Relax: Jesus' Peace in the Midst of It All Volume 1
About this ebook
Relax reflects on the peace one experiences when one constantly abiding and remaining in Christ. The theological projection is often peace after deliverance or when one gets to heaven. In contrast, this book engages readers in a level of maturity in Christ and helps one build a mindset where he or she can explore God’s peace in this life, at all times, anywhere and this can begin right now.
?Relax challenges readers to stop letting oneself beaten by depression, anxiety and stress. It challenges readers to thrive in difficulties instead of allowing the difficulties to move us, similar to how the wind moves an empty plastic bag. A peace to all and for all is found only in Jesus Christ.
Mardochee Estinvil
Mardochee Estinvil grew up with a passion for theology and accepted his calling to ministry after the earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. His experience serving in his mother’s non-profit organization First Fruit Haiti has helped him understand and minister to people in different crises. Both his education and experience in First Fruit Haiti have helped him understand crises from many perspectives and enabled him to present a message that is relevant to people from different backgrounds. Estinvil’s theology doesn’t focus on presenting a hope that is out of touch with reality or that doesn’t help people grow in the image of Christ. Rather, he explores the messages that help us grow and dives deeper into the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Estinvil is inquisitive, committed to his research and on a continuous journey to learn more. He engages in the reality of many and presents a gospel that is both understanding and challenging without compromising the essence of the gospel. He loves paradoxes which challenge him to see matters from different perspectives. Estinvil has a double major in business leadership and biblical theology. He is currently working on his Master of Divinity. In Relax he promotes the life that is in Christ and more importantly explores how to live peacefully in Jesus Christ. His book is unique; it doesn’t challenge believers to ignore the reality, but encourages them to thrive in the reality. Relax helps readers build a mindset that explores the grace that is in Jesus Christ and lives in the standard God created humans to live in despite the difficulties in life.
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Relax - Mardochee Estinvil
Copyright © 2019 Mardochee Estinvil. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 07/11/2019
ISBN: 978-1-7283-1732-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-7283-1731-1 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2019908713
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Part One
Chapter 1 Open Space for God
Chapter 2 To be at peace in the midst of brokenness
Chapter 3 Forgiveness
Chapter 4 Christ’s Presence
Chapter 5 Children as a Model
Chapter 6 Principles for Joy
Chapter 7 God’s Will in your Personal Life
Chapter 8 Peace in the Darkness
Chapter 9 Self-control
Chapter 10 God is Sufficient
Part Two
Chapter 11 Ethical Disagreement
Chapter 12 A Peaceful and Successful Ministry
Chapter 13 Our Contribution and Support
Meet the Author
A peaceful and relaxing life is possible in the midst of troubles on this earth. Many Christians and countless others are living a life of vulnerability and anxiety; a life under pressure, stress and full of worries with not much happiness. We are living at a time when numerous Christians are unnerved by the smallest issues; at a time when the breaking news
simply breaks us down. Although at this time when fear controls the lives of many Christians seems relatively recent, this has existed for many centuries. It is important to remind ourselves that in the midst of it all we have a Savior who knows what suffering is. Knowing this brings assurance to us. Not one in our salvation but an assurance that if we keep believing and trusting in God regardless of the condition that we are facing in life, we are able to find peace in Him or to be at peace within ourselves.
Jesus said to His disciples that In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
If Jesus overcame this world and we are Jesus’ followers why can’t we live an overcoming life? The idea of an overcome life often refers to overcoming a sinful life. However, in this one it is overcoming anxiety, vulnerability and stressful moments we face in life. It is possible to live a relaxing and peaceful life.
What do I mean by relax in this book? The word relax has sometimes been understood to mean not worrying about things or not prioritizing certain things. However, the usage of the word relax is not to minimize certain issues or to avoid thinking about them, but it is simply to maintain a sense of calm no matter the circumstances and not to allow ourselves to be controlled by an unexpected or difficult situation. As Christians we are called to live in fellowship and harmony with God through the Holy-Spirit. In contrast, what often times happens is that we allow certain issues to control us, including the media, disease, finances and countless other distractions. Since we allow these things to control us in one way or another they affect our relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ and also how we relate to each other.
The meaning of relax in this book also has a theological projection on the understanding of God in the midst of our troubles and suffering. I am aware of the diverse interpretations of God within the Christian faith. For example, some groups of people understand the difficulties that we face as the absence of God. It is very common when someone has a problem and questions the presence of God by asking, Where was God?
