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Covid-19 954 Ascension
Covid-19 954 Ascension
Covid-19 954 Ascension
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Covid-19 954 Ascension

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Caught in the middle of the pandemic, unaware of which way to turn. I turned inwardly. I could not find my answer in the bottom of a bottle. Reality hit, I had hit rock bottom. Fear gripped my mind as I pondered what would happen to me in my not so distant future. My life was great as a server so I thought. Covid-19 was the number one cause of massive unemployment, I was struck. I had had my fill of the “quarantine” parties, depression began to settle in quickly. There was no possible way I could get lower. My options were few, something had to change, that change began with me. But how, I had been forced to comply by isolation regulation rules to sit still. Stillness is what I needed to gather my mind. My mind had become the battlefield and I was the solider on the front line. I had two options remain the same or passionately pursue change.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 19, 2020
Covid-19 954 Ascension

Malonnie Lowe

Through intentional manifestation, Malonnie has turned a life shattered by poverty, abuse, divorce, and abandonment into a blissful abundant life full of mindfulness, success, empowerment, and financial freedom. By aligning herself with the passion for freedom, she took a stance against everything that stood in opposition to her willingness to live a life she deserves. Through perception shifting, Malonnie refused to become a victim, she chooses to fight! As a Reiki Master Motivational Speaker and Spiritual Life coach she has discovered the very key to mental emotional and spiritual liberation.

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    Covid-19 954 Ascension - Malonnie Lowe

    Copyright © 2020 Malonnie Lowe.

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    without the written permission of the author except in the case of

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    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5658-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5657-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5656-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020920050

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/12/2020





    Chapter 1   The Formation

    Chapter 2   Covid 19

    Chapter 3   Operation Delbration

    Chapter 4   Devine Intervention

    Chapter 5   Pain Reveled

    Chapter 6   New Day

    Chapter 7   Lifeforce

    Chapter 8   Physical Change

    Chapter 9   Ascension

    Change Tracker

    Self Help Guide


    DAY 1

    DAY 2

    DAY 3

    DAY 4

    DAY 5

    DAY 6

    DAY 7

    DAY 8

    DAY 9

    5 Day Liquid Plan

    5 Day Chakra Boosters


    Day 1

    Day 2

    DAY 3

    Day 4

    Day 5


    DAY 1

    DAY 2

    DAY 3

    DAY 4


    I had the opportunity to spend time with an earth

    angel, he healed me on levels that are not easily

    understood. Though time was brief, thank you for

    impactful life changing, beautiful words spoken.

    Internally being me…Words of stone

    By: Eshu,

    From the beginning there was light that surrounded light from

    night came darkness which showered a birth of star’s here

    she rest within these words as reading from a far heartbeat

    is endless gifting life again who knew this experience would

    gather from living daily shifting energy it lives through her

    pours she ascended pain into power. Ashe meaning all power

    rest within you. Constantly achieving transcendence water

    flows, as her nature just knows as locking eyes windows

    appear of essence with no fear in sight be who you are many

    shall see only few shall ever know you’re in the right space

    leaving the left over as what was needed to be present.

    Mack James Jennings


    This book is dedicated to my sister and best friend

    Talaya Sherice Lowe

    Thank you, lovely sister, for being a beam of hope

    throughout the journey. I truly thank you for being

    the fore runner and mentor that I have drawn

    so much strength from, you are more than my

    sister and best friend you are my earth angel.


    I would like to acknowledge, my four beautiful children.

    Zahkea, I’siah, Uriah, and Nehemiah Mommy loves

    you all, you are my very inspiration. Everything I

    do, is with the intention of becoming the greatest

    version of myself, so I can be the absolute best for

    you! I love you with my whole heart and thank you

    for believing in me. With tears of joy, and a heart full

    of gratitude I am so proud to be your mommy!

    Norrence Javon Baker, I would like to thank you. You have

    been one of my greatest teachers. You taught me not to run,

    but to stand toe to toe with life’s challenges, and fight! You

    have helped to bring out the warrior that lives within. This

    book would not have been complete without your influence.

