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The ULTIMATE Tesla Coil Design and Construction Guide
The ULTIMATE Tesla Coil Design and Construction Guide
The ULTIMATE Tesla Coil Design and Construction Guide
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The ULTIMATE Tesla Coil Design and Construction Guide

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  • Market: electronics hobbyists and Tesla societies and websites

  • Features 76 worksheets to simplify design

  • The only book available to cover the Tesla coil in so much detail

Release dateOct 12, 2007
The ULTIMATE Tesla Coil Design and Construction Guide

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    The ULTIMATE Tesla Coil Design and Construction Guide - Mitch Tilbury


    This effort has not been completely my own. I first became interested in Nikola Tesla in 1987 when I read Margaret Cheney’s book Man Out of Time. Until then I had no idea who he was or how he impacted the last two centuries. I also had no idea how to generate high voltage. My experience with high voltage was limited to 240 V. It would be another six years before I attempted to build my first Tesla coil. My first attempts were miserable failures. I was having great difficulty obtaining affordable commercial high-voltage parts through mail order sources and area surplus stores. My homemade parts were quickly overcome by the electrical stresses found in an operating coil. I also discovered there was little published information on the subject which was difficult to obtain. Reproducing the coil designs in these published works met with limited success.

    It was during these failures that I committed myself to write my own book on Tesla coils someday. I would never have gotten on the right track had I not ran into veteran coiler Ed Wingate of the Rochester Area Tesla Coil Builders (RATCB). I was given Ed’s phone number while searching through the surplus stores in Rochester, NY, where he is known for his interest in high-voltage surplus parts. While in town I apprehensively called Ed and he graciously invited me to his laboratory the following day, as I believe he actually perceived my excitement over the phone lines. Ed spent most of the next day showing me how real Tesla coils are built and told me about the ARRL’s Hamfests and Harry Goldman’s Tesla Coil Builders Association (TCBA). I also gratefully received an invitation to Ed’s annual Teslathon and have been attending ever since. After Ed’s mentoring I was able to obtain quality surplus commercial equipment for a good price. A wealth of coil building information was also becoming available every quarter through the TCBA’s newsletter. The coil plans in the newsletter were reproducible and I was soon generating high voltage.

    Nikola Tesla designed the first resonant transformer of high frequency and high potential to become known as the Tesla coil. Over the next 100 years this coil found many commercial applications but industry and its engineers never credited Tesla. Although clearly influenced by Tesla these applications were never published, hidden under the guise proprietary. It fell to the amateur coiler to advance the technique of generating high voltage using a resonant transformer. These techniques have been passed to many generations of coilers and have become accepted practice. Although most of the material in this design guide is my effort to provide conventional formulae and methodology that is referenced to published sources, I would have long ago succumbed to frustration without help from all of the knowledgeable coilers I have met over the years. The ideas, assistance, and parts they have provided are reflected in this guide. I consider myself merely the recorder of these ideas. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the following veteran coilers for their invaluable contributions to my high voltage experience: Ed Wingate of the Rochester Area Tesla Coil Builders (RATCB), Tom Vales, Richard Hull of the Tesla Coil Builders of Richmond (TCBOR), Harry Goldman of the Tesla Coil Builders Association (TCBA), John Freau, Tony DeAngelis, Steve Roys, Chris Walton and the many coilers I have had the pleasure of knowing over the years.

    Coil building is an amateur endeavor, which places emphasis on the quality and aesthetic appeal of the coil, not just on the spark length being produced. This will always leave challenging opportunities for improvement. I have even seen coilers reproduce antique looking coils of high quality and visual appeal. Without a doubt machinists have built the best coils I have seen. Most of the Tesla coil still requires fabrication of parts and interconnections from stock materials, which makes the machinist a natural coil builder. Coil building has attracted the attention of many tradesman of vocations too numerous to mention.

    I am deeply indebted to the late Richard Little Ed.D., being the first to nurture my ability to think on my own.

    Last but not least I am indebted to my wife, Jodi, who provides me with as much spare time as I can possibly get away with. This requires an extra effort on her part to maintain our lifestyle. As the high voltage generated increases, so does the noise produced by the spark and she has often bit her tongue while I blasted away in the lab. She is also very generous with my part allowance, as left to my own device I would have long ago propelled us into insolvency. Her efforts are in the spirit of Michael Faraday’s wife who contributed portions of her wardrobe so he could insulate the conductors in his solenoids and discover electromagnetism.




