About this ebook
Terry Byrne
Terry Byrne tells his own story of how he survived stupidity in his life.
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Wake up Stupid! Wake Up! - Terry Byrne
Copyright © 2022 Terry Byrne.
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ISBN: 978-1-9822-9341-3 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-9822-9342-0 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 01/20/2022
This book was written as therapy to vent my inability to cope with stupid people in my life.
I have acknowledged where I know the author. I have collected sayings all my life from countless media. Combinations of two or three quotes together with my own interpretations.
If I haven’t acknowledged anything correctly and you want to claim it, then be my guest. My apologies for getting it wrong and I’m happy to be corrected.
Middle finger to all stupid people.
Stupid people don’t need the truth to twist and destroy you. A good lie or vicious rumour will do just as well, as soon as they get their lips unstuck from the ‘Bosses arse’.
Life can be destroyed by a lie and the stupid people will attack like soul sucking vampires. Totally ignorant of the truth.
Hate corrodes the container it is carried in. …Hawaii 50.
Excuse – I was just doing my job ….. really Adolph.
MOKUSATU (Treat with silent contempt.)
image2bats3495777960720.jpgBAD MOON RISING
image3moonrisingpexelsfrankcone2361600.jpgLUNATICS AWAKEN
image4pexelsbrunoscramgnon5007442.jpgNow we have the madest and badest coming out of the shadows
Cheers to all the people who just want to be themselves and don’t care about fitting in.
…..Spirit Science.
You are here----------NOW. Foolish to wish you were somewhere else. All present moments are intricately connected to create your present NOW. ...Author.
Image5pexelsmarekkupiec3974516.jpgSomeone is always watching.
Someone is always listening.
image6nature30848411920.jpgYOU WILL NEVER RIDE THE SAME WAVE TWICE
You can’t unring the bell. What is done is done and will never be repeated or undone Stress is caused by being here and wanting to be there. …Eckhart Tolle.
The worst thing you can possibly do is worry about what you could have done. …Thoreau.
You are not the same person today as you were in the past. What you did, thought, felt in the past should not have any affect on your present moment awareness. …Author.
Let your past make you better, not bitter. Let the past drift away like water under a bridge.
You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one. I have no future until I can release the past. ….Author.
The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart the less capable you are of loving in the present. Re-playing past hurts is killing you, not them. …Author.
Constant and persistent replays of past hurts, thoughts, memories and regrets, playing in a loop and driving you to insanity.
Hit the pause button and rewind to a better memory. Start your day over again. …Author.
Dear past, thank you for all the lessons.
Dear future, I am ready. Be at peace with the past. Let it drift away, move forward. ..Author.
Margaret Culkin Banning.
Never look back, regret is an all-consuming madness. …Daisy Searle.
Never wish that life were easier, wish that you were better.
Regrets are a pointless waste of time. You are the only person in the universe:
Thinking this thought, Feeling this emotion. Experiencing this regret. Wishing it had been different. It happened as it did. Deal with it. Move on. …Author.
Truth changes everyone’s perception of what is taking place. Always deal with the truth or they will make up their own version anyway. …Author.
Tell the truth or someone will tell it for you. …Stephanie Klien.
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. …Author.
The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted…..Relationship Quotes. Tumbin.com.
Do not dig up the past and sift through it looking for others to blame. If you have regrets, it is no one else’s problem to fix them. It’s finished, now forget about it. …Author.
image7moonrise45545321920.jpgHINDSIGHT 20/20 VISION. IF YOU KEEP
We review our lives and we notice how encounters and events that appeared at the time to be