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Undiagnosed Mental Illness & Its Stigma
Undiagnosed Mental Illness & Its Stigma
Undiagnosed Mental Illness & Its Stigma
Ebook180 pages2 hours

Undiagnosed Mental Illness & Its Stigma

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About this ebook

It has never been an easy assembling and gathering ideas from professionals, articles, and encountered events for an effort of understanding the trend of mental illness. For the public to understand mental illness, disability and disturbance combined puzzled the phenomenon of someone being categorize as a mentally ill individual. This book will highlight articles cited, knowledge, and encountered events sighted in the society. We as the public, this book is to understand individuals with the disease in order for us, the community to be knowledgeable of mental issues. The author hopes that this book will help the society understand the stigma, and the mental issue, and be able to assist mentally ill individuals living in neighborhood and around the world.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 23, 2020
Undiagnosed Mental Illness & Its Stigma

Sofia Laurden Davis PhD

The author was taken online classes for her PhD degree in Human Services majored in Management and Leadership in Nonprofit Organization with Capella University. She completed her Master Degree in Human Resources Management online with University of Phoenix. Her education in Bachelors degree in Art History and Studio Art was taken traditionally from Georgian Court University in New Jersey and her AA degree in Liberal Art and Photography taken from Brookdale Community College. Currently, she is a Notary Public function as Mortgage Signing, however due to Pandemic, she stays home and create a working area to continue and realign working environment at home.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book Undiagnosed Mental Illness is such a great book to know the difference between lifestyle, behavioral knowledge, attitude developed since when you were young, and the stigma within an individual...

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Undiagnosed Mental Illness & Its Stigma - Sofia Laurden Davis PhD

Copyright © 2020 by Sofia Laurden Davis, PhD.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Rev. date: 11/20/2020








Chapter 1: Philosophical View of Mental Illness

Chapter 2: Misunderstood: An Accultured Community Creates Mental Confusion

Chapter 3: The Historical View of Mental Illness

Chapter 4: The Effects on Drugs, Alcohol, Weather, Prescriptions Drug Abuses, Food, and Substance Dependency

Chapter 5: Worry, Fear, And Stress Equals Depression: A Multi-Billion Dollar Industry

Chapter 6: Mode Alteration Due to Processed Food Intake and Prescription Drugs

Chapter 7: The Many Faces of Mental Illness

Chapter 8: Why The Landscape of Religions Affect Our Mental States.

Chapter 9: Fostering Systems to Support Many Types of Mental Illnesses and Disturbances.

Chapter 10: The Basics: How To Distinguish Between Mental Disarray and Mental Illnesses In the Mind.

Chapter 11: Categorizing An Individual Base On Skin Color Create Havoc In the Minds Of Each Every Human On Earth.

Chapter 12: Understanding Multiple Personality Within Us

Chapter 13: Is The Doctor In?: The Doctor’s Office Procedures & Ways To Take Care of The Sick of These Days

In Summary


Dr. Sofia Laurden Davis’ Biography


It has never been an easy assembling and gathering ideas from professionals, articles, and encountered events for an effort of understanding the trend of mental illness. For the public to understand mental illness, disability and disturbance combined puzzled the phenomenon of someone being categorize as a mentally ill individual. This book will highlight articles cited, knowledge, and encountered events sighted in the society. We as the public, this book is to understand individuals with the disease in order for us, the community to be knowledgeable of mental issues. The author hopes that this book will help the society understand the stigma, and the mental issue, and be able to assist mentally ill individuals living in neighborhood and around the world.

Therefore, this book will also mention previous and historical events in mental illness that used to be a taboo event. Also, understanding the word Time Track which we as human and only few very few understand the effect of drugs, alcohol and our environment here on earth a toxic world that affect our precious mind. Surely, it created the world of mental health issues. In addition, the combination of worry and stress equals depression a multi billion dollar industry the society had created for today’s generation. For instance, the mass shooting in Las Vegas, Ft Laurderdale Airport, Columbine High School, Church Shooting, and more are one of the crisis the humanity are experiencing due to mental health and drugs usage causes an emotion triggers the brain for the physical body to react. Then the question would be where and how these drugs were made. What is the content of these drugs that makes the brain to react to kill? Why there is no systematic way to be able to tell the difference between abnormal and normal behavior? Is it time for the society to implement, and learn the Five Minds for the Future by Gardner? But first, let us analyze the causes of mental illness, the old behavior but a new trend in 21st Century.


Many articles and information included in this book to understand why mental illness existed and when and how they have been treated in many generations in the past versus how this disease treated today. The misunderstood mental health issues disarray in humanity in regard to psychological perspective which is in this book categorizes in three elements: mental illnesses, disabilities and disturbances of the mind. In the 21st Century is what we now called mental health issues. Included in this book seminars, training and classes the author took and perhaps other mix factors of being possess such now as we called mental disease. The many traumas of humanity, and its experiences can create mental health issues are included in this book.