    Introduction to Coiling

    Coiling is the popular term used to describe the building of resonant transformers of high frequency and high potential otherwise known as Tesla coils. Nikola Tesla was the foremost scientist, inventor, and electrical genius of his day and has been unequaled since. If you are unfamiliar with Nikola Tesla see the bibliography in Appendix A for a short narrative and references (5) through (9) for further reading.

    Although never publicly credited, Nikola Tesla invented radio and the coil bearing his name, which involves most of the concepts in radio theory. The spark gap transmitters used in the early days of radio development were essentially Tesla coils. The fundamental difference is that the energy is converted to a spark instead of being propagated through a medium (transmitted). The old spark gap transmitters relied on very long antenna segments (approximately 1/4 wavelength) to propagate the energy in a radio wave, the quarter-wave secondary coil is in itself a poor radiator of energy. Tesla coils or resonant transformers of high frequency and high potential have been used in many commercial applications, the only variation being the high voltage is used to produce an effect other than a spark. Although not all commercial applications for Tesla coils are still in use some historical and modern day applications include:

    •  Spark gap radio transmitters

    •  Induction and dielectric heating (vacuum tube and spark gap types)

    •  Induction coils (differ only in the transformer core material being used)

    •  Medical X-ray devices (typically driven by an induction coil)

    •  Quack medical devices (violet-ray)

    •  Ozone generators

    •  Particle accelerators

    •  Electrical stage shows and entertainment

    •  Generation of extremely high voltages with relatively high power levels

    Our interest in these coils is of a non-commercial nature or hobby/enthusiast. If you are new to coiling follow along through the chapters to develop an understanding of high voltage and how to generate it utilizing a Tesla coil. Design methodology is explained and taken step by step requiring only an elementary knowledge of electricity. If this is your first coil do not start out drawing 15 kW out of your service box trying to create 15-foot lightning bolts; work with a neon sign transformer and 6-inch sparks. As you progress you will most likely generate lightning bolts and power levels that are limited only by your laboratory space.

    The concepts involved in coiling are abstract but not difficult to understand using the illustrations and examples in this design guide. Let’s begin.

    1.1   Surplus Parts

    Throughout this guide, Hamfest is mentioned. If you have never attended one, a Hamfest has a fair-like atmosphere where electronic surplus/salvage vendors and radio enthusiasts come to sell, buy, and trade electrical parts and equipment. The Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) sponsors the events. To find the Hamfests nearest you and the dates they occur contact the ARRL headquarters at:

    225 Main Street

    Newington, CT 06111-1494

    Or phone: (860) 594-0200 from 8 AM to 5 PM Eastern time, Monday through Friday, except holidays. They will mail you a Hamfest schedule if requested by phone or mail.

    There is also a website address where the Hamfest schedule can be queried for each state and month:

    There are also hundreds of electronic surplus outlets of various sizes located throughout the country. Your local Yellow Pages may list them. Most will attend local Hamfests if not in the phone directory.

    1.2   Using Microsoft Excel

    Excel spreadsheets were used to automatically perform the calculations used in this guide. You can find these Excel spreadsheets at the companion Web site, which can be found at See App. B for a list of Excel files that are used in this book, and the worksheets found in these files. Where the book requests you to open a worksheet, please refer to App. B for the name of the file the worksheet appears in. If you are not familiar with Excel, note that the worksheets are designed to operate with only a few numerical entries into specified cells. All cells requiring an entry in the worksheets are colored blue to separate them from the cells performing calculations. This is as simple as I can make it. Practice with this program will enable any layman to perform complex engineering evaluations. If you do not have Excel try importing or converting the spreadsheet files into a spreadsheet program you do have. If that does not work, all formulae used to derive the design and performance parameters are detailed in the text of each chapter. A spreadsheet can be constructed using a program other than Excel with the formulae and the spreadsheet illustrations contained in the text. A simple notepad and calculator can also be used but will require much more time and patience. Errors are always introduced when performing lengthy hand calculations, which can produce some really poor working coils. Most of the Excel files constructed for this guide contain macros—a series of commands and functions that are stored in a Visual Basic module and are run whenever the task is performed. When you open these files Excel will prompt whether you want to disable or enable the macros. For best results with the worksheet calculations select Enable Macros. When you open these files for the first time a file index will appear. Use this index to help you find the desired worksheet in the file. Some of these worksheets are rather large so use the scroll buttons to navigate around and become familiar with the contents, especially the graphs, which will display the most desired calculation results. The narrative in each section provides detailed instructions on how to perform the calculations in the applicable worksheet. Often the narrative will refer to a colored trace in an Excel graph. As the guide’s graphics are monochromatic this is best seen when opening the file and observing it directly in the worksheet graph. If some of the display is lost at the edge of the monitor screen it is because your monitor is smaller than the 17-inch monitor used to construct the files. Simply grab the left-hand edge of the displayed file with the mouse, click the left mouse button, and drag it toward the right edge of the screen. Reposition the displayed file to the left upper corner. You may have to perform this same task on the upper edge of the file. This will expose a tab in the lower right-hand corner used to size the file to the display screen. Reposition as desired and save the changes to customize the file to your monitor.

