Wildland Fire Behaviour: Dynamics, Principles and Processes
About this ebook
Wildland fires have an irreplaceable role in sustaining many of our forests, shrublands and grasslands. They can be used as controlled burns or occur as free-burning wildfires, and can sometimes be dangerous and destructive to fauna, human communities and natural resources. Through scientific understanding of their behaviour, we can develop the tools to reliably use and manage fires across landscapes in ways that are compatible with the constraints of modern society while benefiting the ecosystems.
The science of wildland fire is incomplete, however. Even the simplest fire behaviours – how fast they spread, how long they burn and how large they get – arise from a dynamical system of physical processes interacting in unexplored ways with heterogeneous biological, ecological and meteorological factors across many scales of time and space. The physics of heat transfer, combustion and ignition, for example, operate in all fires at millimetre and millisecond scales but wildfires can become conflagrations that burn for months and exceed millions of hectares.
Wildland Fire Behaviour: Dynamics, Principles and Processes examines what is known and unknown about wildfire behaviours. The authors introduce fire as a dynamical system along with traditional steady-state concepts. They then break down the system into its primary physical components, describe how they depend upon environmental factors, and explore system dynamics by constructing and exercising a nonlinear model. The limits of modelling and knowledge are discussed throughout but emphasised by review of large fire behaviours. Advancing knowledge of fire behaviours will require a multidisciplinary approach and rely on quality measurements from experimental research, as covered in the final chapters.
Mark A. Finney
Dr Mark A Finney is a Senior Scientist and Research Forester. He began his career as a seasonal wildland firefighter with the Bureau of Land Management and worked as an ecologist for Sequoia National Park before joining the U.S. Forest Service at the Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory. His research has involved fire history and ecology, prescribed burning, modelling of fire growth, landscape fuel treatment design, wildfire risk analysis, and laboratory and field experiments on the physics of wildland fire behaviour.
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Wildland Fire Behaviour - Mark A. Finney
Introduction to wildfire science
Humans are the fire species (Pyne 2010). For at least 400 000 years, humans have claimed mastery over domestic fires for heating, lighting, and cooking (Bowman et al. 2009). Our species employed widespread deliberate burning of vegetation to improve foraging and agriculture on every inhabited continent through the 19th century CE. Throughout aeons of changing climate and culture, fires from human as well as natural sources have developed and sustained the landscapes and ecosystems on which we depend. Wildland fires, whether intentional and carefully managed prescribed burns or free-spreading wildfires, will forever remain part of human existence.
For most of history, human proficiency with wildland fire was based on experience rather than scientific explanations. In recent millennia, western civilisation has sought explanations of fire, first through mysticism and alchemy (Williams 1992), then through experimental science – which is now accepted as the basis for our understanding of physical phenomena. But neither our experience nor our science has yet comprehensively answered these simple questions: how do wildland fires spread? How do fuel particles ignite in spreading fires? How long do wildfires burn? How does living vegetation ignite and burn? Are big wildfires just larger versions of small wildfires? In this book, we use scientific principles to address these questions and many others about wildland fire.
Wildlands supply people with essential natural resources, including clean air and water, timber and building materials, livestock forage, recreational amenities, and healthy habitat for wildlife. Many of the world’s wildland ecosystems are fire dependent, meaning that fire is needed to maintain their function and productivity. It is impossible to completely prevent or suppress fire in these ecosystems. Wildfire science has been developed to increase understanding of fire and thus provide a foundation for managing it for the benefit of people and wildland resources.
Many fire-dependent ecosystems are near or adjacent to human communities, so we are faced with a conundrum: we need fire to sustain ecological processes, yet we need to prevent wildfire from endangering people and their communities. The escalating frequency and magnitude of wildfire disasters worldwide makes it clear that current practices are not meeting either objective. Perhaps we have inferior science, inadequate experience or insufficient technology; perhaps we are using these tools in the wrong fashion; or we are focusing on unrealistic objectives. Our intention in this book is to describe our current understanding of wildfire in terms of basic scientific principles, so scientists, technology experts, fire specialists and natural resource managers can develop objectives, tools and technology that harvest the benefits of wildland fire while protecting people and human communities from destruction. Our specific objectives are:
•Articulate a theory of fire spread and behaviour as a physical system specifically in a wildland context.
•Improve understanding of wildfire behaviour so we can ultimately make better predictions and identify opportunities for sustainable wildland management.
•Describe what is known and what remains unknown about the physical principles and processes of wildland fire.
This book is about improving wildfire science, not about implementation. Numerous cultural factors will control movement towards management solutions (Finney 2020). But only through increased understanding can we align our expectations, tools and technology with the reality that we must live with wildfire. At present, we live with and suffer only the most extreme fires, which are immune to control. We are consequently afraid of wildfires and their destruction. We react by expending vast resources in attempts (and failures) to eliminate wildfire. By our success in suppressing fires under mild and moderate conditions, we are deceived into thinking that it is possible to eliminate fire from our wildlands. Paradoxically, attempts to do this lead to more extreme fires (Brown and Arno 1991; Calkin et al. 2015). Reality does not give us the choice to not have fires, but it does give us the choice of when to have them and what kind of fires to have. In this book, we provide a scientific basis for understanding fire in wildlands so people can ultimately learn again to live with fire, as they have done for most of human history, not by removing it (which nature proves every year is impossible) but by using it deliberately to meet the current needs of our modern societies and the ecosystems that support us. Greater science-based understanding will enable us to:
•interpret our observations of wildfire behaviour and expand opportunities for accomplishing prescribed goals
•recognise prospects for precisely mitigating unwanted impacts of wildfire on our natural resources and developed infrastructure
•replace the illusions of knowledge offered by black-box fire models with actual understanding of wildfire processes
•substitute fear with acceptance.
