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Raise Your Consciousness
Raise Your Consciousness
Raise Your Consciousness
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Raise Your Consciousness

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This book will lead you in the path of your consciousness. You will understand how your energy and frequencies are shaping your reality in the material world. Power of Self-love is the core of our existence. You will learn how healing your chakra’s will help you to live a fulfilling and content life as human are connecting dots of the universal matrix. Importance of detachment, affirmation, prayers and conscious continuous inward growth can change your outer reality. Methods to increase your consciousness and intuition, ways of quick manifestation, healing prayers and meditation are described. Everything in this universe is an energy and self-talk plays a vital role in living blissful conscious life. This books also talks about the belief system as how we are being trapped in our ancestral thoughts & frequencies, and as an individual by healing ourselves we can have a rippling effect in the outer world to balance peace & harmony in the collective.
Release dateFeb 19, 2021
Raise Your Consciousness

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    Raise Your Consciousness - Sujata Gorai

    Copyright © 2021 by Sujata Gorai.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.




    Soul Qualities

    Twin Flame

    Spirituality & Its Laws

    Human Body, Chakra & Healing

    Self Love

    Manifestation & Its Methods



    42022.png In the name of God, I am writing this book with

    an intention of everyone’s highest & greatest

    good. May God’s light & blessings be with us at

    all times beyond eternity.

    42025.png I am heartily grateful and thankful to all the

    people, event and situations those who have made

    this book possible directly or indirectly by offer

    ing their love & support throughout my journey.

    42027.png May we all read this book with an open mind

    and heart. As I pray, divine wisdom & guid

    ance to lead us in the path of our highest great

    ness in this lifetime and many more.

    42029.png Amen…




    The creation of everything and the component of every existence starts with vibration and frequency. We live in a universe where everything is energy, including our mind, body, and soul. What is the literal meaning of energy, and how can we convert it for our highest good? Before coming to how, we need to first understand what exactly it means. The human body consists of infinite energies—if you observe the body’s molecular structure, you will understand how different chemical components have created our body, blood, DNA, bone, hair, etc. Does our emotions, feelings, thoughts also have energy? Yes! All are a part of a continuous process of formation and destruction of our bigger existence in the outer universe.

    Our feelings, thoughts, actions, food, objects we see, things we hear, words we speak, even our dreams, contain energies. Sense organs, including our whole body, have a range of energy spectrum. When we eat, we take the nutrient from food as an energy which has an impact in our mind, body, feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Every substance and object emits its own energy, which helps it to maintain its form or existence. Let’s understand this by more examples. When we visit a temple or mosque or any religious place, we feel a sense of peace that peace is an energy of that place. When we meet someone, instantly we feel a sense of heightened vibration or vice versa; that is because that person’s words and actions are emitting energies. How can we use our energies to meet our optimum potential? We will understand more of energies in the section of meditation.


    The universe is infinite, so is its connections with everything. Life is also full of connections. We need to understand what those connections are. A connection starts with ourselves first—our connection with the source, higher selves, emotions, feelings, childhood, family, friends, money, success, and experiences. It decides our reality.

    Our faith with money decides how much we are capable of earning in this life and many other lifetimes as everything in this universe is available in abundance. The same rule applies to love—how much we love ourselves to get that love back. How much respect do we give to ourselves to reciprocate the same from the universe? Do we trust ourselves so that people can trust us? Connections are infinite, so is its depth. It’s completely up to us to decide how much we think we deserve.

    Let’s understand more that the universe is connected to the solar system and solar systems are linked to planets. Planets are revolving on their axes. The moon circles the earth, as the earth circles the sun. Some planets have several moons.

    Everything in this world is in motion. Even the emotion—E = energy, motion = movement. We can understand how our emotions are taking life every second.

    We meet people in life not by chance but instead by matching our vibration with their whole being. Every situation, feeling, emotion has its frequencies and has a huge impact in our life.