Our mind is a pocket of all world’s imagination and visualization of false and facts which the author called it Think Tank the vast container of our memories and action, the brain. This book will also contribute to the knowledge of our brain function which most psychologist and psychiatrists unable to explain to their clients in a humanly possible without scientific clarification of the disease. In similarity, whether prescription and over the counter drugs, individuals would take medications for a routine medication purposes not because to cure the disease. The economy relies on these types of medications that consumers must purchase but not to cure, instead the medicine is only to halt the disease, and or may not cure at all only to go towards body and mind distraction. Her theory is that if all diseases will be cured in every medication you take, the pharmaceuticals, and health care industries will suffer. Would you agree? Therefore, the title of this book is Undiagnosed Mental Illness & Its Stigma. But some maybe preventable though however, that depends on your lifestyle you have chosen in your life journey here on earth.


Through The Lens of the World Health Crisis Part

2: Un-Diagnosed Mental Illness & It’s Stigma.

Philosophical View of Mental Illness

We are so naïve and we would say we have gathered a philosophical view of ignorance of this type of disease called mental illness. Partly because of the society was trained not to see the ugly side of humanity since then and does not want to see the ugly truth about mental illness, but only the beauty of what they think is the beauty. At the time her book was published, The Nepotistic Ideology of Family Owned the content of this book can be alarming to family members of what family was thinking that has never been known to higher ranking of family member in family-owned business. Because in a secluded place like the area she did the research for the study a family disarray is taboo family members as employees. The place where she did the research for the manuscript as a PhD required, she chose the Library nearby. The book or books she had written are very controversial and Library representatives unable to promote the books. It sets on their shelves and taboo and stigma continues to the present time. Perhaps, hidden from family business owners and members unable to read her study.

Similar to mental illness disease family members and the community had develop a stigma if family members are mentally ill. To them mental issue in the family is an embarrassment to family unit especially for those with high status in the community. Therefore, lives are taken for granted. Some (she would say) some traditional beliefs, behavioral and wrong lifestyle and of course global warming creates mental illness that this belief spreads in the society and through humanity. In addition, in a wrongfully reversing the stigma belief, Good Manners and Right Conduct subject was removed in school. We also removed prayer and Bible study in all of our schools and businesses. Not to mention the food we ate, and drugs we intake in a daily basis; what we consumed through our mouth and what thoughts we gathered in our mind for each everyone here on earth affects our well-being. Instead of to nourish our body we have poisoned our body and mind. Since then, and to these days, mental illness and mental disarray continues in a fast pace. Mental capacity and ability to think clearly is part of our life here on earth and is an important skill to have. In every one of us, the question would be: have you develop clear thinking ability? Clear thinking is the very most important skills to have within ourselves.

Such televisions show and movies that we watch everyday are the many types of examples of our lives taken for granted. Have you read the story of Van Gogh the most popular fine artist and his legend? In her undergrad the author majored in art history, she was able to write a paper to present in class the story of Van Gogh. Van Gogh’s father, a preacher is his mental torture. The father is negative of Van Gogh’s artwork. Also, Van Gogh’s father is a Minister in church, but Van Gogh’s inability to dress like a high class in the community, the Minister father closes the church door for Van Gogh.

As she had read many articles and re-read articles about human mind or activities recorded and re-recorded past psychological and physical hurts and experiences and therefore to those who are affected mental illness may develop. As the song of Josh Groban titled Vincent explains the life of a man with mental illness pushed out by family members from the home due to mental illness stigma. Within our psychological perspective in a simple word as our mind and its time track travel far through information surge we are the source and the elements of experimentation to become mentally ill. Labeling someone can ruin the mind of that person because of the toxicity of the words come to mind thus mental illness developed. We must choose wisely to be knowledgeable of the right information and usage of positive words may heal someone’s cluttered mind. It used to be that mental illness was taboo and today we are now trying to reopen in way to understand what causes mental illness.

A movie titled Lust For Life starring Kirk Douglas as Vincent Van Gogh, and Anthony Quinn as Paul Gauguin an example of ignoring mental illness at that time and today’s world. Another issue is family disunity of course mental illness developed affecting the structure of family and humanity. Every living thing here on earth such family disunity and chaos in nuclear family setting creates disarrays in relationships contributed to mental illness, disability, and disturbances. The creation and activity by humans, that is. In some cases, there are solutions to avoid and heal mental disarray of the mind. However, this type of disease will be with humanity until humans exist on earth. Therefore, mental health issues and its disturbances continue. We must understand the meaning of the many types of mental illness resulting to mentally unhealthy actions, untimely projections, assumptions, and its activities. Due to misunderstanding of the confusing difference between mentally disturbed, mental disability, mental illness, and its causes, mental illness stigma occurs, and it continues.

Such examples, stories from a landlord and a volunteer advocate for neglected and abused children encountered so many events categorize as mentally disturbed, mentally disable and mentally ill individuals. Nobody could differentiate the difference between disabled, disability and disturbed individuals. The landlord then decided to attend Mental Illness Suicide Prevention program to be certified to assist and help individuals in the community such as prospective and current tenants. As a certified Suicide Prevention specialist with Mental Health First Aid USA had helped her to understand more about unhealthy mind and its prevention, in addition to currently is going on in our society overall around the world. She is then able to understand the society in the community categorized as an unhealthy, having mental health issues, and stigma practices.

The brain for a normal person has a possibility to transform into abnormality due to some kind of disturbances in the brain that perhaps of what this individual had taken internally such as medications, the environment situation, and the learned behavior affecting humans’ precious minds. Our mind is a pocket of all world’s imagination and visualization of false and facts which Theta magazine by Ron Hubbard (2016) called it Time Track and the author called it Think Tank the vast container

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