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How to Win Custody
How to Win Custody
How to Win Custody
Ebook129 pages1 hour

How to Win Custody

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About this ebook

For 30 years, Brian D. Perskin served as a powerful advocate for his clients, guiding both men and women through difficult divorces and complex family issues. His tough, sharp approach to litigation coupled with his dedication to his clients has enabled him to best achieve his clients’ goals and safeguard their interests, whether he is dealing with complex matrimonial issues, custody cases, or other family law matters. Attorney Perskin’s deep commitment to his clients enables him to serve them in a more powerful way, fighting to protect their interests as if each of their cases were about his own family.
It is this devotion and passion that has led to him achieving one of the highest ratings on Avvo, an unbiased rating system based on an attorney’s background and reputation. While these ratings are based on information from public sources, state bar associations, court records, regulatory agencies, and published sources, this high rating reflects the sincere personal commitment Attorney Perskin makes to each of his clients. It depicts the tireless effort and rigorous work he constantly devotes to protecting the interests of his clients and their families.
Attorney Perskin does not only dedicate his time to his own clients, but to advancing legal knowledge more generally, too. He frequently speaks on topics related to family law, such as on the use of depositions in marriage proceedings, custody elevations, and judges’ opinions on equitable distribution. He has also written on subjects related to divorce strategy, fathers’ rights, custody rights of non-parents, pension fund assets and attorneys’ fees. Most recently, he published a book titled Winning Divorce Strategies, in which he maps out the most effective way to achieve one’s goals in a divorce. Attorney Perskin’s hope is to make divorce and family law issues easier for those undergoing them, and to devote his legal career to serving individuals in need of legal guidance through such challenging times.
In addition, Attorney Perskin is married and has three children. While in college at Brandeis University, he also studied at the London School of Economics. He is a major hockey fan, including being a lifelong New York Islanders fan, and welcomes the team to Brooklyn.
Release dateDec 2, 2020
How to Win Custody

Brian D. Perskin Esq

For 30 years, Brian D. Perskin served as a powerful advocate for his clients, guiding both men and women through difficult divorces and complex family issues. His tough, sharp approach to litigation coupled with his dedication to his clients has enabled him to best achieve his clients’ goals and safeguard their interests, whether he is dealing with complex matrimonial issues, custody cases, or other family law matters. Attorney Perskin’s deep commitment to his clients enables him to serve them in a more powerful way, fighting to protect their interests as if each of their cases were about his own family. It is this devotion and passion that has led to him achieving one of the highest ratings on Avvo, an unbiased rating system based on an attorney’s background and reputation. While these ratings are based on information from public sources, state bar associations, court records, regulatory agencies, and published sources, this high rating reflects the sincere personal commitment Attorney Perskin makes to each of his clients. It depicts the tireless effort and rigorous work he constantly devotes to protecting the interests of his clients and their families. Attorney Perskin does not only dedicate his time to his own clients, but to advancing legal knowledge more generally, too. He frequently speaks on topics related to family law, such as on the use of depositions in marriage proceedings, custody elevations, and judges’ opinions on equitable distribution. He has also written on subjects related to divorce strategy, fathers’ rights, custody rights of non-parents, pension fund assets and attorneys’ fees. Most recently, he published a book titled Winning Divorce Strategies, in which he maps out the most effective way to achieve one’s goals in a divorce. Attorney Perskin’s hope is to make divorce and family law issues easier for those undergoing them, and to devote his legal career to serving individuals in need of legal guidance through such challenging times. In addition, Attorney Perskin is married and has three children. While in college at Brandeis University, he also studied at the London School of Economics. He is a major hockey fan, including being a lifelong New York Islanders fan, and welcomes the team to Brooklyn.

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    How to Win Custody - Brian D. Perskin Esq






    Copyright © 2020 Brian D. Perskin, Esq.

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    The information, ideas, and suggestions in this book are not intended to render legal advice. Before following any suggestions contained in this book, you should consult your personal attorney. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising as a consequence of your use or application of any information or suggestions in this book.


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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1404-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1405-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020923854

    iUniverse rev. date: 11/25/2020

    Intelligent and Aggressive Representation for Every Person Going

    Through Divorce or Custody Proceedings in the State of New York

    You can call me any time on 718 875-7584

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    A lawyer’s job is to create a better strategy than the one you have,

    or the one that you just have not yet thought of. My firm’s strategy

    in every case is to evaluate the law and the facts and design a

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    Custody Types

    Logic & Commitment

    Bird’s Nest Co-Parenting

    Goals Vs. Outcome

    Custody Evalution

    Questions to Consider

    Common Roadblocks

    Handling Dishonesty

    Visitation Exchanges

    Parental Alienation Syndrome

    Misconduct & Abuse

    Parental Kidnapping


    How to Choose a Lawyer

    Questions to Ask

    Retainers & Common Fees

    Financing Your Case


    Their Role in the Case

    What they Look For

    Personality Disorders


    Forensic Evaluations

    Building Your Case

    Preparing Your Case

    Keeping an Effective Journal


    Preparing Witnesses

    Mistakes to Avoid

    Proving Your Case



    Child Abuse

    Substance Abuse



    The Trial


    Additional Information

    Paternal Rights


    Impeaching the Psychologist

    Child Support



    We Can Help

    Success Stories




    Finalizing a divorce is a stressful process; when combined with a child custody battle it only adds to the weight of that difficult situation. There are so many factors taken into consideration during a custody battle, and the more you are prepared before starting the process the better you will be able to present your case.

    Winning child custody ultimately comes down to you being happy with the outcome of your custody situation, and that arrangements have been made in the best interests of your child. This ideal outcome is will differ depending on each situation. You may feel it is best for you to get sole custody of your child, or maybe it is in the best interests of your family to share joint custody. Every custody hearing is unique, and the outcome is completely dependent on your specific family circumstances. Because of this, it is can be very beneficial to work with experienced professionals to ensure you have the best chance at receiving the outcome you believe is best for your specific situation.

    In order to have the best chance at winning your child custody battle, you need to have a clear parenting plan in place to present to the Judge. You will need to work with both an attorney as well as a psychologist to build and prove your case.

    This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to ensure you are as prepared as possible so you will have the best chance for success.





    Custody is a term used to describe the legal and practical relationship between parents and their children. It defines the legal right of the parent(s) to be able to make decisions for the children, as well as their obligation to care for the child.

    There are few different outcomes that are possible when it comes to custody arrangements, and two main types - Legal Custody, and Physical Custody. Whichever parent is granted Legal Custody has the right to make important decisions about a child’s care including, but not limited to, medical care and religious upbringing. If the parents are given joint legal custody, the parents will make those decisions together, regardless of which parent the child is living with.

    Whichever parent is granted Physical Custody, or residential custody, will be responsible for the actual care and supervision of the child. If the Judge decides that joint physical custody is warranted, the child will live with each parent divided in an equal amount of time. If the Judge grants sole physical custody, the child will live with that parent for more than 50% of the time, and the other parent will be allowed a certain amount of visitation time.

    When sole custody is granted to a parent, that parent is fully responsible for making legal decisions on the child’s behalf as well as tending to their physical needs. When joint or shared custody is granted, both parents are given the right to

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