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P3 Purpose - Pride - Progress: Raise Your Bar
P3 Purpose - Pride - Progress: Raise Your Bar
P3 Purpose - Pride - Progress: Raise Your Bar
Ebook114 pages45 minutes

P3 Purpose - Pride - Progress: Raise Your Bar

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Approximately 50% of marriages end in a divorce, more than 70% of people don’t feel satisfied with their careers, and a low percentage of people achieve success with their goals. Purpose, pride, and progress, when truly understood, can help people overcome these unfortunate trends. This book, P3: Purpose – Pride – Progress, will dive below the surface and explore how purpose, pride, and progress can help you raise your bar in many aspects of life.
Release dateJul 18, 2019
P3 Purpose - Pride - Progress: Raise Your Bar

Dr. Anthony J. Perkins

Dr. Anthony J. Perkins was born and raised in Connecticut. He presently resides in Buckeye, Arizona. Dr. Perkins has served as an educational leader for almost three decades—as a teacher, vice-principal, principal, district director, and now school district superintendent. He holds a Master’s Degree in Education with an emphasis in Diverse Learners and a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership. In addition to his school experience, Dr. Perkins is a mentor for new school principals and teaches Educational Leadership classes (part-time) for Northern Arizona University. Dr. Perkins is the author of four additional books—Make Leadership COUNT, Leadership: Wild, Wonderful, and Perfectly in Process, The Principle of Moments, and P3 Purpose-Pride-Progress. Dr. Perkins interests include physical fitness, golf, and jazz music. However, he enjoys spending most of his time with his beautiful daughter.

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    P3 Purpose - Pride - Progress - Dr. Anthony J. Perkins

    © 2019 Dr. Anthony J. Perkins. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 07/16/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1926-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1935-3 (e)

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    There are three valuable questions you should ask yourself periodically:

    What is my purpose?

    Do I incorporate pride in all that I do?

    Is progress my ultimate goal?


    God, please utilize this book to strengthen skills,

    lift up people, and brighten journeys. Help each reader to find their

    purpose, take pride in every moment of life, and make

    tremendous progress in all that comes before them.




    What is my purpose?


    Purpose Defined

    Opening Remarks

    Conquering Mountains

    Leaving a Legacy

    Rejecting Good Enough

    Hello, Operator

    Tearing Down Walls

    Refreshing the Mind, Body, and Spirit

    Leaving a Deposit

    Eliminating Pity Parties


    Do I incorporate pride in all that i do?


    Pride Defined

    Opening Remarks

    Pride Can Be Good or Bad


    The Promise

    Everything Starts in Your Thinking

    Call Yourself to Growth

    Don’t Go With the Flow

    Win or Learn

    Commitment, Conformity, and Success


    Is progress my ultimate goal?


    Progress Defined

    Opening Remarks

    You Must Be Hungry

    Flesh Versus Spirit

    Take the Shot

    Nothing Changes Until Something Moves

    Appreciate Your Journey

    The First Step


    We Can Learn From Pain

    The Time Is Now


    W hat do you really need in life? Besides the obvious, food and water, you might consider achieving happiness, knowing your purpose , having positive relationships, taking pride in what you do, finding a soulmate, having peace in your life, and realizing progress . Let’s focus on three replies—purpose, pride, and progress. There are three valuable questions you should ask yourself periodically:

    What is my purpose?

    Do I incorporate pride in all that I do?

    Is progress my ultimate goal?

    When there is a task to complete, an important life event, or a desire to increase your personal development, it is important to appreciate and incorporate into your life purpose, pride, and progress.

    Notice how money is not mentioned above. Money is a temporary pleasure. Believe it or not, it is better to be rich with purpose, pride, and progress than to have all the money in the world. If you do not believe this, keep living.

    How would you apply these three components to an aspect of your life? Let’s use happiness as an example. Is your purpose to dole out happiness to a select few or to share it with the masses? How will you integrate pride while distributing happiness? Will it be a low-key endeavor or a loud and proud affair? What does progress in dispensing happiness look like? Is it measured in the amount of people touched by your happiness, or is it evident in a single smile? Asking questions then answering those questions by utilizing an action plan is an effective method to help you realize purpose, pride, and progress.

    Approximately 50% of marriages end in a divorce, more than 70% of people don’t feel satisfied with their careers, and a low percentage of people achieve success with their goals. Purpose, pride, and progress, when truly understood,

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