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The War of the Mind: Understanding Inflation and Alienation
The War of the Mind: Understanding Inflation and Alienation
The War of the Mind: Understanding Inflation and Alienation
Ebook267 pages6 hours

The War of the Mind: Understanding Inflation and Alienation

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Christians say that Jesus Christ had two natures – divine and human. What would that be like? According to Carl Jung, we are all Jesus Christ. Our human part is our ego, the center of our consciousness, while our divine part is our Self, the unconscious center of our entire psyche.

With Jesus Christ, both natures – divine and human – were conscious in one person. According to Jung, the problem for humans is that our divine nature is unconscious and our conscious human nature is, for the most part, completely unable to communicate with our inner God. If it could, we would all be Jesus.

Instead, the human mind is at war with itself. The part that is truly connected to reality is our unconscious Self, the God inside us. The part that is prone to making up reality – the part that lives in a fantasy world of its own devising – is our conscious human part.

For Jung, the ego (consciousness) has to undergo a process called individuation to make proper contact with the Self (the divine unconscious) and thus reach the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

Dreams are where our inner God attempts to speak to us, but people are hopeless at interpreting their dreams. The more successful you become at individuation, the better sense you can make of your all-important dreams.

If the conscious ego and unconscious Self have a poor relationship, disaster usually follows. Two of the biggest dangers are “inflation” and “alienation”. These are currently happening on an epidemic scale and infecting the whole world with madness.

The Mind War can end only if the two natures of Jesus – human and God – can at last learn to be on the same page, and understand each other’s role.

Come inside and find out what has to be done.
Release dateJul 27, 2021
The War of the Mind: Understanding Inflation and Alienation

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The portion about Hegel gave me fantastic insights, a must-read for those that value their own psychological well-being.

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The War of the Mind - David Sinclair

The War of the Mind

Understanding Inflation and Alienation

David Sinclair

Copyright © David Sinclair 2020

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored, in any form or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

ISBN: 978-1-291-68783-5


Table of Contents

The War of the Mind

The War of the Ego and Self

The Defense Game

Inflation Syndrome

Persona versus Shadow


Confusion of Levels

The Multicultural Error


The Differentiation

Scientific Inflation

The Dawn of the Locust Party

The Antichrist

America: Britain Across the Ocean

The Hoppers

Jesus H. Christ

The Corporation

The Baffling Question No Christian Can Answer

The Mad Ones

No Believer

The Collective Consciousness?

The Consummation of Religion

The Resurrection

The Incarnation

Winning the War

The War of the Ego and Self

… for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. – Jesus Christ

Human history has been dominated by religion. Religion is humanity’s way of referring to the purpose, meaning and point of life, to humanity’s highest hopes and dreams.

Science, which is a materialistic and nihilistic ideology associated with atheism, asserts that existence is created randomly and that it’s purposeless, meaningless and pointless. Only a fraction of the human race has ever listened to science’s bizarre creed of existence simultaneously being miraculous (suddenly jumping out of non-existence for no reason) and totally pointless (it serves no function at all). Scientism is and will remain a perverse aberration, driven by a particular and peculiar psychology, namely that of sensing types who have convinced themselves that reality is that which is present to their senses, and anything that isn’t observable is unreal (it doesn’t exist). A sensing type, more or less by definition, relates to reality only through his senses. What he can’t sense has no meaning for him.

For the vast bulk of humanity, everything revolves around meaning and purpose, around the point of it all. Meaning, purpose and point are non-sensory, hence non-scientific. Science will never answer why you here. That’s an absolute fact.

Given the crucial importance of values, meaning and purpose, did the human race in fact commit a catastrophic error when it turned to religion and spirituality to explore these? It couldn’t use science, and philosophy is too rarefied for most people, but should it instead have turned to psychology? The priest is in the game of judging the soul. The psychologist wants to understand it and heal it.

Religion and spirituality are about an external God, or God-substitute (such as cosmic consciousness, bare awareness or nondualism). The task is to align yourself with this external entity or Source, yet you are always fundamentally alienated from this Source, which is your creator and master. You are its slave, and you inevitably succumb to a master-slave psyche, and everything that entails.

Imagine, instead, that God is internal. God isn’t outside us, he’s inside us. We are all intrinsic, eternal and necessary nodes of God. We are not trying to understand another being, infinitely more powerful than us. Rather, we are trying to understand ourselves and our own powers.

In that case, we are not created, we are not made, we are not temporal and contingent, we are not mere phenomena, we are not slaves, and we have no master. There is no external being’s agenda that we must obey, so there is no need of any master-slave psyche. That kind of psyche is a construct, an illusion reflecting our own alienation from ourselves, our own incompleteness, our failure to understand who and what we really are.

