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Living on Earth: A Spiritual Guide
Living on Earth: A Spiritual Guide
Living on Earth: A Spiritual Guide
Ebook363 pages10 hours

Living on Earth: A Spiritual Guide

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About this ebook

Living on Earth is a spiritual guidebook to help you understand life questions, such as: Why am I here? Why am I unable to create the life I want? In this book you will learn:

- Your soul’s reincarnation process, how you planned your upcoming life on earth, and how you made pre-life decisions to help your soul grow in maturity and consciousness

- The meaning behind your life experiences

- How to find your life purpose

- The Spiritual Laws that govern Earth and how you can use them to create the life of your dreams

- How not to sabotage your own manifesting and listen to your intuition

- How to heal toxic relationships

- The mind-body connection and the role of conventional medicine and alternative therapies

- Self-care tools to achieve confidence, self-acceptance, and heal your inner wounds

- The role of forgiveness

Should you wish to deepen your knowledge further in a particular subject, this book contains over 70 book recommendations.

Life on Earth is not easy, but you can find your path to joy. This book will help you expand your knowledge and guide you to achieve health, peace, happiness, and success.

Release dateJan 1, 2022
Living on Earth: A Spiritual Guide

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    Living on Earth - Roser Segarra


    There is nothing new, except what has been forgotten.

    —Marie Antoinette


    This book started in my head a long time ago. It reflects the knowledge I have gathered over the past 30 years reading and researching books on self-help, spirituality, personal growth, and healing the mind, body and soul. This knowledge has helped me make more sense of my life experiences, learn how to change my circumstances for the better, and live a happier existence.

    I have learned that humanity is not a random accident, that there is a reason why we are here, and that each one of us has a purpose in life we have come to fulfill, a reason and purpose which we planned prior to incarnating. We are much more than our physical body; we are eternal souls incarnated in a body.

    From a physical perspective, our souls are higher aspects of ourselves that know we are spiritual bodies living a human experience, but our conscious self has forgotten this. We are simply energy and thus can’t die, only change form.

    We come to Earth repeatedly through the process of reincarnation. The Law of Reincarnation gives a soul the choice to come back to Earth if there is anything unresolved, or incomplete at the end of a lifetime that the soul wants to take care of. The soul might have already been incarnated on Earth and has a wide spectrum of soul family and karmic ties it wants to resolve, or it might be the first time it is incarnating.

    Before our soul incarnates in a human body on Earth, it understands that:

    1. Everything is Energy.

    We are vibrational beings living in a vibrational universe that is contained in The All, or the Field of Consciousness. Every human being and every place has its own unique vibrational resonance. This is the vibration, or atmosphere you feel when you go into a bar, enter a cathedral, or meet a person for the first time. Everything in the universe also radiates a specific frequency (or vibration) which remains recorded permanently in what is called the Field of Consciousness. This field is a web of energy that connects all beings in the world.

    All events, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes are recorded forever and can be retrieved at any time in the present or the future. Sir David R. Hawkins found a way to calibrate this phenomenon via kinesiology. We will explore this further in Chapter 1. Our vibration is further refined as we evolve and grow in consciousness over many lifetimes, and with our thoughts and actions while on Earth.

    Thoughts are measurable pure energy. Whether positive or negative, our thoughts create an emotional response in all the millions of cells in our body, which results in a powerful bodily vibration. When we have positive thoughts and feelings, the vibration is high; when negative, the vibration is low. Every thought we have, ever had, and will ever have, is creative. The energy of our thoughts never dies. As we think, we vibrate, and as we vibrate, we attract.

    2. Our soul understands it will inhabit a human body to evolve physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

    We will evolve when we master our life lessons, grow in consciousness, and remember who we are. We grow in consciousness through taking on challenging experiences in physical form, which cause us to make important decisions and discover our inner resources.

    Our soul knows it won’t have to figure it all out on its own. Our soul receives assistance from the connection it keeps to the part that is not incarnated—our higher self. This is the part of us that remains on the other side of the veil. It is the essence of who we are and holds the accumulated knowledge from all our lifetimes. We don’t come with 100% of our energy; we only bring as much as we think we will need in this incarnation.

    This connection to our higher self is frequently referred to as our intuition, although it also assists with what we call synchronicity. This is how we meet our significant partners and friends, or have unexpected amazing things happen to us. This connection is possible because of the existence of a universal Field of Consciousness.

    Our evolved higher self is our spirit, the broader part of us that knows who we truly are. Our intuition is our higher self talking to us via our emotions; it is not generated from the brain. Have you ever looked at something that gave you the chills, or felt a sudden sunken gut feeling? That is your intuition talking to you, giving you signals as to what you need to know.