Basic questions about wildfire behaviour are difficult to answer for two reasons. First, our human perspectives are poorly attuned to physically important dimensions of the problem; our intuition about fires is frequently wrong – not just a little wrong, but exactly wrong. For example, fires feel hot to us because our skin is very sensitive, and we tend to interpret phenomena in terms of our sensory experiences. Anyone standing too close to a campfire will soon move farther away to reduce the incoming heat from thermal radiation, so our intuition suggests that radiation must be critical to wildfire spread. As will be seen in Chapter 5, this is demonstrably incorrect for many wildland fuel conditions. Radiation that will produce a second-degree burn on exposed skin in 5 s takes more than 27 min to ignite wood (Cohen 2000). In contrast, sparks from a campfire do not look or feel dangerous compared to the flames, but they are often far more effective at causing wildfire spread and igniting nearby homes.
A second reason for the difficulty of answering basic questions about wildfire is that the wildland environment differs considerably from other fire contexts, such as buildings and industrial settings. In these environments, the principles of fire spread are reasonably well understood and substantially different from those in wildlands. In buildings and industrial environments, unlike wildlands, thermal radiation is critically important in transferring heat because they have large, continuous surfaces of solid materials. By contrast, because many of the fuels in wildland fires are fine materials like grass and pine needles separated by large gaps of air, they heat and cool more efficiently by convection than by radiation (Chapter 3 and Chapter 6). Wildland fuels are also composed of both living and dead vegetation, with heating and cooling properties that are influenced by metabolism and decay – processes that rarely influence fire in other kinds of environments. This book focuses on understanding wildfire behaviour as a dynamical physical process and on the distinctive features of combustion, heat transfer, and ignition in the wildland context. We consider the influences of wildland fuels in their infinite variability, local and synoptic scale weather, and topography on physical processes as they determine wildfire spread and behaviour.
Fire science and the need for experiments
Fire is studied in many scientific disciplines, but the research has been conducted in two main contexts: the wildland environment and engineered environments, especially buildings and industrial settings. Although related, these settings differ in some important ways, particularly the control over and certainty of the materials and conditions of burning, the size and range of scales of the fire phenomenon, the diversity of relevant disciplines involved in research, and the uses of scientific knowledge.
Wildland fire, meaning both free-burning wildfires and intentional burning, is best studied by integrating knowledge from multiple sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, landscape ecology, combustion, fluid mechanics, and atmospherics. Because so many scientific disciplines are needed to understand wildland fire, it is difficult for any individual or research group to acquire comprehensive expertise. In addition to being highly interdisciplinary, the study of wildland fire spans a huge range in space and time scales, from millimetres and milliseconds for combustion and ignition, to tens of kilometres and centuries for large wildfires and their ecological effects (Simard 1991). Wildfire science should help practitioners manage fire appropriately as an essential ecological disturbance while also making the human presence in and near wildlands more sustainable and safer. However, many land management agencies and the public have used the science principally to support suppression technology and attempt to exclude fire from wildlands.
Fire science in engineered environments also integrates knowledge from several disciplines, but the environments are well characterised and well controlled (Williams 1992), and the scales of space and time are much more limited. Fire research in built environments is generally conceived with broader applications in mind than fire research in wildland environments: fire protection engineering aims to anticipate, prevent and mitigate fire in built environments, and seeks improvements in materials and construction practices. The research focuses on improving utility and safety of habitations and industrial settings.
The importance of experiments in understanding fire in both engineered and wildland environments cannot be overstated. Experience-based use of wildland fire, essentially practical and qualitative experiments in applying fire, for millennia enabled indigenous peoples to understand fire, use it to meet objectives, and reliably anticipate its consequences. In recent times, experiments had been the mainstay of fire research worldwide through the 1970s. In the past century, research programs at Borhamwood Station in the United Kingdom (Read 1994), and the USDA Forest Service in Berkeley, California; Macon, Georgia (see USDAFS 1991; Weise and Fons 2014; Smith 2017); and Missoula, Montana (Smith 2012, 2017), used experiments to investigate many critical questions about fire behaviour. These research efforts led to the development of correlations that described burning rate, heat transfer, ignition and spread. The results applied to both fire protection engineering and wildland fire. Subsequently, fire protection engineering maintained an emphasis on experimental research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, formerly National Bureau of Standards) in Maryland and at the Factory Mutual Corporation (now FM Global); the resulting knowledge was developed into a solid theoretical foundation for understanding fires in buildings and industrial settings and for training fire investigators (Quintiere 2006; Torero 2013).
Sometime after the 1970s, the emphasis on experiment-based research in wildland fire began to diminish. Notable contributions have continued with laboratory- and field-based experimental research from Australia, Canada, Europe and the United States, and we synthesise these in this book. However, research has increasingly departed from experimental work towards modelling. The departure has been driven in part by dramatic improvements in computing and information technology and in part by the view that wildland fire is a suppression problem that should be approached as an emergency which requires modelling solutions and an instantaneous response. Thus, the operational and predictive needs of wildfire suppression have driven research investment at the expense of interests in proactive fire uses in land management, ecosystem function, and even basic scientific understanding. The emphasis on suppression has ultimately reduced both ecosystem health and human safety, as is now profoundly realised by urban and rural populations around the world.
