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Ignite The Dynamite
Ignite The Dynamite
Ignite The Dynamite
Ebook170 pages2 hours

Ignite The Dynamite

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Daniel Hagen writes, "If it wasn't for the dynamite power of God, I would be dead and in hell!

Every Spirit-filled Christian has the capability to hear from God and move in explosive, miracle-working power- we just need to know how to ignite it! In Ignite the Dynamite, Daniel Hagen dives deep i

Release dateJul 1, 2022

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    Ignite The Dynamite - Daniel Hagen


    I would like to thank Chris and Jess Hockridge. Your help on this project was massive. Thank you so much for your tireless and selfless efforts in research and the putting together of the manuscript.  I seriously could not have completed this without you both.

    Also, a big thanks to Anton and Bev Bekker. Your role in helping review and edit this book has been invaluable.

    Kathrine Munro, thank you so much for your anointed art work.

    Brett Shaw, thank you for the editing and production of the audiobook.

    Frank Clancy, as I stated in this book, you have been such an inspiration and mentor in my life. It was such an honour having you contribute two chapters. I know the people reading this book will be blown away and inspired by your life and teaching, just as I am. Thanks to both you and Denny for your on-going prayer and support!

    Ben Fitzgerald thank you for being such an ongoing source of encouragement and inspiration. Having you write the foreword was such a blessing.

    Mum and Dad (Tony & Irene Hagen), love you so much. Thank you for helping me piece together my journey to ensure it’s accuracy, and I especially thank you for your continuous love, prayer and support.

    Finally, last but certainly not least, thanks to my wife Chelsea and my four beautiful children; Reece, Esther, Caleb and Abby. Apart from Jesus you guys are my greatest inspiration. Thank you for doing life and running this race with me. All for Jesus!

    Foreword - Ben Fitzgerald

    I am so honoured to have been asked to write the foreword for such an amazing man, friend, and author. Daniel is living a life reflective of what he has penned here. Not only does he have strong theology, but he has also worked out the truth of scripture through obedience in his own life.

    In the 17 years that I’ve known Daniel Hagen, I can barely remember a moment where he wasn’t convicted with a deep longing to love God more. He has always had a profound sense of hunger for Heaven’s power to be displayed on the Earth. That conviction has led him on a daily basis into the lives of countless people who didn’t yet know Jesus. It has also led him to equip and challenge the family of God. In this book, Daniel challenges every believer to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s outpouring, that the Prophets foretold.

    Daniel dives into one of the primary reasons the Spirit of God was given to us. He unpacks the dynamite power of God to equip us as witnesses on the Earth and to walk in the power of God to fulfil that mission.

    I don’t know about you, but I get a lot more confident when I know the reason and have surety as to why I am doing something. Daniel’s book brilliantly infuses you with confidence as he unpacks the pure Word of God and gives much-needed language and understanding. Ignite the Dynamite is full of phenomenal testimonies and examples of everyday people who have seen God transform lives. It’s not only for the ministers, this book unpacks how the everyday believer can deliver others of demons, heal the sick, and even see the salvation of thousands of people.

    These practical examples and stories whet your appetite for more of Him and become keys on how to activate your faith to ignite the dynamite power of God in your life. No matter what denomination you come from, or what your understanding of the person of the Holy Spirit has been; it’s clear that we can all agree if Jesus was filled with the Spirit and needed the dunamis power of God, then how much more do we need to personally understand His presence in our lives!

    I will finish with this statement of how I felt as I read the book and why it impacted me so much. The reason I cannot recommend Ignite the Dynamite enough, and why I encourage you to be hungry as you read it, is because on each page all I could sense is purity. The purity of Scripture, and the purity of the Holy Spirit. The purity of the man writing the book, and the purity of how God wants to equip you and change you as you read it. His plans for you are greater than we could ever fathom. So get ready and open your heart for Him to ignite His ways in you as you learn from Him. I cannot wait to hear the stories of the lives and nations that were changed by those who read this.

    Ben Fitzgerald.

    Senior leader - Awakening Europe


    Bill Johnson

    Ignite the Dynamite by Daniel Hagen

    From experiencing drug-induced mania to becoming a powerful minister of the gospel, Daniel Hagen's life reveals the freedom and power available to all who give their life to Christ. Our God is in the business of total transformation, and Ignite the Dynamite highlights testimony after testimony of God's life-changing love. Let this book stir your heart for what the normal Christian life looks like— one filled with purity, passion, and power.

    Bill Johnson

    Author of Open Heavens and Born for Significance

    Bethel Church, Redding, CA

    Tim Hall

    Daniel Hagen is a unique man of God. His massive size and long dreadlocks make him appear unlike any minister you are likely to meet. He does not fit the world's perceived idea of a Christian minister but appears more like an ancient prophet who walks out of a desert place with fire in his eyes and an explosion of power in his words. Indeed this is Daniel! He is a firebrand in the hand of God. He is fearless, bold, powerfully anointed and driven with a passion to see multitudes swept into the Kingdom of God. He is a man who truly believes that the Kingdom of God is not just in word but raw power. He lives what he preaches alongside his anointed wife Chelsea and their wonderful children. 