If everyone accepted that the kingdom of God is within us – something that Jesus Christ himself explicitly asserted (even though Christianity, as a religion, is based on God being wholly outside us as our external Creator) – our attitude towards, and relationship with, God would be completely transformed. God would then be our own potentiality that we can all actualize, rather than a pre-existing external actuality that we can never authentically know.

With this new understanding, the master-slave system that has ruled human behavior would be replaced by a developmental, evolutionary psychological system of transmutation, transformation, human alchemy (turning base humans into gold humans), self-realization, self-actualization, self-optimization, and self-transcendence, acting alongside collective-realization, collective-actualization, collective-optimization and collective-transcendence. The task would not be one of worshiping God, but of becoming God, the exact opposite task. You are not required to work out how best to be God’s slave – to gratify him maximally – but how best to unleash your own divine potential, and that of everyone else, since all of us are inherently divine if we did but know it. Our problem is that we don’t know it, and that ignorance has shaped all of human history.

Imagine how different history would have been if the master-slave model – with all of us as slaves and God as the master – had never showed its face on earth. There would have been no prophets, gurus, kings, tyrants, dictators, oligarchs, plutocrats, elites, and all the rest of them (all those claiming to stand in for God in some way, and hence, according to them, being deserving of the worship afforded to God), and that means that history would have had no resemblance to how it actually unfolded. All the power structures – the systems of dominance and hierarchy – that stain our world would never have come into being. All of these are reflective of master-slave thinking and behavior. The powers-that-be always claim to be God’s substitutes, agents on earth, chosen ones or favored ones, so they are to be treated as if they were God, and everyone else must be their slaves, just as they are for God himself.

Imagine if the human relationship with the divine order had always concerned transpersonal psychology. Wikipedia says, "Transpersonal psychology, or spiritual psychology … integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience with the framework of modern psychology. The transpersonal is defined as ‘experiences in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond (trans) the individual or personal to encompass wider aspects of humankind, life, psyche or cosmos’. It has also been defined as ‘development beyond conventional, personal or individual levels.’

Issues considered in transpersonal psychology include spiritual self-development, self beyond the ego, peak experiences, mystical experiences, systemic trance, spiritual crises, spiritual evolution, religious conversion, altered states of consciousness, spiritual practices, and other sublime and/or unusually expanded experiences of living. The discipline attempts to describe and integrate spiritual experience within modern psychological theory and to formulate new theory to encompass such experience.

If humanity had been engaged in exploring all of these issues for thousands of years, rather than exploring all the horrific consequences of the master-slave psychological model, humanity would be a wholly different species, with a history nothing like its actual one.

So, everything comes down to whether God is deemed external to us, or is in fact ourselves, albeit at a transpersonal level, i.e. it’s not so much that each of us is personally God as that each of us is a node of God and when all nodes work perfectly together, we collectively create a God Unity that transcends all of us, but of which we are all necessarily a part.

If humanity does not get the basic model of reality right, it will never fulfil its potential. The master-slave model has given us the disastrous history of humanity that all of us can painfully study at our leisure. The transcendent model of transpersonal psychology, requiring everyone to reach their optimal state, would involve an entirely different history and conclusion.

We have to get this right if we wish to convert Humanity 1.0 into Higher Humanity (Humanity 2.0).

The psychological phenomena of inflation (identifying with an external God) and alienation (feeling abandoned by an external God) have been foundational to the master-slave psychological model that humanity has followed. These must be well-understood so that we can avoid them in the future.

Inflation and alienation are, in truth, about the foundational relationship between the ego (consciousness) and the Self (our unconscious God Image). It’s essential to know every facet of this relationship. It needs to be conducted properly if humanity wishes to progress to its next level, to become an angelic and then even a divine species, rather than one mired in the animal, the beast and the devil.

The Defense Game

Everyone is playing the Defense Game. People use defense mechanisms to separate themselves from everything unpleasant in their lives. These psychological strategies are deployed everywhere to put distance between individuals and any threats or any unwanted feelings, such as shame or guilt. People use defense mechanisms without realizing it. These mechanisms constitute unconscious responses.

One of the most common defense mechanisms is denial. This occurs when people refuse to accept reality. They reject the facts. They shut out traumatic events so that they don’t have to deal with their impact. Avoidance is the name of the game. If you close your eyes, maybe the monster isn’t there. Or maybe it will go away.

William. J. Groo said, You can fool all the people part of the time, or you can fool some people all the time, but you cannot fool all people all the time. In fact, people fool themselves all the time. They don’t need anyone else to do it to them. Of course, if you fool yourself constantly then anyone who understands you well enough can fool you constantly too. People don’t want to believe they can be fooled all the time – and that’s exactly why they are so susceptible to being fooled all the time. Richard Feynman said, The first principle is that you must not fool yourself – and you are the easiest person to fool. That’s exactly right.

Ironically, materialists such as Feynman are amongst the easiest to fool. Once you have fooled them into believing that everything is matter, you can literally make them exclude any other possibility. You have therefore permanently fooled them. Everything is in fact mind, the opposite of matter. Idealism is true. Materialism is false.

