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Numerology: A Beginner's Guide to the Mysteries of Numerology
Numerology: A Beginner's Guide to the Mysteries of Numerology
Numerology: A Beginner's Guide to the Mysteries of Numerology
Ebook65 pages58 minutes

Numerology: A Beginner's Guide to the Mysteries of Numerology

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Numbers are everywhere. Not just the numbers we can see, like those on our clocks and phone screens - or on the cash register as we check out at the store - but hidden numbers.


Release dateJan 3, 2022
Numerology: A Beginner's Guide to the Mysteries of Numerology

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    Numerology - Lauren Lingard


    Numbers are everywhere. Not just the numbers we can see, like those on our clocks and phone screens—or on the cash register as we check out at the store—but hidden numbers. The mathematics behind everything that is physically and chemically extant. Through mathematics and geometry, numbers tell the story of everything that surrounds us. Numerologists believe that numbers are the most basic building block of the universe—a vast and complex system. Behind even the atom, the electron, or the proton, there are numbers; numbers that, through their unique vibrational frequencies, inform every aspect of creation, right down to your very own life.

    A shroud of mystery surrounds the art and science of numerology, the ancient practice of divining by numbers. If you have ever wondered What is numerology? or What does 11:11 mean? or; if you have found yourself drawn over and over again to certain numbers that reappear throughout your life, numerology may be for you.

    This book aims to help you, the beginner, decode the mysteries of numerology, enabling you to use this ancient wisdom to better understand and improve your own self. This book will discuss the history of numerology; how numerology works and which numbers you will want to calculate; the meanings of some of the most important numbers you will encounter; and step-by-step instructions on how to practice basic numerology for yourself.

    The ancient art of numerology promises to help you find your true purpose in life, improve your existing relationships and build strong, new ties. It will also help to guide you toward the best decisions you can make for yourself in your personal life and professional life. These and many more benefits of numerology are available for you to apply to your own life if you are willing, and ready, to dig in and discover what this ancient science has to offer you.

    Chapter One:  What is Numerology?

    Put simply, numerology is an ancient system of divination based on numbers. Numerology is to numbers as astrology is to stars; like the signs of the Zodiac, numbers—the most basic building blocks of the universe—influence us all profoundly from the time of our birth. Numerologists believe that understanding how we relate to these numbers and harnessing their power can help us to better ourselves and the world around us. Numerologists study the vibrational frequency or energy of numbers to decipher what their most spiritual meanings are.

    Numerologists use numerology charts much like astrologists create astrological or birth charts. These charts contain much wisdom and insight about an individual calculated by that person’s full name and date of birth. A numerology chart includes multiple numbers that are calculated in different ways to provide different types of guidance and answers.

    There are actually many different numerological beliefs and practices around the world, though in this book, we will focus primarily on a modern take on Pythagorean numerology. We will briefly explore other numerological practices around the world in the next chapter: The History of Numerology.

    Numerology is not the same thing as mathematics, although the two are related. The mathematics involved in calculating numerological numbers is very simple addition and subtraction. You do not need to have aced calculus class to understand and use numerology! You only need a basic understanding of how to add numbers together (or a calculator). In the following sections, you will learn how these simple calculations are performed.

    Types of Numerology

    There are three major types of numerology, each one having originated in a different part of the world, as we will explore in the next chapter. No one type of numerology is better than the others, and they can actually be used together in a numerology reading—though this is not recommended for beginners, as mixing the different systems can get confusing.

    The three major types of numerology are Kabbalah numerology, Chaldean numerology, and Pythagorean numerology.

    Kabbalah numerology has its origins in Hebrew mysticism. This system of numerology is based on the sacred number of 22, which is also the number of Major Arcana cards in the Tarot. Kabbalah numerology places a great focus on letters and is thus most often used to divine meaning from birth names.

    Chaldean numerology originated in ancient Mesopotamia. This is also where astrology originated, and Chaldean numerology has close ties to astrology. In Chaldean numerology, the single digit numbers 1-8 have unique vibrations, and each letter in the alphabet is assigned to one. The number 9, however, is kept sacred and separate in Chaldean numerology.

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