About this ebook
Lemurians came to lift the Earth into the Light and have returned now for the completion of the cycle. We know how to be love; we just need to remember that we are Divine Beings clothed in human form.
Coming Home to Lemuria is a book of hope and inspiration. In Lemuria we lived in Love, we had the power to manifest whatever we needed and these powers are available to us now. We are at a time on the planet where the frequencies are rising and we have the opportunity to once more live in Oneness and Joy. We have memories at a cellular level and we can live in this consciousness again. Lemurians had a great sense of Unity and Oneness. Every individual part was equal to not better than any other and Love was the key to evolution. They created whatever they needed so their only desire was to be of service to the Earth and her children.
Charmian Redwood
In 1980 Charmian Redwood had a Near Death Experience in which she returned to Oneness and remembered Who She Is. Since that time she has been assisting others through her workshops and personal sessions to reconnect with and their own Divine Self and to activate the DNA codes for ascension. She has remembered her many lives as a teacher and healer in the mystery schools always guiding her students to find the God Within and to empower themselves.Since moving to Hawaii in 2006 Charmian Redwood has brought forward many memories of Ancient Lemuria where we lived in Oneness and used our intention and connection to the Source to create everything we needed in our lives. Her work now is to bring back the teams who worked in the Ancient Crystal Cities so that we can begin to create our New World.Charmian offers sessions of Hypnotherapy for the Soul. She guides her clients to experience themselves as Soul, to ask what The Soul wishes to say to the personality self and to look at the cause of any issues which clients may be experiencing in their lives such as illness, relationships, employment. The Soul knows everything about us, past, present and future. These sessions can be done by skype or phone. She also offers Akashic soul readings where she brings through memories of past lives in the temples, on other stars and guides the client through initiations they had in Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, Sirius etc. Charmian taught in all of the Mystery Schools of the past and in this lifetime she is meeting her former students and taking them in just a few sessions to reclaim the knowledge which once took years of apprenticeship to achieve.Charmian offers many workshops on connecting with archangels, a Mystery school where students learn to receive their own messages.
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Coming Home to Lemuria - Charmian Redwood
Table of Contents
© 2013 by Charmian Redwood
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Redwood, Charmian, 1951-
Coming Home to Lemuria, by Charmian Redwood
A firsthand account through the use of hypnosis and past life regression of life in Lemuria. The lives we have forgotten as Lemurians. We co-created through instant manifestation with our minds. We are back now to bring these energies through to help our Mother Earth.
1. Lemuria 2. Hypnosis 3. Past-life Regression 4. Metaphysics 5. Co-Creation
I. Redwood, Charmian, 1951- II. Lemuria III. Metaphysics IV. Hypnosis V. Title
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2013933896
ISBN: 9781886940413
Cover Art and Layout: www.noir33.com
Book set in: Times New Roman, Borealis
Book Design: Tab Pillar
Published by:
PO Box 754
Huntsville, AR 72740
Printed in the United States of America
For their continuous love and support of my strange ways, I thank my children Jenny and Tim whose birth started me on this journey home.
Many thanks to George for his generosity and support while I compiled this book.
Then, too, I must thank those who graciously allowed me to lead them into hypnosis to retrieve the information contained here: George Morgan, Aaman Degarth, Elizabeth Keller, Reagan Breen, Kaye Russell, Bahli Mans Morris, Elisha and Jane Stevenson.
Also, I am so grateful to Heather Golding for the beautiful artwork for the cover. The figure in the center represents the heart and creativity of Lemuria while the glyphs surrounding it are creation codes from the Source. www.huulanaya.com
Dear Mother Maui, I thank you for calling me home!
It is March 2006, and I am flying to Hawaii for the first time— a place I had been dreaming of and longing to visit for twenty years. Half way across the Pacific, I burst into tears because I knew I was coming home. I didn’t know what I was coming home to; I just knew that for the first time in my life, I would be home.