For a perspective on the consequences of investing mainly in reactive wildfire suppression, consider these comparisons: what would be the consequences of focusing health-related investments mainly in paramedics, ambulances and emergency rooms as opposed to public health policy, testing, preventive care and physician visits? What would be the consequences of structural-fire investments mainly in fire engines and urban firefighters rather than in the design of buildings and materials? Modern, recently constructed urban buildings throughout the world have materials and designs to prevent catastrophic fires due to past fire disasters that stimulated scientific research, engineering solutions, and consequent changes to building codes and standards (Arnold 2005; Quintiere 2006). Properly directed wildland fire research could similarly benefit proactive and sustainable management of fire in our wildlands and mitigate risk to nearby human communities.
Wildland fire disasters for human communities and natural resources have been increasing in the past several decades despite greater and greater expense and effort to combat them. Real solutions in the future will almost certainly depend upon sound understanding of fire behaviour, which will indicate ways to modify and use wildland fires rather than waiting for ignitions and then reacting. Our modern laws, regulations and cultural expectations demand great certainty and accountability in wildfire management, but we have little of the understanding of fire itself that would allow us to meet these stringent requirements (Finney 2020). It is interesting to note that, before European settlement of the ‘New World‘, the indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australia used fire routinely to reliably and safely manage their environments. Without electronic communications, motorised transportation and construction technology, indigenous peoples were ostensibly more vulnerable to wildfire, but their comprehensive knowledge and routine use of fire meant they were less threatened by it than we are today (see reviews by Stewart 2002; Gammage 2012). Our science must advance to new levels in order to support skills in proactive and beneficial uses of fire that could once again match the experiential competence of ancient peoples.
Wildland fire science since 1900
Scientific investigation of wildfire in the early 1900s was driven by the need for predictive tools to support planning efforts and operational decisions that were both tactical and strategic. Initial efforts focused on what is now called fire danger rating, a process that provides current indices and forecasts for rating the potential for ignition and fire spread, and the difficulty of fire control (Hardy and Hardy 2007). Fire danger rating is used to determine staffing requirements for fire suppression forces, dispatch firefighters, set fire restrictions for camping and logging, and pre-position firefighters in anticipation of upcoming weather conditions. In the United States in the 1920s and 1930s, Harry Gisborne pioneered methods for measuring fuel moisture and weather and produced a series of meters to indicate fire danger (Hardy 1983). Subsequent efforts to formalise fire planning based on fuels and potential fire behaviour were developed by Hornby (1936) and Barrows (1951). In Canada, Wright (1932) and Beall (1947) produced methods for rating fire danger and fuel moisture conditions based on weather data. Scientists also sought ways to predict the spread rate of fires, because it could be used to estimate changes in fire perimeter and area over time and thus the effort required to contain the expanding fire. Scientists in Australia and Canada developed predictions of fire spread through a field-based empirical approach; they collected fire spread data from wildfires and prescribed fires in various vegetation types and related the data to moisture and wind (McArthur 1966; 1967) or danger rating indices (Van Wagner 1990). However, the ability to generate fire behaviour estimates directly from environmental factors would require more research and development.
A milestone was reached in the United States in 1972, when Richard C. Rothermel at the Northern Forest Fire Laboratory in Missoula, Montana (now the Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory) developed an equation to predict wildfire spread rate (Rothermel 1972; Andrews 2018). The semi-empirical model was based on laboratory experiments from the previous decade and a theoretical physical framework (Frandsen 1971). It was originally directed to serve as the quantitative foundation of a new fire danger rating system in the United States (see Deeming et al. 1972, 1977). However, soon after its development, Frank Albini applied the Rothermel equation to predicting fire behaviour, writing a computer program to calculate a fire’s rate of spread and flame length (FIREMODS) (Albini 1976a) and developing nomograms for graphically performing the calculations (Albini 1976b). The distinction compared to danger rating is that fire behaviour is focused at finer scales, using the same data on fuel, topography and weather to make specific calculations of spread and energy release and then predict fire movement and size (see Andrews 1986, 2018). The assumption was, and still is, that coarse descriptors of the environment (fuel, topography, weather) can be used to make fine-scale calculations of fire behaviour. The disparity in scales between inputs, actual physical processes in fire behaviour, and outputs makes the modelling more diagnostic than predictive. Nevertheless, Rothermel’s equation has proven for nearly 50 years to be practical and useful for both purposes because it could be supplied with reasonable inputs for describing the environment and was robust to their uncertainties. This model offered fire managers an objective framework to mechanistically link independent environmental factors to quantitative fire characteristics. The rapid rise in computing and information technology that began in the 1970s allowed for the development of more predictive tools and decision support systems based on the Rothermel equation (e.g. the BEHAVE system, Andrews 1986). Soon the term fire modelling became largely synonymous with fire behaviour research in general – a trend that continues to this day.