        This book will inspire and challenge you to a supernatural and powerfully effective life with God. Daniel's ongoing story has inspired me personally in a very real way. His daring faith and passion to live a totally Spirit driven life will be imparted to you in every page of this great book.

    Tim Hall

    Leading Australian Evangelist

    Tim Hall International Ministries

    Margaret Court

    This book is a must read!

    In this book, Daniel shares his testimony of where he’s come from and how Jesus has saved him from a life of darkness. His story will help many people come out of the enemy’s kingdom and into the light, displaying that we can walk in victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

    Daniel challenges you to walk in intimacy with God and to be bold and courageous in reaching the unsaved. It is about the simplicity of being a vessel of honour for Christ,  not formulas, but being a doer of God’s Word.

    This book is a ‘NOW’ book for our Nation.

    Thank you Daniel for being honest and sharing your heart and encouraging the Body of Christ to step out in grace and faith to take the love of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.

    Rev Margaret Court AC, MBE

    Senior Pastor - Victory Life Centre Inc. Perth Western Australia

    President, Victory Life International Bible Training Centre Inc.

    President, VLCS Inc. (T/A Margaret Court Community Outreach)

    Shaun Marler

    Every now and then, a book is written that is a word in season from the heart of God for the hour we are living in.  This book is one such book! I encourage all Believers to get a copy of this book and read it! Whether you have been a Christian for one week or twenty years, this book will bless and inspire you to reach, move in and demonstrate the miracle power of God. Pastor Daniel unpacks the scriptures, making them food and inspiration for your life to flow in the same power that Jesus Christ and the Apostles operated in. Pastor Daniel clearly demonstrates that this power is available to us all today. Not only is it available, but if we are going to see our world won for Christ, it is absolutely essential that we, the Believers, walk in, live in and operate this power!

    Over the time that I have known Pastor Daniel, I can testify that what you are about to read is not just teaching but how Daniel lives his life!  He lives and breathes what he teaches! He has personally been a blessing to my family and my own life!  You will love the testimonies, the examples and the faith-building words! You will be refreshed, inspired and encouraged to push in, go for and receive God's best! By applying this teaching and principles to your life, you will see miracles, and you will win souls for Jesus!

    Dr. Shaun Marler

    Published Author, Teacher and Senior Pastor World Harvest Ministries, QLD, Australia

    Daniel’s Journey

    My Journey To Christ

    My journey with Jesus begins with my parents.

    When I was just a young boy, my Mum and Dad were a young married couple who were struggling in their marriage. For months they were seeking whether God was real and they were questioning the purpose of their lives.

    At this time, my Dad was a farmer who would tend to the fields early in the mornings. One night, when he was 25 years old, my Dad went into the field and experienced something that would shift his entire family’s lives — he had a radical encounter with Jesus!

    Dad recalls that he was driving his tractor in the pitch-blackness of the night at 3am. Suddenly, everything around him lit up! Dad says it was as though time became still and all that he could see was light. We now know that Dad was experiencing an open vision! In this vision Jesus appeared to him and said audibly, Tony, I’ve called you to be my soldier.

    It is so phenomenal that in the months leading up to this encounter my Mum and Dad were seeking truth in their own way. It really is true when the Bible says if you seek Him with all your heart you shall find Him! (Jeremiah 29:13).

    My Dad was shocked and rocked to his core by this awesome encounter with Jesus. Dad had a Catholic up-bringing, so he had a little experience with religion, but this was his first real encounter with the living God, Jesus Christ! And after coming face-to-face with Jesus, the first thing Dad did after he finished work was rush home to share with Mum what had happened.

    Growing up, Mum had limited experience with religion. She recalls attending religious education in school and being open and drawn to what the Teacher was sharing at the time. Mum even recited the sinner’s prayer when she was 15 years old after someone had dropped a gospel tract in her letterbox. She was greatly impacted that day, but she didn’t tell anybody until years later. There was something deep within Mum’s heart that wanted to connect with God, but she just didn’t know how to act on it.

    Fast forward six years, she’s married to my Dad and he comes home from his shift in the fields bursting with excitement. My Dad tells my Mum that he’s just had a crazy encounter with Jesus! This is same miracle-working Jesus who drew her heart through a gospel tract six years earlier! Mum was very open to hear what he had to say!

    Dad eagerly told her the entire story. And as he was sharing about his open vision of Jesus, there came a knock at the door.

    Normally my Dad wouldn’t open the door to strangers. In fact, usually he would tell random door-knockers, especially people holding Bibles, where they could go! But on this already strange day, my Dad decided to open the door and it was a Christian

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