Stepping off the plane onto this sacred land, I was enfolded by the soft, nurturing energy of the Hawaiian islands and knew that here was a place where it was safe to be me
—one where I could allow myself to show Who I Am.
Part of me had always wanted to remain hidden because it didn’t feel safe.
On the second day of my trip, I entered the water at Honaunau and met my dolphin family for the first time. Not only was I home, but here was my family waiting for me.
They said to me, You need to move here.
I said, Fine, but I will need a miracle.
I had very little money, no house to sell, and no savings.
That same evening I went to a shamanic drumming circle where the dolphins took me to Sirius to show me where we came from. (That journey is now on a meditation CD on my website.) I mentioned to the group that the dolphins were telling me to live there, and then I was offered six months’ house-sitting by an angel in human clothing.
So began my Homecoming.
I returned to Santa Fe, sold everything, and moved to Hawaii on 6/6/06.
Once I settled into life in Hawaii, I began my hypnotherapy work, which I called Hypnotherapy for the Soul
because it involved connecting clients with their God-selves and spiritual lineage. In all of the clients’ journeys, memories of Lemuria came flooding back.
As their stories began to unfold, it became very clear that they were returning Lemurians, and it was time for them to Remember Who They Were/Are. It is their stories that I’m inviting you to hear. Sit back and enjoy. Who knows? These may be your stories, too. First, I’ll begin with a brief overview of these individuals’ discoveries, remembrances, and memories of Lemuria.
A Brief Overview of Ancient Lemuria
As ancient Lemurians, we came to Earth from various star systems to bring the Pure Light of Love. We chose to come to a predominantly water-covered Earth because our bodies were more subtle than physical, and it was easier for us to enter into a watery environment than to be on land. Thus, we began our Earth adventure in the beautiful oceans of Mother Earth where our subtle bodies could more easily remain connected to Source. We lived in Wholeness and Love, always connected to the Golden Light of the Source.
With our subtle bodies, we propelled ourselves by focusing with intention. We didn’t walk with a heavy tread; we connected with the surface in a soft, floating way. Presently, when we walk, we step heavily on the earth and connect with every step. Then it was more like gliding along the ground in a continuous fluid movement as if we were becoming part of the surface.
The whole Lemurian civilization evolved from a small group of Beings using their minds to create everything they needed in a constant flowing movement of forms, which morphed continuously from one form to another. Form evolved from the dust of Earth and the starlight of space. They manifested from nothingness in an ever evolving process as they came into this particular time and space—a temporal moment, a moment in time.
This is who we were as Lemurians—Love, Beauty, and Grace. We stood in the essence of our Being and Love as we walked and worked together. The Light was in everything we did. It was as natural to us as breathing. We breathed Love. We breathed it together. We came into our circles and breathed Love and Light into form. We created beauty with our every breath. We were all connected to Source by a golden thread and lived in harmony and peace with all beings and all kingdoms in constant telepathic communication with all life forms.
Everything that we did in Lemuria before The Fall was for the benefit of the whole. [The Fall was a soul choice we made to disconnect from the Source and live on our own in density. It was a descent into an ego experience so our souls could evolve by overcoming challenges. It involved living in dense bodies— a totally new experience for us. It was a gradual process where our bodies became increasingly dense, and we forgot who we were. Chapter 17 tells this story.] Before this happened, we cared for and included everyone equally. Our sole desire was to serve and assist others to fulfill their service and desires. There was no thought of competition, lack, or scarcity. We created everything that we needed, and there was always enough for everyone.
In Lemuria, we used seed crystals to co-create our world. With a small crystal we were able to tap into a portal where the dimensions melted, and physical laws were bent and changed. We were able to grow a crystal to any size. We even grew merkabas, divine light vehicles used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. Mer
means Light. Ka
means Spirit. Ba
means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter- rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transport the spirit /body from one dimension to another. The power therein is infinite and contains all the consciousness of the universe.
Source energy coming from crystals generated power to manifest the physical, but it didn’t work like what