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God's Timeline: Red Alert
God's Timeline: Red Alert
God's Timeline: Red Alert
Ebook69 pages47 minutes

God's Timeline: Red Alert

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Of all the verses in the Bible the one that most people hear quoted is John 3:16. But how many people realize the power that is behind those words? One has to read the words that Jesus spoke in the Garden of Gethsemane. However, we are on God's timeline and we have got to realize the signs of the time. We are getting very close to the end of an age? What does this mean for mankind? What was the beginning of time and who are all of the characters? Who are going to be the new characters coming to the earth?.These questions and more are answered in God's Timeline.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 12, 2020
God's Timeline: Red Alert

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    God's Timeline - Dawn Michele Strait


    T here are players that have remained constant since creation. They are God (Trinity), mankind, the animals, angels, Satan, and demons (fallen angels). They made it through the great flood, escaped with Lot, and are in existence today. However, in the great tribulation we are about to get some new players on the stage of the earth and heaven. According to Revelation and Daniel during the great tribulation and the battle of Armageddon there is going to be the Beast with the Harlot, the False Prophet, and the Anti-Christ(s). Satan will arise with such demonic force that it will be hard for anyone to go against his rule. However, at this particular moment we are close to that point, but not there yet.

    The Written Bible will be stop being published on the market.

    All Believers will disappear.

    The Salvation through the crucifixion will no longer be freely talked about.

    The government will close churches.

    The Bible predicts an antichrist, the beast, and a false prophet will rule.

    The mark of the beast will appear.

    After a period of tribulation then Christ will return for judgement of all mankind.

    I do not care what gender, race, religion, or nationality you belong to I need to get a message across to you, if you are a part of mankind. Time keeps on going. Soon, you will not hear anymore religious leaders or anyone else talking about salvation or becoming saved. Also, as of now, you realize that some things do not last forever and one of them is life on the earth. We have a relatively short time. Some may even have a very successful exciting life or career, but it ends. Also, in the future ending will be the written Bible and the offer of salvation. You may say I do not want to hear it. Many of you will think that you will like it when believers go away, but you may change your mind when you realize what happens at the end. Well soon you will not ever hear about Christ again. However, many may feel like the rich ruler (unsaved) when he died was wishing he could send prophets to his relatives to tell them about God. Nevertheless, there were prophets on the earth and even if prophets were sent back to the earth they would not believe. The Bible is for everyone to read and make decisions about what it says for themselves. Also, coming to an end is this earth and heaven.

    For, behold I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. Well, this tells you that something is going to happen to this earth and heaven that we are living in now. We saw the Covid-19 pandemic go across the world quickly and killing thousands and economically devasting million. This was a surprise and lethally powerful to mankind. I believe this is setting the stage for a one world economic system that could eventually lead to the mark of the beast. Technology has provided the tool for the beast to use for his mark that he will require people to have to buy and sell. Saved people will not get the mark of the beast and the consequence at that time is they will be not to be able to buy or sell. They will actually have to sacrifice their life. People use to predict the Rapture of the Church in the 19th and 20th century. There were a lot of preachers predicting the returning of Christ in the year 2000. However, there is not anyone that knows the exact date. However, in the 21st century we have seen the advancements in computer technology like never before. There is now mass communication and international transportation to areas that were not reachable before. According to the Apostle Paul’s writing in 1 Thessalonians 5 (KJV) Christ will return as a thief in the night. The warning is that people will say peace and safety and then sudden destruction cometh upon

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