Since the 1980s, the overwhelming operational success and great utility of Rothermel’s spread rate equation has inspired more and more modellers to offer physical or semi-physical formulations that could improve upon his semi-empirical one (see Pastor et al. 2003; Sullivan 2009). Their objective was to use environmental characteristics to calculate a one-dimensional steady fire spread rate perpendicular to a linear flame zone. Aided by improvements in computing and information technologies, physical sciences were quite rightly seen as the means to overcome limitations and assumptions in empirical wildfire models and to refine the scales of data and processes used to drive fire spread. Empirical models of fire spread rate correlated with coarse environmental variables (e.g. fuel type, moisture, wind) are restricted to the set of observations without offering physical explanation of the phenomenon or addressing of interactions among factors outside the input data. Each fuel or vegetation ‘type’, for example, requires its own dataset and sometimes different variables and equation forms for statistical fitting of a fire spread model. Ironically, though, the plethora of attempts to replace these with physical fire spread rate models has not been unifying. In fact, the proliferation of models, with their diversity in physical formulations, has succeeded in mystifying rather than enlightening the subject of wildland fire behaviour. We seem to have verified for wildfire the observation by Williams (1992) concerning the difference between technology and science as applied to combustion:
It is relevant to distinguish between the science and the technology of the subject. The march of technology has never hesitated. It uses science whenever possible but often, especially in combustion, forges ahead by trial and error, or fortuitously by application of scientific misconception, but without scientific understanding, as it did during the first half-million years.
The diversity of models has not yielded a convergence of thinking nor has it resulted in advancing development of practical tools. Why is this? Our answer is the rationale for this book and the research approach it advocates. It is worth a bit of discussion as to why our approach is distinct. First, most models had the all-consuming objective of calculating a fire spread rate from initial environmental conditions (fuel, topography, weather). Focus on an assumed steady-state spread was seen as simplifying, much as Rothermel had done, because it could ignore time- and space-dependent processes that determined how the fire somehow managed to spread in the first place (i.e. the fire itself). The physical processes have long been known and listed for many fire spread phenomena (Williams 1977), but their configuration or organisation in the special condition of steady spread among discrete wildland fuel particles had to be assumed. This was often conceived as a balance between energy released and energy required for ignition (Frandsen 1971). Dr Don Latham, research physicist at the Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory humorously asked, ‘Do fires spread as fast as they can or as slow as they can?’, as a way of illustrating the conundrum posed by the so-called simplifying steady-state assumption. So, the artifice of steady spread meant that any model thus proposed didn’t naturally address how or if the fire was able to spread (i.e. threshold behaviours) and didn’t address the means required to achieve spread. Post hoc assumptions are required to limit spread, for example, from high moisture or fuel discontinuity or an upper limit for very high winds, whereas an accurate physical formulation would predict these limits from the model. Rothermel’s equation introduces an extinction moisture to set the lower bound of spread and scale moisture effects in the calculations, and fuels are assumed continuous and homogenous.
Second, the desired steady-state solution was implicitly based on the notion that spread resulted from steady processes. Anyone who has watched wildfires or even a campfire becomes transfixed by the movement of flames. But most model formulations assumed these motions away as noise –especially if radiation could be justified as the principal and sufficient heat transfer mechanism. Radiation had long been rationalised as sufficient alone (see reviews by Pitts 1991; Baines 1990), and this is evidenced by the schematic drawings in many research papers of a smooth flame profile stiffly tilted forward to ignite fuels by radiation. Likewise, experiments were designed to gather data on how fast fires spread in their steady state. Experiments were not designed to find out how fires spread and very few to discover if fires spread, which of course would mean fire was not steady. The physical processes underpinning fire spread are necessarily at such a fine scale of space and time that they would challenge fuel description and modelling. The preoccupation with model building and predictions of steady spread rate has also confounded attempts to compare predictions with observations, in other words validation, but this will be discussed in more detail later concerning the use of field experiments.
Modelling itself and the ability to predict fire spread became the objectives for applied research, rather than understanding the mechanics of fire spread, so no verified basic theory has been available to explain the processes that interact to produce spreading wildfires. Without such theory to anchor model design, the diversity of models for fire spread rate has offered confusion rather than clarity. The absence of highly controlled experiments designed for the purpose of developing and verifying a theory is understandable, however, since this kind of research is expensive and time-consuming, with little certainty as to the cost and timeline of needed but unknown discoveries. Such experiments require a facility staffed with specialists to deal with fabrication, instrumentation, data collection and analysis. Few laboratories are designed with the ability to accommodate spreading fires even at small scales. Even more important, to be useful in explaining the mechanics of wildland fire, experiments must be designed to answer questions that derive from both understanding of physical principles and experience with wildland fires. There are few places in the world where the necessary interdisciplinary expertise, laboratory facilities, time and financial support are available and can be devoted to developing a validated basic theory of how wildland fire behaves. Funding has often been less available for basic research than for modelling, partly because of the expense and uncertainty of delivering results in a short time frame is incompatible with the system of competitive research grants. Many of the models developed in the past 50 years have been extrapolated beyond what their underlying theories and data can support. New models and predictive tools are needed, based on a sound understanding of the physical principles that drive fire behaviour in wildlands. In this book, we survey the science that must underpin this understanding and summarise the research that is now contributing to the understanding needed for new models and new applications.
