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How To Gather And Use Data For Business Analysis
How To Gather And Use Data For Business Analysis
How To Gather And Use Data For Business Analysis
Ebook58 pages44 minutes

How To Gather And Use Data For Business Analysis

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About this ebook

These days the business world is full of talk about data science, big data, and how data analysis can transform your business.


And it's absolutely true that collecting the right information, in the right way, analyzing that information, and then using it effectively to manage your business can give your business a competitive edge.


But most businesses don't need to go so far as big data and data science. They just need to understand and implement some basic steps for gathering the right information about their business and using it effectively.


Leveraging over twenty years of experience using data for business, M.L. Humphrey will walk you through what you need to know to help improve your bottom line today.


So don't wait. Get started now.


This title was previously published as Data Principles for Beginners.

PublisherM.L. Humphrey
Release dateApr 5, 2022
How To Gather And Use Data For Business Analysis

M.L. Humphrey

Hi there Sci Fi fans, my name is Maurice Humphrey. I am a Vermont native, husband, father, grandfather, well over 60, Navy veteran, retired IBM engineer, retired printer repairman, Graduated: Goddard Jr. College, VT Technical College, and Trinity College. Over the years I've written technical articles, taught technical classes, and presented at technical conventions. I've been reading science fiction for over 50 years now. First books were "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" by Jules Verne and "The Stars Are Ours" by Andre Norton. I've read and collected many great stories, and a considerable amount of junk ones as well. I'd say by now that I probably have a good idea of what I consider a good story.

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    How To Gather And Use Data For Business Analysis - M.L. Humphrey

    How to Gather and Use Data for Business Analysis


    Listing of all books by M.L. Humphrey

    Regulatory Compliance Fundamentals

    AML Compliance Fundamentals

    Budgeting for Beginners

    Budgeting for Beginners

    Excel for Budgeting

    Excel for Beginners

    Word for Beginners

    Access for Beginners

    PowerPoint for Beginners





    Understand Your Business

    Track Every Variable You Want to Analyze In a Usable Way

    Separate the Information You Want to Track Into Discrete Units

    Enter Once, Use Many Times

    Be Consistent Across Data Tables or Data Sources

    Use Categorical Variables Instead of Free Text Where Possible

    Use Dropdown Menus Where Feasible

    Consider Using an Other Option

    Keep Your Values Up To Date

    Take Care When Making Changes to Your Data

    Don't Change Your Raw Data

    Document Your Data Clean-Up and Analysis Steps

    Save Versions

    Test Your Results

    Make Assumptions Visible

    Know the Limitations of Your Programs

    Know the Difference Between a Report and Raw Data

    View Your Data From a Business Perspective

    Build In Checks and Balances Where You Can

    Activity-Based Costing


    About the Author



    There's a lot of buzz these days around big data, data science, and data analysis. And for good reason. Because the more you understand about your business and your customers the more profitable your business can be.

    For example, say you have two products, widgets and whatchamacallits, but you don't track the product-level revenue or the product-level expenses. All you know is that last quarter you made $10,000 and you spent $8,000 and that you sold a lot more widgets than whatchamacallits.

    You might be tempted given that limited amount of information to think that you should abandon whatchamacallits and sell only widgets. But if you had detailed information about each product you would instead see that you made $6,000 selling whatchamacallits and $4,000 selling widgets and that your expense for selling those whatchamacallits was only $1,000 while your expense for selling widgets was $7,000.

    Put those product-level numbers together and you'd see that you made a profit of $5,000 on your whatchamacallit sales and lost $3,000 on your widget sales.

    Given those numbers, you'd want to abandon widget sales and focus on whatchamacallits. Or you'd want to fix the issue with why widgets are costing you more than they're making you.

    But do you see there why having good information about your business can be so valuable?

    Often we make decisions from the gut—I sure sell a lot of widgets, I must be good at that—instead of using factual information that maybe tells a different story. That's why collecting good data and using the data you have to the best effect is so important and crucial to success. That’s why all the buzz.

    But data science is a complicated field. There's a lot of that goes into doing it well and not everyone has the type of mind that can process data at those levels. I myself have dabbled in learning R programming and taken a few courses on big data and data science and while I found it interesting and challenging I realized that it wasn't really what I needed as a small business owner. I'm not trying to parse social trends by mining Twitter feeds, for example.

    I just want to know what product sells the best so I can make more of it.

    So what I'm going to cover for you in this book are some very basic principles around how to collect information, how to store that information, and how to use that information effectively. These principles are a good foundation for even highly complex analysis, but you don't

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