    By now, we learned that every emotion has a frequency. We should know the range of frequencies to make use of it. Below are the list of frequencies:

    • Peace—432 Hz

    • Abundance—528 Hz

    • Harmony—639 Hz

    • Surrender—852 Hz

    • Bliss—963 Hz

    Higher Vibrations

    Unity, peace, love, harmony, humanity, prayers, purity, faith, trust, loyalty, confidence, detachment, acceptance are some of the examples of higher vibration. All the realities in the outer world are the reflection of our inner world so when you tap into the frequency of higher vibration all the connected people, situation, events starts to appear in life. Synchronicity becomes the vital aspect of life. All of your thoughts are making space in the outer world by matching your frequency. This is the power of your subconscious mind. When you are in tune with your intuition, it’s hard to say if you are thinking first or the actions are happening in the real world because both start to appear in sync.


    Everyone is blessed with an intuition. We can call this as a gut feeling too—the subtle silent voice in our heart that guides us every second of our life. When we silence our mind, we listen to our intuition—the most honest and best voice for our highest good.

    We can identify the difference between our intuition and mind. Intuition may not always come from logic that our mind can comprehend. Let’s say you would like to go out for a movie, but somehow, your heart is not allowing you to do so. You may have tried multiple times to make your mind understand, but you can’t. It’s a state when your heart is not in sync with your mind, and it overrides the mind’s thought. This is intuition.

    Taking actions from the heart is intuition when we can’t explain the reason of our action, but we take it with our whole heart.

    How Can We Increase Our Intuition?

    Every art requires genuine practice, and intuition is one fine art. The more we listen to it, the more we get in tune with it. Give more power to the thoughts and feelings that come from the heart than the mind; this will exponentially help you enhance its power and capacity.

    First, try with small activities, like which book to read or which dress to pick or buy, and then go higher and higher. One day surely you will be in tune with your highest intuition, and you should be able to take every decision from the heart, which would be for your highest good.

    Conscious and Subconscious Mind

    Human minds are of two types—conscious and subconscious. In the spiritual world, we call it as the awakened mind and sleeping mind. Per science, it’s the left side and right side of the brain. The left side represents the conscious and awakened mind, which is full of activities, whereas the right represents the subconscious and sleeping mind. The power of the subconscious mind is much greater than the conscious mind. The subconscious mind always creates new realities with new thoughts and feelings with or without our intention. It’s important that we keep a control of our subconscious mind to live the life we want.

    How Can We Make Our Subconscious Mind More Active?

    There are many activities that can help us make our subconscious mind more active. Meditation is one of them. It directly works with all types of cells in the mind, including the dormant ones, and you allow the frequencies to activate activities to make it more effective and active.

    There is more power available in the universe which works with us. When you keep your mind and brain open you automatically allows universal mind to work with you for your highest good. You just need to trust that higher power is working for you and its helping you to make your life beautiful. To make this happen you need to start with the belief. Do the things which helps you to be empowered and creative. This will help enhance your subconscious mind. Creative activities can be painting, cooking, workout, yoga, anything, whatever you prefer that makes your soul shine.

    Let’s understand with different examples. A student is taking an exam, and there is one answer he is unable to recall, but once he leaves that question for last and concentrates on the next questions, automatically his brain remembers the answers that he was looking initially. This can be practiced even for dreams. Leave the questions for your subconscious mind, and it will be answered very soon. Majority of the scientists use this technique for solving major issues.

    Synchronicity and Flow

    Nothing in this world just happens for no reasons; all are being projected by our own thoughts and beliefs. When we start to ascend higher, the synchronicity in life increases. Let’s say you have thought of one person and that person appears in front of you. Flow state of human mind, body and soul treated as the most productive state as we vibrate high with the universe in this state and attract more positive events, situation & people in life.




    The soul is immortal. It can never be created nor be destroyed, same as energy. Most of the spiritual and religious books have explained this vastly. I am explaining what I

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