    1.3   Using a Computerized Analog Circuit Simulation Program (Spice)

    Spectrum Software’s Micro-Cap 8 was used in Chapter 8 to perform Spice simulation of Tesla coil circuits. It is a schematic capture program, meaning that a schematic representation of the circuit is built from which the program generates a spice netlist used to run the simulations. This is an effective tool for designing any electrical circuit including Tesla coils. As this is written, Spectrum Software offers a free evaluation version of Micro-Cap 9 that will run the circuits shown in Chapter 8, which also details how to download and run the program. If you have a Spice circuit simulation program other than Micro-Cap, use the circuit details shown in Chapter 8 to construct a Spice circuit for the program you are using. If you are unfamiliar with these simulators but can download the Micro-Cap 9 program, a few clicks of the mouse will have the circuit up and running, as I have left the settings in the circuit files to operate in that manner. Practice with this program will enable any layman to perform complex engineering evaluations.

    1.4   Derivation of Formulae Found in This Guide

    General formulae found in this guide were taken directly from the references listed at the end of each chapter. Formulae were modified to obtain expected results if errors were apparent. Math Soft’s MathCad 7.0 program was used to derive formula transpositions not found in the references to eliminate any transposition error. Circuit measurements and oscilloscope observations of working circuits were used to verify calculation results. An expected degree of difference exists between calculated values and circuit measurements, ±5% would be within engineering tolerance. Make allowances for these differences. All efforts were made to follow convention. Some of the material, being newly developed, may seem unconventional.

    1.5   Electrical Safety, the Human Body Model, and Electrocution

    My intention now is to scare you and with this fear develop a healthy respect for the electric currents found in operating Tesla coils. Being over 90% water with electrolytes and salts, your body makes a fair conductor of electricity. The nervous system operates on picoamps of current (1 × 10−12). The physiological effects on the nervous system with even small currents are listed in Table 1-1 from reference (3). The values in Table 1-1 were used to develop the exponential current vs. frequency characteristics shown in Figure 1-1.

    TABLE 1-1   Electric shock effects.

    FIGURE 1-1   Physiological effects of current and frequency.

    The recipient of a non-harmful shock still controls voluntary movement, which allows them to release their grasp of the source. The recipient of a harmful shock will loose control of their voluntary movement, which keeps them connected to the source (fingers still clutching). The threshold level of these physiological effects increases as the frequency of the current decreases. At first glance it may seem that DC currents are safer than AC currents. However, the DC current has no skin effect and will penetrate to the center of the body where it can do the most harm to the central nervous system. AC currents of 60 Hz can penetrate at least 0.5" below the skin, which is also deep enough to profoundly affect the nervous system. For AC frequencies above 400 Hz the threshold level for dangerous currents decreases to microampere levels; however, the depth of penetration also continues to decrease. At frequencies above the audio range the current remains on the surface of the skin and has difficulty penetrating to the nerves under the skin that control muscular action, respiration and involuntary functions. As there are pain sensors just under the surface of the skin, high frequencies can still cause discomforting shock effects at imperceptible current levels. The reference also notes that most deaths by electrocution resulted from contact with 70 V to 500 V and levels as low as 30 V are still considered potential hazards. Even a small Tesla coil can produce voltages above 100 kV.