    Cherise Bernard, what can I say? I cannot thank you

    enough, you were with me literally every day of this

    expedition. You empowered me to push on the days

    I felt the weakest, you did not allow me to give up!

    Thank you for being the magnificent soul that you

    are, I will always cherish our connection. You will

    forever be a part of my soul family. Thank you!

    Lastly, South Florida 954 Broward I love you! My life has

    magically transformed in this county. Living in south

    Florida has had the greatest impact on my spiritual

    life. Right here in Broward county I have been blissfully

    awakened, through a series of spiritual events. I have

    found my true purpose, through transmutation of

    the mind, body and spirit. I thank God for the state of

    Florida, my soul now shines as bright as the SUN!



    M y heart is like an ocean. Calm at times on the surface, and below brewing turbulence. The waters at times were troubled, and it was very evident. For the most part, I did an amazing job at hiding the pain that I felt deep below the waves. Inside my heart was heaping mounds of secrets that I had held onto for years, and they were slowly drowning me. The tides of the waves had pushed me so far away from the shores of reality, that my cry for help was slowly withering away as I sank. I had nothing, but thoughts and prayers cascading through my mind. If I can just keep my head above the waves, surely, I can make it through the night, r ight?

    I felt pain that I refused to deal with. Crying would help, but in exchange all that I got was temporary relief. I was sinking deep into depths where every breath was starting to feel like my last. I would wipe my tears and paint on another smile and carry on with my life. But the pain was still lurking below the surface. At times I felt that depression was unbearable, but I refused to seek any kind of professional help. I viewed therapy as a form weakness. I opted to be strong and to stand alone, and that was final. This method of being self-reliant lasted for years. I counseled and consoled myself, I was simply fine, so I thought. But the truth is, as with professional diving, a depth below a certain height requires technical training, procedures and specialist equipment that enables a diver to avoid oxygen toxicity. Beyond this point, without the right tools or support, the rapture of the deep can start with euphoric sensations bounded by over-confidence. I had reached the rapture of the deep, without the right tools or support.

    When I was a kid, I always participated in my school’s Olympics. Track was my favorite. Although I did not always come in first place, there was a feeling of invisibility I felt when I ran. The sharp velocity of the wind rushing into my face and running past my opponents gave me a sense of belonging. I was a winner. I ran and I won. I associated the feeling of accomplishment to running track.

    When I ran nothing else seemed to matter than making it to the finish line. When I ran, nothing chased me. I was not afraid, I felt empowered.

    Many times, I would lose sight of anyone else running beside me. It truly did not matter. I ran track and loved the rush and thrill of it. There was a connection in my mind to running, time seemed to cease. The crowd cheering did not matter, they were a blur and the cheers felt miles away. I was simply caught up in the moment while I ran, and I was present with each breath. I can still picture the breeze flowing through my scalp as I ran, and the sweat trickling from my temple as I counted every leap forward.

    Running felt good. Throughout high school, I continued to run for general exercise. I chose not to run track in high school because it required too much of having to fit in, but throughout high school I still held a high regard for running. It gave me energy; my heart pumped the adrenaline that gave me a natural high that I loved. I ran with no purpose, but it was therapy for me.

    As I grew older, I didn’t physically run like I did when I was younger. Of course, I’d go to the gym from time to time, the treadmill was my favorite machine. It took me back to the time when I ran with no worries.

    Would you believe that I continued to hold on to the concept of running without the physical aspect of movement?

    When painful circumstances in my life would occur, I would envision myself running. Mentally I placed myself on that track and ran right away from my issue.

    I ran from painful emotions, and I ran from the feelings of rejection that I felt from time to time. I ran from my past and I ran from my present. Running became a sure coping mechanism. But the harsh truth meant that every time I ran, I was leaving my problems in the dust unresolved, that I had to face at some point. For as long as I could remember, that is where they stayed. Untouched or dealt

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