Modelling and field-scale research
Our emphasis here – on highly controlled, laboratory-based experiments for the purposes of developing a theory of fire spread – by no means obviates the value of modelling or field-scale research. The experiments needed to develop a physical theory of fire spread and behaviour are by necessity small in scale. They are intentionally simplified and isolated to pieces of a phenomenon set in the context of wildland fires (as opposed to building fires). Experiments designed to elucidate sub-processes, such as heat transfer and ignition, must then be integrated with the other sub-processes of the wildfire system to capture larger scale interactions. Chapters 2–6 introduce the physical processes that drive wildland fire behaviour. Chapter 7 presents the theoretical modelling that provides this integration and the inductive reasoning needed to understand the emergence of fire spread (or no spread) as an outcome of a dynamical system.
When modelling is used in research (as opposed to application), it often suggests hypotheses that warrant further experimental work. The cycle of modelling and experiments is essential to advancing knowledge and developing a physical theory of fire spread. Such a theory would serve as the foundation for many models and end-user systems for many different applications. For practical uses, models must meet a particular business case defined by intended use and required precision. Practical models or systems must be robust to the uncertainty of user-supplied inputs, target the needed precision and time frame of the predictions, and match the expertise of intended user groups. Highly complex and physically explicit models are of little use if the intended clients cannot learn how to use and interpret them, if the model cannot be fed reliable inputs, or if the model cannot produce usable outputs fast enough to inform decision making.
It may seem incongruous that simple experiments at laboratory scales can be relevant to understanding and modelling larger scale complex free-burning wildfires. The contrasting strengths and limitations of laboratory v. field-scale research are the ‘two solitudes in forest fire research’ addressed by Van Wagner (1971). Laboratory experiments offer measurements and control variation but lack direct applicability to phenomena at field scales. Field-scale fires, whether experimental or wild, are difficult to control and instrument, and experimental burns may also be restricted to milder ranges of environmental conditions than wildfires (Stocks et al. 2004; Clements et al. 2007; Gould et al. 2008; Ottmar et al. 2016). But applicability of the measurements from field-scale fires to empirically derived models or predictions of fire behaviours is straightforward. Empirical modelling has shown great utility for management systems in Canada (Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group 1992) and Australia (Cruz et al. 2015). Van Wagner (1998) explained:
The Canadian approach uses all available field data for the statistical links between weather, fuel moisture, and fire behavior, tying the whole together with a combination of physical principle and mathematical design.
Although these statistical-empirical models apply directly at the needed time and space scales (e.g. for fire spread rates over kilometres and hours), they are not intended to reflect processes or circumstances at finer or coarser scales than the range of data collected. Fire behaviour response to management actions that change fuel structure, such as prescribed burning and forest thinning, require new sets of data. Fires in stronger winds, or on slopes steeper than the range of original datasets, require extrapolations. Empirical models also aren’t attempting to explain how any of the processes fit together physically, even though some kind of physical reasoning may be used to organise the modelling approach (as Van Wagner (1971, 1998) states). Thus, the model utility that comes from intuitive correlations often requires that multiple factors and their complex interactions be combined into single variables for model building. For example, vertical and horizontal continuity of fuels and proportions of living and dead materials are implicit properties of generic fuel types (i.e. grasslands, conifer forests). Wide variations in their properties introduces thresholds in fire spread that are not explained by the models and can only be accommodated in fire predictions with considerable judgement on the part of the practitioner.
The challenge of validation
Field-scale research is important to validate scaling of physical processes identified from principles shown at the laboratory scale. In other words, do the same processes occur in small fires as in big fires? This is not commonly the way that validation has been used in wildfire research, but it is the way that we suggest it is most useful. In Chapter 9 we review methodologies and challenges for obtaining measurements from fires at laboratory and field scales. Most previous attempts at model validation attempt to compare observations with spread rate predictions from wildfire models. These attempts have been difficult and inconclusive. Consider this passage from Albini and Anderson (1982), in which they describe their attempts to compare observations with calculations from the Rothermel model as implemented in the FIREMODS program (Albini 1976a):
Attempts to evaluate the theoretical fire behavior models described above through operation or field-level experiment resulted in unclear definitions of the reasons for output inconsistencies. It is impossible for the most part to isolate the cause of output variations to either the accuracy or resolution of the input data, applicability of the model to the real world, or (in some cases) to errors which may have crept into the program during the implementation process. Even in the simplest model, FIREMOD, complex relationships between input data readily available to field personnel and internal model parameters exist. This makes it extremely difficult to evaluate which input variable is suspect when deviations are noted between predicted and actual fire behavior characteristics.
The difficulty of validating fire spread rate predictions from field data can be traced to two main factors. One is the ambiguity among sources of error in fire modelling and the second has to do with the metric of fire spread rate itself.
The concept of validation involves isolating and quantifying model error separate from other sources, such as data error and user error. Ideally, we want to know how much error and bias is introduced by the model itself. Given perfect input data and observations of the phenomenon, it should be possible to determine model error, but, as Oreskes et al. (1994) describe, the data required for input to a model and comparison with model results are always under-represented, so validation is technically impossible. Data errors and under-representation in field data come from unknown and uncontrolled variation in many factors. Examples include overgeneralised fuel descriptions in both research and operational settings, and wind speeds and directions that are never constant in time or stationary in space. Data errors come from measurements and observations of fire itself. For example, predictions and measurements aim to quantify flame length and spread rate as simple numbers, but both of these phenomena actually represent highly unstable processes with huge variability. There is also a possibility that users will introduce error by assuming constant conditions or compensating for conditions that are unknown. Examples include the moisture contents of fuel particles of different sizes, three-dimensional wind variation induced by complex terrain or the fire itself, and the choice of which nearby weather station to obtain data for use in predictions.