    Currents in a 60-Hz line frequency are still quite dangerous. The first intentional electrocution in an electric chair was performed using 60-Hz currents at only 2 kV. During the Edison-Westinghouse current wars of the 1890s it was Thomas Edison who promoted the first electric chair and its use in executing William Kemler in New York’s Auburn prison to create a fear of AC currents within the public as dramatized in reference (4). It was Nikola Tesla who during this time discovered that frequencies above 2 kHz had a reduced or negligible effect on the nervous system due to skin effect. His public demonstrations during the 1893 Columbia Exposition were quite dramatic. Tesla was reported in the press as being completely aglow in electric fire when he gave the first demonstration of skin effect by passing high-frequency, high-voltage currents over his body. These demonstrations were conducted using his Tesla coil with an estimated resonant frequency of at least 50 kHz.

    With the advent of CMOS devices and their inherent destruction from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), the electrical characteristics of the human body have been extensively researched. This human body model (HBM) also serves to illustrate the potential hazards found in a Tesla coil and the need for safety. The HBM standard from reference (1) defines the following human body electrical characteristics during a static discharge:

    •  100 pF of capacitance.

    •  1,500 Ω of resistance.

    •  2 to 10 nsec exponential rise time.

    •  150 nsec exponential fall time.

    The voltage the HBM is charged to ranges from 500 V to 4,000 V. If you accidentally (or intentionally) touch the primary circuit in a medium size coil using a 230-V line supplying a 70:1 step-up transformer at full output, the following will theoretically happen:

    •  You will be unable to physically react within a few nanoseconds (0.000000002 second). Severe electrical shock produces paralysis not to mention the effect of large currents being conducted through a nervous system that operates on picoamps.

    •  For each second you are in contact with the primary circuit it will reach a peak voltage of (230 V × 1.414) × 70 = 22.77 kV, for a total of 120 times. This is only the instantaneous peak. There will only be about 100 µseconds during these 120 peaks per second where the voltage will be under 1 kV.

    •  The HBM is capable of nanosecond transition times. This means a current pulse in or out of your body can reach its peak value in 2-10 nsec. For each second you are in contact with the primary circuit the 22.77 kV can supply a peak current through your body-to-ground of: I = C × (Δvt) = 100 pF × (22.77 kV/2 nsec) = 1,139 A, for a total of 120 times. This is only the instantaneous peak. The current will follow the 60Hz supply sine wave and the current through you to ground will vary from 0 A to 1,139 A. For comparison look at what an arc welder does to metal with just 100 A. You will draw a steady rms value of current of at least 16.6 kV/1,500 Ω = 11 A. This rms current will probably increase as your HBM resistance lowers with carbonization of tissue. Getting scared yet!

    •  The peak instantaneous power flowing through your body is (1,139 A × 22.77 kV) = 25.9 MW. You will draw a steady rms power value of 11 A × 16.1 kV = 177 kW. The good news is your line supply will probably limit this to some lower value or some overcurrent protection device (circuit breaker or fuse) in your service box will trip. Pay attention in Chapter 7 to the current limiting and circuit protection sections. Protective devices will generally break a short circuit within one positive or negative alternation of the line, which is less than 8.3 msec.

    A good illustration of how dangerous high-voltage 60-Hz currents are can be found in reference (2). First Sergeant Donald N. Hamblin has the distinction of being the only reconnaissance Marine in the Vietnam War with a prosthetic device. Prior to his deploying overseas he was parachute training in Camp Pendleton, California when winds blew his chute toward a high-voltage transmission line. The chute caught on an upper 69-kV line and the First Sergeant swung into a lower 12-kV line, his foot touching the lower line. Observers on the ground described an explosion where the First Sergeant’s foot contacted the 12-kV line and his parachute burst into flame, no longer holding him in the lines. The First Sergeant then fell over 50 feet to the ground. All of this happened in a moment. There was not much left of his foot and it was soon amputated (not unusual in high-voltage accidents as the damaged tissue does not heal). The power company was inconsiderate enough to send him a bill for damages. He recovered, learned to function with a prosthetic foot, and served in arduous reconnaissance duty in Vietnam. The point of this illustration is the high-voltage output of the step-up transformer used in a medium or large Tesla coil is operating with the same high-voltage 60-Hz currents. First Sergeant Hamblin was wearing jump boots and the parachute and risers were made of nylon and/or silk. These are all good insulators, which means the First Sergeant did not present a direct short upon contact. If you contact an active primary circuit in an operating Tesla coil you will not be as fortunate! Also keep in mind that Marines are very tough and fit individuals with a lot of self-discipline. The First Sergeant’s recovery would not be possible for most people involved in such an accident.