    Our emotions are not random occurrences, they also tell us if our thoughts at any given moment are a vibrational match to how our higher self perceives us; that is, to what our higher being knows as being the truth. This is the reason we feel awful when we think, I don’t amount to anything, or I’m so ugly. Our higher self knows that it is not true, and it is giving us the corresponding emotion of feeling awful so we are able to realize that. When we think a thought that rings true with who we really are, and when we are following our path, we feel harmony, joy, love, peace, and a sense of freedom. When we think thoughts that don’t ring true with who we are, and when we are not following our path, we feel disharmony in our body, depression, and fear. The more you notice how you feel as you do things, listen to people, and make decisions, the more you will realize what your intuition is trying to tell you.

    Our higher self knows our life plan and who we want to become, and via our emotions and intuition it is giving us clues as to which direction we need to follow in order to evolve and achieve our goals. We use this tool many times, although perhaps unconsciously. We conclude: I didn’t do it because it didn’t feel right, yet we have no logical explanation for how we came to that decision.

    It is the power of your intuition, not your logic, that will help you discern if the information provided in this book is right for you or not. It will feel right, or not. Your emotions and excitement will give you the answer.

    As well as the connection to our higher self, our soul knows that from the moment it is born in physical form it will have the assistance of a spiritual community of many higher beings who work together on the inner planes to guide and help us in all areas of our lives. You have probably heard of some of them, like angels, archangels, and spirit guides. We are always being guided, even when we feel alone.

    3. Our soul understands that before incarnating, with the assistance of our spirit guides and soul family members, we will have a planning session (more on this in Chapter 3), where we will plan the details of our upcoming life and our soul contracts and agreements with other people.

    We will also select the family we will be born to and our life challenges and circumstances, but once born—on a conscious level—we will forget all about it. This is known as the Veil of Amnesia, or the Veil of Illusion. One of the biggest hurdles we will encounter on Earth is that we have forgotten who we really are and why we are here, and therefore we have to deal with the pain and suffering of why bad things happen to us and why we deserve our fate. If we remembered where we came from we would be longing to go back, and we would not be able to recognize what an opportunity for our soul’s growth it is to be on Earth. On the other side of the veil we ask for numerous opportunities to reincarnate until we feel we have completed our evolution.

    4. While on Earth our soul understands it will be governed by spiritual laws, but it will also be provided with Free Will.

    Our thoughts will be the tool that will allow us to manifest our life plan, assisted by our intuition, guides, and angels. We will set our ideal environment and all our main contracts and agreements before coming to Earth. However, it is while on Earth that we will create our experience by following the universal spiritual laws—consciously or unconsciously—along with our ability to change our mind with our given Free Will.

    Free Will means that we will be able to be, do, and have what we want, and also, we will have the option to follow or not to follow our life plan and our agreed soul contracts. Although it might seem otherwise, we understand that earth won’t be chaos and things won’t happen at random. We will not be at the mercy of fate. Two of the most popular and well-known universal spiritual laws are the Law of Karma and the Law of Attraction. We will delve into the implications of these laws in our daily lives in Chapters 5 and 6.

    At some point in our lives, most of us will start searching for answers, wanting to know why we came to Earth, what is the purpose of being here. Our higher self will keep nagging us to search and find out what it is all about. Our soul knows we deserve love, fulfillment, and joy by birthright. If we have a dream, a goal, or a wish that we haven’t fulfilled, it will keep reminding us. Repeatedly.

    I believe we can achieve great happiness, health, and success when we consider the three aspects or attributes of our being: the mind, the body, and the spirit. With this in mind this book is organized in three parts:

    In Part I: In the Beginning, I will explore our spiritual self and the information it is helpful to understand about our soul and our true nature. Specifically, I will discuss the Field of Consciousness that surrounds us and keeps us connected to our higher self, the process of reincarnation, our pre-birth planning sessions and the contracts that our souls agreed to with other family members before coming to Earth, and I will discuss the evolution of our souls, from infancy to old age.

    In Part II: Being on Earth, I will explore the information and tools that are helpful to learn about to live joyfully and successfully while being incarnated on Earth. Specifically, I will focus on the Spiritual Laws that govern Earth, how to find our purpose, the power of our mind to create, and tips to accelerate our manifestation efforts to create the life we love.

    In Part III: Healing Mind, Body, and Soul, I will explore the tools to find harmony and health in the human body, physically and emotionally. This includes learning about our energy field, causes of disease, the importance of alternative therapies and conventional therapies, how to choose the most appropriate therapy, self-healing and self-care tools, the power of our mind to heal, the role of adequate nutrition, self-healing with energy, light, and color, how to energetically heal toxic relationships, and ultimately how to heal our inner wounds.

    I have resolved my biggest emotional issues with the knowledge and understanding that I have gained over the years. Along the way I have also learned a lot of things in the areas of career, manifesting the lifestyle I want, and maintaining my health, which have greatly helped me. I have bundled it all together in this book and it is my hope that it can be of assistance to you too.