The main challenge to validating modelled fire spread rate has to do with how wildfire spread occurs:
•First, fire spread rate is not a physical quantity as is temperature, heat release rate or heat flux (energy received per unit time – see Appendix A ). Instead, spread rate is an outcome of sequential ignitions ( Fons 1946 ; Frandsen 1971 ). In the wildland context, therefore, fire spread rate is not a continuous function because it emerges from a series of ignitions of discrete fuel particles, which occur over some unit of time and space. Its instantaneous values vary wildly, so it is subject to variation over multiple scales, from centimetres and seconds in pine needle fuel beds to kilometres and hours for large-scale crown fires. The variation and sources of variation are likely to change with those scales. For example, a model’s assumption of uniform fuel and stationary weather becomes untenable for estimating spread rate over scales of kilometres and hours.
•Second, fire spread rate is a one-dimensional representation of a two-dimensional and sometimes three-dimensional advancing front. Since fire growth occurs in two or three dimensions, the fire front can meander in spread direction as winds shift or patchy fuels drive uneven movement. However, these directional variations are not captured in measurements of spread rates or predictions from one-dimensional models.
•Third, the physical means of spread often varies over long distances and times. For example, spotting may contribute to moving a fire over barriers or rivers.
•Fourth, there is no unique combination of environmental factors that will produce a given spread rate. Different combinations of fuel characteristics, moisture content, and wind or slope, their sequence in time and space, and their variability can cause the same fire spread rate. Errors in estimating one property may be compensated for by opposite errors in another.
In this book, we do not focus on spread rate as the only metric of validation because it is closely linked with all the other characteristics of the flaming zone. Instead, we address primarily how the physical processes are assembled in a dynamical system, and whether interactions of the components at a fine scale yield reasonable behaviours at the larger scale.
Scale modelling has not seen common use in wildland fire for many years (e.g. Byram 1959; Van Wagner 1971) but is common in fire protection engineering and combustion-related engineering disciplines. Scale modelling seeks to understand the main factors controlling a particular physical behaviour and develop simplified relations among these factors that can be used consistently across scales of, for example, time, distance, velocity, and energy release. With respect to wildfire and fires in general, very useful relations have been developed. They allow for practical application of laboratory-scale experiments at much broader scales. The vast difference in scale between laboratory experiments and field-scale wildfires suggests that great value can be found in scale modelling with proper design of experiments (see summary by Saito and Finney 2014). There are numerous examples of studies that have used this approach. Thomas (1971), for example, concluded in his study of wind-driven fires that ‘a judicious mixture of theory and empiricism allows idealized experiments to represent the main features governing this kind of wild fire’.
Outline of the book
This book is organised to develop a theory of wildland fire spread and behaviour as a physical system. The principles of combustion, heat transfer and ignition are explained generally and also specifically for the wildland context. Experimental results are the primary source of information; they are compared where possible against observations at field scale. The strong coupling exhibited by the wildfire system is explored through a simplified one-dimensional model and the model behaviours are compared with observations. Limits to the modelling are then illustrated by discussion of large-scale behaviours of fires in complex terrain and with spatially variable wind and fuel patterns. If the underlying theories are sound, then they will underpin explanations for the behaviours found even in complex circumstances. A passage by Byram (1959) offered the same vision:
If fire can be reduced to its basic-energy processes and physical component parts, and if the interactions and relationships between the parts can be determined, then the resulting fire system model represents the physical system needed to unify the various fire behavior phenomena. A test of the effectiveness of such a model is its ability to anticipate new fire behavior situations and predict new fire behavior phenomena, as well as explain observed fire behavior. In addition, the model should represent a physical system which applies to fires of all sizes and intensities.
This statement implies that, with a sound understanding of wildfire behaviour, we will have the knowledge essential not only for making predictions but also for identifying new fire behaviour situations, recognising new physical phenomena, and realising new management opportunities. This understanding of wildland fire will ultimately be of the greatest value to humanity. This book is an attempt to develop such knowledge through reviewing what is known and what remains unknown about wildland fire behaviour.
Chapter 1: Introduction to wildfire science. Why should we care about wildfire behaviour? This chapter reviews some history of the science of wildfire behaviour and offers some perspective on why we continue to struggle to understand how wildland fires spread. Although readily observed, wildfires are difficult to explain. Decades of modelling and technology development in wildfire prediction systems have done little to develop a firm theory of dynamical wildfire behaviour. This chapter sets the stage for experiment-based research to gain knowledge with the aspiration to ultimately achieve compatibility with wildland fire.
Chapter 2: Fire and wildland fire behaviour. In this chapter, we introduce fire as a system of interacting physical processes. Although these processes take place at very small scales of time and space, we will see that these same processes operate during even the largest of wildland fires. We will see how these processes work together to produce the behaviours of wildfires by interacting within a physical system. The basic characteristics of the fire environment will be introduced, and we will see conceptually how they affect the traditional metrics used to describe wildland fire behaviour: spread, growth and energy release.