    A body 6 feet in height also acts as a grounded 1/4 wavelength antenna resonant (tuned) to: 984 × 10⁶/(6 × 4) = 41 MHz. If you’re shorter than 6 feet this resonant frequency is higher. Under nominal conditions a person 6 feet in height will absorb the most RF energy when the oscillations are at 41 MHz. Your Q and bandwidth will vary considerably with a variety of factors; therefore the energy absorbed at frequencies above and below this 41 MHz is also dependent upon such factors. Remember that you don’t have to touch an RF circuit to get hurt. Your body will receive some amount of any radiated energy, this amount attenuated by the square of the distance from the source. This is typically most harmful around the FM radio broadcast bandwidth. But remember, even some of that 60-Hz transmission line EMF is being received. Tesla coils are usually designed to operate below 500 kHz and a medium-size coil will propagate negligible RF and magnetic fields outside of a 3-meter area so the energy received by an observer is not generally harmful. RF and magnetic field strength are attenuated by the reciprocal of the distance squared (inverse square law) in non-ionized air.

    Do not be afraid to continue your electrical investigations, just respect the potential danger involved and use good judgment. Remember to always start out small and work up in small increments. When trying something new, control the current and power levels to the smallest values that will produce the effects you are trying to create, then work up. NEVER TOUCH THE LINE OR PRIMARY CIRCUIT OF AN OPERATING TESLA COIL!!! Figure 1-2 illustrates what not to touch.

    FIGURE 1-2   Dangerous areas in an operating coil.

    After Tesla introduced his high-frequency coils and demonstrated their effects at the 1893 Columbian Exposition, electrical shows became quite common. Showman would touch the hundreds of kilovolts being produced by the secondary, or as Tesla first displayed, create a ring of corona around their person. Many science museums still exhibit these effects in public demonstrations. If your Tesla coil is operating above 1 kW it can produce uncomfortable shocks in the secondary. Even though they are at high frequencies the currents in large coils are dangerous and even deadly. The highest secondary voltage I have intentionally contacted is about 450 kV at a primary power level of 3 kW and it was quite uncomfortable. If you want to observe the skin effect, try it with a very small coil to start and progress upward with caution. You will quickly find a level that you will not want to visit again.

    Other hazards include applying the high-voltage output of a Tesla coil to devices under high vacuum such as X-ray tubes. When the high voltage is applied to an anode in a tube of sufficient vacuum, X-rays are produced and can be lethal. Do not experiment with discharges in high vacuum unless you are absolutely sure of what you are doing. It is not within the scope of this design guide to address discharges in high vacuum. The early X-ray machines (circa 1910s) were essentially Tesla coils driving high-vacuum X-ray tubes. These were even available for home use until regulated by the government.

    Do not look at the arc in the spark gap of an operating coil as it produces harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. The UV is at an intensity comparable to arc welding. Do not stare at the operating spark gap any more than you would stare at an arc welder performing his duties. The spark gap can be safely observed using the same eye protection worn by an arc welder. The pain receptors in the eyes are not very sensitive to UV; however, it is more damaging than infrared and you will not know there is any damage until it is too late. The same damage can be incurred while watching a solar eclipse without proper eye protection (filters). The best course is to not look at it. You can look at the high-voltage spark discharge of the secondary, which is the purpose of building a coil. This spark produces visible light in the violet to white range and low levels of UV, which are not considered harmful.

    The minimum safety equipment you should have on hand and safety practices when operating a coil are:

    •  Fire extinguisher with approved agent for electrical fires (Class C).

    •  Shoes with thick insulating soles. Tennis shoes have a good inch of non-conducting material between you and ground, which serve well for testing coils. Tesla used special shoes with several inches of cork for the soles, which must have made his already tall appearance seem gigantic.

    •  Keep one hand in your trouser pocket while circuits are energized, to disable the conductive electrical path from one hand-through the heart-to the other hand. Tesla brought public attention to this safety method.

