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At Your Heart at Your Feet
At Your Heart at Your Feet
At Your Heart at Your Feet
Ebook88 pages53 minutes

At Your Heart at Your Feet

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If love at first sight was a norm, Adam and Eve would not have to fall for the illusion of apple in the Garden of Eden.

The ascent of love is an unsolved paradox. It ushers the fervent downpour of the sky in its futile attempts to embrace its beloved earth. It sneers the eclipse as the earth tries in vain to unite with its moon.

The rationally incomprehensible universal virtue with the oceans falling short to determine its depth; the skies inept to measure its limitless expanse and the storms too bleak to capture its rage.

The mystical sixth element of the metaphysical world that amalgamates boundless joy with unbearable pain. Beyond the realms of life and death, the beloved rushes seeking solace in his arms to paint her parched soul with the colorful strokes of his love.

So, come and join the enchanting voyage to explore the kaleidoscope of unfailing emotions, unwavering devotion, often selfless, often selfish upheaval of senses expressed through the rhythmic rhymes.
Release dateDec 3, 2020
At Your Heart at Your Feet

Sugata Sarkar

Myriads of personalities blend to define Sugata Sarkar. A Singapore based quintessential technology thought leader and Managing Director by profession, an avid painter, a pensive historian, a restless philosopher, and much more. In his profession as well as his artistic works, he loves to challenge foundational pillars of the world, construes deep meanings from mundane situations and drives home a point with his punchy aphorism. After the success of the soul-stirring book “Pandemic Hues”, the poet brings alive a unique confluence of affection and divinity of love through natural imagery.

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    Book preview

    At Your Heart at Your Feet - Sugata Sarkar

    At Your Heart, at Your Feet

    We blow away with the wind from ridges to valley

    Like the spread of laughter on an eternity rally,

    Like dreams floating along with the clouds,

    Undeterred, undisturbed from the underneath crowd.

    We come down with the yellow rays of dawn

    At quiet morning with the ethos of an early song.

    We sunset with the rays of the sinking sun

    Into the horizon of desert in disguise of everyone.

    We hide us from all and be present in our senses

    Like breath that exhales with its last wishes.

    We sail through the rivers with no boundaries

    Into villages built along the meandering trees.

    We ascend in morning at the distant, revered oracle,

    Sleep with a dream and find the stars huddle.

    We flew with unnamed birds with their tail in blue

    Into the by-lanes of the old city and saw it through.

    Like the veins and arteries of our existential body,

    We saw neon nights of the city when it’s in starry.

    We traversed nations and migrated every season

    Family and society can’t bind us for any reason.

    We searched for homes and went back to the start;

    Hey, my love, give me an abode in your heart.

    When you greet, where my heart shall always beat

    May I get a chance to redeem at your feet?

    Hearty Devoutness

    With the impetuosity of autumn, I lay scattered

    In your garden of love at your backyard.

    You came like an apathetic wind and gathered

    The remnants of me that still haven’t clattered.

    Let me find a place at your feet, in your heart,

    The part of me that hasn’t yet been apart,

    In your morning blessings with the chants,

    That awaken the birds and who can’t withstand

    The charm of fragrance of your dawn.

    Let me perish at your feet as the day turns to dark,

    All my innocence and arrogance I have parked,

    Merge into you as my fragrance perish with the fog.

    Let me win my battles of life by losing to you

    How stubborn grass is shamed by the morning dew.

    Let me lie at your feet, breathing the dust,

    I shall win you while I am gone with your trust.

    For tomorrow will be a new day with a dawn,

    My blessings at your feet is what you will mourn.

    Today let’s celebrate my presence at your feet

    The heavens will come down to Earth to greet.

    The Kiss of Night

    You came in the middle of night unplanned,

    At the edge of sea within a small piece of land.

    The moonlight enacted dawn with her craft,

    Ripples in the sea mindlessly played their chant.

    Without any glamour or witness or any fact,

    You came in the middle of night unwrapped.

    Waters basked at your feet as you looked at the sky

    To reach your love standing close nearby;

    The storm within the minds is about to untie,

    With the touch of love and passion about to fly;

    You came in the middle of night with all your shy.

    Not too distant, the ships anchored in a row

    Like they want to witness your mind’s rainbow.

    Moonlight played its magic, casting our shadow

    On the wet sand from where our love shall grow;

    You came in the middle of night through my window.

    Heart stalled, breathing halted for the moment,

    As love wanted to establish its supreme statement.

    No grandeur, no wealth, you came very different,

    Within the clamour of life, with footsteps silent,

    You came in the middle of night with innocence.

    Tryst with Love

    Let my tryst with love take rebirth on this day of solitude,

    When your footsteps don’t echo into my house anymore.

    The winds reminded me of whispers that used to allude,

    Sound of bangles doesn’t reverberate, that I used to adore.

    Empire of my dreams I built crumbled into pieces;

    Sand remained, so did the shore; the castle is no more.

    The hummingbird of my dawn doesn’t sing at my arenas,

    I walked on roads and alleys that bear memories of yours.

    May you live the life the world owes to you,

    You deserve to find solace the world promised you.

    I shall remain with the tyranny of a dejected few,

    May richness and happiness kiss you through.

    I shall absolve the possession I ever cherished so dear,

    May my tryst with destiny take its turn before

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