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The Reality of it All
The Reality of it All
The Reality of it All
Ebook94 pages1 hour

The Reality of it All

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You are more than capable of doing things on your own. You have to ability to change your outcome, and become your true self. This book, "The Reality of it All" will be your guide as you journey through life. It is not easy going through this world alone, however, you can and will achieve greatness as long as you try. You cannot give up on yourself. This book will teach you how to change your mindset, as well as keep yourself in a space of peace. You may feel all sorts of emotions, but it is important to remember you are only in control of you. So, continue to push forward in this world, as it waits for no one.
Release dateSep 9, 2021
The Reality of it All

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    Book preview

    The Reality of it All - Calayne Eleazer

    Chapter 1

    I know my purpose in life is to help others. I also know that my purpose in life is to teach others. Me, understanding what I am here for on this Earth at such a young age is a gift. However, it is a confusing one. You see I have always been a straight A student in school. Never before have I ever had a failing grade, or a teacher who didn’t like me, or even a missing assignment. I used to be afraid of failure, but that isn’t necessarily all my fault. Being as intelligent in school that I was at a young age, I was put in advanced classes. From here everyone expected me to be this fucking Einstein or something. It’s cool, always getting rewarded with certificates and letters in school for sports and athletics, but it becomes questionable at times. All my life I just knew that I was going to be a doctor or a lawyer. Someone important, with multiple degrees and certifications behind my name. That was until I realized it wasn’t and is not my dream. If you’re a parent reading this, I need you to understand that all kids face this issue. Its like a plague. We get praised for doing what our parents want us to do, then we make a lifelong

    decision in our teenage years and wake up at 41 realizing we have been living the lives of our parents, not ourselves.

    I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a hospital taking care of other people. However, going into labor and delivery nursing isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You see I wouldn’t mind going into this profession for two reasons; 1 is because I genuinely don’t mind helping people, especially women who are giving birth. 2, is because babies are so cute to me. A long time ago, when I was in the 8th grade, I was selected to be in a concurrent (early college) enrollment program through my high school that allowed me to get my associates degree and my high school diploma for free at the same time. As I am writing this right now, I have already completed all requirements for both my degree and my diploma, and I am now simply waiting for graduation. This has been such a blissful opportunity, but I have to say it has definitely put me in an area of stress.

    My greatest challenge right now is execution. I have millions of ideas, and songs, and poems, clothing lines, and all types of things running through my head 24/7. However, actually putting them into action can be a challenge. We live in a world where everyone is famous on social media. All the ‘bad bitches’ are Instagram models, the boys are youtubers, professional video gamers or even tiktokers. Everyone in today’s world has their own business, vlogs, and personal revenues that set them up for success. So, as you can imagine its ease to get discouraged during this time. Back in the day when my grandparents and my parents were growing up, people had to show case talent. In today’s world its more so based on popularity, what is in right now, not what is going to happen within the next 10-20 years or so.

    I personally want to be a lot of things. I have messages and ideas and creations in my head that need to be shared with the world, but how do I accomplish this if what I am saying is not what they people want to hear? I’ll tell you how, its simply believing in yourself. The power of manifestation is the ultimate recipe for a successful creation. Nobody believes in you, or trusts you, or cares for you the way you do. Millions of thoughts run through my head a day at a rapid speed. There is so much in this world that can be executed, but its all about how you do it. In my opinion, many people are brainwashed by the powers of social media, but social media is also the reason why so many changes have been made. For example, being able to physically see with your own eyes the killing of George Floyd, or hear racist remarks made by Trump. To be able to log in on your computer and upload a video of you dancing and it reaches 4.6 million views and all of a sudden, you’re famous. Amazing right? There is so much power held in your hand but the execution. The execution is the problem.

    The question I ask now is, what about the people who are genuinely talented, or the people who are really working hard, but not seeing the results they want? Fame and fortune are glorified in this world. Everyone wants a foreign car but forgets the trials and tribulations people have to go through to make it that far. However, there are some exceptions. Such as the people who were born with silver spoons in their mouths and never had to experience the ignorance of a fast-food job, or the stress of taking care of other people. During this COVID-19 pandemic, I have watched millions or people including some of my very own associates start business, become models, and create a name for themselves. I myself even wrote my very first book and being that I sold some copies shows its amazing success. But then, there are people who can’t afford to start a business and people who can’t afford to write books, simply because we all know it takes money to make money.

    Nobody talks about the frustration of being self-made. The trials, the failures, the hatred that gets thrown towards you. No one speaks on the loss of friendships or relationships that the universe forced you to sacrifice. Why does no one speak on that? I believe it is because people are selfish. People do things out of the benefit of themselves, and there is nothing wrong with that, but where is the point where we draw the line? How is a group of uneducated motherfuckers going to teach another group of uneducated motherfuckers? 2 + 2 = 4 basic math, we’re all taught this. You have to understand the basics and the importance of planning, but also having faith in yourself even if no one believes in you. Even if all odds are against you.

    Manifestation is a major key aspect of achieving your goals in life, but if you don’t know how to manifest, you simply won’t be successful. Let me explain why, manifesting is so much more than simply saying you want something. You have to mean it when you say it and be ready to put in the work for it. You also have to be ready for the challenges that are going to come with it. That’s usually the hardest part. When you have to face certain things that you have never faced, or let go of people, places, and things that no longer serve your purpose. Once you do this though, it’s like a portal to a new world just opens up and you finally get to be one with who you were meant to be all long. This is the part no one talks about though. Those models from the Victoria Secret fashion show don’t talk about how many agencies have turned them down before they actually got accepted.

    Being discouraged and giving up is so fucking easy. That’s why everyone does it. It’s hard to wake up and consistently meditate or workout or even eat healthy. It’s easy to say, I’ve had a long week I deserve a break. But when does it become too much? When did that one day that you deserved a break become 6 months of your everyday life? There is a difference between self-love, self-pity, and down right laziness. Many people confuse self-love for self-pity everyday. I see it everywhere I go. Have you ever been on social media, or around a friend or family member and they say, oh today is a self-care day? And then you ask yourself, bitch, ain’t everyday of your life supposed to be a self-care day?! Why does society have this thought engraved into our heads that we have to pick out specific days to actually care for ourselves? Or even take a break after a long day’s work? Because it is easier to self-pity or be lazy, especially when you surround yourself with people who are already drowning in their own misery. People who have nothing to lose don’t mind dragging others down with them. Especially those that envy another’s success.

    Chapter 2

    The people you surround yourself with everyday can fuck up your levels of success. One thing about a human being is that its natural instinct is to fear the unknown. Everyone has reached a point in their life where they have been

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