    •  Eye protection. There is a potential for anything to come apart when the coil is running. To protect your eyes wear approved industrial eye protection during operation. This is usually required in any industrial or laboratory setting so get into good habits. If the spark gap is to be observed while running the coil use eye protection approved for arc welding.

    •  Hearing protection. The spark gap will sound like a rapid series of gunshots and as the secondary voltage increases the secondary spark discharge can quickly exceed the sound level produced by the spark gap. Where do you think thunder comes from? While running one of Ed Wingate’s large coils the ambient noise level was measured at a safe observation distance by Tom Vales, using a General Radio precision sound level meter. The sound level measured above 124 dB. This is comparable to the loudest jet engines so protect your hearing and wear adequate protection.

    •  Post a safety observer. If you are just beginning to work in high voltage make sure you have someone around to render assistance if needed. It is good practice to have another person check connections and circuit details before a coil is energized.

    •  Breathing protection. When cutting, drilling or sanding epoxy, phenolic, plastic, resin laminates and similar materials use a mask to prevent breathing in the fumes and particles. There are a wide variety of materials not addressed in this guide, some quite hazardous. Consult the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for specific material hazards if they are available. If no information is available use common sense and a mask.

    1.6   Derating

    Throughout this guide the term derating surfaces. What is derating? Generally manufacturers provide performance parameters for their parts at laboratory temperature (25°C or 77°F), standard air pressure (1 atmosphere pressure or sea level), relative humidity of 50%, and no aging (new or beginning of life). When the part is used in a variety of industrial settings the performance will be degraded or enhanced depending on the environmental conditions of its use. To evaluate these effects on performance the manufacturer will provide a derating methodology to ensure the operating conditions do not overstress the part. Properly applying the derating to the performance parameter will ensure the parts we use in our designs will last as long as the manufacturer intended. A performance parameter is an electrical characteristic of the part such as power handling ability of resistors, working voltage capability of capacitors, or trip current threshold of circuit breakers. The Excel worksheets included on the companion Web site, which can be found at, will automatically calculate part deratings for the operating environment as explained in the applicable sections. Formulae are included in the text to perform manual calculations if Excel is not used. Derating may also be applied by the manufacturer to increase the service life or reliability of the part.


    1.  ESD Association Standard ANSI/ESD S20.20-1999. Electrostatic Discharge Association, Rome, NY: 1999.

    2.  D.N. Hamblin and B.H. Norton. One Tough Marine: The Autobiography of First Sergeant Donald N. Hamblin, USMC. Ballantine Books: 1993 pp. 179–180.

    3.  Department of Defense Handbook for Human Engineering Design Guidelines, MIL-HDBK-759C, 31 July 1995, p. 292.

    4.  Richard Moran. Executioner’s Current. Alfred A. Knopf, NY: 2002.

    5.  Cheney, Margaret and Uth, Robert. Tesla Master of Lightning. Barnes & Noble Books, NY: 1999.

    6.  Seifer, Marc J. Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla. Biograph of a Genius. Birch Lane Press: 1996.

    7.  Hunt, Inez and Draper, Wanetta. Lightning in His Hand. Omni Publication, Hawthorne, CA: 1964.

    8.  O’Neill, John J. Prodigal Genius: The Life Story of N. Tesla. Ives Washburn, NY: 1944.

    9.  Lomas, Robert. The Man Who Invented the Twentieth Century: Nikola Tesla, Forgotten Genius of Electricity. Headline Book Publishing, London: 1999.


    Chapter 2

    Designing a Spark Gap Tesla Coil

    First assumption on which to base calculations of other elements is made by deciding on the wavelength of the disturbances. This in well designed apparatus determines the λ/4 or length of secondary wound up. The self induction of the wire is also given by deciding on the dimensions and form of coil hence Ls and λ are given.

    Nikola Tesla. Colorado Springs Notes: 1899-1900, p. 56.

    Tesla determines the resonant frequency of a new secondary winding.

    The classic Tesla coil is based on a spark gap (disruptive discharge) design as shown in Figure 2-8. The resonant primary circuit is typically tuned to the resonant frequency of the secondary circuit. In the primary circuit a capacitor, charged to a high voltage, is in series with the primary winding and the deionized spark gap. The spark gap, once ionized by the capacitor’s charge, is used as a switch to produce oscillations in this series resonant LCR circuit. The primary oscillations produced during the discharge of the capacitor are damped as a result of the resistance in the ionized spark gap. The oscillating current in the primary winding is coupled to the secondary winding through the mutual inductance of the air core resonant transformer producing an oscillating current in the secondary winding. This oscillating current produces a high voltage in the secondary winding’s resistance and is usually accumulated in a terminal capacitance until the surrounding air is ionized and a spark breaks out.

