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Unstoppable “By Choice”
Unstoppable “By Choice”
Unstoppable “By Choice”
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Unstoppable “By Choice”

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Unstoppable “By Choice” offers a transparent picture of a young girl’s pursuit of the abundant life. It relates the life of a young under-privileged girl who overcame the odds and ended up not being another statistic because she was a high-school drop-out, pregnant and married at 17 with three children by 19, living with a military spouse and unaware of how to make a marriage work or raise a family. Her feelings of rejection caused her to become unstoppable in all her pursuits regardless of the many opportunities to fail. Although she lacked adequate knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve that abundant life, God had a plan for her life. As her relationship with Christ grew, she was better able to handle life’s challenges. She grew up in a two-parent home with a mother who was a homemaker, a father who was a laborer and seven siblings. She chose to stand up and step ahead regardless of the odds to live a better life. She believed the promise her daddy told her: “You can achieve whatever you want if you are willing to follow the process and persist in spite of the odds.” This book introduces us to a myriad of seemingly impossible emotional, mental, physical and spiritual challenges that were overcome by a young girl who persisted in establishing a process that led to the abundant life she was promised. This book will challenge you, excite you and encourage you to pursue the promise and tell your story. It may be the most memorable and impactful book you will read all year.
Release dateJun 28, 2021
Unstoppable “By Choice”

Jamie Bree

The author is a believer in Jesus Christ and brings a unique perspective to being unstoppable. She is a gifted teacher, leader and visionary. Jamie Bree currently serves as the Under Shepherd of her home church and is the Owner and CEO of a training and consulting firm and spiritual enrichment training ministry. She has authored three handi-books published by Gooch Enhancement Enterprises: Your Mouth, What Are You Saying; Your Mind, What Are You Thinking; and Your Individual Group Plan. She has traveled extensively for over 30 years locally and abroad. She is the second oldest of eight siblings. Brenda has three adult sons and daughters-in-law and is a grand-mother and great grand-mother. She holds advanced degrees in Business, Public Administration and Ministry. Her life’s motto is “if I can help someone as I travel through this life, then my living will not be in vain.” Life’s experiences have prepared her to share these riveting experiences from lowly beginnings to living an abundantly blessed life. Her story will enrich your life.

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    Book preview

    Unstoppable “By Choice” - Jamie Bree

    © 2021 Jamie Bree. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

    transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/23/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-2926-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-2925-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-2924-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021912009

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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1979, 1980,

    1982 by Thomas Nelson, inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    The Promise has been given

    The Process has been prepared

    Persist till you get there

    A true story of a young woman’s persistance in

    following the process to achieve the promise.

    Yes, You Can Be Unstoppable and Defy the Odds

    But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men

    this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

    Matthew 19:26 New King James Version



    The Journey Begins

    The Family

    Doing The Possible

    Marriage And Motherhood

    Becoming A Young Adult

    Life’s Twists And Turns

    Stepping Down To Step Ahead

    Visions Do Manifest


    Need To Achieve


    Life In Germany

    Fight Or Flight

    My Three Sons

    Living Or Just Surviving

    Cannot Give Up Or Give In

    The Choice Is Yours

    God Gets The Glory


    It does not matter how you start, but how you finish. Statistics say you will not make it when life’s little U-turns and challenges seem to be winning the battle in your life. And just to be honest, you will only make it to a certain point in this thing called life, without God. Come with me as I tell my story of how God worked it out for my good. You see I thought it was me! I was the smart one, I was the strong one, I was the one making it all happen. I was unstoppable! Little did I know that one day God would reveal to me it was Him alone who was working in my life and I would begin a journey of transformation I never knew possible. Share with me in this journey. You will be encouraged, convicted, motivated and who knows, you may even surrender your will to God!

