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The Manual Handling Revolution
The Manual Handling Revolution
The Manual Handling Revolution
Ebook234 pages5 hours

The Manual Handling Revolution

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Are you a health professional who wants to feel confident about the manual handling solutions you offer people with disabilities and their caregivers?


At long last there is a book that provides a framework for health professionals in solving complex manual handling problems. The Manual Handling Revolution

Release dateOct 25, 2017
The Manual Handling Revolution

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    Book preview

    The Manual Handling Revolution - Aideen M Gallagher

    The difficulties with manual handling

    This part starts by asking why manual handling is so complicated. I break this question down by looking at all the stakeholders in the manual handling process, discuss the client and their needs, as well as the needs of the care worker and the risks manual handling presents to them. I also outline the changes in the aged and disabilities sectors that are leading to a manual handling ‘perfect storm’, and conclude by exploring the role of the allied health professional and the expertise expected from them in solving manual handling problems.

    1. Why is manual handling so complicated?

    In unpacking the reasons behind manual handling being so complicated, I have found a particular model of practice very useful – although it took me a little while to get there. I was never really a fan of models of practice while at university. I recall writing an essay comparing one model to another and I had no idea what I was writing about. I still didn’t know when I left university either. It wasn’t until I started working in Aboriginal Health in the Northern Territory of Australia that I really started to understand their application in identifying the source of problems – and, therefore, providing solutions to these problems.

    Then, in 2008, I found myself having to teach models of practice to my first-year undergraduate OT students. At first, I was literally one lecture ahead of the students. The more I taught models of practice, however, the more I understood them, and I was determined that no student would leave my class without really getting to understand how a model of practice can help us unpack what might be really going on when we are presented with a

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