Transgender Suicide
About this ebook
Clark Cumings Johnson Ph.D.
Dr. Clark Cumings Johnson has over forty years of combined clinical work and university teaching. He has worked with thousands of patients, students and clients helping them to deal with their problems and guiding them in their interactions with their parent [or for the more fortunate children, parents]. His book contains no agenda whatsoever, is not political in any way, and deals only with facts and truth. A Google search will provide a plethora of further information for anyone so interested.
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Transgender Suicide - Clark Cumings Johnson Ph.D.
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Published by AuthorHouse 10/17/2017
ISBN: 978-1-5462-1040-5 (sc)
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It isn’t easy being green.
…nor is it easy being queer.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Not everyone is sure who they are.
I’m not sure who I am.
It happens often. Why?
Sexual preference, please….
After the fact, most say….
What do I do?!
It isn’t easy being green.
Presented here is the clinical picture, professional current thought and science concerning the evolving world of trans-genderism, trans-sexualism and homosexuality, with trans-gender issues being of particular interest and our focus. The intent and purpose is to put to rest many issues and debates, typically politically driven and further supported by the self-sustaining polemics of academia, for those who wish to learn and allowing them to come in out of the cold of heartache and confusion.
The justification for this work is based on the unnecessary suffering, despair, depression and lack of understanding cast upon those who are born into this seemingly new world which is apparently outside of the traditional male/female dyad, as well as members of their families who are resultantly brought into it.
The purpose of this work is to discuss with the reader how these issues should be understood, approached and dealt with as both a personal and collective matter for the betterment and comfort of all concerned, indeed everyone.
This book is not presented to generate debate. It offers a haven of peace for those within the dyad and as well as for those who are not, along with a foundation of mutual understanding, reciprocal respect and personal emotional peace with the way life is.
…nor is it easy being queer.
Societal transitions in life for humans on earth as the same relates to gender issues, sexual preferences and self-awareness, which to one degree or another are pretty much enveloping the world. Out of this is coming much suffering including emotional, physical, familial, and/or vocational concerns, inter alia, and is the order of the day to such a degree that many people are electing to have their genitals surgically modified to otherwise be in some perceived harmony with who they think and feel they are. And we thought inter-faith, inter-racial and intra-sex marriages were taking our collective breath away?! Keep in mind these events were in the quest of seeking happiness. The solutions elected for gender dysphoria have been more than just genital mutilation, but suicide, thousands and thousands, and thousands more who live a life wishing they were dead. A comparable analysis with another pathology is that while smoking causes cancer, cancer cures smoking, people know it, but do it anyway. In other words, while smoking is an illogical choice, so is suicide, but people also do it, and they are doing it more and more, and this society is not doing much of anything about it. I’m going to try. If everybody did that, there would be no problem. It’s not the individual who kills him or herself, or ze, but all the rest of us.
This writing is directed primarily toward parents, but certainly a profitable read for anyone, particularly those who ordinarily would be seen as being in the focus of this report. Or, to take a different cut at it, our business will be to define, clarify and standardize, for purposes of this work, the new-age terminology along with some sense of what is most commonly understood both definitionally and interpretively, and at the same time go on a somewhat troubling journey through the abyss of gender and sex [they now will be viewed as entirely different and separate concepts although they have usually been conflated in the past] in the cases of where the two do not, so to speak, marry up.
Think not for a moment this is either novel or unacceptable, socially or otherwise. It is the way the world have been, ab initio, with the attendant response ranging from acceptance to a blind eye to denial to execution, as is the case still today. In our country, the differences we observe are simply now a matter of something which was until recently unmentionable [as with divorce or abortion in polite company at one time in the generational past – people soon forget, or too young to have ever known – the lessons of history lost or not taught] having now surfaced into open and often uncomfortable discourse, along with a slowly emerging acceptance