    First, let me say it has taken me mannnnnyyy years to finish this book. Just recently God gave me a message to give His people to Tell the Story. As I sat meditating on the results of the message, the Holy Spirit said, now it’s time for you to finish telling your story and write that book. This message was your introduction so let’s get going. I thank all those who continue to ask me about the status of my book. I even appreciate those who, without shame, tell me about how this one or that one has finished their books and published them while I am still procrastinating. So, I have committed to finish this masterpiece over the next few months, before this pandemic ends. Both my Mother and Daddy and several others mentioned in my book have passed and will not be able to read my book, but I know they all will be proud of me finally completing a dream that began so long ago.

    What are the chances of survival for a young female of color from a dysfunctional family, who was under skilled, a high school dropout who left high school at 16 to marry her 17-year-old childhood sweetheart because she was pregnant, have her first son at 17 and have two more sons by age 21? What are the chances of this life becoming remarkable? Yet, this young Black woman who grew up in a low-income neighborhood defied the odds. She would not let adversity or lack stop her. She knew there was more to life than getting married and having children at an early age. She always liked to read and was studious from elementary school through high school. It took extraordinarily little study or homework for her to pass the academic tests. She had a good memory for details. Taking her love for reading from her father, she read everything she came across. She not only went back to high school and graduated, but she achieved academic excellence in all higher education pursuits. She graduated with an Associate’s degree in Management (cum laude maintaining a 3.5 grade point average) from the Community College, the university with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (magna cum laude maintaining a 4.0 grade point average), a Master’s degree in Public Administration cum laude and from the Bible Seminary and College with a Doctors in Ministry degree where she maintained a 4.0 grade point average in all her classes. Her search for knowledge was unstoppable and even after receiving a doctor’s degree she continued to take classes, attend workshops and conferences to keep her knowledge and skills sharpened.

    Her federal government career was marked with countless awards and promotions. She was awarded the highest civil servant award at the mid-point of her federal career. Her achievements were continual as where her promotions from the lowest general schedule grade to the highest. She retired at the age of 52 after 30 years of federal government service. She started another career one year after retiring and continues in that profession at the writing of this story. She continues to make an impact on her family and community. Her motto is If I can help somebody while traveling along this way, my living not be in vain.

    Her Type A personality and "Make it Happen philosophy of life were the tools she believed helped her to accomplish these things. She has since learned that nothing in her life could have manifested itself had it not been for Jesus Christ. Her relationship with Jesus as Lord of her life is the most exciting experience she could ever have chosen. Although her BC (Before she surrendered to Christ) attitude and behavior caused her to believe that her know how, tenacity, dedication, commitment, knowledge, and difference helped her to pull herself up by her ‘boat straps’. But, God! One day God spoke to her heart and said Little girl, I knew you before you were placed in your mother’s womb, I gifted you, equipped you, protected you, provided for you and saved you so that this would be your life." From that day forward she realized the hand of God on her life and accepted God as her personal Savior developing a growing an intimate relationship with Him as her Lord and Savior. Now she knows it was not her that accomplished all these things, but she gives God all the glory for the great things he has done in her life. She realizes none of her many achievements come close to the relationship she has with Christ.

    Her story may be like many others today, but she believes there is someone out there in this great universe that will benefit from the life she has lived. She has made some decisions that have affected her both positively and negatively, but she presses on for the prize of the high calling in Jesus Christ.

    Many have attested to her fortitude and willingness to share her story in hopes that it will encourage you to be Unstoppable, while achieving great things against the odds, if you make the choice to do so.

    This is her story.


    It was one of those dreary days in the community. The sun had not completely gone down over the World War ll housing project that we called home. When I think back on my early years, my mind is flooded with lots of memories. We were one of the many families fortunate enough to have both parents in the home. During those days most homes had both the mom and dad in the home. The average family size was about 5 children. We played in our neighborhood, came in the house or at least in the yard when the corner light went on and everyone looked out for each other. Our community exemplified the phrase it takes a village to raise a child. Any adult felt comfortable praising or correcting all the children in the neighborhood. They would even load their cars with kids needing rides to school events or going to the local skating ring or bowling alley. Even though the neighbors would help with transportation, the majority of our transportation was by foot. Yes, we walked almost everywhere we went. I

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