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The Human Aura
The Human Aura
The Human Aura
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The Human Aura

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The Human Aura

A Study of Human Energy Fields

Dr. Douglas Baker graduated in medicine at Sheffield University in 1964 and has consistently brought to the attention of the public those aspects of Man's holistic nature which constitute the borderlands of scientific knowledge. He is a prolific author who lists scientific explanations as well as examples from ordinary life to bring home the truth of the most complex and abstract metaphysical teachings in the words of today.

In this authoritative study of human energy fields, Dr. Baker clearly defines the nature and Function of the human aura and how it can be used to enhance the quality of our lives, and of those around us. Combining his medically trained research with 45 years of meta­physical orientation, the author is able to dispel the existing confusion and gross misconception about the aura. The reader is introduced to new and exciting features of the human aura, and numerous examples - both historic and contemporary — of the vast range of its attributes are presented in away that is both fascinating and instructive.

Release dateApr 18, 2022
The Human Aura

Douglas M. Baker

Dr. Douglas M. Baker. English born and raised in South Africa has done extensive scientific research into those hinterlands of the mind which one might call psi-semantics. He graduated in the Arts & Humanities in South Africa and qualified in medicine at Sheffield University (UK) in 1964. Having taught in the East End schools of London for 10 years, he began his tour of the Western world giving lectures and seminars in Esoteric Healing, Esoteric Anatomy, Esoteric Astrology, Esoteric Psychology, Esoteric Science and Metaphysics. He, more than any other, set in motion the trends towards alternative methods of medicine which have transformed that field in Britain today. As medical advisor to the De la Warr laboratories in Oxford, he undertook research into Biomagnetism and quantum physics their effects on the human aura and dark matter, producing the book by the same name in conjunction with George de la Warr. Through the years he has given more than 15,000 lectures and attracted people from all over the world to his Esoteric Science Festivals and International Summer Schools staged in America, Canada, England, Switzerland, Italy, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. His transformative experiences during the Second World War, when twice severely wounded, set the pattern for his life long investigations into the Powers Latent in Man. His extensive esoteric writings are said to be the largest collection in the world produced by a living author. He has written over 100 books, many of which have been translated into the 9 European languages at, and his list of downloadable MP3 audio lectures available at, include 500 live lectures given around the world and on a vast range of subjects. He has led the field in esoteric astrology, producing with a team, his magnum opus, a Dictionary of Astrology for the 21st Century in three volumes. This is in addition to the already existing 11 volume set of books on the same subject.

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    Book preview

    The Human Aura - Douglas M. Baker

    Table of Contents



    Part One - The Nature of the Aura

    1. The Structure of the Aura

    The Auric Egg

    The Etheric Body

    The Nature of Prana

    The Atmosphere and Prana

    Breathing and the Storage of Prana

    Auric Energies

    Pre-natal Influences on the Human Aura

    Intersubjectivity or Common Aura

    2. Perception of the Aura

    The Evidence of Dr. Kilner

    Evidence of Cleve Backster

    Visual Perception of the Aura

    Etheric Vision

    Auric Perception of the Red Indian

    3. Modifications of the Aura

    The Aura and Acquired Characteristics

    Modification Through Loss of Limb

    Modifications Through Body Postures

    Safeguarding the Aura

    Auric Significance of Water and Blood

    4. The Planetary Aura

    The Anima Mundi

    Receptivity of the Planetary Aura

    The Auric Influences of Buildings and Dwellings

    Atmospheric Influences on the Aura

    The Collective Aura at Christmas

    The Effectiveness of the Aura

    Part Two - The Creative Aura

    5. Reconstruction of the Aura

    The Spiritual Nature of the Aura

    The Aura and Spiritual Growth

    The Personality is the Home of the Soul




    Characteristics of Colour in the Aura

    Odours, Scents and Incense

    6. Auric Exchanges

    Rejuvination of the Aura

    Rejuvenation through Auric Exchanges

    Regeneration of the Aura

    The Aura of Nations

    Compatibility and Incompatibility of Auras

    The Influences of Karma

    Shared Auras

    7. Dissemination of the Aura

    The Example of the Saint

    Disciplines for Processing the Aura

    Acquiring and Maintaining Mental Integration

    Concentration Exercise for Disseminating the Aura

    Silence and the Aura

    8. Classical References to the Aura

    The Christ Force

    Hylozoism and the Aura


    A Study of Human Energy Fields



    B.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.Z.S.