    I recommend reading this book in the order it is presented. This is because the information follows a logical sequence, builds on the information previously provided and it is interconnected. It is best not to read a chapter on its own as it won’t provide the best context for what I’m aiming for.

    My intention for this book is not to delve deeply into any particular subject but to provide an overall useful view and understanding of many subjects. Because I cover many topics, at one point I considered splitting this book in two; however, I believe you will get much more value and it will be more convenient if you have it all in one place.

    I consider this book a stepping stone or path to more knowledge. For that reason, should you wish to deepen your knowledge further in a particular subject this book contains many book recommendations. Primarily, I recommend books because that is where I have gained most of my knowledge. I don’t personally know any of the authors I’m recommending, nor do I have any financial gain in recommending their classes, videos, or books. If I recommend anybody, any therapy, or any book, it is because I like it, it has worked for me, and I think it will be useful for you too.

    The Resources section of this book also contains recommendations to relevant websites and YouTube videos.

    You already made the choice. You are simply here to walk it.

    L. J. Vanier

    Part I

    In the Beginning


    The Field of Consciousness

    In truth, there is only one mind.

    —Erwin Schrödinger

    (1933 Physics Noble Prize winner)

    Everything in this universe is made up of energy and radiates a specific frequency that remains permanently in what is called the Field of Consciousness , a web of energy that connects everything in the universe. We are all part of this energy exchange; our energy is constantly interacting with the field.

    All events, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes are recorded forever. This universal field is full of information and healing that can be retrieved and repeatedly called upon at any time. This is because our consciousness is not stored in our brain; instead, our brain is a receiver that picks up the signal of our consciousness from the field. It is through this field that we are connected to all life.

    This field has many names in different literature but refers to the same concept: The All, the Universal Mind, the One Mind, the Collective Unconscious, the Field of Consciousness. The concept of the existence of a Field of Consciousness has been well documented by many authors.

    In 1908, a book called The Kybalion was published by the Yogi Publication Society, written by a person or persons under the pseudonym of Three Initiates. It contains the essence of the verbal teaching traditions of Hermetic Principles which describe the underlying laws of the universe. This book contains 7 Sacred Principles of Manifestation. The first sacred principle, called Mentalism, explains that the universe is composed of an all encompassing Divine Mind, its thoughts, and thought forms. This Divine Mind includes all individual minds: thoughts, emotions, feelings, and cognition. Our highest self is an extension of that Mind.

    Mentalism contains the idea that All Is Mind.

    Larry Dossey, author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters, explains that the concept of the One Mind is ancient, and it remains an honored belief in many wisdom traditions. He writes ¹ that the esoteric sides of all the major religions recognize that our individual consciousness is subsumed and nourished by an infinite, absolute, divine, or cosmic source, and is ultimately one with it. Dossey describes our mind as immortal and eternal, not confined to our brain or body but extending infinitely outside of it, through fields that link organisms to their environment and to each other. These fields can help telepathy, the sense of being stared at, and other aspects of the seventh sense.

    We can see the power of the Field at work in the classic example of a mother who just knows her child is in danger, or between siblings who feel each other’s pain. Numerous studies have tested this phenomenon in which people often exchange thoughts and emotions at a distance. The link is proven very strong in cases where hurt is involved, like a calling from one to another.

    We are all connected in this field, and you have probably been aware of it, or felt it. Have you ever felt you were being watched, only to turn around and see that somebody was staring at you?

    Nature is also in constant telepathic communication through the field. For example, some studies show how pets will go to wait at the door when their owner (who is away from home) shows intent to go home. It can also be observed that large groups of animals, herds, and flocks frequently behave in highly coordinated ways, implying a shared, overlapping mind.

    Rupert Sheldrake, PhD., a British biologist, researcher, and author, has studied this phenomenon, formally called scopaesthesia, extensively. He proposes that memory is inherent in nature and that natural systems, such as termite colonies or fish schools, inherit a collective memory from all previous things of their kind. He explains that animal telepathy is a consequence of the way animal groups are organized by what he calls Morphic Fields.

    Sheldrake writes how detectives are sometimes trained not to stare too often or intently at the back of people they are following, so as not to provoke the individual to turn around, and that celebrity photographers report similar experiences. Celebrities being secretly photographed up to half a mile away often turn around and look down at the lens of the camera. Hunters and wildlife photographers report similar experiences: animals seem to know when they are being stalked, turning toward the telescopic sight of the camera. In his book The Sense of Being Stared at, Sheldrake suggests that through our attention we create fields of perception that stretch out around us, connecting us to what we are looking at. Through these fields, the observer and the observed are interconnected. Mental fields that extend beyond the brain may also help explain telepathy.

