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The Eternal Journey - Andre Gabriel
© 2019 Andre Gabriel. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 11/27/2019
ISBN: 978-1-7283-9635-4 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-7283-9634-7 (e)
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Chapter 1 Above The Clouds
Chapter 2 Life
Chapter 3 On Earth
Chapter 4 The Antediluvian Period
Chapter 5 Egypt
Chapter 6 Ley Lines
Chapter 7 Carnac
Chapter 8 St.michaels Mount
Chapter 9 Greece
Chapter 10 Stonehenge
Chapter 11 Etruscan Civilisation
Eternally grateful to my parents Matthew and Ethel for my gentle demeanour and for allowing me to develop my consistency in my own time. Great thank you to my wife Galina for her encouragement and her gift of a diary which became my writing companion for many years.
Photographs taken by
Front Cover: John Rycroft
A book about life, from its beginnings in the afterlife, everything that has ever happened, is happening, is recorded in the Akashic Records, and this compendium of all human events are stored on the etheric plane, beyond the clouds, above the terrestrial sphere. The alphabet with which God has written the Universe lies here awaiting, the searching eyes of man. We share in the energy and vibration, from the densest, lower forms to the highest and spiritual forms. The atoms of experience are embedded within and give us our present and future templates of how to live our life, and its continuance in other lives. Thus we call this The Eternal Journey and how this pursues the debits and credits of our experiences and behaviour in all previous incarnations.
Man’s need to return home, furnished by the mystery of death, for in the blink of an eye, we are no more, only our eternal being ‘our essence’. All our aspirations, needs, wants and decisions become locked in transit. This book is about our earnest needs in life which seeks some kind of salvation in history, as society has a yearning to build majestic monuments for those who seek prayer and solitude from that mysterious and mighty being called ‘God’. Centuries of various venues, have been built, from monuments such as Stonehenge, Carnac, the tombs of the Pyramids, elaborate burial sites, classical cultures such as the Greeks, and the Etruscans, and a hypothetical version of heaven and death. The question, remains of ‘What if there is an afterlife, or do we just go up in smoke, or feed burial worms at death?’
Life as all but fair, ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’, and ‘as above, so below’. The life journey in the book begins in the heavens and then progresses from birth in the incarnations, of the advent of man and woman’s historical journeys. When people were moving stones of up to 180 tons in weight, around the countryside without the use of proper equipment, only horse drawn carts. The ancients knowledge of the unique latitude on the earth at which the solstice sun, both summer and winter, as if massive stones were thrown to form perfect triangles relative to the parallel of latitude, that is to the east west equinoxial axis of the sites, such as Stonehenge, and Carnac. Majestic world heritage sites such as the Pyramids, built by experts in the knowledge of astronomy, with planet correlations, magnificently some still standing majestically today, 5000 years later. Mummification, leaving the heart inside the body as the Egyptians believed that the heart would be weighed in the afterlife to see if the deceased had led a good life. Tutankhamen’s beautiful Canope jars were placed inside a gold shrine and buried with him. The journey to the afterlife was long and so Egyptians were buried with food, water and wine to help them on their travels. The erection of the Pyramids and all the wonders, built by man’s hands, always suggests a return to the heavens eventually. We come from many places on the planet and over many centuries and experiences and incarnations, our journey always reflects, our life.
The Greeks belief structure had no Gods,