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Am I Crazy?: The Most Often Asked Question in Therapy
Am I Crazy?: The Most Often Asked Question in Therapy
Am I Crazy?: The Most Often Asked Question in Therapy
Ebook84 pages32 minutes

Am I Crazy?: The Most Often Asked Question in Therapy

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About this ebook

This book is a culmination of the techniques the author has developed over many years of helping individuals with a multitude of problems. Explained in a simple, easy-to-understand way, this book helps people work on their own problems and see that they aren’t crazy. We are all basically the same, and there is a solution that will help make their lives and relationships better and more manageable.
Release dateMay 23, 2019
Am I Crazy?: The Most Often Asked Question in Therapy

Amanda Brewer B. Beh Sc Phych

Amanda Brewer is a mother of three children who went though a difficult divorce and subsequently suffered Depression and Anxiety. Through this experience she got help from counselors at a domestic violence service. This awoke in Amanda a desire to help other people, so she did a Psychology degree and begin working with women who were experiencing Domestic violence, and then later developed a passion for helping anyone experiencing Depression, Anxiety and Anger issues. Amanda enjoys her work and seeing people improve their lives. She has since remarried and now has three step children and six grandchildren. She often uses herself as an example to clients of how a persons life can improve so much.

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    Am I Crazy? - Amanda Brewer B. Beh Sc Phych

    Copyright © 2019 Amanda Brewer, B. Beh Sc (Phych).

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1670-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1793-1 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/21/2019



    Chapter 1     Anger

    Chapter 2     Self-Esteem

    Chapter 3     Overall Health and Well-Being

    Chapter 4     Giving, Receiving, and Gratitude

    Chapter 5     I Am Enough

    Chapter 6     Breath of Life

    Chapter 7     Medication

    Chapter 8     Motivation

    Chapter 9     Affirmations and Goals

    Chapter 10   The Wonderful World of Quantum Physics

    Chapter 11   Boundaries

    Chapter 12   Meditation



    To my wonderful husband, Robbie, who has always believed in me and supported everything I have wanted to do. My good friend Elizabeth, who has been my rock forever. Terry, my wonderful cousin, who proofread and edited this book and many of my uni assignments. And lastly, my children, children-in-law, and grandchildren. You are the reasons for everything I do. If I can do it, so can you.


    Am I crazy? What’s wrong with me? These are questions I’ve been asked many times. It takes enormous courage firstly to admit to yourself that you need help and then to make an appointment. Sometimes it is even harder to attend that appointment. I have had many clients who confessed at the end of their first appointment that they almost didn’t make it.

    This book, therefore, is for all the brave, vulnerable, anxious people who would like to feel better about themselves and enjoy a better quality of life. The information is taken from what I have learned and shared with my clients along with techniques, helpful practices, and information I have gained from others. Wherever I share others’ research or findings, they are acknowledged.

    Chapter 1


    It has often been said to me by clients, I can’t control my anger, and it hurts the people I love. Out-of-control anger is out-of-control fear or anxiety. Everyone has some anxiety. If it weren’t for anxiety, you would forget to look before you crossed the road. If you imagine your anxiety score as rating between 0 and 100, then 10 would likely be the lowest you would be—unless you’re dead or in a coma. In moderation, anxiety is good as it helps protect us from harm. If you’re crossing the road and a bus is coming towards you, you don’t have to stop and think, What should I do? Chemicals in your brain react in a split second, your flight/fight/freeze instinct triggers, and you hopefully get out of the way. However, some people who have had a lot of trauma in their past freeze at additional times of perceived danger.

    Anxiety is an instinct that humans and animals share, but humans are the only species that tries to ignore, push away, or disregard the feeling. If an animal thinks something in the bush is going to attack it, nothing will make it go near the bush. People will go and check, just in case they’re wrong. We don’t listen to—or believe—our instincts. I encourage clients to listen to their instincts and believe in themselves.

    Our brains are powerful, and we always believe the brain works

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