Some other groups believe that God is responsible for creating difficulties, in other words, God is the doer. Others believe that the difficulties are consequences of someone’s wrongdoing, therefore God is punishing them. Another group believes that God is not creating the problems, but He allows us to face them. This list of interpretations is endless. However, all these various types of understanding of God in our suffering simply set a beautiful and enjoyable theological spectrum for us to explore and engage in.
To allow fear to control us and cause us to live a stressful life does not just exist in one or two cultures. It is a worldwide epidemic. For instance, Christians with few resources in poor countries like Haiti are controlled by thoughts of where they will find their next meal. Others who live in similarly poor countries but who have better financial access are sometimes overcome by the fear of insecurity and the fear of getting sick and not having access to medicine or urgent care. Christians in developed countries are also controlled by fear of the media, political issues, sickness, disease and so forth. Persecuted Christians who live elsewhere fear for their lives simply for being Christians or for doing the work of Christ.
Numerous churches and their preachers expound the powerful message of the second coming of Jesus. However, the problem is that while the church is preaching about the second coming of Christ, we the church should be actively fighting for social justice and social reforms. Yes, Jesus will come back again like He promised. (I strongly believe that and cannot wait for it.) However, when He returns, it will be better if He find us active rather than inactive. Clearly, this world is not ours and we should not try to change it. In contrast, we Christians are called to fulfill our calling on this earth, and this calling is based on revealing the Son as He revealed His Heavenly Father on earth. And this calling of revelation was not based only on the Son’s teachings and His sermons, but it is fulfilled through His entire being. So, the term relax is not just to tell you to relax and wait for Jesus. The purpose of embracing the term relax is to help us find peace in Jesus and to live the peaceful life that is in Him as we walk humbly and faithfully with our God on a daily basis. (It is not that we once believed, but that we keep on following and abiding in Christ).
Frequently we see happiness deriving from a material achievement in life, sometimes we think that when we have a lot of money we will be happy. Happiness does not come from what we possess. It comes from a mindset and a deep relationship with Christ. It is possible to live a relaxed and peaceful life regardless of the situation. You might be living a vulnerable life or a stressful life however it is possible to convert those sorrows and tears to living a relaxed life. Relax addresses some sources of the panic in our life and helps us to find a way to be at peace through those issues.
Growing up as a child, my mom and her three kids would have a devotional time every night before going to sleep. Oftentimes we would sing a song that shared the idea of "Let mwen dormie nan bwa Jezi, Le’m reveye mwen jwen tout sa’m tap chache." The translation is When I sleep in the arms of Jesus, when I wake up I found everything that I needed.
This song brought peace and security to me in my childhood, a message that when we trust Him or give ourselves over to Him at night that He cares for us and protects us in the middle of the night. I do believe that even if it is night or morning, wherever you might be and whomever you might be, when you abide in Jesus and keep on trusting in Him and putting yourself in His arms, He is protecting and controlling you. When we remain in Jesus and rely on His abilities in the midst of stress, worry, uncertainty, darkness, fear, disease, catastrophe and brokenness, we experience that Jesus is in control and He is more than enough. And if He is in control, if through Him we become children of God, why not relax?
I dedicate this book first to my mother, who invested at least one to two hours every night on the spiritual growth of her three boys. We did this together through prayer every night, devotional and worshipping together since we were little. Although I did not understand much at that time, I now value those moments so preciously and they will always be dear to me. We still have those great moments together as long we are in the same place. Secondly, I dedicate this book to Bois Pernier a small area in Pernier, Petion-ville Haiti. This is where I started to become involved in the ministry, where I fell in love with the ministry and the place that makes me continue to love the ministry.
Thirdly, I dedicate this book to the congregation that supported me in my undergraduate school. I was blessed by the support of a congregation in the U.S. for my undergraduate studies and this has had a deep significance in my life as well. Fourthly, I dedicate 70 percent of the profit of this book for an educational fund that will be used by First Fruit Haiti and me, for establishing a training center in Haiti. One of the reasons I dedicate a significant percentage of the earnings of this book to this ministry is because very few young people that finish high school in my country have the chance to go to college. In doing so, I am giving back what I have graciously received.
Without the help of many I would not be able to write this book. Many people had and continue to have a positive influence in my life. In this section, I want to acknowledge some of them.
Firstly, I want to acknowledge and thank The Creator, The Alpha and Omega, The mysteries God in Three in One. The Father, the Son and the Holy-Spirit.
Secondly, I want to acknowledge my sweet lovely beautiful wife Rachel Odmark Estinvil for supporting me in