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Bureau Sureleve: –French Constitution– France
Bureau Sureleve: –French Constitution– France
Bureau Sureleve: –French Constitution– France
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Bureau Sureleve: –French Constitution– France

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The promulgation of the French constitution and its key and fundamental concept of Universalism marked the end of Monarchical rule in France, and the fifth republican constitution, similarly marked the end of its fundamental and evolutionary history. The French constitution influenced the American line American, Australian, European nations states, governance philosophy and constitutions. These were founded on its stability, and the dynamics of governance, became a settled matter as amendments rested in and through its final stages. There was a resurgence of classical elements, principles, within the legal order of nations, and social, economic, and environmental contexts were impacted. This book focuses on the rights to high office, by women, through the lens of the foundations of the French universalism concept, but also does a comparative analysis of the American affirmative principle, differentialism, European human rights and charters, using notable examples from throughout the world, the Atlantic, Pacific and African-Arabian spheres, such as Indira Gandhi, Angela Merkel, Aung San Suu Kyi and the recently appointed Vice President of USA Kamala Harris.
Release dateOct 14, 2021
Bureau Sureleve: –French Constitution– France

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    Book preview

    Bureau Sureleve - Dr Amrit Rattan K Baidwan-Macfarland

    2021 Dr Amrit Rattan K Baidwan- Macfarland. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 10/14/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9407-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9406-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021921084

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    French universalism and international law

    Force Majeure

    Oyer et Terminer


    Voir Dire

    Cy Pres Doctrine

    Part II

    Indo-Orient - Pacific – Australia and New Zealand

    Europe - Spain, Bosnia

    Arabia and Middle East

    Indo Orient Pacific - Asia Major, Orient – India – China

    Sweden Tunisia Senegal Ukraine -Western and Eastern Europe, Africa.

    Benazir Bhutto – Pakistan Asia Major

    Indira Gandhi - India Asia Major

    Asma Al Assad – First Lady of Syria Arabia – Middle East

    Aung San Suu Kyi – Mayanmar – Burma

    Angela Merkel -Germany Europe

    Swaraj – India Asia Major

    Rania of Jordan – Arabia -Middle East

    Vice President Kamala Harris - North America – United States of America – USA


    About the Author

    About the Book

    For my nearest and dearest - brightest stars of the universe, (First family) Bureau Sureleve (High Office).

    Dr /Professor Roshinder K Baidwan- Padda - MD Obst/Gyn - Ohio State, United States of America

    Captain K J MacFarland ( Senior First Officer 2000-2018 -Promoted Captain British Airways United Kingdom 2018).

    This book is dedicated to

    The President of India -Pranab Mukherjee – (1935-2020) Bharat

    Ratna – the Highest Civil Order of Excellence.

    Emeritus Professor of Jurisprudence – David Carey-Miller, School of

    Law, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.


    Distinguished Professor C Pieters of the USA Constitution and

    Laws, University of Maryland -American Carey School of Law,

    Washington USA.

    Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Gareth Powers, Constitutional

    laws, and Unconstitutional Takings Clause – Property laws, Carey

    School of Law, University of Maryland, USA.

    French universalism and international law


    En Ventre Sa Mere

    So let us begin, what are French universal principles, and how are they evaluated under international laws, how do these impact constitutions and laws all over the world, and what is their significance as applied to the positive affirmative legislation, with reference to women getting elected to high office.

    First and foremost, French universal principles evaluate international laws by taking two viewpoints, one of its national character and the other of international law dictates; how it aligns with the national characteristics and character of France. International law cannot be directly binding, although it may be influential and binding only if, it is validated by France’s authorities, then only can international law be a superior force to national statutes. Procedures exist by which statutes can be reviewed, and then if befitting can be reconciled to international law; obedience to it, therefore is optional.

    Article 54, states that if an international commitment contains a clause contrary to the constitution, then the council President or Prime minister and deputies can ratify or approve it by amendments to the national constitution – The council can refuse, if the constitutionality of the statutes in validate international law, on grounds of extreme contradiction, and if not, the constitutionality of statutes, review could on the converse invalidate statutes, to bring them in line with international law.

    France allows abortion only under certain conditions, and the court can deny a statute that could be judged to be contrary to the right of life, protected by the second article of the European convention on Human rights, (Everyone is protected by law, and the right to life, cannot be intentionally denied). The council can analyse whether materially, there are inconsistencies between abortion under exceptional circumstances and the right to life. A court can refuse to consider the international text on the grounds, that violation of constitutional texts ensures it has no bearing, as legal validity under the French constitution. The council holds the condition of reciprocity effective, and its articles give validity to treaty terms within the French legal order, but the council can vary circumstances dependant on each case, dependant on the facts of each case.

    The council reviews statutes a priori, before they are enforced and constitutional judges, judge their positions of knowing all the necessary facts (article 54, 1975).

    Free access for all to elective positions gives the voters their justifications for effective choices. Differentialists fulfil these requirements by elevating equal and universal suffrage, and this enables paritary list of candidates, and in effect obliterates universalism and its values; equally it creates inbuilt prejudices against certain classes and is unable to grasp the common good. Affirmative concept does not exist for the benefit of women alone, it is argued, but for all citizens. Such texts occurrences

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