From Baghdad to Boston and Beyond: Memoir of an Iraqi Jew
By Jacob B. Shammash and Amy S. Dane
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in Hitlers Germany.
Very few have heard of the Farhud in Baghdad, Iraq.
The authors memoir begins in a world that no longer exists
Jacob B. Shammash
There had been a vital and thriving Jewish community in Iraq for 2600 years, dating back to the Babylonian captivity in 586 BC. When Jacob B. Shammash was a teenager, one third of the population of Baghdad was Jewish. Only a couple of decades after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, that same community ceased to exist, obliterated through persecution and exodus for survival. The author describes his idyllic youth in a land of date palms and orange groves. He is the third of nine children from what was a wealthy business and landowning family. Jacob emigrated from Baghdad to the United States to attend college in 1947. He had no idea that his timing was fortuitous, just before the situation of his people back home became dire. Or that he would never see his homeland again. Dr. Shammash is grateful for the opportunities he had, the successful career he built as a cardio-thoracic and vascular surgeon and pioneer of pacemaker implantation, and the family he loves. On August 8, 2017, at the age of 90, Jacob, his wife of 62 years and his family celebrated his 70th anniversary of his arrival to the United States. His account is gripping, filled with love, horror, sadness and joy.
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From Baghdad to Boston and Beyond - Jacob B. Shammash
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2018903734
iUniverse rev. date: 04/25/2018
My book is dedicated to my wife, 5 children, their spouses and my 10 grandchildren:
Amy and Steven Dane and their children, Caroline and Matthew
Deborah Shammash and Scott Soloway and their children, Benjamin and Sydney
Ellen Shammash and Douglas Hotvedt and their 3 daughters, Sarah, Amanda and Rachel
Jonathan Shammash and Rebecca Baxt and their children, Naomi, Gabrielle and Zachary
Elizabeth Shammash and David Reed
A special thanks goes to my wife Estelle. She has been my love and my companion for over 60 years. Without her encouragement, I wouldn’t have completed my story for publication. It is with that same persistence that she helped our children succeed through school, activities, interests and their professional lives. They say that behind every man is a good woman.
That has certainly been the case in my life. Every Friday night at the Sabbath table I sing her my praises.
A Historical Perspective
Part I: My Family’s Place In Baghdad Society
Part II: 1930S And Early 1940S: My Youth
Part III: Leaving Baghdad
Part IV: 1947-1949: Middlebury College
Part V: 1947-1950S: Partition Of Palestine And Tough Times For Iraqi Jews
Part VI: 1949-1970S: My Life Unfolds
Part VII: The 1970S: The Rest Of My Family Arrives From Baghdad
Part VIII: My Siblings: An Update
Part IX: Conclusion
Part X: Recent Photographs Of My Extended Family
Part XI: Painting A Portrait Of My Father
Book Club Discussion Topics
1.jpgDaily Prayers
A Historical Perspective
My father, Jacob B. Shammash, was born in Baghdad in 1927 to a wealthy businessman and land owner. Jake, as he is called, was the third of 9 children. Large families were typical there and then, whether Jewish or Muslim.
The picture of him on the opposite page shows him performing his daily prayers. He grew up in a family steeped in Jewish faith and tradition, a faith he has embraced his entire life. Today he is one of the most religious members of his family, practicing the rituals his grandfather taught him many years ago. The value system he grew up with shaped both his career path and his moral character.
The Jewish community in Baghdad extended back to the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem in 586 BCE (Before the Common Era) and the Babylon captivity over 2,600 years ago. By the time my dad was 12, one-third of the population of Baghdad was Jewish. Only a handful of Jews, if any, remain there today.
Although Abraham, the Patriarch, had lived with his clan in the Ur of Chaldees in Sumer, he had been called away by God to establish the new religion of one God in the land we now call Israel. There they lived until the Jews of the Kingdom of Judah were exiled to Babylon in 3 successive waves during the 6th century BCE, starting with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 586 BCE by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar.