    FIGURE 2-8   Simplified operation of a spark gap Tesla coil.

    2.1   Designing the Tesla Coil Using a Spark Gap Topology

    To begin a new Tesla coil design open the CH_2.xls file, AWG vs VS worksheet (1). (See App. B.) If this is your first coil project I recommend using a commercial capacitor for the primary tank circuit. Obtaining affordable surplus capacitors sometimes compares to a search for the holy grail. Building one assumes you can find high-quality materials that will last. A commercial capacitor has the advantage of using the best materials, quality engineering and testing in its design. Very thin, hard-to-work with materials are used in the plates and dielectric to yield the most capacitance and dielectric strength per volume. Air and other contaminants are removed from between the plates during construction and some are even filled with insulating oil. You would be hard pressed to build a better capacitor than a team of engineers and technicians familiar with the state-of-the-art that have access to the best materials. Homemade capacitors can be built to perform adequately when carefully constructed.

    Referring to Chapter 5 (Capacitors), obtain or build a primary (tank) capacitor suitable for use in the proposed design. When I begin a new design, I start by finding a high-voltage capacitor within the following suggested ranges:

    •  0.001 μF to 0.01 μF for a small coil using a current-limited transformer in the 100-W to 1-kW range, e.g., neon sign transformer.

    •  0.01 μF to 0.05 μF for a medium coil using a non-current-limited transformer in the 1-kW to 5-kW range, e.g., potential transformer.

    •  >0.05 μF for a large coil using a non-current-limited transformer in the 5-kW and above range, e.g., distribution transformer.

    NOTE: Veteran coiler Ed Wingate has suggested the often-used term for a distribution transformer— pole pig may induce a premature sense of familiarity and lack of caution in new coilers. I concur with his observation therefore the term will not be used again in this guide.

    The design does not have to begin with the capacitor if you have a variety of capacitor values to choose from. It may center on the step-up transformer output voltage and current ratings. Or you may have a desired primary or secondary winding geometry in mind and select the primary capacitance value that produces resonance. However, this will probably not be an option for your first coil as the capacitor and step-up transformer will be the most difficult parts to obtain.

    Using the CH_2.xls file, AWG vs VS worksheet (1) and Sections 2.2 through 2.4 complete the design for the selected capacitor. The blue cells (B5 through B46) shown in Figure 2-7 are the required inputs to perform the design calculations. The green cells in column (B) and all cells in columns (C) and (F) are calculations so do not enter any values into these cells. Details for each of these inputs are as follows:

    1.  Secondary characteristics. Enter the desired secondary winding form diameter in inches into cell (B8), magnet wire gauge in cell (B6), number of winding layers in cell (B5), and desired resonant frequency in kHz into cell (B10). The number of turns and total winding height are calculated from these inputs as well as the electrical characteristics of the secondary winding. I recommend beginning with a one-layer winding in the calculations. If an interwinding distance is desired or a wire other than magnet wire is used enter the interwinding separation in cell (B9). Section 2.2 explains these calculations in detail. Enter the value of terminal capacitance in pF into cell (B11). To calculate the terminal capacitance, see Chapter 5. The effects of adding terminal capacitance on the resonant frequency of the secondary are included in the calculations and the calculated resonant frequency with terminal capacitance is shown in cell (F21).

    2.  Primary characteristics. Enter the line frequency in cell (B14). The line frequency is typically 60 Hz (US) and the line voltage either 120 V or 240 V. Enter the step-up transformer’s rated output voltage in kV into cell (B15) and rated output current in amps into cell (B16). Enter the estimated rms line voltage with the coil running into cell (B17). The breakdown characteristics of the spark gap will determine this voltage and until the coil is built and tested it can only be estimated. If you have no idea what this value should be start out by entering the maximum line voltage you have available (typically 115-120 V or 230-240 V). After the remaining spark gap and primary characteristics are entered into the worksheet adjust the line voltage in cell (B17) until the calculated step-up transformer peak output voltage in cell (C22) is higher than

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