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Master Teacher: April- June 2022
Master Teacher: April- June 2022
Master Teacher: April- June 2022
Ebook172 pages4 hours

Master Teacher: April- June 2022

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Master Teacher is the teacher’s quarterly to be used with Adult Christian Life and College and Career. Each lesson contains extensive biblical exposition and specific instructions for the teacher. The outline of the lesson is reader-friendly, and includes suggestions for maximizing teacher/student interaction and topics for making the study informative and enriching.
Release dateMar 1, 2022
Master Teacher: April- June 2022

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    Master Teacher - R.H. Boyd Publishing Corporation

    Lesson 1 for Week of April 3, 2022



    Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem


    I. Humility Produces Obedience (Matthew 21:1–6)

    II. Humility Produces Elevation (Matthew 21:7–9)

    III. Humility produces Recognition (Matthew 21:10–11)


    Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass. (Matthew 21:5, KJV)


    People long for leaders who can liberate them from tyranny and be worthy of their praise. What does humility teach us about leadership? Matthew describes Jesus’ humility and the crowds blessing him.


    The lesson focuses on teaching the value of having a humble Christ-like spirit. Humility does not mean weakness. Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His entire life shows strength. Humility reveals that one is a leader who knows how to effectively carry out God’s work.


    This lesson reveals Christ in a different light as He rides into Jerusalem on a donkey. This lesson conveys that one can be in charge but does not have to flaunt it like a peacock. Jesus shows us how to tone down the pomp and circumstance and tone up the model of a leader who relates to everyone. As we journey throughout our lives, let us display an attitude of being accessible.


    Consider . . .

    Focus for NextGen Leaders—Consider what humility looks like in a world that is obsessed with the appearance of success through social media.

    Focus for Adult Christian Life—Consider how they have witnessed a lack of humility from persons in leadership in multiple generations.

    Supplementary Study Materials

    For further reference, see today’s lesson from Boyd’s Commentary, New National Baptist Hymnal, 21st Century Edition, #54.

    Need more teacher helps? Visit for online activities.


    First Step: Open the class with prayer that urges the class to examine how they present themselves before others.

    Second Step: Read the lesson scriptures responsively and highlight key words that are traits of Christ which should be displayed within a Christian life. Discuss with the class how Jesus’ behavior is different from celebrities that make their presence known in public.

    Third Step: Discuss how Jesus’ actions set the standard of how all rulers and leaders should carry themselves. The way Jesus carried Himself did not make the Lord less of a king. Instead, Ask students, how they can help usher in a society that rules with humility rather than dominance? Also, how members should present themselves as servants rather than as dictators.

    Fourth Step: Ask students how they would be a different leader than one who tries to boss everyone with intimidation and embarrassment. Students may share examples of how they have felt when a supervisor belittled them. How did the student respond to being cast down or being made to feel small? These expressions can make the point of the pain caused by those in position who led with the wrong spirit and techniques.

    Fifth Step: Encourage the class to embrace the servant leadership model. Students may develop a list of how Jesus carried Himself as a ministering king. Ask students to implement a trait of Christ and use that throughout the week, then be prepared to share the results of that leadership style on the upcoming Sunday.

    God’s Word in Life

    When Jesus entered into Jerusalem, some in the crowd asked who was He? The multitudes said, this is Jesus. This question is still being asked by many people. The world does not recognize Jesus nor His ways of conduct. For this reason, Christians must be ready to explain how and why they are different from the world. One of the best ways to display the unique nature of Christ is to do things God’s way. In many instances, it directly contradicts the traditional methods of society. God’s way works and produces great results. As we enter our Jerusalem experiences, let the church ride on the spirit of humility for it has the power to save the entire world.

    Connect with Learners: The teacher can show students a video clip or illustration of three types of leadership styles. These styles include one that displays dictatorship, passive submission to others, and the Christ-centered leadership method. Discuss the differences and how can one adapt their style to be more like the Lord.


    This lesson presents Christ as the fulfillment of the messianic prophecy that He would enter Jerusalem riding upon a donkey and the foal of a donkey. His actions convey the perfect example of how to be a king. His kingship is one that carefully fulfills God’s word as found in Zechariah 9:9. The Lord’s Kingdom is based upon humility and service. While at the same time, Jesus makes clear that He is the king of all kings for men lay down palm branches in His honor. However, Jesus does not allow the honor to cause Him to be boastful or arrogant. Christ maintains His majesty and servitude by keeping the focus on the God ordained assignment of bringing salvation to the world.

    I.Humility Produces Obedience (Matthew 21:1–6)

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