He Has a Purpose, Plan, and Promise for Your Life
By Angela Major
About this ebook
In an inspirational presentation, health and wellness coach Angela Major guides others to find their God-given purpose, align their lives with biblical principles, heal from hurt and negativity, and ultimately achieve better overall health. While maintaining a general focus on living with diabetes, Major shares a simple blueprint that includes a place to track goals, a pledge of accountability, and additional information on how to eliminate excuses and unhealthy behaviors; transform attitude into action; incorporate fasting, prayer, and exercise plans into a daily routine; follow a Keto diet; track progress; detox safely; and much more.
He Has a Purpose, Plan, and Promise for Your Life is a guide to achieving optimal health through dietary and lifestyle changes that encourage positive transformation.
Angela Major
Angela Major was born in Darlington, South Carolina, in 1965. She grew up in Patterson, New Jersey and then moved to Connecticut. She is the proud mother of a son, dog and resides in Kannapolis, North Carolina. She is the oldest of seven children. Growing up, Angela has always been fascinated with the body’s ability to heal itself through natural methods. Angela earned an MA in psychology and a bachelor’s degree in health and wellness. In memory, this book has been designed for her late mom, and anyone who has or battling a disease. When everything has failed put your faith to work, and use the herbs that our creator has gave us. She knows that her mom is proud of her and what she has accomplished through faith.
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Reviews for He Has a Purpose, Plan, and Promise for Your Life
4 ratings1 review
- Rating: 5 out of 5 stars5/5
Jan 7, 2022
I got cured from Herpes after Dr. Ojamo got me Detox and cleans from diseases and i have been doing alkaline. Thank you so much Dr Ojamo for opening my eyes and I know what and what not to eart. Thank you so much Dr. Ojamo
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He Has a Purpose, Plan, and Promise for Your Life - Angela Major
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ISBN: 978-1-6632-1028-9 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-6632-1029-6 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2020919387
iUniverse rev. date: 11/19/2020
Preparing Yourself for the Journey
Your Attitude
Reasons We Should Fast
Benefits of an Exercise Program
Disordered Eating
The Importance of Drinking H2O
Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimum Health
Building Blocks
What a Detox Is
What Nutrition Is
Time to Rebuild
God’s medicine for healing was designed to help his people suffering from chronic diseases. He wants his people to enjoy longevity and improve psychological well-being amid everything going on around us. We should trust the process that the body has the power to heal thyself, but we should choose to align our lives with God-given principles. He said, Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as they soul prosper, he cares about us
(3 John 1:2).
Blessings to all! My name is Angela, but some have called me Angie, sis, friend, or Bigeyes. That last one is my mom’s nickname for me. This book has been in the works for an exceedingly long time, and this, the year 2020, is time for me to put my faith to work and publish it. Also, with the knowledge I have as well as several degrees, I know there are people out there who are looking for what I have to offer.
In 1999 I was in a car accident that shook me. I used to drink a lot, and by the grace of God, I am still here. It was not my time to go, and since then, years have gone by. I moved to Virginia in 2000. I worked for a company as a mental health counselor, going into the