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Summary of Gloria Steinem's My Life on the Road
Summary of Gloria Steinem's My Life on the Road
Summary of Gloria Steinem's My Life on the Road
Ebook44 pages25 minutes

Summary of Gloria Steinem's My Life on the Road

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:

#1 I have spent half my life on the road. I have never tried to write about this way of life, not even when I was reporting on people and events along the way. It just seemed to have no category. I was a journalist following stories, then a worker in political campaigns and movements, and most consistently an itinerant feminist organizer.

#2 The first reason I wrote this book was to share the most important, longest-running, yet least visible part of my life: traveling.

#3 Traveling, or even living for a few days where you are, in an on-the-road state of mind is important. It can begin the moment you leave your door.

#4 My third hope is to share stories. For millennia, we have passed down knowledge through story and song. The magic of people telling their own stories to groups of strangers is as if attentive people create a magnetic force field for stories they didn’t know they had within them.

PublisherIRB Media
Release dateMay 9, 2022
Summary of Gloria Steinem's My Life on the Road

IRB Media

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    Book preview

    Summary of Gloria Steinem's My Life on the Road - IRB Media

    Insights on Gloria Steinem's My Life on the Road


    Insights from Chapter 1

    Insights from Chapter 2

    Insights from Chapter 3

    Insights from Chapter 4

    Insights from Chapter 5

    Insights from Chapter 6

    Insights from Chapter 7

    Insights from Chapter 8

    Insights from Chapter 1


    I have spent half my life on the road. I have never tried to write about this way of life, not even when I was reporting on people and events along the way. It just seemed to have no category. I was a journalist following stories, then a worker in political campaigns and movements, and most consistently an itinerant feminist organizer.


    The first reason I wrote this book was to share the most important, longest-running, yet least visible part of my life: traveling.


    Traveling, or even living for a few days where you are, in an on-the-road state of mind is important. It can begin the moment you leave your door.


    My third hope is to share stories. For millennia, we have passed down knowledge through story and song. The magic of people telling their own stories to groups of strangers is as if attentive people create a magnetic force field for stories they didn’t know they had within them.


    Women have been the stay-at-home travelers, while men have been the ones who have gone on adventures. However, these journeys have often been unchosen one-way trips in cultures that were patriarchal and patrilocal.


    Traveling across the country, you will encounter two other kinds of travel: vertical travel into the past of this North American continent, and cultural travel between and among very different people and places.

    Insights from Chapter 2


    My father was a road addict. He would spend his summers in a small house he had built across the road from a lake in rural Michigan, where he ran a dance pavilion on a pier over the water. In the first warm weeks of autumn, he began collecting road maps from gas stations.


    My parents also lived off the land, in their own way. They never had enough money to reach

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