibrations that are like magnets – they attract back to us the same vibrations we put out. This is a scientific fact, not fantasy. It is The Law of Attraction.
Science was my master but I had forgotten about the ‘soul’ factor. My ‘M’ factor. That thing that makes us SIZZLE with enthusiasm. That thing that makes us feel extraordinary, at peace, loved. Facts are fantastic and my science mentors are amazing people who have shown me how we can neurologically function at accelerated levels. This lady filled in the missing link. Infinity I call it. Infinity allows us to be connected to the most amazing, dynamic, limitless power that makes our dreams happen. It makes our heart sing and our soul soar. This ‘soul factor’ makes abundance, happiness, freedom and love possible and available.
IT’S OUR BRAIN. It is our platform to Infinity.
My definition of Infinity: To live the life where your every need is anticipated and delivered. Infinity is living your dream free of pain, guilt, disease and disconnection. Infinity is living consciously. Infinity is freedom. Infinity is Love.
My second light bulb moment also came in that first session when I was told I had an underlying sadness around me, an old sadness – as if my soul was saying, ‘I want to go home, I want to go home.’ Have you ever had something answered for you that neither you nor anyone else has ever been able to fathom? This was my moment. I had not been consciously connected with my soul. Don’t get me wrong. I was living a pretty fantastic life but it never felt truly fantastic. I had always felt a void. This was my missing link. It had been in my face forever – in my workshops and