The Jews were faced with a dilemma: how were they to survive and become successful in their new home and yet maintain their unique culture and religion? Psalm 137 begins with a lament that expresses this perplexing question:
By the rivers of Babylon
There we sat down, yea, we wept
When we remembered Zion. …
And those who plundered us required of us mirth,
Saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion!
How shall we sing the Lord’s song
In a foreign land?
In his book, The Last Jews in Baghdad: Remembering a Lost Homeland, author Nissim Rejwan quotes the advice given in a letter by the prophet Jeremiah (29:5-7) to these perplexed Jews¹:
Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and have sons and daughters…multiply there and do not decrease. But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.
This pragmatic strategy allowed them to prosper, but to keep their religion vital, they had to write down and memorize their stories and traditions—a necessity which led to the eventual creation of the Talmud. They had witnessed the destruction of the temple. Thus their religion could not be centered on a building and the rituals it contained. It had to become more inwardly focused on moral precepts, moral actions, defining customs, and close relationships which could withstand the vagaries of outer political turmoil.
In 539 BCE when King Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylonia, he allowed the exiled Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. Even though this change of fortune was welcomed, Nissim Rejwan points out that the majority of the exiles did not want to return since they were already prosperous and established in business and farming.² Those who stayed contributed gold and silver for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple.
Eventually, as the Talmud was being compiled there were two versions—the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud, indicating 2 loci of authority and 2 ways of keeping Jewish identity intact. The Babylonian community became the model for a successful diaspora community living as a minority in a land swept by storms of successive rulers. Refugees from the rebellion against Rome in 73CE (Common Era) and later the Spanish expulsion of 1492 added to the community. During the Ottoman period, due to the enforced tolerance of diverse groups, the Jews in Baghdad prospered and grew in numbers. When the British Mandate began in 1920, their business interests, particularly in trade, meshed with the British colonial policies.
When Iraq was established as an independent country in 1932, the guarantees of equality before the law, which had been guaranteed by the liberal 1925 constitution, continued to be enforced. Minority communities were allowed to establish their own schools and practice their own customs unimpeded. Both Jewish and Arab communities prospered during this period which the Shamash family remembers well. During this liberal period the Baghdad community managed to balance the tension between assimilation and the preservation of a Jewish identity.
After this long history of 28 centuries, it was ironic and shocking that this community should be accused of disloyalty to Iraq and subjected in 1941 to a Nazi-inspired pogrom called the Farhud. When Israel was founded in 1948, the policies of expulsion from which the Shamash family suffered, were a cruel reversal of the long ago Babylonia captivity lamented by the prophets and psalmists.
The new model of the diaspora was lived out by the Shamash family’s resettling in America. My father tells his story, a story I only heard just several years ago. Now I understand why. So much of it was and still is very painful. One thing is clear; all of them helped each other to the extent possible. My father was the first to arrive in the United States. Even though he was a recent immigrant and just starting college, he began doing all he could to help his family back home. As his brothers and sisters left one by one to attend college, they located near each other and gave one another full support. All of them became successful and in good part, can thank each other for that.
Amy S. Dane (with assistance from Ellen Peck)
1534-1918 Ottoman rule of the Arab section of Iraq. The Kurds and Persian sections of Iraq were separate. During the 19th century British influence increased. The Jewish community was allowed to establish schools and generally supported the Ottoman rule.
1914-1918 During World War I a conflict developed between supporters of Germany and patrons of Britain.
1918 Three sections—Mosul, Baghdad, and Al-Basrah—were put together as one country during the peace negotiations. The medieval name Iraq
was chosen—the Arab name for the general region.
1920 At the San Remo conference Britain received the League of Nations’ British Mandate of Palestine.
1921 Faisal was installed as a constitutional monarch under the British Mandate. Liberal reforms were instituted allowing the Jewish community to prosper.
1924-25 Iraq constructed its first constitution and its first parliament was elected.
1932 Full independence