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American Junkie "Life, Love, and Loss": A Poetry Collection
American Junkie "Life, Love, and Loss": A Poetry Collection
American Junkie "Life, Love, and Loss": A Poetry Collection
Ebook79 pages27 minutes

American Junkie "Life, Love, and Loss": A Poetry Collection

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About this ebook

American Junkie "Life, Love, and Loss" marks the first internationally published collection of poetry from Author James Hamilton.

The collection is an original, unflinching, and visceral look into the sometimes shocking, personal drug culture in America. The afflicted, sometimes gloss over the ghastly damage inflicted on lovers and other family members, however, "Junkie" aims to give these forgotten victims a voice in the mire.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 22, 2021
American Junkie "Life, Love, and Loss": A Poetry Collection

James Hamilton

James Hamilton is an artist and designer who lives in San Mateo, California.

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    Book preview

    American Junkie "Life, Love, and Loss" - James Hamilton


    Awl Father

    You dead to me

    Yet still busting through my walls

    Wrecking unholy havoc,

    on my fragile sanity

    Awl Father-

    You dead to me.

    Inherited Violence,

    Violent Language,

    The Spewing Bile;

    The Spewing all your Profanity

    Raw Father-

    You Dead to Me.

    An imposing figure,

    Fucking Figure.

    No Shared Humanity.

    Mission Control Missions,

    Down from Outer Space

    In a Dust Vacuum

    Of Vacuum Dust

    We dont share a face.

    But actions shared actions?

    Actions of your past?

    Feed actions of My Day

    Awl Father-

    You are better farther away.

    Farther better Father

    I’ll find a Way.

    Ill Travel, Time Travel

    To Not See


    Another Day…


    Resolution Geometry

    And so-

    Another page is turned.

    More time has come to pass.

    The old one burned, so sure,

    I raised a glass.

    Rules, Rules

    Bring in the new.

    Out with the old.

    Save those new shapely shapes,

    toss away our worn, broken molds.

    What is behind is left,

    out, trapped in the shapeless cold.

    This Resolution Formula,

    Square, but Tried and True.

    Has me left feeling lost, an

    of Melancholy Blue

    I look at all the angles,

    observe lines, both petite and bold

    Maybe I’ll ask a Palm Reader -

    What does my future hold?

    What should I change of the shapes I’ve made?

    So others can hear the sound.

    As I sing today; unashamed,

    my old familiar song.

    The melody, while different now,

    certainly, cannot be wrong.

    Nearly fifty times I have seen this change.

    Tunnel of time, Open,

    for passage through.

    I remember not,

    Who was the first to say:

    On this Day of Starts, Delayed


    At which Point those Lines should Intersect,

    and why Shapes and Lines must Change.

    Two by Two Petite - Or Me?

    So Bold; Direct! as Three.

    I wonder where my Triangle will fit.

    Perhaps as a Wedged Root on this day’s

    Geometric Tree?

    The Choice

    Affection or Affliction; choose.

    It sounds easy, right?

    But do yourself a favor and

    take a moment before you do.

    Ask yourself-

    Which one are you closer to?

    Which one will you choose to use?

    Or maybe it’s you that’s getting used?

    Go on ask yourself -

    Which one always helps you win?

    Which one always makes you lose?

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