Chapter 3: Thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. This is the first of three chapters that describe the physical processes operating in wildland fires. Thermal science is introduced as the framework for thinking about concepts and characteristics of heat, energy, temperature and how properties of matter are affected. Fluid mechanics is introduced, because it deals with the physical properties of gases and liquids; our discussion is applied narrowly to the specific characteristics relevant to wildland fire. Basic principles of fluid flows and heat transfer are also covered. These principles are essential to understanding how heat from a burning fire can affect and ignite adjacent fuel particles in the process of fire spread.
Chapter 4: Combustion. Combustion is a science discipline with applications across diverse fields of engineering and industry, from engines to explosions. Here we focus on combustion science in the wildland fire context. We would not have wildfires without heat released from unconfined combustion of vegetation fuels and oxygen in the atmosphere. This chapter addresses the chemistry of fuel and combustion reactions, flame structure and sizes, combustion limits of gases, burning and heat release rates of fuel, and solid phase combustion.
Chapter 5: Ignition. Wildfires must ignite new fuel to spread and be sustained. Ignition is a discrete change of state in fuel material. Wildfire spread is a non-steady outcome of a complex system that generates a spatial sequence of repeated ignitions. The processes involved in ignition are functions of material properties, the heat transfer processes, and the physical sizes and shapes of the materials. Ignition requirements for flaming and smouldering of wildland fuel are discussed.
Chapter 6: The environment in wildfire dynamics. The wildland fire environment, particularly the fuel, topography and weather conditions, are considered the essential ingredients of fire behaviour. The overview in Chapter 2 introduced them along with the basic principles of wildland fire behaviour. In this chapter, these environmental factors are described in detail and presented in terms of their effect on the vital physical processes of fire spread and behaviour: heat transfer, combustion and ignition. The state of knowledge of these environmental components is summarised and illustrated using experiment-based examples.
Chapter 7: Wildfire spread. The coupled system of wildfire spread is examined through a simple one-dimensional physical model. Simplified components of combustion, heat transfer and ignition are assembled into a particle-based dynamical model that represents fire spread as a product of feedbacks operating within a system. Fire behaviours of spread and intensity emerge from the model, as do the time- and space-dependent responses of acceleration and steady-state spread, dependencies on initial conditions, extinction from wind and moisture and fuel discontinuity, and spread thresholds. The model elucidates system-level behaviours that are not properties of the individual component processes or environmental inputs, and thus it serves to inductively expand our explanation of fire behaviour as a dynamical system.
Chapter 8: Behaviours of large fires. This chapter surveys some wildfire phenomena, including crown fires, spotting, fire shapes, mass fires and fire storms. These phenomena are not well approximated by small-scale studies because they exhibit feedbacks at the scale of the entire fire with strong atmospheric interactions or because they involve large length-scales and high fluxes of thermal radiation. Most fire behaviour research has been focused on relatively small fires and representative segments extracted conceptually from larger fires (line fires). The same basic physical processes operate in all fires, but the largest fires interact with increasingly larger volumes of the earth’s atmosphere, essentially becoming mesoscale meteorological events.
Chapter 9: Measurements in fire behaviour. Explanations of wildfire behaviour are founded on quality observations and measurements taken from laboratory and field experiments as well as large wildfires. This chapter summarises traditional and newer methods of obtaining measurements of fuel consumption, physical fire processes and fire behaviours.
Chapter 10: Ignition techniques for experimental burning. We present a discussion of the various ignition configurations used in experimental burning and the appropriate research questions for each technique. Successful use of most ignition techniques in experimental fires relies on understanding fire interactions and dynamical behaviours that well exceed the assumptions of steady-state spread. Experimental fires are vital to testing hypotheses of fire behaviour and testing the scaling of physical processes by application to the field level. This chapter examines basic ignition techniques and presents qualitative differences in spread and behaviour resulting from ignition geometry and spatial patterns of ignitions.
Chapter 11. We conclude with a review of key principles and insights as they pertain to researchers and managers.
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Fire and wildland fire behaviour
Fire is easy to recognise but difficult to describe. In its most basic sense, fire is a high-temperature reaction of fuel and oxygen that releases energy. Much of the energy is released as heat, so we can say that fire is exothermic oxidation of fuel. Exothermic means giving off heat, and oxidation is a chemical reaction between fuel and oxygen. While these definitions imply fire is a process rather than a ‘thing’, they do not give us a clear picture of how the process operates or how we experience it. Our experience is that most fires are composed of flames that give off light as well as heat, just as a candle does and just as campfires do. So that is how we introduce fire here – as a physical process – using our familiar experiences with burning candles and campfires.
The ubiquitous burning candle has been used for lighting by people for centuries. As such it was chosen as the subject of the now-famous Christmas lecture series by renowned British physicist Michael Faraday in 1848 (Faraday 1860). He used the candle (Figure 2.1) to explain to public audiences how physical and chemical processes produce the familiar colours and shapes of a candle flame. As Faraday recognised, we can learn a lot from a candle and, amazingly, most of it can be applied directly to wildland fires. In this chapter, we survey the processes and principles that describe the candle flame. The remaining chapters of this book describe the physical processes in greater detail.
The burning candle as a fire process
When we look at a burning candle, we see some familiar features that are also important to wildland fire (Figure 2.2). The flame is the most obvious part of the burning candle, but it is not solely ‘the fire’. For the flame to be ignited and self-sustaining, physical processes must interact with the wax and the wick. To understand the connections among these parts in a fire, we need some definitions:
Fuel: stored chemical energy that can be released by combustion (i.e. wax)
Combustion: exothermic chemical and physical processes that convert fuel in the presence of oxygen to heat
Heat: thermal energy that can be transferred from high-temperature materials to colder materials
Flame: Gaseous fuels are so hot during combustion that glowing soot particles emit visible light.