Every false paradigm fools those that subscribe to it 100% of the time. If Allah doesn’t exist, Islam is 100% false. If Yahweh doesn’t exist, Judaism is 100% false. If Jesus Christ isn’t God, Christianity is 100% false. If the soul exists, Buddhism is 100% false, and so is atheism.

Most people are in some form of denial most of the time. People around them can see what’s going on, but even these sighted people are blind when it comes to their own circumstances. In the kingdom of the blind, there is no one-eyed king.

Denying reality will of course never work. If you’re not aligned with the reality principle, you’re in real trouble. The problem is that if all humans believe in a fantasy creature – an external God – then that fantasy in fact becomes reality, in the sense that anyone who opposes this fantasy will be killed by those that support it. Death is a very real event in the physical world! So, reality is not a simple thing. The unreal, surreal or hyperreal can all become reality – a real force with real consequences – if enough people believe in them. In other words, people’s beliefs about reality actually shape reality, even if those beliefs are absurd. Mainstream religions have nothing to do with reality in itself, but they are very real forces in the world that determine the reality of all of us on this earth.

What people believe about reality can shape reality even when those beliefs are wholly false. All defense mechanisms are falsifications of reality, but most people are eager users of these mechanisms. If you don’t like reality, you can replace it with your own reality. That’s what most people do. They only get away with it if they find enough people to buy into their unreality, their fantasy reality. Christianity has nothing to do with actual reality, but this bizarre fantasy has had a decisive effect on the reality, the actual history and development, of the human race.

We could, if we all chose, shape a wholly different reality, a vastly better one. The best reality is of course the one that actually reflects true reality, the reality that exists regardless of any humans or human beliefs about reality.

Another common defense mechanism is repression, the game of hiding or forgetting painful thoughts or memories. The trouble is that the more you bury things, the greater the power they wield in your unconscious. That’s a fundamental dialectical law of the mind. As the depth of repression increases, so does the power of the repressed content. Hiding the truth won’t work. In relation to repression, your unconscious mind acts as the antithesis of your conscious mind (the thesis). The repressed content forms a second mind – your Shadow – which stalks you at all times. The greater the repression, the more powerful the Shadow.

Your personally generated forces of antithesis are always threatening to engulf you, and they always get you in times of stress, weakness, vulnerability, too much temptation. That’s why so many Christian preachers who make a career denouncing homosexuality are so often caught in the act with other men and exposed as homosexuals themselves.

Projection is another common defense mechanism. Wikipedia says, Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a bully may project their own feelings of vulnerability onto the target. It incorporates blame shifting and can manifest as shame dumping.

If there is some feature about yourself that repulses you, you may well project it onto others. To refer to homosexuality again, some of the most homophobic people have themselves been homosexuals in denial about their own homosexuality.

If a people wants to be a Master Race, what does it do? It has to remove any features that would render it less than perfect, anything impure. In the case of the Nazis, they projected everything they regarded as incompatible with Nazism onto the group they regarded as the opposite of Nazis – the Jews.

If you feel disgusted by someone but do not want to admit it, you may well project your disgust onto them and consequently believe that they are disgusted by you. You feel it easier to cope with their disgust for you – which gives you the excuse to dislike them – than admit your disgust for them (and the fact that they did nothing against you to warrant your disgust).

Alternatively, if you are disgusted with yourself, but don’t want to admit it, you may project that self-disgust onto others (thus converting it from self-disgust into other-disgust) and then you have removed your feelings of disgust from inside you and relocated them outside you, where they are much easier to manage.

With the technique of displacement, you redirect the strong emotions and frustrations you have towards a powerful person to a much weaker target. This allows you to satisfy an impulse to react, without risking significant consequences. You take it all out on someone who can’t fight back. A worker, furious with his boss, might take out his anger on his wife and children when he gets home. He can’t afford to take it out on the boss and lose his job, so he takes it out on someone he can afford to vent on (although, of course, divorce may be the long-term consequence).

Regression is when people escape from a trauma by escaping to an earlier stage of development when the trauma did not exist. An adult may mimic the innocence of childhood by sucking their thumb, wetting the bed, or sleeping with a childhood teddy bear in order to try to evade a horrific adult situation.

Another defense mechanism is rationalization. People explain away something using convenient arguments, their own facts, their own paradigm, their own interpretation. They attempt to explain or justify behavior with specific reasons, even if these are not appropriate. Deep down, the person knows it. Politicians are experts on rationalization.

Sublimation is a rare positive and constructive defense mechanism. Those that engage in this action redirect strong emotions into an object or activity that is appropriate, safe and helpful. So, instead of getting angry at particular people, you might go to kickboxing class and develop a general skill. You have sublimated your anger and aggression. You have redirected it in a useful way. You might equally cultivate art, music, literature, poetry, and

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