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Summary of Gautam Baid's The Joys of Compounding
Summary of Gautam Baid's The Joys of Compounding
Summary of Gautam Baid's The Joys of Compounding
Ebook63 pages50 minutes

Summary of Gautam Baid's The Joys of Compounding

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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  • Decision Making

  • Finance

  • Business

  • Risk Management

  • Success

  • Chosen One

  • Mentorship

  • Prophecy

  • Personal Growth

  • Underdog

  • Secret Heir

  • Wise Mentor

  • Time Loop

  • Knowledge Is Power

  • Unstoppable Force

  • Financial Independence

About this ebook

Get the Summary of Gautam Baid's The Joys of Compounding: The Passionate Pursuit of Lifelong Learning, Revised and Updated (Heilbrunn Center for Graham & Dodd Investing Series) in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book.Original book introduction:Value investing is not just a system for success in the market. It is also an intellectual toolkit for achieving a deeper understanding of the world. In The Joys of Compounding, the value investor Gautam Baid builds a holistic approach to value investing and philosophy from his wide-ranging reading, combining practical approaches, self-cultivation, and business wisdom.Distilling investment and life lessons into a comprehensive guide, Baid integrates the strategies and wisdom of preeminent figures whose teachings have stood the test of time. Drawing on the work of investing greats like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, and Ben Graham, as well as philosophers and scholars, he artfully interweaves the lessons learned from his many teachers. Baid demonstrates their practical applications in the areas of business, investing, and decision making and also shows that these ideas can be applied to one’s own life with just as much reward.

PublisherIRB Media
Release dateNov 18, 2021
Summary of Gautam Baid's The Joys of Compounding

IRB Media

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    Summary of Gautam Baid's The Joys of Compounding - IRB Media

    Insights on Gautam Baid's The Joys of Compounding Revised and Updated


    Insights from Chapter 1

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    Insights from Chapter 1


    The best way to become smarter is to read. Reading keeps our mind active and growing, which is why we should all try to read every day.


    Reading about other people’s experiences and the lessons they learned can help you in your own journey. It can also help you make better decisions along the way.


    The rich have time. The wealthy have control over their time. And time is the most scarce resource because it cannot be renewed.


    Say no to things that won’t make you grow. Say yes to things that will. Curiosity is antifragile, like an addiction.


    Reading for information is completely different from reading for pleasure. With information, you are looking to consume as little of it as possible. With pleasure reading, you are looking to consume as much of it as possible.


    The key to wisdom is reading widely, not just books but also biographies, history, and personal growth books.


    The goal of reading determines what level of reading you should be at. You must first learn elementary level reading before moving on to the next level.


    The third lever is serendipitous discovery, which occurs when you read multiple books on the same subject and make connections and contrasts that you wouldn’t have been able to make otherwise. The key to this method is to start early and take advantage of the Matthew effect.


    Deep reading of the fundamentals, such as economics, sociology, and psychology, helps us reason from first principles and understand the world better.


    To boil things down to their most fundamental truths, start by asking yourself what are the first principles. and then work your way up from there.


    The process of eliminating what’s wrong with a belief or a theory is called subtractive epistemology. It’s a complex and difficult way of learning, but it works.


    The four steps of the Feynman technique are: pick a topic, take out a piece of paper, and write at the top of it the subject you’re going to learn about, as if you were teaching it to a child. Then, simplify your language and connect ideas.


    The value investing discipline has certain finer aspects that are best learned through experience.


    The process of specialization only makes matters worse, as it narrows your field of vision and weakens your latticework of mental models. You can never have a complete understanding of anything, so it is futile to try.


    We should strive to be generalists, not specialists. A generalist has a core competence in one area, but is well-versed in a variety of others. It is this approach that yields exponential results.


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