    © Dr. DOUGLAS M. BAKER 1986

    'Little Elephant'

    High Road, Essendon,

    Hertfordshire AL9 6HR England

    Printed Edition ISBN 9780906006733

    Cover Illustration: David O'Connor

    This is the only authorised eBook of the printed edition.

    © Copyright Dr. Douglas M. Baker 2011

    ISBN 9781625690227

    Published by Baker eBooks Publishing

    Many audio lectures and some of the images and charts used here can be downloaded in higher definition for free from our website

    This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


    Dr. Douglas Baker graduated in medicine at Sheffield University in 1964 and has consistently brought to the attention of the public those aspects of Man's holistic nature which constitute the borderlands of scientific knowledge. He is a prolific author who lists scientific explanations as well as examples from ordinary life to bring home the truth of the most complex and abstract metaphysical teachings in the words of today.

    In this authoritative study of human energy fields, Dr. Baker clearly defines the nature and Function of the human aura and how it can be used to enhance the quality of our lives, and of those around us. Combining his medically trained research with 45 years of meta­physical orientation, the author is able to dispel the existing confusion and gross misconception about the aura. The reader is introduced to new and exciting features of the human aura, and numerous examples - both historic and contemporary — of the vast range of its attributes are presented in away that is both fascinating and instructive.

    Part One - The Nature of the Aura

    1. The Structure of the Aura

    The Auric Egg

    It is not difficult to imagine different states of matter interpenetrating each other. We have such obvious examples of it. Pick up a handful of mud and you are immediately aware of three states of matter in it. There is the sand of the mud which we call the solid; there is the water interpenetrating the sand which we call the liquid; and there is the air contained in solution within the water of the mud and this we call the gaseous. Three states of matter interpenetrating a handful of mud. Is it then so difficult to imagine other states of matter, subtler, more tenuous than the gaseous? Can we, at the same time, suppose that these subtler states of matter may also interpenetrate the three states of matter we have already examined?

    If this is not too difficult a proposition then we can come to grips with the nature of the aura, for the aura is an energy unit made up of very refined matter and it forms a sort of cloud or nimbus shaped something like a large globule or egg interpenetrating our bodies. It arises through pressure exerted in form in all of its myriad expressions on the many planes of substance, ranging from the positive or spiritual to the negative or material. We walk around with it, sleep with it, and are sustained by it. It has a north pole which is almost coincidental with the vertex of the skull and into which there pours the life force in great quantities. We call this the vortex of the auric egg (see illustration overleaf). There is a south pole, too, which begins in the aura about the site of the sacrum bone at the base of the spine and continues downwards to its termination through the soles of the feet. This exit for energy from the aura is called the torrent. In primitive Man the auric egg is accentuated around the lower hemisphere and in the spiritually advanced it is emphasised in the upper hemisphere. It constantly pulsates in a sort of breathing motion and is, indeed, related to the breathing mechanisms. Each intake of air swells the aura with an energy called prana. Energy may enter the aura not only through the vortex but directly from all parts of its periphery. There are several additional sites of entry at the neck just below the lobes of the ears, over the region of the spleen, and through the palms of the hands.

    The major port of entry for prana is through the air we breathe. It should never be forgotten that this entry is under our control and can be enhanced through practising rhythmic breathing which can be made to coincide with the natural pulsations of the aura. Generally speaking, the aura becomes positive and outgoing when we breathe out and negative and absorptive when we are breathing in.

    The Etheric Body

    The aura should not be confused with the etheric body which is a physical structure of subtle matter of a semi-permanent nature. It develops from the moment of conception, racing ahead of the fast-forming physical tissues in the embryo and fetus. The etheric body acts as a matrix to the developing tissues and as a framework through which prana can be distributed to them. After accepting the prana from the atmosphere we breathe, the etheric body distributes it, at first along minute silvery filaments which we call the nadis and, thereafter, in much larger quantities through the etheric tracts. Three major tracts are related to the spinal column. The Hindus called them Ida, Sushumna and Pingala. These three tracts form a stem on the spine and related to them are flower-like structures called chakras which store the distributed prana. The chakras open progressively from the base of the spine upwards in each life and again, more powerfully, through the whole cycle of our lives in this planetary scheme. The degree to which they open is dependent upon the spiritual growth of the individual.

    The number of chakras available for awakening throughout our many lives is seven. However, in average Man not more than five function at any one time. As Man advances,

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