A burning candle, like fire in general, is a coupled system – that is, a sequence of processes that all depend upon each other. A burning candle is also a remarkably self-sustaining system. A candle flame is sustained by the upward flow of liquid wax fuel within the wick, which comes from the melting of solid wax by heat from the flame itself. These interdependent processes are sustained until the wax in the candle is consumed (or you blow out the flame).
Figure 2.1: The nature of fire as a system was described by Michael Faraday in his 1848 Christmas lecture series on candles (published in 1860). Wildfires have many of the same physical processes as do burning candles.
Interdependencies in a coupled system are called feedbacks. Feedbacks can be positive or negative. Positive feedbacks drive the system to increase the rates of change within the system, such as energy release rate or fire spread rate. Negative feedbacks do the opposite; they reduce the rates of change within the system. Both kinds of feedback are involved in fire at different stages and times. The feedbacks within coupled systems can be highly nonlinear, meaning that the system does not respond proportionally to stimuli or changed conditions. In regard to fire, for example, doubling one factor, such as the wind speed or the amount of fuel available, may more than double a system response such as the rate of combustion and energy released.
Figure 2.2: Illustration of the coupled system for a candle shows the same components as in wildfires: fuel combustion and energy release, heat transfer by radiation and convection, and ignition (images by Trevor Finney).
Unlike candles, wildland fires seldom have a stationary flame zone for long periods of time. To be self-sustaining – that is, to spread – a wildland fire must transfer its heat to adjacent fuels. This makes its flame zone move. It has been difficult to determine how fast a wildfire must move in order to sustain its flame zone because of the tightly coupled nature of the processes in the system. This coupling means that there is no logical place to start describing the system – no beginning and no end. Thus, what goes around comes around; that is, each process affects one or more of the others through space and time. Wildfires, like burning candles, are tightly coupled systems that cannot be understood based on the individual components in isolation. This concept is so important that we will return to it several times throughout the book.
Igniting and burning a candle
The burning of a candle is a product of a coupled system that only begins to function when supplied with ignition from outside (Figure 2.2). That is, we light the candle with a heat source like a match or a lighter that is not part of the candle itself. Wildfires are like this too: ignition typically is caused by lightning or human sources external to the wildland fire system, and then the fire itself ignites adjacent fuels if the fire is to be sustained.
Most of us light candles without thinking about two critical physical processes: heat transfer and ignition of fuel. Lighting a candle requires contact between the wick and a heat source like the flame on a match (Figure 2.2). The easiest way to light the candle is by positioning the candle wick above the match flame so the flame rises to touch or envelope the wick. By doing this we rely on the fact that a flame is hot and, since heat rises by a property called buoyancy, flames are naturally elongated upward. Contact with hot flame easily ignites the wick. This heat transfer between the flame and the wick occurs primarily by convection, which is the exchange of heat caused by contact of a fluid (like flame gases) with an object.
How long do you hold the match flame in contact with the wick? This matters a great deal to successful ignition, and you can prove it by pulling the match away in ~1 s. If the heating is insufficient for ignition, you will see smoke or wax vapours coming from the wick, but you will not see flame. As Faraday demonstrated, these vapours are volatilised wax. They are flammable, which you can demonstrate by inserting a lit match into the vapour stream and watching the ‘train of fire’ descend and attach to the wick. Ignition of solid, gas or liquid fuel requires a certain rate of heating over a certain period of time. Ignition of wildland fuels is similar, in that wildland fires can persist and spread only if heat from the combustion zone can repeatedly ignite new fuels. Here is a detailed description of the steps involved in sustaining a burning candle:
•Initial ignition. Heat from the match increases the temperature of the fuel so combustion can begin. In the candle, wax is the fuel that ignites most easily at low temperature, ~200–250 °C. Chapter 5 covers ignition in more detail.
•Fuel vaporisation. Paraffin waxes boil at 90–125 °C. As the wax vapours heat up, they expand in volume, which causes them to rise in the surrounding denser, cooler air. This buoyancy is critical to combustion because the rising vapours mix with oxygen in the atmosphere. When fuel vapours are hot enough and properly mixed with oxygen, they can combust.
•Combustion. A series of chemical reactions occur as the vaporised wax mixes with oxygen. These reactions produce a rapid increase in temperature to around 1000 °C. The flame temperature in the burning candle is approximately the same as that in wildland fires, and thus the buoyancy for each is similar.
•Visible flaming. Combustion of both candles and wildfires forms carbon (soot) particles in significant quantities. You can see flames because the soot is glowing – that is, releasing heat in the yellow and orange wavelengths, which we can see.
•Melting wax. The heat released by the glowing soot melts the wax below the flame into a small liquid pool. Paraffin waxes melt at temperatures between 48 and 66 °C.
•Liquid wax moving into flame zone. The melted wax moves up the wick – against gravity – by capillary action. This supplies the flame zone with fresh fuel, which boils and then burns, and the processes continue as a coupled system.
Flame shape
Everyone knows that the candle flame extends vertically to form a teardrop shape (Figure 2.3a). Without the earth’s gravity, however, the