    Another author who has written extensively about the field is Gregg Braden. In his book, The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles and Belief, Braden explains the existence of a field of energy which he calls The Divine Matrix, which connects all creation, is the bridge between our inner and outer worlds, and is the mirror that show us what we have created. This field plays the role of a container for the universe to exist within, it seems to have intelligence, and is able to respond to the power of human emotion. Braden proposes that our DNA give us access to the energy that connects our universe, and emotion is the key to tapping in to the field. He writes that because everything exists within the Divine Matrix, all things are connected, so what we do in one part of our lives must have an effect and influence on other parts. He also proposes that we are connected not only with everything we see in our lives today, but also with everything that’s ever been, as well as with things that haven’t happened yet.

    Because we are part of this Universal Mind, we can’t always control the thoughts that enter our head. You might have started a conversation on a topic when somebody exclaimed they were thinking the same thing. When somebody has a thought, it circulates, and it is not long before somebody else in close proximity has the same thought. That's why we should be conscious of what we think and what we say, we can choose to send out positive or negative vibrations through the way we think and feel.

    This really sums up what the Law of Attraction is about. If we think positive thoughts and have positive feelings, we are sending out positive vibrations, which in turn will attract experiences (and thoughts) of matching vibrations. Like attracts like. We have complete control over what thoughts stay in our head so every time we change our thoughts we can change our experience, the more positive the better. I will discuss the Law of Attraction and how our thoughts impact everything around us in Chapter 6.

    Have you ever gone into a room full of people and felt the tension? It is likely that you were picking up many conflicting and angry thoughts. That is why it feels so good to be around uplifting, positive people, and so bad to be around negative people; the negativity literally gets in our heads and we feel it in our bodies. It is also physically detrimental for the negative person to perpetuate this behavior for prolonged periods of time.

    Connecting with the field is important because in the field resides all the synchronistic events, healing, abundance, and all the answers to the questions we have.

    Our higher self knows what we came to accomplish on Earth and who we need to meet in order to achieve it. When we put a request out, for example, a question about an issue, our higher self will tap into the field and through our intuition and emotions (with an image, a thought, or a gut feeling to go somewhere or do something), it will provide the answer. The dreams we have are all possible for us to achieve in this lifetime; we would not have them if we could not make them a reality.

    We will only be able to retrieve information from the field that reflects our level of consciousness and intent. If we mean well and our intent is pure, we will get information that vibrates at that level. If we mean to hurt or harm another, we will only receive muddled up, sick thoughts, because those will be the thoughts that vibrate at low levels of hate. This is why some psychics are very good and some are not. All readings done, either through intuition, angel or tarot cards, or through any other type of psychic phenomena such as channeling, are only as good as the psychic’s consciousness and intent. Genuine psychics who intend to help you (and with your permission) will be able to tap and retrieve the information you need as long as it is for your highest good. Psychics who just want to get your money, or show off their gifts, will not get accurate information. If you want to visit a psychic your intuition will guide you to choose effectively. You always know when something or someone doesn’t feel right.

    Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology, coined the phrase Collective Unconscious referring to a subconscious pool of knowledge and memories that humanity shares, but is inaccessible to the conscious mind and exists independently of individual consciousness. Jung considered the collective unconscious to underpin and surround the unconscious mind. Such a database comprises all of the information ever available to human consciousness and is the origin of all information obtained by intuition, premonition, divination, or dream.

    In The Significance of Constitution and Heredity in Psychology (November 1929) Carl Jung writes: The collective unconscious comprises in itself the psychic life of our ancestors right back to the earliest beginnings. It is the matrix of all conscious psychic occurrences.

    The existence of what Jung termed Collective Unconscious represents this Field of Consciousness, and what psychic phenomena is all about. The Law of Attraction and the Law of Karma regulate this exchange of information.

    We can connect to the field through intention and practice, by listening to our intuition, meditating, walking in nature, doing some creating endeavors such as dancing, writing, painting, cooking, creating or playing music, and being in silence.


    The main obstacle to our development is our lack of knowledge about the nature of consciousness itself.

    —Sir David R. Hawkins

    Sir David R. Hawkins, MD., Ph.D., was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher, author, and lecturer. His research findings have been published widely in medical, scientific, and psychoanalytic journals.

    Dr. Hawkins found a way to calibrate the field using kinesiology, or muscle testing. In his book, Power Versus Force: The Hidden Determinants in Human Behavior, he explains that all events in the universe are recorded in a Field of Consciousness beyond time, locality, and the recall of memory. This record is then retrievable forever by a simple physiological phenomenon called muscle testing. He is then able to determine the truth or falsehood of any statement.

    The muscle testing response is a simple yes or no to a specific stimulus. It is usually done by a person holding out an extended arm, and the tester pressing down on it, using light pressure. Usually, the tested person holds something to be tested

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